Night in the Woods

What's up with this game? I've seen otherwise regular people say they like it dispite it looking like another Life is Strange but with furries.
Is there something I'm missing or does it play as bad as it looks? I haven't seen gameplay footage as there's no assholes who record games without their shitty voice and facecam.
Is there even gameplay?

Other urls found in this thread:!2MNUnZ4I!bMz8RDixILBOK1H8HlpFRwDUheSxEI8UA_NplD3pBXY!rNM12I6J!wpyBcHSf-kPMHnrtdIVUPAs4CZdEWjUhNyBGMn2etfQ

fuck off

its just mini games
also the game is propaganda

Does anyone else feel like they've seen this OP before? As in, word for word? Or am I just nuts?

Well I wouldn't doubt it, life is strange but with furries seems like a common enough insult.

We already had two threads hit the bump limit for this.

It's shit. It's been examined in detail and found to be shit.

I've been playing a pirated copy.

So far, the main character has spent precisely zero nights in the woods. In fact, very little of the game has been spent at nighttime or within a woodland area.


It's a 2D gone home. That's it. No gameplay outside of a few minigames that have no impact on the story; which is complete tumblr pandering garbage. It's a walking simulator that fails at even being that. Dialogue reads like an ironic tumblr strawman, if you can make out from the horrible one sentence dialogue bubble.

There was 2 threads with the only purpose of making fun of the "game" and telling people to never even think of buying it because of how shit it is.

Would you also like a ten hour recording of this pile of shit?

Nigger, it just takes lurking a bit.

No, I mean more like a vetbatim post, almost as though some shitposter is baiting people into arguing over whether he's a shill or not over a game that can be easily politicized to ensure a massive shitflinging argument he can autistically laugh over

Probably, considering there's threads about this hipster shit on 4chan fireden archives.

Post the other one.

please tell me that 4cuck doesn't actually like this game?

I don't know you tell me.But seriously though this post came from a vidga confession thread and you look around with 'night in the woods' people are shitting on the game for the same reason why we did in these threads. There's just a more cancer there that's all.

The game is infuriating and generates drama because it is so dissonant:
It captures a mood and atmosphere really well. It creates a comfy sense of place and has surprisingly good music. Some of the characters are appealing and almost-memorable.
On the other hand:
1. Shit-tier writing. Only memorable line is"Got cups on my ears."
2. Utterly confusing and badly executed main character. Is she schizophrenic? Haunted by an elder god for some unknown reason? Why should we care about her?
3. Goes from mostly plotless slice of life to a dark yet ridiculous horror plot twist that seems to belong in a different game. Then ends cheaply without any resolution.
4. Animation is lazy and makes the game feel cheap and even more unfinished.

vidya confession threads are cancerous, more news at 5.
So if this game is so bad and full of lost potential, why is there no real backlash? This was a kickstarted game, after all.

Probably because no one cares about the game enough.

It'd be one thing if it was a highly anticipated game people were looking forward too.

Nobody on 4chan was talking about it when it was kickstarted. They were too obsessed with wanting to fuck the goat mom.

There's one difference here too: one is marxist liberal propaganda and one isn't
Yo take one look at the creators of night in the wood and tell me they arent cucked

kek not like it really needed much "examination" in order to come to that conclusion.

You are late, OP, I'm sorry

Seems so. It's kind of funny that the threads/streams about the game seemed more fun than the game itself.

Well there's an actual game in the game, demon tower you get it after fixing the cat's laptop. None of the streamers got around beating it since they wanted to the shitty part of the game over with.

who has the soundtrack?

Nobody because nobldy here wants this antifa tranny produced horseshit other than furries, who use it to try and normalize their fetish by saying "oh look we have a game on steam now."

Seriously, stop. Stop. Go the fuck away.

If the soundtrack is streamable (on itunes or bandcamp or spotify) there's programs to nab it anyways. 128kb/s youtube rips would also suffice as long as you're not looking for FLAC quality.

Well you see user I'm trying to #resistCapitalism by not paying for the soundtrack :^)


What would that be? It's style over substance and that style looks like every other nugame piece of shit. It's no more than another infantile leftist pop-up book disguised as video games.

according to the archived threads the main thing other than the sjw crap people are bitching about is the ending and the writing just giving up after it somewhat gets intriguing.

Let it sink that a bunch of middle-aged men wrote some young adult angst furfaggotry game, with the most annoying piece of shit character with unwarranted self-importance.

Post gifs of this game to show how shitty it is.


Shit. I meant webms. I'm sure there are more webms that encapsulates what this game truly is.

This was the second streamer's reaction to finding the easter egg game in the furry shit game.

Whose that?


second streamer, obviously.

Do you have a link to an archive of the stream?
I think it's kept here, but I can't check because my internet's being a shit.

Yeah sorry OP but you are late, we had two full threads tearing this game apart.

>all of her friends except possibly the croc are almost as bad as her

I'm glad someone saved this too. Hits the nail on the head, and would probably be useful if it caught on.
"In the dead of a small factory town, dealing with your quirky, dysfunctional family is the easiest part of the journey."

It's funny that a character has so much unwarranted self importance in a "game" about nihilism.
And by funny, I mean we're laughing at her, not with her.

These motherfuckers don't even know what dysfunctional is.

Eh, if you're going to play a roguelite, you might as well play one of the countless games which flood that genre which are actually worth playing due to them not ultimately being a minigame afterthought.


Despiration is a hell of a drug.


What did I tell you faggots about the morons making themselves at home?

Jesus Christ. Someone give me a link to the game so I can extract the music. I mean, holy fuck. Is it that hard to just get the streams?
Also, if I can't. Ask in

Soundtrack here.!2MNUnZ4I!bMz8RDixILBOK1H8HlpFRwDUheSxEI8UA_NplD3pBXY!rNM12I6J!wpyBcHSf-kPMHnrtdIVUPAs4CZdEWjUhNyBGMn2etfQ


Is it an actual soundtrack, or the temporary recording?

Friendly reminder to kill yourself. Reported for avatarfagging.

Actual soundtrack, from Bandcamp.

I didn't buy it, and these aren't my links.

That's a quality edit, user.

All the lewds of this game are shit.

Pity porn makes for pitiful porn. Whoulda thought?

You okay there bud? You seeing things? Got a little brain damage?
Nice to known your first 2 posts contribute absolutely nothing to the thread.

Thank you anyways! Saves me the work.

t. Alec Holowka, the main dev
Well, that explains a lot.

Well the game is bad as a movie too.

Everything you need to know.

That's an insult to film itself. Antifa supporters just want to make movies without having to do extra legwork like setting up shots or timing their scenes.

you are a quality man, user. I hope you didn't pay for this

Some other user did.

I wish we had a Royal Ocean Shit equivalent to vydia.

