Who's the girl on the right of emma?
the 'we wants some eats' orc from The Two Towers
The more I look at female celebrities, the more I understand how fucked up Hollywood is. Every girl in that picture has some seriously bad jawline, cheekbones, or other deformity. The absolute state of producer tastes in women.
I don't see Kristen on there
The absolute state of /tv
Amerifat here.
The slags in the Amerucan section of OP doesnt represent us.
Save for Taylor Swift.
Taylor Swift is a slag
Why do all the american uggos in that pic have that piggy round face except for Taytay? is it mutt genetics? or perhaps just the weird chemicals in the shit they eat?
Roberts doesn't have the piggy face though
Right, just the equine one
you do realize we "lust" after unattractive women on here as a subtle "fuck you" to (((Hollywood))), right OP? What's that? It's hard to hear you over the sound of that dick in your mouth Leftypol
fuck off pedoshit
Holla Forums BTFO
I don't get it..
Why is she so perfect?
i dunno
thank sweet god 'jenny' or whoever that dumb cankles having skank isn't being posted anymore. what an ugly piece of shit shew as
No, I actually support Trump you blackpill JIDF heeb.