ok I did not expect this at all, I think there might be a chance VR doesnt turn into the next 3DTV.
if you guys ever get the chance, give the controllers a shot,
dont buy this shit yet tho there are cables going everywhere and setting it up is a nightmare.
Will VR get good or will it die before it does?
Robo Recall is ass.
Have to mod the game just to get decent locomotion.
The way I see it it's already dead, which is a shame. I wanted to buy one of them once they got cheaper.
They are probably shit for shooters but decent for racing games or porn.
They do the combat sim pretty good with Onward. Zombie survival and horror can also be done pretty well in VR. But the more fast pace shooters are just better on a screen. Space/flight sims, racing sims, and porn do work the best with VR.
it wont be good until you physically plug in like the matrix
These "VR" headsets are pretty shit for anything except racing games, flight sims, rail shooters, and porn. With the extreme limitations of the current headsets, walking is pretty much out of the question at the moment, so the only genres that would play to the little strength these sets have would be ones where the player can sit still and enjoy a ride. As mentions, the technology would have to move out of headsets strapped to your face and into neural interface systems before we can have actual VR and actual games in VR.
thx doggo
There's never been a good rail shooter.
Or perhaps a better wireless/AR experience?
thx doggo
That doesn't change the fact that rail shooters are a genre that doesn't require the player to be moving around much, making it well suited to the limitations of current sets.
Wireless would be same bullshit, different asshole. AR is an entirely different animal from VR, so that doesn't really apply to this thread.
thx doggo
thx doggo
idk I had a great time with it.
but I'm glad I got to try it without having to pay for it because its not worth $600
thx doggo
What's wrong with normal locomotion in VR. Some of the best VR games have it.
pokemon snap would save VR. Failing that, porn studios will develop it as usual and racing games, patreon scams experimental games and something else that doesn't require a great deal of human/machine interaction will make it mainstream. Possibly used by arcades to replace some shit with roller coaster simulators on a moveable platform.
I wish there was a VR MMO
Yeah, the issue is also the lack of actually good games in VR. People tout Arizona Sunshine as being good but the deeper you go its shittiness get apparent. Many VR games are basically glorified tech demos that are pretty boring after the first 20mins. Not only that, there is a bunch of shovelware shit for it too. It's sad since I fucking love VR.
The only reason to get VR is for games which works for immersion like simulation game (DCS, RACING, ARMA) or Horror FPS (RE7, ALIEN ISOLATION). The games I want to play on VR aren't made for VR in the firstplace and usually never have native VR support.
you're playing it
Someone is making one, called OrbusVR. Don't know if it's good.
Thx doggo
the balance is fucking trash, nigger nerf when?
Make a shill thread when they create vr gloves
Why do you need gloves when leapmotion is already a thing
This was your first mistake: "VR games" are fucking stupid. "VR" is just a head mounted display with motion tracking that can be used with mouselook, and that's what you should be using them for in the first place. "VR games" are shitty and shallow tech demos.
The Sinanju Stein is shit
Leap motion is shit, I want my gloves
thx doggo
Preach it.
VR will get good once people realize that the "monitor strapped to your face" is the important part. but that will never happen and wagglan will kill vr
I don't think VR is ever going to die. But it will perhaps remain a niche market, and there's nothing wrong with that. But for the most part VR is here to stay
Remember how motion controls were supposed to be the wave of the future and how every game would be motion controlled according to "experts"? Remember how all we got was shovelware with a couple games that actually used it okay-ish? Remember how everyone abandoned motion controls in under a year?
Now take ALL of that.. and now add in an expensive headset that needs a high-end PC and an entire cleared out room just so you can awkwardly toddle around, but not too much because it gives everyone motion sickness.. and then imagine that all you can play are shitty shovelware games.
VR will not catch on.
Somewhat related to your image, the only reason I'd get VR is for a specific software relating to robots that's currently being devolved for it.
Take that back faggot
thnx doggo
That's not how you're supposed to close your fist.
