Is Never-winter nights a good mmo to play? does it give a certain DnD like feel or is it just another grind-farm?
Good Game?
i hated it at launch, doubt its improved
What did you hate about it at launch? was it terrible or generic or you didn't like the DnD style?
it's generic. it's not related to neverwinter nights at all aside from taking place in the same area. uninteresting combat, uninteresting quests, just all in all a dull, shallow game. not to mention it's f2p bay bee so prepare to open that wallet or enjoy your crippled game experience
So no DnD mechanics at all, right?
none that are appreciably important to the game, no. the stat system is 3.5 so that at least is d&D, and the wizard does indeed cast magic missile etc, but it's not a decent d&d experience. even dungeons and dragons online did that better
Damn, you fucked up on everything.
So is DnD online overall better? does it give any semblance of a DnD experience or is also kinda shit?
Also, thanks for the answers. you probably might have saved me quiet a few hours of time
Don't worry, I didn't make an account kek.
Actually Neverwinter is the city.
All this game is good for is the occasional in-lore lulz on /tg/ suck as the fucking Lick Phylactery quest, and the free shit you get for it if you have that AMD driver thing.
The game is highly a poorish attempt the 5e team have been pushing with D&D to get it as popular as MLP ddid for hasbro because they want to get it back to the D&D cartoon levels of glory days before the TSR takeover with that Christian bitch.
The game itself is highly un-D&D with many flaws showing off the lore-fail that is 5e, Minsc still being alive because convinient petrification running along-side a boring comic book series, Classes that aren't the iconic base classes or anything remotely based on game mechanics, and other stuff.
In truth, it's a hack N'slash with a cash shop, VIP earned via a currency paid for with real money or simply earned ingame via unique grinding methods and an ever-changing economy for it,.
This game at best, is only good for it's limited resources, things like voices, iconic characters of faerun, the various fights and the like, the people who play the game are MMOwhores and not the party of individuals the actual game was SUPPOSED to attract.
Also, many lore-errors, like that disgusting Illithid Enclave part, and the SIZE of Valindra's phylactery.
Also, Drizzt, and he sounds as preachy saturday morning cartoon "good Drow" as it gets.
If anything, it'd be better to use this game for what it's worth, and make a clickbait youtube channel in 1080p on a 1920x1080p or above resolution monitor to record a playthough of it, dedicated to showcasing assets, voices, supplying resources and the like for things actually worth peoples time.
A 3D D&D environment is to be cherished for better uses.
you were this close…
Though, the game is average to me, it experienced major changes during these 3-4 years.
As for being the usual F2P game unless you want to spend your wallet, it contains of lots of grinding due to having limited content.
The major problem which I see is with those devs at Cryptic who don't get many things right.
Your choice if you want to try. Only that don't get sucked in of never having the guts to cut it off for good just like I'm experiencing…
In fact, lore-wise the following image of a Blue Dragon Dracolich is more than explanation enough for the sheer garbage that is this game's writing direction.
You see this Dragon, it was in the trailer, and it crashes your boat in the EXACT SAME FASHION as the D&D 4e DDO MMO, which is still online I might add, and you wash up on the beach for your tutorial mode.
Now then, you meet the faggot Tiefling from the "Paid almost all the budget out to make" trailer for this 3rd world country attractor Chinese game cafe MMO and he's standing next to the remains of this Dracolich, right? Well-
He immediately states he's using his fucking WARLOCK powers to prevent the Dracolich's Soul from returning to It's phylactery.
Anyone who knows Liches can immediately see this as an indicator of what they're in for when they play thing fucking "game."
D&DO is "better" if you ask me but if we're honest that's not saying much, because they're both past their primes. the difference is that D&DO went for the unique D&D approach and had the bad luck to A) be run by retards and B) come out when WoW was at its zenith. Neverwinter never even had that; it was like a lazy mix of Guild Wars and WoW. The art is pretty nice, though, i like the way it looks, but really man if you're looking for F2P mmos you're better off looking elsewhere
Also, the City of neverwinter itself looks and feels nothing like the one you played in any of the prior games, it's a complete clusterfuck closer to that of the shit you'd read in the fluff books, and in all honesty, is an exact accurate depiction of everything wrong in the current Forgotten Realms setting as of the modern day, Magic everywhere out the ass, so many adventurers that even Undermountain probably feels the strain of the immigration, every forest, desert, and sea clogged with NPCs and this batshit rowdy faction war because of that Cult of the Dragon garbage Sammaster stirred up, holy fuck, the FR setting is Dense as fuck, Kill 45% of the native deities, Lich inflation, and magic shit please, nevermind the fact that THAYANs are taking part in DIRECT conflict opposed to their Literally Ashkenazi Jew Ming the Merciless wizard merchant tactics.
