And Microsoft was surprised by Gears 4 being the worse selling game in series. Is Transgender the new feminism in justifying gaming Censorship?
it's less about justifying censorship and more about putting PR and HR departments above the people who actually make the games.
I failed to see the difference
Fuck off youtuber shill.
Did anybody complain about the term that they felt the need to censor it?
Censorship is merely one of the weapons in the culture war to control video games as a propaganda machine. If it didn't work they could've just tried to file a harassment suit or claimed some other law was broken.
The "public" part of public relations has evolved to refer to "public" in a political sense rather than a popular sense. It's just another tentacle of the fed at this point.
Game has been out how long now and this a only now an issue? Probably not even a customer and just some faggot watching game videos.
Wow it's fucking nothing
fuck you
This thread is going to devolve into Holla Forums vs. Holla Forums vs. those who don't subscribe to either camp of groupthink, I can smell it
would fuck, if it's a boy
don't sell yourself short, user. even faggots can get better looking men.
pic 2 looks qt tbh
But that word refers to weak prisoners who are often raped, not trannies
Please fuck off.
So, how was the word used in the game? I'd like to at least have some context that can help me understand what people are crying about.
This sounds like controversy being stirred up to try and make the game be relevant.
Fuckboy was one of those annoying flavor of the month apefrican american words. It shouldn't be in any game, but that was a really retarded reason to remove it
Not even half as cute as the queen of Holla Forums though
Leftists make no damn sense.
These decisions aren't made by execs trying to make money or developer trying to make good games, they're made by the HR department who has the power to fire anyone at the company who goes against their narrative. If the HR department says that a developer is being problematic for putting fuccboi in the game then that developer has to change it or get fired, and if an exec wants to stop this change because it'll make the players made then they need to keep quiet or they'll get fired too.
Workplace discrimination laws are the true source of the rise of SJW cancer.
Xbone people are probably not that smart to false flag
So I'm guessing they'll censor cock sucker and knob gobbler in future games since it's offensive to voracious gay men? How about bitch, cunt, motherfucker/muthafucka and bastard since those can be considered offensive as well. Might as well stop making MA games if "bad" words are more offensive than overly violent gore.
i think i'll fap to hardblush tonight, just for old times sake
Is that a girl?
open your eyes = sinophilic
lighten up = afrophobic
cheapskate = antisemetic
antirape = islamophobic
This. After years of those asswipes cheering about censored outfits, cutscenes, and text in weeb games they deserve it. All their AAA garbage turned into virtue signaling nonsense while they pointed and laughed at everyone that cared about censorship.
behold, the homosexuals
I don't understand what would piss them off about the term 'fuckboy'. Anyone care to enlighten me?
You mad fuccboi?
This, remember how they showered Nintendo with praise for censoring their weeb games? Let them have this, i want to see normalfag shit become totally SJWfied until they cant take it anymore (probably wont happen)
kys fuckboi
Just about every AAA game from the past 2 years besides Nudoom has SJW shit, usually in the form of some kind of multicultural nonsense, brave stronk womyn, or main characters colorswapped into niggers for no practical reason. I look forward to more normalfag tears, this is the future they chose.
I hope you realize how much you're triggering me.
Weeb salt was getting a mite bit repetitive. Lets see how casuals salty tears taste.
Isn't it about time we started 'melting' these special snowflakes?
Who the fuck even plays this shit, fukkuboya?
I wonder if /k/ has seen this
Reminder "fuckboy" was the PC term for calling someone a faggot.
Shitty story
its part of a DLC that promotes degenerate nigger music anyway
Bunnies a cute!
Stay mad nigger. Might as well shitpost this thread is going nowhere fast.
I've only seen SJWs and other leftist faggots throw around the term 'fuckboy', so for the devs to call it a transphobic slur is amusing.
Is this the kind of censorship SJWs really want to fight over? Where were they a few years ago when this shit came to a head elsewhere in the industry? Oh right, they were pro-censorship back then.
that's two more seasons than it deserved
What is The Gay Community?
How long till Bruce kills himself?
Wow those post op scars will be a sight to see.
I thought tumblr liked that word, why would they censor it?
tbh fam I wish the furries were the only obnoxious fetishists, now we have the gays and twinks invading every thread instead of furries.
Someone shoot this cuntboy already.