What a shame.

So how long until this game fades into obscurity and is never mentioned until it wins a award or something, if that's not already happening right now.

I have to say that due to these threads I have become somewhat interested in this game.

I was gonna go with Nier Automata but it costs like 60 bucks and has Denuevo. I can get this game, Dark Souls 3 season pass and the new Turok 2 remaster for the same price.


user just pirate it, you don't want to support capitalism, do you?

It's funny how easy to fix this game would've been. It brought the player's expectations down so much and still managed to disappoint them.
It's sorta magical how colossal a fuckup the writing became at the end.
It's like watching a retard with a puzzle, he has the right pieces but retardation keeps him from making anything coherent. It didn't require creativity, it just required effort, and they fucked up on that regard majorly.

The thing that pisses me off about this is that it is perfectly possible to make a story-driven game which does not challenge the player while still taking advantage of the medium. It's simply a question of engaging in non-linear narrative more, and yet this game is filled with so much railroading bullshit and lack of choices actually mattering

one singular job.

I find it kind of funny that they bitch about video games being too much effort, and yet they don't take advantage of the non-game things in their "game"
They have an animator, and yet throughout the game dispite your character bitching about having headaches and thinking she's hallucinating and shit, there is no indication other than dialog. No light sensitivity, no slower walking, no special animation upon going outside where you shield your eyes, nothing.
They talk about how your character beat up some kid that didn't deserve it yet this is only shown through dialog. Your character had austim fits where she sees everything as shapes, and it's just plain out never shown to the player.
Everything important in this game is dialog. You can pick shit to "remember" during some segments, like when you take bea to the mall, but all it does it add different dialog. There's no flashbacks, there's no controllable cutscene where you control the action happening, it's just fucking words.

the CAD of videogames

if he played a lot of recent games, because you fucking know this hipster faggot doesn't have the initiative to look farther than that, the game would probably be even worse.

the fact that this is true is saddening.

I started watching someone play the game and I got that feeling immediately that it might be a subversion of modern ideologue cunts later on
Oh yeah and the more you hang out with the crocogator she just comes more over to your wacky side where everything is carefree and childish, meaning the fight you have is supposed to be on your side, even though you're completely wrong. How the fuck does that even happen? I was even off the gator's side for a bit at the beginning where she was just being cunty and getting mad because the cat didn't know her mom died or some shit, but then I realized that's just shitty writing to get me off of the gator's side and just out of character for the rest of it.

there's not multiple endings, it's just if you hang with bea you have a chat with her and if you hang with greg you get a chat with him.
That's it, that's the multiple endings.

Oh, yeah, and speaking of the arguments, I still find it kind of funny that the Bea argument has you making the argument about you to stop it, and yet during the gregg argument it's suddenly your fault for hanging out with gregg when he was the one who asked you to hang out with him.

user are you okay

At least the story would have been okay if it the horror was the main focus instead of the shitty drama. The climax involving the cult and the mine demon was hamfisted in, and nothing even came out of it. Nothing was concluded besides "yeah there was some spooky stuff going on now back to the slice of life, oops the end". How it should've been done:
This also gives possibilities for multiple endings

Still sad there's no option to jump in the hole

Where's the goddamn 2000-word video review, user? This is the only reason this thread exists despite not being the original intention of OP.

Nobody here has attractive voices, user.

The magic of this game is that anyone who would give a fuck either has already played it and hated it or liked the game already before going in. Anyone else won't touch the thing and doesn't give a fuck about the story.
It's in it's own little echo chamber, entirely because of apathy.

when Mae was shot I was really excited and thought she died, like these fuck heads would experience actual consequence for dicking around and acting so care free. oh well.


At least Uncommon Time gave you an ending where Alto died, this shit doesn't even grant us that meager consolation.

Has anyone got the webms from the last thread? I'm after the ones showing the fox route in particular.

I played it before seeing threads about it here. It was so boring and full of sjw bullshit that I had to drop it 2 hours in.


Silly user, doing that would require actual game mechanics and effort. Why do this when you can just pander to young adult who still act like teenagers with bullshit drama and first world problems?

Is there a route where I can play as the cute crocodile?

It's Insecurity Porn for neurotic hipsters and faggots who think having poor social skills is some deep, meaningful commentary on the human condition. Except that's boring as shit, so they tossed in some weird vague supernatural shit because otherwise, no one would buy a disgusting faggot commie's game about socially awkward furries talking about their feelings in the most insufferable way possible.

Oh good. Someone already posted the thing.

For one scene, but yes.

For the sake of fun, user.

As if we needed more proof Holla Forums has a "I can fix everything" Messiah complex.

And yet what he suggested was still better than what happened in the fucking game.

it's only because fixing the game would be that easy. It'd require a total rewrite but all the base pieces are still there, just unused.



Doesn't specify what kind of fascist, tho. Daily reminder that nationalist fascists are only one of the many many fascist groups out there. They might as well be talking about islamo-fascist (jihadists), feminist-fascists (SJWs) or commie-fascists (tankies). It doesn't matter matter what kind of fascists hey are, they deserve the rope nonetheless.

However, this is implying the mean fascism as textbook fascism. If we go with how antifa see facists, they count public servants like policemen and military as facists, as well as any one who disagrees with them in general. Looking at the dev's context for this scene, it's obvious how they intend the message to be potrayed.

A game like this is aimed at the modern liberal arts major who thinks that anyone who endorses the enforcement of federal criminal statutes is identical to a member of the National Socialist German Worker's Party.

This one gets it.


If you faggot don't stop speaking about shit you don't know, i'm going to behead you. Fascism isn't "everything i don't like" nor "authoritarianism" nor "police state".
It's an ideology with a definite economic policy, it isn't even fucking authoritarian most of the time (ex: Italy, Austria before Hitler, ecc.)

Tell that to your antifa friends, retard.

user I know what facism is, I also know groups against fascism don't know what fascism is.

Fascism literally means group. It's about forming a homogenous cult-like movement that demands absolute internal purity and aggressively seeks to expand.

Fuck off, cuck.

I was actually excited to play the rest of the game as Bea plus everything you said


I didn't even mention the loosely defined group known as antifa.



Sorry, i reread your post and i made a mistake.

Yeah, nationalism.
Fascism was no more or less racist then the other countries back then.Pic related
Not inherently. Austria didn't, Italy attacked the same colonies since WW1, Germany got back their land.
Also,as i said, it has an economic policy, it's revolutionary and not reactionary, based on futurism rather than traditionalism. You can't lump together communism, jihad and other shit with fascism because of what you think it's the meaning. Read Mussolini.

I saw that and laughed, it did a good job showing how vapid and stupid college liberals are.

If I didn't know better I would of said that the devs put that scene in there on purpose to make fun of SJWs.