I hope he never goes within 100 feet of a real gun, and if he does everyone else gets the fuck out of the way.
thx doggo
idk, I'm being paid to make games, does not sound like a mistake to me.
and VR is not the only thing we do
Op, you're here!
Tell me more
It will be exactly the same as any other gimmick OP. Take rumble for example: did it get good? Yeah, there are some games that use it really well. Do most games use it that way? No. It's the same story with Stereoscopic-3D, motion controls, and really any other gimmick to come along: It will get used well in a few games, but it's still going to be just a cheap tacked on gimmick for most productions.
thx doggo
thx doggo
It's a VR game were you dick a robutt.
There's a very early prototype if you want to try it.
thx doggo
give me the name
I don't know what its name is, but I do have a link to it.
thx doggo
thx doggo
Considering that Bethesda is trying to kill Oculus VR and have already filed an injunction to halt Oculus from shipping more units, it means that the Vive won't have any competition. So VR will become a stagnant medium again, they'll stop improving it and then VR will be dead again because people will lose interest over time.
Fuck this gay earth.
that sounds like shit too fam
the only good VR games are the ones where the VR part is optional, but with enough of a difference to be viable and fun
The porn is good. It will thrive in the autistic niche groups who have headsets.
Forgot to spoiler.
It's "Holla Forumsirgin" you fagmaster, what you're thinking of is "Holla Forumstard"
thx doggo
Movement with a joypad or wasd+mouse is perfectly fine in VR. You don't need to be on rails, and you don't need to be physically walking around your room with a helmet on like an idiot.
For proof, play Alien Isolation on an older Rift runtime (it's incompatible with newer runtimes due to shameful lack of dev support). You'd think it would be really disorienting, but it actually feels perfectly natural. Your brain is perfectly ready to accept that your "legs" are the WASD keys.
The reason there's a huge push for on-rails and point-and-teleport only garbage, is because the primary developer pool is made up of limp wristed faggot numales who get motion sick and nearly die from anxiety attacks when they stand up too fast.
If anything is killing the potential of VR gaming, it's the genetic weakness in the ranks of VR developers.
See, the funny thing is that it's not the kind of genetic weakness you claim to be responsible, but another genetic weakness: The inability to stand against bullshit you know by experience to be bullshit.
Look through all the dev talks available on jewtube, they all mention again and again and again how repeated use of VR makes almost everyone completely immune to motion sickness - so for some reason you have to test for comfort options with random faggots grabbed off the street, because it's a complete non-issue for everyone else.
What's it like to work for Zuckerbergs new world order?
Do viral marketers get one of those creepy hoodies with the cult logo on? Or do you have to move up in the company to a real job before they give it to you?
thx doggo
its cool I get o wear a yarmulke and tell people not to buy our shit on Holla Forums :)
thx doggo
thx doggo
thx doggo
It will be huge for VR porn, but pretty irrelevant otherwise.
thx doggo
Also calling that within a few years, there will be pseudo-faggots ERPing with each other in VR with voice changers and teledildonics. "I'm a girl in VR" will be the gender confused kid of the day.
I can't wait
You enlightened me user.
VR is shit because no one made Steel Battalion for it.
>me and my gf have the same fetishes but they're not exactly possible
My dick is ready
thx doggo
I wonder what will come first, this or android waifus.
As mentioned before, developers need to treat VR as a monitor with mouselook strapped to your head. There's still hope for the second generation not being 600+ dollars, but unless developers stop making wii sports clones and actually make ports of actual games (Half life 2 is a good example) vr will never become mainstream.
Is that Mark?
The porn is not going to be good enough until you can convince me through physical feedback that I'm groping/sucking tits/DFCs and putting mah filthy penor in an appropriately snug foofoo that can fuck me on it's own.