A heartwarming fact is that what is literally Fantasy AntiFA is calling itself the Nashers AHAHHAHAHA THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR KILLING FENFIC OVER FAKING HIS DEATH YOU ABSOLUTE SHIT-TIER RULER, I HOPE HELM FUCKING CRUCIFIED YOUR ASS and you have to slap their shit.
Not to be r00d but i'm not much into DnD lore, so i don't think it will make a difference
I'm not looking for a f2p mmo, im just looking for a good DnD experience on pc (prefferably online but am okay with offline)
The clusterfuck began after that Spellplague event.
Really now, who the fuck thought that this was a good idea?
All MMOs are cancer
As for the races, there are Humans, Drow (Don't even ask, that tiny faction that used to escort people in the Underdark is now a massive thing apparently, despite you know, EVERYTHING DOWN THERE THAT WOULD SEE TO IT OTHERWISE so Immigration occurred, and they're no longer limited to that lawless backwater tradeport they were in 3.5) Elves, Dwares, Nu-Tieflings, and Dragonborn, people who are literally Scalies to every definition of the world, who are people that are sometimes individuals, namely dangerous highly degenerate criminals who repent, turn themselves into an egg, and become Dragonborn, despite the game not offering the varied racial height differences for whatever race becomes one, so no Shortstack scales for you. You worship Bahamut, shiny silver fuccboi of good dragons and wage war against an angry King Ghidora Hellish Dragon MILF of all evil dragons who is worshipped by her army of scalies who follow a batshit dead Ex-follower of the shemale "goddess" of magic who was a Lich who Invented LET'S TURN THE DRAGONS INTO LICHES process who forsaw a future of faerun where everything is full of angry-fucking skeledragons (I am not making this up).
if you want my honest advice, play pic related. it's not officially D&D but i've never in a single videogame gotten a better feeling of tabletop dungeon crawling as i have in wizardry 8. it hits all the right notes and feels fantastic. try it out
The same cunts who put Orcus in the 4e Monster Manual in order to compete with Pathfinder, re-retconned the fact Demons Lords get a divine rank through their connections with Evil Deities and because "Faith" can be tapped into and abused and stolen showing the deities to not be all they make themselves out to be ruining countless substructures of structure that even I can't begin to fathom, and shafted Vampires to Orcus. Disgusting nu-male product developers who don't know shit about dick in regards to their own workplace's history, those kinds of people.
Oh right, did I forget to mention one of the biggest glaring errors was the elongated Illithid Enclave's Elder brain NOT in a position of utter secrecy, and it was more of a camp than an actual settlement? Or the fact that the Illithid Enclave HAD FUCKING THOON CONSTRUCTS DESPITE BEING OF THE DIRECT ILLITHID EMPIRE?
The only good part of this game is that you can play it, even if it isn't updated fully. It'll do that in real time for you.
Seems like a good and cheap suggestion. thanks man.
That said, I want this game, and Dungeon and Dragon's Online OST, at least that is good.
Played at launch. Shit game. Combat was awful and repetitive, dungeons were boring as fuck "AoE everything to death" and everything else about the game was garbage. Also has P2W out of the ass. Stay away from this, it's cancer.
You'll get banned if you say any of the words in the default chat filter (that defaults to ON) in zone chat. I log in and do the meta daily, and then on zone chat I say:
shit fuck pussy asshole cunt bitch
then 24hrs later do the same. the game is fucking stale and the last patch removed DX9 support for some retarded reason which means toasters can't play it anymore
however, the game is loosely based on the events in the Sellsword series, and R.A. Salvatore wrote at least one entire campaign for the game like 2 years ago.
Neverwinter is literally exactly the same as Star Trek Online (complete with all the exact same developers, bugs, and exploits), but with D&D fantasy skins.