Isn't that completely redundant.
True. I guess that is one more reason why people think furries and gays are obnoxious, it's because they're never JUST a furry or a gay, they also like traps or vore or some other fucked up fetish. I can always take solace knowing that as much of a degenerate I may be, I'll at least never be gay
I know you are shit posting but come on, step it up son.
now i'm the exact opposite. no matter how much much trap hentai i masturbate to, it's not gay if it's 2d i take solace that i'll never be a degenerate furry.
But which do you think is more degenerate? I mean, at least I still want to fuck a woman, whereas you want to fuck a man dressed as a woman.
Don't view this WebM
Traps are and always will be gay.
the way i see it user, you want to fuck an animal. at least i want to fuck a human.
But they still have a feminine form and vagina, whereas you want them to have a dick.
It's less degenerate to fuck a female animal, than to fuck a male human.
Either way, I love my boyfriend
meant for
Tumblr probably still likes the word. Come back to me in a few months and it will likely be offensive. The two big issues with this current brand of leftist social justice is that there never is an end to it and that the most sensitive or intolerant lead the way.
The end result is that the behavior of these leftist SJW types, as a crowd, resembles that of an endless stampede fleeing from a predator that never stops. Problem is, the stampede is being led by utter imbeciles. If you slow down, you die, so you had better follow with the herd. And because the pack is being lead by those who are the most easily spooked or the most oversensitive, the pack doesn't follow any logic or reason.
That's why the studio had to double down and follow the herd, which is being led by some Canadian feminist/nu-male in HR who has absolutely zero knowledge or appreciation of the situation.
it's not as autistic as furshit though.
christ you actual faggots really are degenerate.
this is why i hate the gay community
/k/ here, the more I look at the gun the stupider it gets. At first I thought was an homemade obrez, stupid but probably illegal, since why would a faggot go through paper work to get a legal swan-off. Then I noticed the duct tape, and the trigger guard. How the fuck are you going to work the bolt with the tape blocking said bolt. It was at this point I noticed he didn't actually swan the barrel off, he got the grip from another rifle or shotgun and sawn that down and taped it to the barrel. Why the fuck would you do this if you're not going to go all the way?
I'm pretty sure it's not an actual functioning gun and never was, looks like he just duct taped a metal tube and some dangly bits on to a grip and called it a day.
Yes, you are at least internally consistent. 5/10, I'd rate higher if not for muh degeneracy.
Even niggers know that being gay is for faggots
Are you sure? Start a healslut thread and see just how autistic things get as /cuteboys/ start asking people to ERP with them. Though the most autistic furries do have the most autistic fags beat.
So, do they have a RWDS?
You should had posted more lewds of a pink haired girl.
Especially those ones.
This is why Holla Forums hates furfags.
But which part about marty do you dislike more? The fur or the fag?
Who the fuck is marty?
Nothing says anti-capitalism better than buying a metric fuck ton of video games, figmas and other tranny cosplay crap
Some faggot
The gay furry being posted like
Okay, I don't care then.
Ara is the cure for all faggotry
I mean, if we're going to get autistic on this, they're completely wrong on that. Fuckboy is a term that originated in prison, primarily from the black inmates.
It was used to describe the (sometimes communal) person who was fucked whether they liked it or not.
Fuckboy would be a slur against men, specifically men who are rape victims.
But you know, acknowledging that men can be victims fucks with the Feminist narrative of women=good, men=bad.
that's my favorite doujin
reddit and fuccbois all up in this thread holy shit
kys famalam
healsluts are autistic but they're a relative minority, and they're mainly just lonely anons who can no longer contain their faggotry, not all trapfags are autistic. but all furfags are indeed autistic, it's basically a requirement at this point.
at this point there is no difference between Holla Forums and tumblr
Hey man there are some pretty cool furfags, and I wouldn't say there's much difference between furry conventions and pride parades.
Not much difference as in they both need to be gassed?
if there was more trap on ara doujins i'd die a happy man.
cool or not they're still autistic degenerates who can't contain their fetish.
Hey man, I contain my furaggotry, just not this thread because it was rather shit to begin with. And even then I haven't ever revealed outside of anonymous imageboards.
i was referring to them. you're a good person for not gratuitously waving your fetish at other people.
but my point is there are probably plenty of furfags who do as I do, you just don't notice them because of that. It's like when anons say "ree Holla Forums get off Holla Forums" not realizing that most of Holla Forums aren't obnoxious naziboos, you just notice the ones that are.
