Let's have a thread about cartoon/western animation games, no anime please.
Because everyone already knows about them plus pretty much every anime gets a video game at some point, meanwhile cartoon based video games are mostly ignored.
3D platformer with some collectathon elements about Bugs Bunny going through time, most of the levels are based on the cartoons and other Looney Tunes character appear as bosses.
Sort of sequel of the previous game with a similar going through time plot, however this time Taz is tagging along. Both have different moves that compliment each other while solving puzzles. Can be played co-op but sadly there is no split screen, the camera will just follow one player, also you can kill the other player with almost no penalty.
Stealth/Puzzle game where you play as Ralph E. Wolf or Wile E. Coyote, they're basically the same and the fucking Road Runner appears in the tutorial level so I don't know trying to steal Sam's sheep by using ACME gadgets. It starts kind of easy but later levels make you do some weird shit like freezing yourself or time travel. Sam gets faster in each passing level plus there is also one sheep less than the previous one.
A Spy vs Spy kind of game where your main objective is knocking the other player out, to do so you have to use weapons that you find in the house or traps you can activate by walking in your toes. There are also other levels where the objective changes, for example in one of them there is the Duck baby wich as Jerry you will have to take him to the pond and as Tom to the oven. There are also some special items that you can find in some levels like the invisible ink or the super strenght potion.
Cartoons Games
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Rescue Rangers was better than Ducktales.
I played a demo of that game. It was actually pretty fun.
You should play the full game, it's pretty good.
Better? I'd have to think about it.
Great game? DEFINITELY
Who is Fritz? Is this some european cartoon?
This had a cool WW2-styled beach level, don't remember much else about it though
I remember it being shit.
I had a lot of cartoon games, but I don't really remember them very well. The only one that really stands out in my mind is a Tom & Jerry Power Stone rip-off on the PS2
Taz in general got a love of vidya attention, like genesis games or Taz Wanted.
Who the fuck thought that permanently penaltizing player out of unlockables for failing with to way to recover but to start anew is a good idea? Unless i missed something and you can regain money after captures.
Time Busters is legit a great game if you have someone to play the other character with.
The first bout of depression I had was when I was 11 or so and played the Taz game for gamegear. I was in my bedroom at my grandma's just playing in the daytime and I missed a jump to fall down on a lower ledge and just stared at the screen realizing just then I don't need to give up on the game I need to give up on life. I've wanted to die ever since.
Speaking of Taz, has anyone played this?
Not really based on a cartoon but Floigan Bros for the Dreamcast has a really western cartoon based humor and atmosphere.
These were the best holy shit
I'm so mad that the Spy vs Spy PS2 game has such a little following, it really felt like the natural sequel to the original Spy vs Spy game. My only grip is that screen-peeking nullified the whole experience (unlike in the original where literally every room looked almost exactly the same so you really had to pay attention, the rooms in this one all have something unique that lets you immediately figure out who's hidden what and where). Slingshot OP tho
I loved this game in the day, user, I'd love to piss off Moigle and fuck off.
How many hidden gems did the DC had? This looks awesome.
Tons, my dude.
Have you seen the game attached to the Konosuba season 2 DVD/BD? Holy shit it looks so good.
Anime is shit
I never understood the appeal of these games, but it takes a real autist to describe what they are.
Cel Damage, not based on any property though parodies a few. Car combat with the weapons being cartoon tropes (Giant axe, boxing glove, ect.). Good music too.
Donald Duck quack attack basically crash bandicoot clone but really fun and has a nice platform if rhythm to gameplay. Made by Ubisoft when they were good. It's on psone too.
I need this. Is it out yet?
I heard the pee cee version is different. By how much, though?
There is this point and click adventure based on a british cartoon. Its pretty self contained so you don't need to watch the cartoon or even be familiar with it. Even the design of dragons is different in this game than the cartoons.
Its a simple point and click game that looks pretty good. One unique thing about this was its console exclusivity.
Despite being based on a UK property where PC gaming was extremely prevalent and being a genre that was considered a "PC thing" it was released only for the PS1 and the Saturn with not even a Windows 95 port.
It's a port of the N64 version, the stages share the same themes but are different on the PSX and PS2/GC, they also are divided into two parts in the PC version and the music is based on the N64 soundtrack, also no CGI cutscenes. Meanwhile The PSX version looks slightly worse than the N64 original but has some very nice CGI cutscenes (also available on Dreamcast and next gen) and an entirely new soundtrack, it's also the hardest version. You can't go wrong with any of them but they are all extremely easy if you have played any other platformer before.
holy fuck did shit got real when the robotic cat showed up, that motherfucker was the bane of my fucking existance. I can vagely remember what he did, but I can absolutely remember the trauma about doing okay against tom but feeling raped when he eventually came along. I think beating him was one of the better feelings I've had in my childhood.