These are the payoffs of the two alternate routes.
One features the gays blaming you for gay fox being immature, dispite you not making gay fox do anything he wasn't already going to do.
The other features you stopping bea hating you for being a college dropout and additonally being a spaghetti flinger at every public appearance by telling her it's alright because you (the person she hates) is there too.

People will praise this writing.

Felt the same. It's so surreal and so stupidly worded, my first impression was of them mocking antifa.However people like that exist and the devs are probably like that, and it's just fucking sad.

You're a cuckold.

This entire scene seemed like fucking parody of college students, and I'm still not entirely convinced otherwise.

And that the NatSocs were the bad guys in WW2, and that war is black and white.

Cat cunt was not wrong in this scene, but she was acting like a super autist. Crocunt was trying to fit in with college students who have never worked a day in their lives, and she dreams of going to college when that's really only to go out and get a job, which she already has, and with a job she has field experience to do other shit if she wanted; she runs a repair store, meaning she does odd jobs, which means she sees tons of systems regularly enough that she can work in any plumbing, electrical, or other building-wide technical fields. She likes the idea of college but probably doesn't understand it just comes with student loans that you'll never pay off. And she never goes into what field she wants to study in, just that she wants to go to college. She's worse than the cat because she makes her feel like shit for going to college and realizing it wasn't getting her anywhere. The worst part is that I can't justify it because the cat fucking loafs in her parent's house until she needs to experience dumb shit outside.
What's that, her grandpa was in the miner's association cult and had one of the teeth of the boss? Huh, what, cool underground space gods whom require sacrifices? No, just focus on how fucking hard it is to have a job, or how hard it is to be a college drop out, or make fun of people who go to college when you would be going their route if you had stayed there, fuck.
And then there's the fucking homos. Oh lord with the fucking fox fucking a big bear man, fucking spare me, and the cat falling for some satanist cunt at the college kids party, it's really cute that these characters can't just be friends who live together, they have to also have the pretense that they like to put their dicks in each others mouths and play soldier's chess in the bedroom.
And then the old men running the town, fucking lord. Hey guys, have you heard of any fucking plot where the old people in a small town make sure the town is running via nepotism and making it a very good place to live for everyone else? Well mash that together with bloodborne like very slightly and you have the last half of the third quarter of the end of the fucking game. The fucking old god needs to be appeased with sacrifices, and what better than the hoodlums who fuck with the town? Morally I was on their side, and I fucking hate old hats who don't know when to quit their dumb shit, because I didn't really know any of the characters and they made a good point that the druggy brother of the guy would have already lead the other one astray. They acted more like a mafia than a cult, and I can respect that at least a little bit, also because they don't do it for self gain, it's more for the community.

This seems fucking retarded, i can't even keep track of what the fuck they were trying to talk. Dead,dead,dead,business, college,job,etc.
If it's parody all right, if it isn't, this is some of the worst dialogue in a game ever

No, it's a game made by cucks.



The cunts can't even spell "barbecue" correctly.

They put "LOL" in a dialogue bubble.

This is worse than cancer. I want to burn all these characters and this game. It's everything I hate about hipsters rolled up into a single game that's somehow even worse than Gone Home and Life Is Strange. I'm not even 25 yet and I already hate young people.

>when they had a head animator and 4 FUCKING YEARS

Reminder that The Last Story did the "depressed ensemble of leading characters" concept way better than this piece of shit did. Keyword is better before you start shitposting Plus it lets you shoot banana peels and make NPCs slip like an episode of The Three Stooges.

Fucking fuck fuck fuck. Watching this gets me so bent out of shape. These fucking faggots are our future workforce. Just think about that.


user it's just trying to normalize this shit, outside of california and most coast areas, this shit isn't as common as the internet would have you believe.

So when are we going to notify that there is a propaganda game aimed at teenage kids that hides behind cute animals.

That implies THEY know this, which is a laughable assumption.

user the teenagers aren't teenagers anymore, they're 20.

These people are adults now.

Please stop, user. You're slandering perfectly good people by associating them with commies, Muslims, and feminists.

Does anybody have the end where they meet a cult that that are scared for the future of their families and businesses and it implies that one of the character's father is a part of it?

It doesn't surprise me that they think students plan parties to talk about politics rather than indulge in degeneracy.


I agree. I didn't think that scene was a problem. It was a college party and so you have drunk college kids spouting silly political philosophy. It fit the scene.
The cancerous SJW stuff was the lazy and abrupt shift to the old Left-wing trope of "nice small town is really corrupt den of human sacrifice."

I love how this implies Germ is some super deep character or something.

I honestly laugh to this.

I love how in promotional material they painted Mae as some edgy nihilist but instead she just turned out as some annoying teenager.

That was painful to sit through. Is everyone in the game supposed to be autistic, or is this how freshmen in college act nowadays?

This game looks like a retarded furry's version of Persona 4.

at least purse owner was a video game, it had gameplay and combat and a way to lose.

What's his deal? Does he do anything at all in the game? Or is he just an awkward stand-in for something to come in future episodes?

Undertale had their Gaster, Hotline Mimia had the janitors. It's what all the cool indie scene dudes are doing.

Why do I feel like this is the developer alongside dumb faggot beaner kids from Holla Forums and 4cuckz coming here making literally thread after thread over this shitty game.

I mean when your game has to use some weird outlandish artstyle that I'm positive this person stole from a children's book first off without permission, and second, fueling it with homosexual acts and degeneracy on top of trying to be another undertale which again, is some poorly executed Earthbound ripoff that's purely based on assumptions of why Earthbound is 'good', when in reality, the man who is responsible for Mother/Earthbound isn't some sniveling mentally deficient faggot kike creature who has no idea how life is like outside of their hugbox gated community zones with their fellow liberals and their pet shitskins.

These people want to be like Itoi, but Itoi is cultured, he based things off of little experiences of life that were just simply weird, and felt that taking that and elaborating on it would be fun to do, on top of writing a heartfelt story that transitions three well crafted games. Itoi is more conservative with his life views and it shows with his writing and such in mother 1 and 2, where it's more contemporary and homely, showing that he pines for his youth as anyone else would when realizing that within the modern age, it's been tainted by the likes of communism rearing it's ugly Judaic head, alongside spreading multiculturalism like a plague thus destroying Itoi's own damned childhood and more so his entire core of his being.

Mother is about home, about your damned mother and how if you weren't raised in a shitty liberal/faggot/shit-skinned environment, that you value your parents more than you would some ignorant faggot child who ends up being a furry with communistic world/political views and aims to spread their degeneracy because they loathed the fact that their father at least tried to raise them to not be some balding middle aged faggot wearing problem glasses like a cuck, and then view any authority figure as some sort of evil daddy/fascist amalgamation.