Both furry conventions and pride parades are fucking disgraceful. I'm no saint, there's plenty of degenerate shit I like, but seeing shit like pride parades, furry conventions, legislation that would allow cross dressers to use the wrong bathroom because they wear their gender on their sleeve, the gradual normalization of scat/castration, even delaying puberty of children with hormone blockers because children might want to get castrated later!
It's a travesty that I feel more sane than the rest of the world.
no its cool guys haha, i only post furshit in shit threads haha, i dont always act like a degenerate ha its cool
well, yeah.
but you gotta admit the amount of autistic furfags that inject their fetish into everything shove it in everyone's faces is staggering, and probably the highest of any weird fetish.
Bruce is pre op.
He must be a Borderlands fan.
You lost all credibility there buddy pal
Well it's an anonymous imageboard, so I guess you'll never know if I do or don't. I could be lying to you and religiously go to my local furry convention, so who's to say :^)
I can't deny that.
Found the obnoxious naziboo
God, am I glad I didn't cave and install botnet10 just to play this pile of shit. I used to love this series for the multiplayer, but kikery killed it in the end and now they're letting social justice faggots fuck the corpse.
well, I'll give it to CREW, they at least figured out it's spelled Holla Forums not Pol or Holla Forums
Why would you even entertain the idea? What the fuck is so great about gear of war?
is this even VIDEOGAMES anymore?
Who? Is this like CTR or something?
It stopped being vidya about five posts in.
Good, I've always blame this series for the reason why games are 60 bucks now. Granted bethseda or rockstar could of gotten away with raising the price.
you should know this by now user.
Holla Forums is never video games.
There's no escaping God, or your self.
woah mama. Time to fap to marty.
Nothing, the mediocre multiplayer was just always a guilty pleasure of mine, especially back when I still had friends. I must've invested well over 1000 hours into it across the first 3.
Rebranded CTR is exactly what they are, yes.
I don't get it.
In these sorts of games you have people literally killing others with guns and bombs and whatnot and they choose to cry about some words.
Their mentally ill priorities are just about the most insane thing modern society could come up with. That and unironically believing in nine thousand and one something genders and having figurative headmates you share your experiences with on your tumblr.
Well I'm a fedora and my deep shame about my furfaggotry is what prevents me from being an obnoxious faggot, so it's not that bad.
I thought fuqboi was just an imageboard meme…
It's been a normalfag meme for some time.
Είστε έτοιμοι για το Πάσχα?
Even a broken clock is right twice a day
Probably not, but those positions require little technical knowledge so leftists flock to them and then try and use those types of positions to change the product and the company at large
This is garbage.
I suppose this one is the other time of the day.
I'll bet feminism is somehow to blame.
I'm so glad Nintendo didn't censor games back in the NES days OH WAIT THEY DID
you're right, those dubs are awful, check mine!
This is what happens when people think doing gay shit means crossing gender barriers.
The only faggots who put it like you did always turn out to be some ubercuck/ubercunt from Holla Forums in the end. Always.
Found the tranny.
Warner Bros and yidney are both brainwashing lad. Yiff in hell.
What's nip cartoons doing, then? Training everyone to be pedophiles?
Eat shit.
I'm having fun and you can't stop me
The lack of any pozzed shit in nu-Doom was among the reasons I unironically liked it. And it even has a fucking dyke looking batshit insane woman/female demon as the final boss. Still can't get the mental image of Doomguy saying "SUCK ON THIS" while BFG9000-ing her head off out of my mind.
Fair enough. As long as you are consistently thinking that all cartoons are brainwashing our children, in the case of nip shit, into pedophiles.
I'm a bit confused as to who made this. I would normally say Holla Forums, but something about it doesn't feel like them.
In any case, you need to kill yourself for posting it.
no ponies here boss
The pedoshit claim is mostly a shit-tier non argument coming from people who know fuck-all about Japan and want to quell animu-culture on imageboards for whatever reason.
You can go on and on about how that shit is brainwashing them and making people pedos but to say that's the intent is just retarded - argue that nipland is inferior because they're very complacent to underage sex due to many factors but don't be surprised when an aspect of a nation's culture makes its way into their cartoons.