Also played the shit out of Bugs Bunny lost in time, I'm not a native english speaker and most of the games at the time came in english only, this was the first game I've played translated to my native language so needless to say, I've loved it. And Bugs and Taz is the first game I've co-oped from begining to end with my little brother, who was like 4 at the time(and I was like 10) so it certainly was a challenge.
I totally forgot about the existence of these games until now, thanks a lot for reviving these memories OP.
I've found a picture
Yeah that cat was a bitch, I always liked how you have to beat him the same way they did in the show.
It exploded, didn't it? Man it felt so good.
Sheep Raider was so good.
I can't remember what the goal in this game actually is or if there is one, but I remember it being fun as a kid.
From what I recall you explore Goofy's house and interact with different things and find items, and can watch goofy's cartoons on the TV.
Excellent taste user, i used to rent this game all the time back then. It sucks that they nerfed the fast-paced gameplay on the other ports though
I always felt that the timed collectables were a tad too difficult to get without some trial and error. Game was fine as hell though.
The robot Tom was fucking insane but you could still manage to beat it since his patterns get rather predictable. It's mostly that you're used to either character being slow as fuck compared to him and you end up panicking over how fast the guy can attack and how meleeing him is basically trading hits. The mission inside the cellar still gives me PTSDs though. The invisible ink item was a pain in the ass to deal with too.
Also yeah all these WB and Disney licensed games of old had stellar voice acting regardless of dubs.
Oh shit I remember playing this at a friend's house, I almost completed it in one sitting. They also had the Emperor's New Groove's game. The music in that one was fucking awesome.
Anyone else remeber this shit?
I liked the Duck Dodgers game for N64.
What happened to these Mario64 inspired fighting games?
It is pretty fucking awesome. I grew up playing it with my sister. We could never complete it because of a scratch on the disc that caused the last level to not progress. We started new games over and over, though. Just because we didn't care about completing it and enjoyed the mini games and exploring.
Belly Dancing and snowball fight on sleds were the best.
Imagine a mediocre version of Banjo-Tooie in which you control Bugs and Daffy and attempt to collect monkeys a la Mario 64. The final boss is a fucking joke though.
This was a kickass game. Shame the sequel got cancelled.
I was impressed by this.
Seconded, Taz: Wanted is an amazing game. Puzzle platformer, figure out how to destroy 7 objects with your face on them hidden throughout the levels, power ups, spin move can be used to fly across walls and bounce off shit to sequence break, artstyle is really niceā¦ genuine classic game.
Now that i'm looking at the gameplay again Barnyard looks worth giving another shot. I rented it years ago.
It's plays like Kid friendly GTA or maybe Bully would be a better comparison. you do missions and minigames. you get money to buy better bikes and to fill up your disco barn with fun shit.
I mean who is Fritz in that game.
I still can't remember why i loved it so much.
That reminds me of this
One of the first two games i had in my childhood, along side with Sonic 3. The interactivity of ACME gadgets felt insane back in the days.
I want there to be a documentary about the english voice actors of KH. Imagine some Japanese developer trying to explain it to someone like James Woods
I bought Lost in Time for the PC when I was very young. My very first video game purchase.
My PC couldn't read the CD for some unkown reason, but other people's PCs were fine. I was so fucking disappointed
No fucking way.
The cat, I think.
Bad luck, at least you can emulate the PS1 version now, the PC version probably wont work on modern OS.
Owned the South Park FPS on N64, multiplayer seemed unbalanced with that Terrance & Phillip fart cloud proximity mine weapon but was good for a laugh with its quirky weapons with secondary fire features.
Was never able to beat the final boss (even with cheats), he kept regenerating health to fast.
Also rented South Park Rally, it was fun but had some difficult missions.
I miss looney toons games.
All of them were literally 9/10.
All of the Infogrames LT titles were varying degrees of awesome, Sunsoft pulled out some good ones but some shit too. Konami was kicking ass with those Tiny Toons games. Taz Wanted was the last great game.
I had that game and never found it particularly good, not when I was a kid and definitely not when I replayed it.
Aren't they more like, Power Stone ripoffs? And besides, I think they died once couch multiplayer died. None of these games were designed with balance, they're party games at best.