It's just ironic to see so many indie liberal cucks trying to emulate earthbound when they act like it's so in 'tune' with their lives and childhood when the majority of them had no childhood anywhere close to what's even portrayed in Mother or Mother 2, let alone having the feelings of loss that spans across all three games. Which is why I hate seeing this faggot game, it's merely riding on the coat tail of a franchise that earned it's cult following, even though it's not the best RPG out there, it was fresh and new, and I cherish the fact that Mother 2 came out at just the right time for me to play it and see the actual similarities between it and my life and how Itoi certainly captured how weird suburban life can get, on top of the shit-head neighbour kid who ends up being a total autistic faggot, which in turn are the retards whom Itoi mocked with porky, but at the idiots like you who eat up anything remotely hinting at "Earthbound" inspiration.

It's pathetic. Again, when you rely on "We don't allow fascists around here!!" and other faggot cry-baby tactics based on straight up kikery, you don't deserve your faggot half-assed game maker game to be talked about anywhere, especially not here buddy.


I see you're one of those autistic losers who fell for that pseudo-intellectual indie garbage and now think you're one of the big boys for buying their shitty game.

Life must be dreary for you and mouth-breathers like you who truly think wasting money on this faggot game, or let alone giving it the time of day is something worth doing. When all it shows how you and the developers in question are brain-dead simpletons who have no place within society, sadly that includes about like what, 80 percent of the world's population but at least then killing off all you retards will mean we'd be able to advance at a more steady and stable pace.

Fucking retard.

user I would be inclined to agree if it weren't for the fact that there has been no defense for this game. Both threads before were just "It's shit story wise and additonally has sjw shit and forced fags"
If they wanted to shill their game here, you'd think they'd do a better job.

it's a pasta.

And not a very exploitable one at that.

The janitors were more than just an edgy placeholder for something that we're not even given hints for. He's a barely a background character given a side-character's attention.
He was data mining bait.

I just realized that the soundtrack is 5:30 hours long and that is excluding the Demon Tower tracks. You can beat the game twice in that time.
Alec "I hardly play games anymore" Holowka probably spend more time on the soundtrack than the actual game.

It's been clear he much rather be making an animation than video games.

Yeah but here's the thing, these are people who are nihilistic twinks. Of course they don't have a defense for their garbage, cause they know it's garbage.

They bank on the fact people keep asking questions about it, which in turn leads to weaker minded individuals to actually bother buying it because in their little twink mind, that a game so 'cutesy' and 'lol randumb girthboundy! undertalers!' could be that bad. Thus, they'll buy it. Not only that, furries being menally ill faggots will buy anything with anthropomorphic animals, no matter if it's this shit, sonic, or literal animals anywhere on the cover that you play as. You could literally play as a legitimate wolf escaping hunters, and they'd buy it to fulfill some weird sexualized fantasy of them being chased by pozz'd hunters who want to pozz his fursona's neg-hole.

This is 100% shilling, I've been around the block to be able to tell when it's an idiotic furry faggot trying to shill (IE not shilling but close enough because of proxy), to EA/Ubisoft tier shilling when we had actual retards from EA and Bioware trying to shill fag effect, or Ubisoft with Ass Creed back in the day.

It's not a pasta you illiterate nigger child, It was me legtimately telling the truth about these faggot indie games trying to mimic Earthbound and that faux quirky bullshit that I truly cannot understand why people actually seek that shit out.

You are damage control right now, more than likely one of the idiots who bought this game and are now trying to make shit up in hopes you can muster up more retards to defend your garbage game, fully supporting my claim you are indeed the developers in question, or even their patsy friends trying to push your faggot game cause it's not breaking the bank like you thought it would, case in point, we have 308a16 and 2ffd7b quickly circle jerking one another trying to push their delusional thinking on one another in hopes to truly believe it's a fucking copy paste job when it's not.

They cannot handle being wrong, or being told off, so they have to make excuses when a legitimate argument against them is made, and then have to stick their autistic CWC tier fingers in their ears and screech autistically hoping the bad man will go away.

This is shilling right here, right now.

If they wanted to make an animation then why the fuck do none of the actions in the game have animations? They have noodle limbs and yet only very few emotions are conveyed through body language. Your character has headaches constantly but no special animation shows. Dispite there being times where you are in a group and can run, your character is the only one that actually has a running animation, leaving the rest of the autists to just use their walking animation
If the animation was good, it wouldn't matter that the noodle limbs and shit were present, but instead the game might as well be fucking pixel art.

So these hipsters never actually talk to each other, right? There's no way these people know how to hold an actual conversation and still write this kind of "dialogue". It's less conversation between characters and more each character spewing meandering streams of consciousness at the other and neither of them actually listening. I'm an autistic shut-in and I could write a more believable conversation.

Hipsters aren't actual people, of course they don't converse like actual people to each other.

Imagine forgetting everything you know every week. That's what being a hipster is like and it effects everything they do.

is that you again?
have you come here to stay now?
how are your wife's sons doing?

Kind of telling when the only good parts of the game are said soundtrack.

They aren't writing dialogue, user, they're writing speeches and spiels and sermons.


If they weren't shilling it here we wouldn't have had 3 threads about it. It's an abstract kind of shill.

First thread was "This is shit", second thread was "this is shit, but this thread is dedicated to finding out exactly how shit it is, and also streams", and now we're back to where we started, "Is this shit?"

You know it could be that weird reverse shilling where they want a negative responce for either a "haha the ebil nazis hate my game :^)" or to get us riled up to the point of harassing the dev so she can collect pity points.
If that was the intention, then it still failed because all I want to do is make the game not shit.

If it's shilling, it's so incompetent that I don't care. I enjoy shitting on terrible hipster garbage productions. I imagine lots of Holla Forums does. That's why we post in these threads: hatred is fun, and the more justified and faceted it is, the better.

Does anyone have a link to the stream that does Bea's path?

None of it was archived, the stream user forgot to turn on stream saving, but probably has a local copy. Someone must have the webms though.


This is giving me flashbacks to the college times, the cringe times.

God fucking damn it. I was really looking forward to watching the Bea stream. She's probably the only redeemable thing about this game. I hope I can find footage of that without having to watch those autistic PewDiePie wannabes play it.



same thing happened with indivisishit and valhalla. shills making the same template threads over and over again.

I still doubt it's shilling from some anons. There's no appeal here other than the fact that these threads were the only place actually discussing the game and not plain sucking it's dick.
It's either shilling to attract drama, or some user who can't let go.

It's not rocket science you faggots.