Western shit is full of faggotry because there's a gay agenda in the west, nip shit is full of pedoshit because they've been chomos since they were a feudal society.
There is negative intent behind nip cartoons as well, many moe anime espouse the message that acting like a weakling will get you girls - and then Japan wonders why the birthrate's in the shitter.
I was refering to the guy what posted the cat picture, what's come from a certain database, what's been posted on a certain site, on a certain board
oh, carry on then
Lmao you paranoid cuck
I always understood this as a function of the market. Because so many otaku are weaklings who are scared of women, it makes sense to create MCs who act the same way but somehow get the girl.
Call me a weeb, but I don't believe that anime is internally Jewed. Kikery in Nip media arises from external forces, not from the creators.
Nice try CIA.
A some dipshit that felt being contrarian against contrarians was a original idea.
nice try dr pavel
kys GCHQ
See, now, I don't rightly think it is, of course. I don't think any cartoons are "brainwashing" anyone. I think that's a load of nonsense. Sure, some might try to push an agenda, say SU, but that's a hell of a lot different from "brainwashing". I don't rightly think shit like is "brainwashing" anyone into being furries. Frankly, this sounds to me like the same type of shit the SJWs and old Christians whine about on video games.
It's fucking retarded. As you say, it shouldn't be surprising when the culture of those who make the shit pops up in the shit they make.
Mods are you fucking serious? No one in this thread has been on topic. Christ the incompetency of these hot pockets.
I got banned two days ago for checking dubs in a shit thread.
Mark needs to get shoved into a fucking oven right after you.
it's been a long time since i've been banned
how retro
But you fucking weeb saying shit like
That's the creator's decision to cater these incels, not anyone else. Especially if it's a Light Novel that got it's start as a Web Novel. Honestly majority of those LNs just scream fan fiction but with OCs instead.
The odds are then that the story won't be successful- that's what I'm talking about as an external cause. Otaku won't read the story because it doesn't stroke their dicks.
I suppose that it does ultimately lie with the creator.
It's a shekel-fueled feedback loop.
I don't think it's jews doing it, I think it's Koreans doing it at the behest of jews.
And when you compare any given animu to it's manga counterpart you'll see that the manga is substantially less pozzed since they're usually published by small companies that are willing to take more risks, when one gets big enough to warrant animu they export the animation and the creator's vision is lost.
Most manga are LN/VN adaptations and over there LN would be the same as "bubblegum fiction" you find in kiosks at the airport or near the checkout line at any given bookstore.
Most creators have to deal with external forces and compromise the original vision they have, whereas in the west the creators can run rampant with whatever degeneracy they want to shoehorn into a piece of media. Opposite methods, same outcomes - demographic displacement, weaklinks, and declining birthrates.
How is it different? It's classic pavlovian conditioning where kids are trained to get dopamine hits from things like
You could make similar arguments about video games but to a lesser extent because vidyas are blatant about the ways they condition you and when one is aware they're being conditioned any conditioning's effect would be made invalid. For instance the new NieR conditions you to be attracted to the androids by giving them nice butts and smooth thighs for the homos then ripping that away by making you play as a dirty android with no tits later on, maybe brainwashing wasn't a good word to use. Is conditioning better? Most media is what I would call brainwashing, some is good brainwashing some is bad.
Exactly, I'm probably letting too much tinfoil into my posts right now, but I do have the idea that 99% of media(no matter if it's the most "xD red pilled" or the most "revolutionary") is brainwashing and only media you have input on would be exempt from that since input methods are an obvious form of conditioning and make any genuine agenda pushing ineffective. It's why Holla Forums liked undertale which was a game that was blatantly trying to condition you into taking the neutral route before discovering other routes
Liking thighs is not gay. It shows muscle definition, which is a primary way of telling that the woman in question isn't a flabby bitch who'll get fat when she's older.
Otherwise your post is on point.
I was talking about 9S's thighs, it's super gay.
An alternative definition of the term Fuck Boy is a man that sleeps with women, doesn't want a relationship, and doesn't want to have the responsibilities associated with a normal relationship.
Also men that are "emotional vampires"? What the fuck does that mean? Like one of those "Psychic Vampires" that /x/ talks about sometimes?
