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2070 was 5 years ago
Christian Sanders
Brandon Ramirez
Colton Mitchell
Ayden Walker
Holla Forums really is a microcosm of the west
Ryder Phillips
who fucking cares about ecelebs?
Adam Sanchez
Jose Bennett
Josiah King
Is that retarded little spat between rat worshiper and shitbag hag fag still going on?
I haven't noticed.
Carson Hughes
yet you know who he is talking about. You are part of the problem.
Ryder Lopez
…and that's a good thing! (Here's why)
Ryder Bailey
He pivoted from jennay to bliss a few months ago, supposed to have a livestreamed fight with himself in a couple weeks.
Ayden Murphy
Marg doesn’t shit.
Gavin Russell
Yeah they only spammed the board for half a year, how could I possibly know anything about any of this.
Gavin Moore
kill yourself eceleb poster
Lucas Carter
She has a shitbag tho, shitbag hag fag
David Butler
lmao just hide the thread like wtf
Carson Rogers
they can't because they're obsessed. tbh watching peoples sanity decline on image boards is great.
Robert Clark
What else is new?
Gavin Baker
Hudson Davis
Why would I?
Ian Mitchell
Where did I say I don't enjoy this, retard?
I just said I hadn't noticed it lately.
Aiden Hughes
Are you denying she has a shitbag attached to her, shitbag hag fag?
Brayden Garcia
Are you affirming that you're retarded?
Oliver Baker
Someone post shitbag hag's bag, I can't find the pic.
Caleb Jenkins
What did they meme by this?
Jordan Anderson
r u callin my Marg a trannie mate!?
Cooper Davis
Hey, I didn't take the picture unfortunately
You think Marilyn Monroe was a tranny? She's always seemed rather overrated to me, and surpassed in beauty by many other women of her time.
Margaret pulls her look off infinitely better tbh