No user, clearly our desire to talk shit about shitty games is actually a Californian Jew Gypsy Commie conspiracy to brainwash us into buying a video game we all agree we hate.

only if you attend humanities

You know for something called humanities the people who attend are entirely inhuman.

reminder that op is what a shill looks like. very subtle post that incites discussion. any discussion is another chance that more people will see it and buy the game.
op is paid a salary to bring attention to products like this. he's employed by a company that does things like this completely legally. it has nothing to do with his own view on anything. he's just doing a job.
and he might also be a she, because he writes like a woman. I'm a social engineer

If there is anyone on Holla Forums who would buy this game, then this board is already doomed.

All humans are human. The concept of humanity being good things only is narcissistic bullshit. Pedophiles and serial killers are just as human as firefighters and paramedics.

I'm not saying they're evil therefore not human, I'm saying they're not human. They're a imatation of what they think humans are, but they're just not human anymore.

I tried to profile you in the agdg thread. how right was I?

user what are you going on about

3rd stream when? I want to watch more people suffer playing this game.

I think what he means is that they're not people. They are biologically human, but they lack the ability for introspection and empathy that characterizes personhood.

CIA get out

sucks that the post got deleted, I was looking forward to seeing the ramblings of a madman.

I can guarantee you that there's at least one person on this board who bought this trash.

user, someone bought a life is strange season pass because he was drunk. Let retards do their thing, it'll work out in the end.

If they did they sure as hell aren't admitting it.

I have faith that even if some user paid legal tender for this piece of shit that they're probably a fag anyways.


user what more is there to discuss?

Yes. If someone sees a thread about a shitty game on Holla Forums, and everyone within the thread says it's a shitty game, and they still go and buy it, they were already a stupid asshole, and we can't be held accountable for the actions of every stupid asshole on the internet.

Someone post the webms already.




Why not, user?

There isn't much to talk about anymore. The game is shallow as fuck and anything that was worth being made fun of was already shitted on.

I swear you fuckers are trying to squeeze blood from a stone. Every possible thing about this game has already been discussed, that's how shallow it is. At this point the only thing about this game worth posting is that snuff porn image. This thread should have died 10 fucking days ago.

I think it's the same Bea waifufag who keeps starting these threads.

It's not me, just to be clear.

I'm just waiting for some homo to get autistic enough to attempt modding this travesty. That'll be a fun day.

he even didn't saything, and now you're just proving you don't know shit


“…You don’t want to turn him over to the police, do you?” The large bear broke the silence, an unconscious man in a robe slung over his shoulder. He soon deposited the man on the couch, keeping an eye on the latter after doing so.

“…” The fox remained silent for a moment, “You know how I feel, Angus. Casey was my friend.”
When the vengeful cultist had tried to attack Mae, she had managed to land a solid kick to his face, knocking him out cold. Now, Gregg, Angus and the unconscious cultist were back home at their place, having taken a detour from the police station Bea had dropped them off at.

The fox and bear stared in silence at the slumped over man on their couch, blood visible on his cloak from where Gregg had previously shot him in the shoulder. They had not yet bothered to remove his hood, perhaps out of apathy, perhaps out of fear he was someone they knew.

Angus could clearly make out his boyfriend’s attempts to contain his anger, one of the fox’s hands balled up and shaking. He placed his hand reassuringly on the fox’s shoulder, Gregg’s own hand soon reaching over to rest on top of it.

“Gregg, I…”

“I know, two wrongs don’t make a right… I guess I just wanted to bring him here so I can pretend I did something…”

“…Gregg, I love you. I trust your judgment. They say that if you excuse one death, you risk excusing them all but… you’re not that kind of person. While I… obviously didn’t approve of the trouble you and Mae were getting into, I know it was all for fun. Juvenile, illegal fun, but… fun. Harmless fun… mostly.”

“Angus, what are you-“ The fox’s head turned, his eyes looking at his boyfriend’s glasses, trying to decipher what meaning lay in the eyes behind them.

Angus leaned in close, close enough Gregg was sure they were going to kiss. Then Angus did something he seldom ever did… he removed his glasses, his eyes now staring into Gregg’s with nothing between them.

“…As I said, Gregg. I don’t believe in Hell, but I’m still hoping all these people go to it. And… if you really want to do something… to take reven- … to get justice for Casey… I will support you. No one saw us. We would find a way to not get caught… we have enough money to hop on the next bus out of town if we have to.” With that, the bear had soon placed his glasses back on his face, returning to his usual unassuming stance.

“Angus I… you…” Gregg’s eyes kept shifting between the man he loved standing next to him, and the man he so despised on the couch. Tears started to gather in the corners of his eyes, “I love you, Angus.”

“I love you too, hon.”

I would've thought these were the same posts if it weren't for the first line, is this how bad fanfiction is for this game?

I honestly couldn't tell

The pair embraced. Anger, sadness, fear… so many emotions coursing through Gregg’s mind, and all it took was Angus’ powerful arms around him to make them fade away for that slightest moment…

…But Gregg snapped back to the present. He would always have more time to spend with Angus. His time to make a decision on this… monster sitting on his couch was running short. His brain nearly froze from trying to process all the ways this could go.

“…It’s up to you, hon. I’ll help you with whatever you choose. You can do your worst… you can turn him in. I know you’ll make whatever the right choice is.”

“…this fucker should suffer for what he did. He… he should be made to disappear against his will, just like he made so many others do.” Gregg made up his mind fairly quick, his voice coming close to cracking in parts as emotion welled up his throat.

Angus nodded, accepting Gregg’s choice with surprising ease. He did not believe in anything greater, really… just what could be felt and experienced. He felt love for Gregg. Gregg felt hate for the cultist. The cultist felt he was justified in destroying any life he wanted for the supposed greater good. And if any of his group were allowed to live… misery would eventually be felt by everyone else. They would run out of “undesirables” eventually. Destroying him was itself a greater good. As the bear pondered, he started to debate if such concepts as murder and the morality thereof were conceived by those too afraid of moral ambiguity, needing the constant, repetitive reassurance that there was no gain in embracing it.

“What will you do?” Angus asked the natural question. It was enough to make Gregg’s ears perk.

“I’m… not sure.” The fox walked over to the murderer, slumped over on the couch. He didn’t know why, but he thought he’d start getting ideas if he only pulled the hood down…

It was like a bolt of lightning. His hand shot out and let the hood fall.

An unassuming rabbit, one he had never seen before. Quite young, too. It was no surprise he had so impulsively chased Mae up in the elevator.

…beneath the fox’s jacket, his stomach suddenly growled. His mouth was filling some with extra saliva, his nostrils flaring as a surprisingly divine smell greeted them… he wasn’t sure what was coming over him…

“They wanted to feed people to that… thing, right?” Gregg asked Angus, mostly to confirm his own memory.


“If karma isn’t real, we’re about to make it be.” Gregg said, eyes fixated on the unconscious, wounded bunny. His pupils dilated, taking in a morsel.

