Vidya menu themes

post em

the more rockin' the better

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it doesn't get any better than this

underrated game btw


BoI has some great music






Is posting C&C cheating

Some DOS games had bitchin' music.




SkyRoads was something of a masterpiece, so that's a given.


you want rock, do you


Still the best


Oh man that OST was great.


To trick you into thinking she has any.

This nostalgia. Fuck you user for these feels.

Welcome back.

It's as if the guitar is saying the title.


Reminder that they Treehoused the shit out of these games

Honestly a few of those changes are superior to the original. Nell, Grit, and Sonja are the exceptions, however. Especially Sonja, who wore a red uniform because she went to school in Orange Star.

your trips don't change shit, Russian Postal never happened.

Great game, ain't a rockin' menu song though.



Surprised this didn't show up earlier.

Honestly, I liked the original better than any of the others. Near total silence with some light instrumental hits for the menus, then whoop; an anticipatory beat for the character select screen to get you pumped, and then the real music is on the stages themselves.

Nell looks like Fred


Warship gunner 1 & 2 have both got a few really neat tracks on their OSTs, but the dock menu's theme is definitely my favourite.



The Prime series is god tier menu music

I rented that game from Blockbuster back in the day. I was absolute shit at it but I loved the simple pleasure in loading a shit-ton of guns on a boat and blasting everything around me. I wish there were more games like it but the best you get is shitty multiplayer games worried about balance or realism instead of blowing everything the fuck up like a madman, and what's the point of having a battleship then?

Come to think of it all the Crash games had great music. At least all the Naughty Dog ones did anyway.

SMT always has incredible music, but I would often idle in 4's menu to hear the theme.

Good memories, till Blizztard fucked everything up.



wait, fuck

I didn't ask for this.



I don't even care if they fucked it up by letting you romance COs or whatever, I just want my cheerful battlegrounds and OST


Death is so real, Anons
Someone hold me


Not a title menu or on the official sountrack, but this song is pretty awesome. I really wish HR focused more on the verbal skill, rather than it just being a guaranteed conversation winner.

Man I love Drakengard's weird disjointed soundtrack.


Back from when Blizzard actually made good games.

Really soothing to hear in between the frantic action.


There's a series of flash games called Battalion that are basically Advance Wars clones if you're desperate for more.

It happens to everyone, no matter how good you are.


The most baffling change is Billy/Grit's hat. Why?

They went back to it in the later games. To be honest I like the Kanbei / Olaf changes, makes them look more war-ready while keeping the friendly, fun cartoony style.


I don't even think it's a censorship thing as much as NoA thought it would be odd for a US audience to think of a fighting a dude that looked like Santa Claus. In the second game the characters are mostly the same except for some color changes.

I may be biased because I grew up with the western localization but I think Nell looks better with covered arms.






Yeah. Even C&C3 had kinda great main menu theme.


Shmups almost always have pretty kickin' shop/menu music.
I never understood what the deal was with the fwoomph sound.

sound quality isnt the best but it has the background animation which looks like a propaganda cartoon.

Also this.
It was pretty good, but some of the level design and enemy placement was poor.

Got it, boss!

My favourite c64 shop music. Game rocks, too.


Who dares to enter the mayhem?

It makes her look more professional, which is kind of important considering she runs the Orange Star army.

rebirth really shat on the original's music, didn't it?

This game has a really good atmosphere, which starts at the menu.


I gotchu


That's comfy

Trips confirm it, at least antibirth added some really good music.


Right in the feels, user. Thankfully Iolo came back to do the theme for SOTA.


Polite sage for samefag. Multi-embed would be pretty nice, wouldn't it?

Man, I miss when Gran Turismo had nice and memorable soundtracks instead of somewhat generic progrock and jazz.

So simple, so perfect

I don't know what it was about the PS2, but that soundchip really worked the bass. It's perhaps the thing I liked most about the system, how soundtracks sounded on it. Modern systems and soundtracks just don't really hit that mark.





Every Halo main menu

Desert Combat, of course.

The game hasn't even begun and I'm already scared





Good song, you can listen to it forever but the fucking guy creating the video couldn't keep the title screen moving which was a huge indicator on how technology focused the game would be. For shame.

I don't know why people shit on nuDX so much. Compared to all the other games made today it they really aren't that bad, and I'm not as jaded as Holla Forums so I can play both.

here's my entry

Found a proper one


As pay-to-win as the game may have been, it was fun while it lasted

I could have been a really good game if it wasn't for cash shop

While I played it for a very short time, I think there was a loading screen tip that challenged players to whistle the theme song.