One more thing, Isn't this something that women do and get praised for? Sleeping around and not having relationships?
I agree that it's all degenerate, and men and women should be in committed, loving, monogamous relationships, but the least they could do is be consistent with their degeneracy.
I see. I'm not part of the oven fuel community so I didn't know that was a thing.
It is consistent in that it's "anything but what's healthy." Cat ladies are glorified as much as cocksleeves.
I'm not either I just lurk the nier thread and got an achievement when I accidentally upskirted him.
When mods come out for that game you're going to see some serious shit.
When devs casualizing a beloved game series for the bigger market, we don't blame activision for Call of Duty or Mircosoft for halo, sure we blame them for opening the floodgates. But the blame of casualizing a game lies solely on the devs and their publisher, nobody else.
You don't have be happy with that fact just don't deny reality.
Look, as long as it's 2D, and you don't wear a fur suit, go to any conventions, you don't think you're an animal, you don't actually want to fuck real 3D animals, and you don't make your entire identity about this one fetish you have, then it's fine.
I like Monster Girls, traps, and also some light furry stuff, like Isabella from Animal Crossing, but I don't go to fucking conventions about it and I keep it to myself unless it's relevant.
Why do Americans let rape go on in their prisons?
Isn't that cruel and unusual punishment?
Just isolate each prisoner so they can't be raped or just fucking kill them all, goddamn fucking damn it.
Is this a fucboi?
There are tons of battle harems where all the girls want the MC's dick because he either has a unique ability or is flat out badass.
I don't think God would really care that much.
As long as he keeps it himself and isn't an obnoxious faggot about it like most furries are.
Akira is representative of all golden-peroid animus too isn't it?
Speaking to a former security guard she said there is no consensual sex in prison. If they find the prisoners fucking they break it up and both prisoners get a rape charge.
Any other season you fags bitch about too many battle harems. Same with isekai.
Let me guess he's beta as fuck or if not a dense motherfucker.
Dunno man, it has some okay moments.
Majority of amime and cartoons are trash though. I couldn't get into chinese cartoons lately because most adventure plots either feature 13-15 year olds beating the shit out of everything from other teens to ancient godike creatures or MC which is OC do not steal tier overpowered.
Watch miss Hiroshimas dragon maid.
It's super interesting.
Get the fuck out of here.
Obviously they want to "own" that word as their special identity.
And then they whine and bitch when they're treated accordingly to the definition of the word.
I'm not the one who needs to leave, onni~fam.
There's nowhere for a man in yuri porn, I prefer POV stuff, so I can self insert.
And I don't give a shit about cute girls, unless I'm fucking them or they're in porn.
Cute animals are cool though, I like that video with the rabbits in the OP.
Yes because the pedophilia issue is big in japan, not somehwere closer … like the UK or USA or the entirety of the arab world.
I will never understand this.
Yeah, when I think about widespread pedophilia the first country that comes to mind is Japan. Yes.
Now, I just came in this thread to interject my speck of sand for a moment.
I've lived in Japan for three years studying linguistics and I'll have you know that with or without anime the Japanese are a decadent people. Your average 10 hour shift salary man is a drunken pervert, for fuck's sake.
It doesn't come from brainwashing, otherwise the government would've brainwashed them into doing something more productive (like reproduce).
Look, I buy into the jewish meme as much as the next goy but there is a line where it has to stop. If what you're jewing is counter productive to you then you shouldn't be jewing it. Jews are evil people, but they're really smart as well.
Who doesn't hate sjw's? Even normalfags hate them these days.
That's a terrible example. Why not post SAO or some generic FOTM, you immigr/a/nt?
A little of the former, a little of the latter. I'll excuse him, he might be looking for another anime with "bahamut" in the title, and picked the wrong one.
Because being a Gary Stu is not badass, the story just bends over for him. Might as well mention something like Campione! or Sister New Devil.
If we judge by pedophilia statistics we are the degenerates, not japan. I cannot judge them by what perverted shit they do in bed, since it's a non-issue to me. They work hard and pervert hard.
Until they kill themselves over stress.
Really, Japan is a fucking meat grinder.
Still better than the West.
The west has degenerate bed room shit too though, and probably worse shit.
Cucks, guys getting fucked by strap ons, men wearing womens clothes, Sadism and Masochism, etc.