What kind of druggie yuppie in Disney's kike marketing division came up with this idea anyways, game was cool sure but it's such a weird concept.
You can actually burn the fartdoll explosions permanently into the cartridge saves. I had a cartridge I borrowed from a friend one day and abused them so much in single player. Whenever we go back to the town map with the big headed clones there are still green clouds emitting sound and damage. Even wiping all of the saves didn't fix that map. I'll have to ask to borrow that game so I can record a video.
Please deliver, user.
Speaking of South Park games, has there been any news in the new game?
I remember really liking Taz-Mania as a kid, the animation seemed really good to me.
It's been a long fucking time man, but I think the way you beat the final boss was attacking the charger he used to keep him from regenerating or his battery pack. Again, it's been a long fucking time, and while I doubt you still have the game, that's how I remembered doing it.
Had a cheat code book that told you how to deal with him back in the day, was how I knew what to do there
Anyone else played this?
There's a Trolls of Troy game.
I played that at a Chuck E Cheese arcade when I was 6 or 7
I sucked at it. Wonder how I'd fare today
Buck O'Hare for NES was fun, challenging, and pretty ambitious
*Bucky O'Hare
The arcade Bucky's pretty cool too.
I did, loved it, too bad it was way too fucking short. I guess I can't fault it since it was an NES port of an arcade game.
I heard Donkey Kong was inspired heavily by this game. Or probably the other way around.
thats an eyefull. what does it look like animated?
member this?
Wish it had, much, much more, those FMVs were the shit. Anyone got the one that had disney music in it, and that minecart thing?
The Dorfs on Disney villans was cool too.
I am disappointed Holla Forums.
Donkey Kong was supposed to be official Popeye game but both the cartoon owner and nintendo broke away at like 5 minutes to midnight, creating two separate games.
if anyone from hollywood could understand a jap that would be James Woods
there's also a Thorgal one
Delicious purple vamp tits.
Wish more games used Brain Dead 13's kind of cartoony art style, but western devs either want to go the ultra realistic or bad pixel art routes these days.
There's also a quasi recent garfield kart racing game that is at least competent.
Bumping with content
Ren and Stimpy had a few games, unfortunately this was the one I owned as a child and it was S H I T
Miyamoto initially wanted to make a game starring Popeye, Bluto and Olive Oyl, but couldn't get the rights so he made his Donut Steel versions, leading to Mario, Donkey Kong and Pauline. He eventually got the chance to make an actual Popeye arcade game.
Even better, you had access to bonus modes where you got to control and play as some of the enemies and bosses, even going as far as to letting you possess certain enemies.
That worked pretty good for Miyamoto. Something that I find weird about Popeye is that he is probably the most american cartoon but has several japanese only games.
This game was great.
And something fresh.
The same company that owns Popeye and wouldn't give Nintendo the game rights, King Features Syndicate, also owns Flash Gordon, and refused to give a young filmmaker the license to make a Flash Gordon movie in the mid 1970s. That filmmaker was George Lucas, who then swapped some names around and made Star Wars.
That company has made some serious fuckups by being so conservative with their licenses. When was the last time you heard of Popeye or Flash Gordon? Probably that semi-successful Popeye game that tried to rip off Donkey Kong, or that semi-successful Flash Gordon movie that tried to rip off Star Wars. Actually, you probably just heard the soundtrack.
Bumping with radicool content
I have this one on GBC, it was pretty good.
I know everyone makes a "I want Platnium to make this game" threads but this cartoon really could use one. At least far more than Korra since the new season of SJ is actually good.
Posting the obligatory Spongebob Game
I think they made a brawling game out of Tom and Jerry, i forgot the name but it had the limit break mechanic all messed up, the limit break was supposed to activate when each character got it's shit pushed too hard that they scream like a motherfucking elephant seal (a la in the classic shorts), but in the game the limit break mechanic is the same as other fighting gaems (you fill it up by hitting the other guy).
Only the first episode is out, calm your dick nigger
I've always liked how similar to the movie this game looked.
Anyone else played this?
This trilogy is also pretty good
Anyone play Galactic Taz Ball made by WayForward on the NDS? Probably it's most unique gameplay feature is that Taz's movement is controlled by a trackball on the touch screen, by if you spin it really fast Taz will do his spinning tornado action.
Now that's a weird glitch, can't remember that happening with my copy.
Thanks. Still have the N64 and games, haven't plugged them in for years though.