He didn’t even think, vulpine instincts taking over. His jaws parted wide, his teeth came down around the rabbit’s head.

With an arthouse cover like that, you know it's not a worthwhile game. People who like video games don't play or make arthouse trash.

…but he didn’t bite. He didn’t even draw blood (that he could tell, anyway). His muzzle simply slipped right over the blissfully unaware victim’s head. He could feel the muscles in his jaws whine with pain as his mouth stretched far beyond what it was used to. His mind was telling him he should bite down…

He swallowed. No. It would be far too merciful to simply end the man’s life in that manner. He had no idea what Casey went through, likely tossed in the pit screaming and begging for mercy… only to be devoured by whatever lurked in the darkness… no doubt large enough to swallow him whole. The idea that Casey probably lived inside the thing’s stomach for some time, being painfully dissolved… it made a tear slip down his cheek.

…but then his cheeks curled into a smile. Now the time had come for Casey to be avenged.

That swallow had forced the cultist’s head into his throat, which had stretched to absurd proportions to fit it inside. On a regular day, the fox would wonder why he hadn’t just ruptured something… but with how crazy things had been in the past week, this seemed almost par the course. He was about to swallow again when he noticed the cultist still had his robe… in a feral moment, he extended his claws, tearing into the man’s cloak and ripping the shredded garments off… the bunny’s regular clothes underneath soon followed.

His tongue appreciated the explosion of flavor. The rabbit’s face sliding along his palette had been great, but now that disgusting cloth wasn’t leaving a weird aftertaste in his mouth for the second time in a week. He greedily lapped all over the bunny, letting out a pleased groan as a hand reached up to stroke at his obscenely bulged throat… shivering as he felt the rabbit’s bulge shift lower with another swallow, his muzzle now gaping to fit in the rabbit’s chest and shoulders.

Copper. He tasted copper… clearly from the wound Gregg had given him earlier when he fired a bolt into his body. The wound seemed to have sealed up, not bleeding too much… good. He didn’t want the man to get out of this easy. He wanted him to live inside his digestive system for as long as possible, to experience the same horror that Casey surely had.

Gllk… gllk… the taste was wonderful, but Gregg suddenly felt an intense hunger in his stomach that he couldn’t describe. It was something clearly primal… and it needed sating. The sort of sating that only gorging on meat could give. And the rabbit, while lean, still had plenty to help in that department. Plus, with how much of the rabbit’s body tasted the same as the rest, there wasn’t too much of an urge to keep him outside his new home for too long. Gregg nearly lost his balance from all the shifting weight, but Angus was right behind him to hold him upright; he was literally supporting Gregg in a way neither of them had anticipated. The fox mused in his thoughts about whether or not the big bear would be open to massaging his stomach afterward…

Gregg came to the rabbit’s groin, his gut now visibly distending his jacket to a point he had to unzip it so his belly could hang out freely. Admittedly, he felt the urge to kind of bite the bunny’s dick off right then and there to add injury to insult… but the idea of his tongue even slightly touching the other man’s penis was horrific enough on its own. The last thing Gregg wanted is blood from the same area. As a consequence, he promptly swallowed, advancing to the rabbit’s legs with a wet gllllb.

Feeling the rabbit start to stir some, those toes flexing and twitching as he came to, Gregg knew he had to finish up to prevent this causing any problems. With ravenous, feral hunger, he swallowed one gulp after another, inching his sharp teeth along the rabbit’s legs, not caring if he grazed him one bit; the rabbit was food, and the fox felt no reason to give him more consideration than the sugary treats at Donut Wolf.

Ah, and then the thrashing. The cries for help, muffled by thick layers of fox muscle, fat and fur. Gregg couldn’t see it, but Angus had the slightest smile of satisfaction… it wasn’t a supernatural Hell, but a very real Hell that the rabbit would spend his last moments of life in. That was good enough for Angus’ skeptical heart to enjoy.

Snap. The fox’s jaws clamped shut just beyond the rabbit’s toes, Gregg frankly not caring if he had caused any damage closing them; fortunately for the bunny, none of his toes were in the path of those sharp teeth coming together with the sharpness and precision of a guillotine. Angling his head up slightly to assist in sending the last of the rabbit on his way, Gregg swallowed, a loud, wet gulp sending his condemned prisoner down to his stomach along with copious amounts of drool.

Speaking of, Gregg blushed when he realizes the mess he had made; the bunny’s flavor had been so intense that in his predatory trance, he hadn’t noticed the sheer amount of thick, warm saliva that had leaked onto his chest and was now running down that shifting, squirming mass of fur in his middle. He didn’t take too long to ponder cleaning up, however; standing upright with so much meat gathering in his stomach made him feel disoriented. He turned around, flopping down on the couch, using the tattered ribbons that had been his victim’s clothing to start soaking up the saliva that had pooled on his front.

The rabbit felt his feet slip into the tight, vice-like grip of Gregg’s esophagus, the rippling muscles keeping him nicely bound as they gradually pushed him lower, every pulsating second taking the bunny further and further from freedom. Most of him was already curled up inside the snug, humid confines of Gregg’s stomach, each breath hard to take as acidic air stung his lungs the same way chlorine in a pool does the nostrils. And yet, he was breathing in more of that air by the second, his heart racing as he tried to kick, and punch, partly to escape, partly to convince (or force) the fox to regurgitate him. He had already registered the fact this small fox had somehow managed to swallow him whole… now he was focused on not being broken down into mush like some lapine hamburger. For all his struggles, the gut would simply churn, as if angered at his persistent struggles, accented by his face being plunged into the fleshy pillow of the walls as they drew close.

“Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!” Gregg’s jaws parted as he released the deepest belch in his life, other than perhaps that time he chugged way too many sodas on a dare from Mae. Unfortunately for the rabbit, no puking was involved as part of this gorging himself. It lasted several solid seconds, causing Angus’ eye ridges to arc upward in clear surprise at how much power his boyfriend’s gut packed. A few stray drops of drool and fur later, though, and Gregg was silent once more, smacking his lips and gulping as he took in the bunny’s lingering taste… followed by a loud swallow as he took in more oxygen. He wanted the rabbit to last for as long as possible.

The rabbit was relieved to feel the cool air rush over his slime and drool-covered body, but as that gut kneaded around him, already starting to work the juices it was secreting into his flesh and fur, he wasn’t finished panicking yet. “Please! I’ll do anything! We can work this out!” It hurt him to yell so loudly, but he wanted to be sure that the fox could hear him.

I think I realize why this game sold so many copies now

“I’m sure Casey said the same thing, and you ignored him. Fuck you.” Gregg bluntly replied as his blood boiled, thinking that this scum had the nerve to beg for mercy when he never showed it to anyone else. In his anger, he forcefully punched where the rabbit’s head was, visibly wincing afterward as he registered that it was his abdomen the other man was currently stewing in.

