Great job there Trumptards…

Great job there Trumptards….

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fuck off chink


it’s just kikes spinning the news for their own good

Intellectual property is a broad topic that includes movies, tard. Never mind the fact that Trump's views on the topic are beyond outdated. I don't like that I voted for an IP maximalist gungrabber.

International intellectual property did not exist before WW2, it is literally a war tax imposed by the US on the rest of the world. If the US were forced to pay for all the knowledge and media they inherited from their ancestors, they would be a farming country unable to develop.

Rise against the copyjew

he's talking about chinks making illegal physical copies, retard
unless you're a chink yourself this doesn't really concern you


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Good. Thievery by foreigners should not be taken lightly. At least Trump recognizes the farce that is trickle down economics. Even here people of all political leanings don't spend their money back into the economy and instead opt to engage in online pirating. Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! is all I'm seeing here.


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go back to nu-Holla Forums, normie

whose guns did he grab, homo? when did it happen? are your referring to a fictional timeline now?

you can just put outsider in the name field if you want to make it more obvious you aren't from here


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I can say normalnigger if it makes you happy

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you anus still pains you after two years, you will never get over how Trump raped you

fuckin seething

see >>1211354
Tell me, is it good to be subhuman cattle? Does it feels good to just go with the flow as everything burns and you help with it?

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Yeah, and you are so cool that you forgot to sage

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You sure showed him, my aryanist brothers! ##MIGA## (##make## ##Israel## ##great## ##again##)

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Everyone else posting in this thread should die. Holla Forums's board IQ would rise 5 points immediately.

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are you really that dumb?

No fucking shit, and again, like I just said, that's not what Trump is talking about. He's referring to and talking about a different kind of IP infringement, are you retarded? Did you mom drink when she had you?

And on top of all this, this isn't Trump coming up with some plan to end IP theft for something. This is Trump using this as an excuse to slap tariffs on China, something he has wanted to do for a long time.

Your mother should have aborted you.

Why are you watching movies in the fist place faggot

Its not that our industry is rotten with kike nepotism and agenda pushing, so our movies are pure dogshit no one wants to pay for… its the piracy, those dirty goyim are stealing our quality films. They must pay.

for the spectacle :^)

trump cannot even count that far

If he were just talking about patents he would use the term patents, you dumb shit. He is talking about copyright too which covers movies.

you fucking nu/pol/ cucks are something. Go back to /r/pol/.

It's almost as if both sides are owned by kikes and the jew-party system is a semitic sham.

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Oh man kampfys meltdown that day was legendary, I got banned over 10 times in under 2 hours,

I'd rather give money to chinese pirates than to the zogbots of israelwood

What movie from the past 40 years is even worth the effort?

Holla Forums fags linked to this thread. Prepare your assholes for baste dacapedes
>>>Holla Forums11382751

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we're gonna build a great big wall and deport all the Holla Forumsluters

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Can't wait for Trump to officially declare his intention to make being White illegal. Holla Forums will cry 4d chess and kill themselves because the ZOG emporer demands it. Sad!

This is about the 5th time in the last two weeks that those fucking Holla Forumsack retards have crosslinked us. Raid when?

I want you to look at the UIDs and tell me that's a good idea.


About 1/2 of the ISPs there are boomerfags who barely know how to post an image. The fuck are they going to do in retaliation?

If only Mrs Trump had had Planned Parenthood

I can't tell who is pretending and who is a legitimate cuckchan tier retard anymore.