I thought this was the only good Sponge Bob game
i don't remember much about the movie game but i recall both of these games to be very fun. they are very similar other than the shitty driving segments in the movie game, and no it isn't very comparable to the sliding sections in bfbb
Beat me to it, user.
I had the snes game. Game was quite hard and maze like. You had a jet pack and could use the default gun to propel you faster. Never beat the third world.
I remember that game, I could never finish the first level.
The nostalgia hits hard
Beat me to it
This game was legit fucking good
That is because the game came out before the cartoon
Holy shit I fucking loved this game. The Tarzan game was also pretty good from what I remember.
I remember it being hard.
Far out ?
Tarzan was hard, but fun. Birds, quickly respawns of some enemies and the last few levels make it tough. It ps1, n64, and pc versions are the same.
I played through goof troop for snes with a friend the other month. Actually a really fun 2 hours.
my nigger
Does Asterix & Obelix count? Otherwise the only one I really had was Tom & Jerry on GBC. Kinda crummy in hindsight.
Oh god it's like Wallace with a beak.
No but we had an old Popeye Game & Watch system, where you're in a boat catching spinach cans that Olive throws at you, while Bluto tries to beat you if you're trying to catch to the left or right.
Well is wester animation so I guess it counts.
Speaking of Asterix, I've only played this one.
I have a very fond memory of The Jungle Book for some reason.
Also surprised Aladdin hasn't been mentioned yet.
For some reason I used to love that game, I'm not even a fan of strategy-style games.
Oh shit that looks like I'd love it, French only?
I used to like the Wallace and Gromit shorts a lot when I was younger, and this game is pretty fun. I was never able to beat it though.
Fucking server didn't post the picture
It's also in english.
what the heck is an anime game
A game based on an anime, retard.
thats a stupid way of describing it.
in a racing game you race, in a platforming game you platform, in a strategy game you strategize, but in an "anime game' you dont anime
SNES Aladdin was also pretty good.
the movie game had some very challenging levels later onābeyond the anticipated skill level of the target audience
Not sure if this thread was for pitching retarded ideas, but I'm gonna pitch some retarded ideas.
I'd like to see a game/show created in the style of old 60s-80s cartoons like Johnny Quest - GI Joe except everybody uses real guns and people die semi-frequently.
It would also have a joking cynical (right-wing perspective) tone in the present with a serious overarching plot and a sad bloody backstory that comes into focus near the end of each season/quarters of the game plot (where you'd change the disk in a JRPG).
Some would say that's similar to the Venture Bros but the Venture Bros is too much of a joke.
still waiting for mitsudomoe vidya
who cares and even if they make one, it's going to be a shitty VN like every game of those kind of anime.
there are plenty of good mickey games
Great memories from all of these
too bad they're nowhere near as good as some western cartoon ones are
imagine if they made a proper game of Index, with accelerator specifically, you could tackle it in almost any way due to his abilities
tons of series with incredible potential get ignored just so they can make fucking VNs, there's still no
it's a shame any kind of licensed game are always good at best and shovelware at worst
What does Holla Forums think of this upcoming cartoon? It's already confirmed to get vidya based off of it on release. It actually looks promising to me.
Looks like flat-colored noodlearmshit
I am not really seeing the noodle arms. They look more like dragon ball style simple arms to me.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Cartoons aren't an art style and anime are cartoons. I can't tell if I am being baited.
What you just posted was also a cartoon user.
I get that it's easy.
But does it ever get old?
Top tier moms are the most important part of any cartoon user.
You got me user, I am livid. Pic related is literally me.
We watched this in my History of Animation course in college and it was hilarious watching peoples reaction to it, the other scenes are as vulgar and raunchy as a cartoon can get. The professor was a real bro too. At the end of the quarter everyone had to do a research paper and a presentation on a certain piece of animation, someone did Steven Universe and the whole time I look over at this guy while the presentation is happening and he has the most confused what the fuck look on his face like he couldn't believe that this could exist and possibly be a kids cartoon. The only thing he had to say at the end of presentation was the question "So Steven is a homosexual?" Everyone was appalled and gasping while I'm trying to hold my laughter. Everyone else presentations were pretty shitty, over 75 percent of them were Disney films and Studio studio Ghibli films like, what the fuck are you going to say that hasn't already been said about a Disney film? What insight can you bring to something that discussed?
Is that goku's voice from dragon ball?
I got the PC version of this. Never beat it, though. Got stuck on the rainy anthill level, level 13 or 14 or something.