…Angus’ hand reached over to where he had made contact, the bear gently kneading at that tender spot. And Gregg… gasped. Then he moaned. The leather of his jacket creaked as his limbs unconsciously shifted at his sides, in the process opening his jacket up more so Angus had full access to his boyfriend’s impossibly bulbous middle.

Angus… had seen this sort of thing on the internet before, admittedly. He just had never thought it was actually possible. He felt a warmth all over his body, however… clearly having enjoyed the show. He had always been worried that Gregg was susceptible to bad influences, that he would happily eschew responsibility if possible… to see the fun-loving fox so ravenously devour another person… to see him willing to sentence a monster to a painful death inside of his body… to give the ultimate punishment for harming someone he cared about…

It was hot. Very hot. The small fox man’s harmless vandalism, he theorized, was just a catharsis for darker tendencies. Darker tendencies that he didn’t entirely mind in circumstances like this… were someone to hurt him, the idea Gregg would be willing to do whatever he needed to avenge him… it made him smile a little. His boyfriend would not adhere to abstract ideals of pacifism. No. He would get even.

Angus intensified his massages, one hand on each side of the stomach. Increasingly, neither of the lovers could make out the rabbit’s yells – and increasingly, screams - over the lewd gurglings of the vulpine’s belly as it got to work. Angus would feel the occasional thump against his hands as he rubbed, but it was obvious from the slowing struggles that Gregg’s digestive system was winning. The stomach acids were more than up to the task of breaking down the generous feast Gregg had given his belly, eating away at the rabbit’s hide while he remained conscious, not having been given the bliss of passing out from lack of oxygen thanks to Gregg’s courteous swallowing of air.

Angus was more than happy to help Gregg process his meal, using the great strength he rarely showcased to knead powerfully yet gently at the fox’s sides, causing his boyfriend to groan with delight as his tightly-stretched skin was so skillfully stimulated. With a slight sniff, Angus could make out distinctive fox musk… Gregg was getting turned on by all of this as well.

Lifting himself up from his position a little, Angus leaned his muzzle in, pressing his lips against Gregg’s for a kiss, which the latter happily accepted. Both of Gregg’s hands came to rest on top of Angus’, which were pressing down on the fox’s ballooned stomach. It seemed almost as if they were trying to feel a baby kicking within Gregg’s body… though in this case, life was ending rather than beginning. The bear’s weight pushing down seemed to finish the job, as there was simply a loud, pained groan from within… then the stomach went still, other than a weak twitch Gregg could faintly feel.

“Burrrrrrrrrp.” A smaller burp escaped Gregg’s lips as a result of Angus’ pressure, the smell of digesting meat hitting the bear square in the face, causing Gregg to turn away in embarrassment.

…Angus smiled, simply pecking Gregg on the cheek the latter had exposed by turning away. It would take a lot more than that to gross him out, especially given that rank odor was literally the smell of victory. His boyfriend had wanted justice… revenge… closure… whatever. He got it. Those gastric fumes were evidence enough of that. The rabbit was history.

“Ooof… I had no idea I could even do that.” Now that he was coming down from his predatory high, Gregg was processing exactly what the hell had transpired over the last half hour. It had just come to him… instinctively. He could only assume his victim’s status as a rabbit had triggered something primal in him. Caught and eaten by a fox, just as his ancestors would have been. The slightest grin crossed his buck-toothed muzzle as he cradled his gut with both hands, hearing it audibly slosh now that more of the rabbit had been melted down into chyme.

“…Well, I’m not complaining.” Angus replied bluntly, taking a seat on the couch next to his boyfriend, one hand on top of Gregg’s as the fox rested it on his stomach.

They sat there for several minutes, exchanging no words. The only sound that passed between them was the slightly labored breathing of a well-sated predator, both Gregg and Angus feeling that mountain of a belly rise and fall with each breath. Said sound was nicely accented by the deep rumbles
from within the fox’s belly as it turned what had been a man into nothing more than nutrition.

“How are we going to get into bed when I’m like this?” Gregg sighed, taking in a drawback of the situation. He had obtained (literally) sweet revenge, but now found the amount of weight in his middle kept him pinned in place.


i want to fuck every single one of these characters

“We can sleep out here… I’ll get us some blankets.” Angus moved to get up before Gregg could offer a protest, the bear returning with the appropriate bedding, sliding a blanket over his boyfriend as he helped the latter take his jacket, pants and boots off. Angus was soon settled back in next to him, in nothing but his underwear. Both of them had noticeable bulges… tough they elected that was best taken care of when Gregg didn’t look like a fuzzy balloon.

Gregg noted the pillow Angus had placed behind his head… and the fact Angus didn’t have one behind his.

“Hon, why didn’t you-“ He asked with concern. He was already reaching behind himself to hand it over to his boyfriend.

“I have one already.” Angus said, covering himself up as he leaned his head against the fox’s stomach. Gregg looked puzzled for a moment, before his lips gradually shifted into a smile, which was returned by the bear.

“…what are we gonna do? I literally just ate a guy.” Now that they were sitting idle, Gregg interrupted the constant churning of his stomach with the obvious question.

“We can worry about that in the morning. You should conserve your energy… you need to… get rid of the evidence.”

The way the innocent-seeming Angus was so quick to think like a criminal made his boyfriend burst out laughing. He knew there was something beneath Angus’ surface that pulled him in… they both had their deviant streak, clearly.

Gregg yawned, drowsiness starting to hit him as his body tried to give him a hint he should sleep so it could focus fully on breaking the rabbit down into a form nobody would recognize. Seeing Angus’ head resting on his stomach, he leaned down, planting a kiss on the bear’s cheek.

As Gregg closed his eyes, ready to drift off, Angus took in the full symphony of his boyfriend’s digestive system. The pops, sizzles, gurgles, everything, as what was once a person was reduced to nothing but its most basic building blocks, as if they had never existed with any purpose to be anything other than fuel for Gregg’s body. In some strange way, he… he envied Gregg’s prey. For at least some period of time, he was going to be a part of the man he loved. They were to be one… that evil bastard was given an ultimate kindness, pumping through Gregg’s veins every time his heart would beat while they made love.

But he didn’t think too hard on that. What was more important was they had avenged Casey and so many others. And Gregg was clearly satisfied, emotionally and physically. All was well…

As he started to drift off, Angus decided to speak one last time.

“…Crimes?” He posed.

The fox softly chuckled, “Crimes.”

Literally no taste.



Holy shit it began


The autism

The autism was always here, user.
Just let if happen.

Autism does not begin nor end.