I think the Japs are only into shit like tying girls up and doing stuff to them, where if it's your wife there's nothing really wrong with.
Well, I remember when I went to Qatar, that was fun I guess.
Did you know they still haven't abolished slavery? It's quite an intresting and fucked up culture.
You have no idea. All asians are fucking degenerates, save for North Koreans because being mildly degenerate is punished by death there.
So I should skip that then.
That one was a good one, and it was a about a fucking shitty card game nonetheless. Any news about that sequel?
That's the joke.
Next season, stalker.
Better than Europe, yes. Better than America, no.
Kill yourself you self-hating Weeb piece of shit. You're no better than whites who advocate for white genocide.
I wish they'd do an anime adaptation of Umi no Misaki or a few more seasons of Madan no Ou.
That was an excellent load of assmad
Trans? Trans what, transavian?
Who let all the casual retards in here?
That's some advanced shit taste. Gas yourself with the furfag.
fuck me fuckboy
Bend over.
I almost posted in this like it was a Holla Forums thread until I saw the Holla Forums header.
There are still alot of people completely oblivious to the rapinghams all over britain
That's a first. I've only ever seen feminists use this term to insult men
Best thing to come out of this thread, who knew that an anime based on some card game would be this good
congrats on proving my point, retard.
More like Transatlanticism is my favorite album
Very Nice.
and this, children, is what memes were like before the internet.
repent CIA NIGGER, embrace the LIGHT OF GOD
So what if I like wearing a dress while playing videogames its not w-wierd idiot~
please dominate me using your words user
Since when did the work fuckboy have tranny implications?
I swear to god that looked like a /cuteboy/ in a diaper from the catalog. Seriously disappointed.
Leftycucks, are you even trying?
you will never be a female
Sissies like you deserve to be punished, you bettter not be wearing girls underwear you fuckboy
According to Holla Forums, the difference between West and East is:
So it was all about working in a restaurant with your wifes kids. Fucking called it.
I fucking loathe these people
That shit is a gayass nigger term. Blacks are the gayest men ever.
I'm actually honestly starting to think that games are killing feminism, and will kill transgender propaganda.
I'm amazed at how resilient the gaming culture ended up being. It sort of gave way a tiny bit, but not any further than that. Now I can see the feminist shit dying off bit by bit.
I'm tired of teens and morons slapping "gate" onto things at random. You retards don't even know what Watergate was, I bet you don't even know why it was called that.
Make him smug. You're the guy from /adgd/ right?
oh the irony
You're entitled to live the way you want, even if some people disagree. While I've never questioned my own sexual identity, I've heard it's confusing, so you have my sympathies. You're very lucky to live in a period of time when people like yourself aren't oppressed, but I'm afraid that time will soon come to an end, so you should probably regain confidence in yourself as a man. I recommend a proper diet and daily exercise to begin with. Good luck and god speed, user.
Even consoletards playing a cucksoft franchise that was never good shit on censorship, whereas there's some cancerous fuckboys on Holla Forums who are censorship apologists.
I think I might leave this place and start shitposting on xbox live forums, imageboards are truly dead.
This guy you mean?
No, I mean actually rig his model to be smug.
Identity politics are a cancer for video games.
Thankfully, the free market is fixing it.
How would the average Holla Forumsirgin react to an omnisuperior alien race handling them in such a way?
Here's my understanding of the term "fucboi" (or "fuccboi" or "fuckboi" etc etc) – It's a term for prison bitches that get passed around as rape currency in jails. Tumblr picked up and used it to describe faggoty guys who spend as much time taking selfies and fishing for compliments on social media as the average teenaged girl. Then, like most insults, the original meaning was lost and it just became a generic insult like "fag" or "douchebag"…
So my question is: Why the fuck was this in a Gears of War game in the first place?
In the first gears of war the main character is already in jail at the start of the game and thats the only thing I can think of
Gears of War 4 was already released? Did Holla Forums correctly guess that it would be shit?
I also find it extremely ironic because whenever someone wants a game to shit on for being "a male power fantasy" or "not art or thought provoking" it's gears of war, yet now they're trying to pander to the PC police.
I thought that was one of the insults SJW and niggers liked to throw around.
It's the same thing, same model of consumption based identity. "I like, therefore I am."