That game is fucking horrifying. Scared the shit out of me as a kid.
Why did it scare you so much? I find it pretty funny and would like to hear more. If anything you should shit on the game because it sucked.
the bird level where you have to fly on the plant thing is all i remember.
It was a live action movie, but I guess it kind of counts. I dont actually know if this game was good or not, but i remember enjoying it.
Yes. They wanted him specifically.
bugs bunny lost in time was my first 32 bit game, it was the first game i played in the playstation. back then i didn't even know videogames had "save" mechanics, and i got really sad when i started the game a day later only to find myself back at the beginning of Pirate Sam's first level, but then i realized i still had all of my collectibles
couple of years down the line i also played bugs & taz time busters, but this one was less about time traveling and more about geographical traveling, so the "time busters" in the title was a little disappointing and misrepresenting, the first level is egypt and the last level is transylvania (how is this time traveling?), while on the first game, the first level was the stone age and the last level was space.
first game had all the classic villains, elmer fudd on the stone age, Hazel on the medieval ages, Yosemite Sam on the colonial pirate ages, Rocky & Mugsy on the contemporaneous 50's age, and Marvin in the space age. it was everything donkey kong & banjo kazooie did BUT with characters that children already knew and loved. truly an ignored masterpiece of platforming collectathon that was ignored because as far as warner was concerned, it was just a cash-in, while collectathons in the 64 got massive publicity because they weren't just side projects to make extra money but they were their main product.
truth be told i have no idea who coded, designed, or directed the bugs in time games. but they're both amazing competitors to crash, spyro, DK and BK
I know this is the wrong thread to ask, but seeing all of these great PS1 games is just pissing me off: I haven't been able to find a single decent massive PS1 torrent collection like I have for the PS2, which I downloaded over 150 titles from.
These games all look awesome.
If Toy Story 2 counts, I'd say that was a good GBC game. Also Talespin for GB.
why not just download them one at a time then?
emuparadise still exists.
Time buster's first level's aztec.
oh yeah, i confused them because lol pyramids
egypt is the third level, well, more like Arabia, not egypt, and you fight the fat fuck with the sword who's supposedly ali baba.
still, if anything, time busters spans a much shorter time period than lost in time did. it was more about different cultures than different time periods. the best part about "time" busters is just going BZZZZZZZZTTT with taz, nothing compares the sheer destructive power of the warner brothers tasmanian devil. deleted the previous post because it was a shit quality watermarked video, this one's better
Holy shit I loved playing tom & jerry with my dad.
but that's anime, not cartoons
Toy Story 2 for PS1 was also pretty good.
We need games made from anime based on western animation/comic strips from teh sunday funnies
That's some nostalgia OP.
I used to play that Tom & Jerry game with my sister a lot, before she found a boyfriend and completely alienated her own family.
I wish she wasn't such a heartless bitch.
oh fucking shit Killhouse 2 is out?
Porkey's haunted Holiday. I never got passed the second level. It's creepy and hard. What is neat is the first level can change from Halloween to snow randomly when you start a game.
I had it for the psx. I never got past the dandelion valley.
I recently beat pic related. It's pretty easy but for some reason I never beat it when I was a kid.
I think I'll try beating the genesis Asterix game next. The one where they kidnap Obelix and you have to travel all over, fetching items and such.
That game sounds like a screen destroyer.
Does this one counts?
This game was one of the best in my GBC library, solid gameplay and fun levels to play through, you get to play as many of the Looney Tunes characters too. It even has a multiplayer mode that besides the PvP minigames would unlock even more areas of the game, but since I was the only kid with this game I never got to try it.
Toy Story for SNES/Genesis/PC was alright. Don't remember which version was best except for a boss being easier on Genesis.
I played the GBC version last Christmas and was pleasantly surprised. How's that one?
Oh boy this brings back memories.
Has anyone else ever played this one? The music in it somehow feels absurdly depressing.
Holy fuck, I remember having this strange Playstation game disk with just a bunch of demos to play, that game was included along with others, I remember there being some tank shooting game and of course Street Fighter.
Holy shit, it's all coming back now.
I must have played a shit ton of cartoony type games in the past. I never could beat that fucking cat robot thing. It shat me up every fucking time.
user plz
No Hollywood actor compares to Tommy Lee Jones when it comes to Jap fuckery.
this game was hot stuff too.
all those hidden collectibles, and those boss fights, what an amazing game for being based off a disney fucking movie.
It was fun though
why are there so many of these.
>no one has posted the GOAT (in my mind)