It simply waits.

what a bunch of pussies

every time I read a spooky greentext story I'm going to think of what this game could've been, godamnit.


The fact that this story is actually pretty well written makes it even more disturbing.

I think the real joke is that this game took more than $200,000 from kickstarter backers and nearly four years of development to make, and this is what came out the other end.

What the fuck.

Can't these people do ANYTHING right?

From the catalog the picture looked like the title said "Shit in the Woods". That's probably indicative of the game itself.

I actually really like the aesthetics, music and feel of this game. If it wasn't SJW bullshit I'd play it to cheer myself up. I've been really depressed lately and it looks like it could have been fun if it wasn't pozzed.

Reported for not even trying to hide it.


Reported for faggotry

Just pirate the music, user.

well, that explains the horrible load times at least.

It really doesn't, everything has a fucking loading screen, even minor shit.

I'm talking about the first screenshot.

I know. I was referring to the fact that shit like leaving your room takes a minute loading screen


Oh no, it explains it alright. Apparently literally every single screen is actually a 3D model loaded in Unity, so every time you change screens, even moving from menus or into other rooms or areas, it probably has to reload every single model every single time. Even the minigames are 3D models. That it will not run on anything less than an i5 and will not run on 32bit systems properly because this game manages to use over 2GB of ram, despite being such a simple game, is very telling.

I want to see a remake of the game in doom now for some odd reason.
Seriously though, why use unity at this point? 4 years and nobody thought to use a more efficient engine? Or at least learn how to use unity?

I'm convinced Unity, and hell pretty much every game company at this point really, has ties with some company that makes overpriced processors forcing people to upgrade to play unoptimized garbage.

It really makes you wonder. I remember a while back I spent my time around developers, and apparently it is ridiculously common to use Unity for everything, even in commercial games for the reasons of "it's easy, portable, and it's easier to train people to work in Unity since it's universal; Unity takes care of all the hard stuff for you.". It makes my stomach turn seeing this mobile dev thinking leaking out everywhere. Did you know they use Unity to write a lot of the 2D "games" on the mobile marketplace right now, and have for several years? It's the reason that even a simple one eats up battery life in half an hour and causes your phone to practically catch fire.

It's bad. It's so bad and I have a terrible feeling it's only going to get worse.

It will always get worse, but one day it will be better.

Let's hope so user, let's hope so. This garbage can't last much longer.

it really says a lot that the original Game Boy has a better chance of lasting an entire road trip than any modern handheld.

I remember when unity was just flash again, they heyday of unity is something I miss, dispite it being like 4 years ago or less, even.

Well we can only hope for an alternative to unity in the future.

Don't fucking remind me, I miss when fun small games were being uploaded regularly for the sake of fun instead of people using unity out of laziness

It'll just be worse, it's not unity's fault in this situation it's just the laziness that unity encourages.
Unity gave them an option and they chose the shitty one, you can't necessarily blame Unity for the fault of the dev.

It's a furshit game that appeals to libcuck furries.
Now, most furries I've spoken with understand that it is shit.
However, the ones that support it are much more loud about it, much more autistic about it, and of course appear to have more control on things when it comes to moderation and such.
Bigger issue is, by the by, I swear there's fucking shills running around for this trash.

Autism and shilling are so alike it's hard to tell the two apart.

No they aren't. They're our future homeless, and at best, McDonald's and similar workers.
They're useless human beings, and so they will be placed in jobs what require next to no skill to work.
They're not about to be our ship fitters, our construction workers, our mechanics, our electricians. They couldn't work a hard job to save their lives. Our workforce is going to skip a generation.

Looks like cancer really is eternal.

The cancer is terminal, user.
I will bet money there will be another thread with the exact same op within the week

One does it for free because they believe in said product or ideology and the other does to just for a paycheck. It's not hard man.

user there's a difference between autistic shilling and autism. Autistic shilling is like when every youtuber was requested to play tumblrtale, autism is just when they won't shut the fuck up about it.
I've seen people reccomend the game soley because it has gays in it, that's autism right there.

Spot on. Saved. Insecurity Porn is such an apt name for these types of games.

Again, one does it for free because have an emotional stake the other is fiscal stake instead. Honestly the way you describe it, would you consider undertale or FNAF to be autistically shilled? If yes then I double down on my previous statement, it needs to be separated from shilling. The moment you want merge the terms because the actions are similar and it's hard to discern from the two, you have weaken the term to be nothing but 'person likes thing I don't like'. Seriously this is the whole reason why I get pissy of people throwing the word shill around, if you misuse it gives actual shills an advantage since it will be 'troll/hater' term so it's okay to dismiss them even if they bring up legitimate points.

user i'm not trying to make autistic shilling a thing, I'm just using it because the only other way to put it is autistically viralling, which sounds retarded.

I think word proselytize fit's the bill.

verb: proselytize; 3rd person present: proselytizes; past tense: proselytized; past participle: proselytized; gerund or present participle: proselytizing; verb: proselytise; 3rd person present: proselytises; past tense: proselytised; past participle: proselytised; gerund or present participle: proselytising

convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another.
"the program did have a tremendous evangelical effect, proselytizing many"
synonyms: evangelize, convert, save, redeem, win over, preach (to), recruit, act as a missionary
"I'm not here to proselytize"
advocate or promote (a belief or course of action).
"Davis wanted to share his concept and proselytize his ideas"
synonyms: promote, advocate, champion, advance, further, spread, proclaim, peddle, preach, endorse, urge, recommend, boost
"he wanted to proselytize his ideas"

Even though they use similar tactics the proselytizer is earnest in his belief, where as the shill does not believe what he is saying; he is doing it for a paycheck or it pushing his hidden political agenda.

Learn something new every day.
Like for example, this game took 4 years to make dispite the devs open sourcing every compicated thing that they might've had to make, and they lived in a indie dev halfway house so they didn't have to pay for living, and kickstarted the game in the first place.
4 years in perfect conditions and we got this mess. Makes you think.

3rd stream where an user hangs himself live on camera when

When you pirate the game and get a webcam, faggot.

So, has this game garnered any attention or was it just the GDC thing? Don't mean to bump a dead thread but it's a legitimate question.

Because it's easier than working with some half-finished 2d library. Who is gonna pay your rent and food while you take the risk of learning some obscure bullshit just to be more efficient? The reason it requires so much isn't probably all about the engine but more about how they use high-resolution images with alphas up the ass.

Your Kickstarter backers, publishers, the indie house of Vancouver, and your leftover money because your parents are rich?

Enough with this fucking thread.

30 more posts, user. :^)

Original streamfag here, what the fuck happened while I was gone?

Stream it again faggot

no, fuck off and let the thread die.

fuck you user I want to witness this mess for myself and you didn't record your streams.

Bump :^)

This place is dying