Sounds about right.
thx doggo
I think that guy is actually retarded. If you compare his gameplay to others, he is very slow and retarded in general. Needs ages to figure shit out, constantly fucks shit up, throws weapons away and constantly drops his shit.
maybe when JanusVR doesn't stay niche and somebody builds off of what OSVR has instead of reinventing the wheel
Can i play this without a headset yet?
Pretty much this. It's like 3D in movies. It was all cheap gimmicky shit until they started making every single movie with the expectation of a 3D conversion/release (arguably to the detriment of the industry as a whole).
thx doggo
tbh I am pretty impressed. The music sounds like Mike Morasky wrote it.
If you're desperate, go mod the The Dark Mod to have proper roomscale VR support. VR fans would go nut to have an actual game for once. Just pinning your company's name to the The Dark Mod's VR mode work would probably bring you customers.
thx doggo
Incidentally, The Dark Mod with VR hacks:
The VR Hack: forums.thedarkmod.com
The Dark Mod itself: thedarkmod.com
Remember that it's an open source game.
thx doggo
Riddle me this, Can I walk normally in GTA 5 and Skyrim in VR? I mean with the left stick? I just want to fuck around in VR
thx doggo
thx doggo
Did anyone download this? Browser is flagging it as infected.
I wonder why are they trying to turn VR into some gimmicky shit. I just wanted to play vidya with mouse and keyboard with VR goggles and headtracking. Like those older headtracking things, but without the need to have multiple monitors.
thx doggo
They're good for either on rails shooters or "turret" shooters. As soon as you add on free movement, it turns to shit.
The only "games" that could be decent with free movement are Walking Simulators that are focusing on a story and environment rather that gameplay (see Accounting for an example of this working).
It's a shame, because I really enjoy VR, but it's still quite limited due to a lack of applications that make sense.
These are the type of people who make an animation engine from fucking scratch for the sole purpose of making furry porn.
These are the type of people who make dynamic animations for the sake of realistic anus physics.
These are the type of people who PUBLISH these games on patreon.
These are the types of people who hide behind furry avatars, not only because they have delusional fantasies, but also because if they were found out they'd be ostracized from the society they live in, yet they persist anyway.
These are the types of people who fantasize about being godzilla except while also shoving a bus into their dickhole.
Who says that it was made ironically? This shit's disguised as ironic to mask the fact that it's advertisement in certain circles and the tech is going to be passed around. Doing that shit independently is a fucking undertaking, he's not being ironic.
thx doggo
thx doggo
I'd be down for some sort of pedal system for movement. Maybe have one of those 8-direction nubs for movement with another (or maybe more than one) for modifiers and/or a button or two on the controllers. I could see this working well for games that don't use a ton of keys.
thx doggo
thx doggo
thx doggo
I recognize that
thx doggo
thx doggo
thx doggo
thx doggo
thx doggo
thx doggo
thx doggo
Was it ever good to begin with?
Yeah these worthless toys are too expensive… and I know I'd use them to engage in unhealthy escapist behaviour waifu simulators ect.
What, isn't it fuckin OBVIOUS?
How could anyone not realize this? Anyone with a brain should realize, even if you've never tried VR before – decent controls are necessary to make any game fun to play, and VR requires its own unique control system. You need something that will let you really use your hands to interact with a VR environment, rather than move a stupid crosshair around with a mouse or regular gamepad.
thx doggo
Also why all VR games are either stationary or teleportation-based?
Why not just assign traditional movement on one stick? Explain as if your dude can levitate or uses rollers or some simple shit like that.
Why isn't it obvious? Will it fuck the the brain too much? I don't understand.
thx doggo
thx doggo
i wonder
They're not. Try the Serious Sam HD VR
I aint spending 600 bux on something with no games man.
All I want out of VR is comfy exploration/puzzle games like Myst, Antichamber, or LSD. Too bad even the games have to be infested with dick-in-ass retarded gimmicks and meme-ware.
Could you please not spoiler links completely? I accidentally gave that site a hit when I tried to reveal the spoiler on my phone.
Breaking the link would be even better.
this is truly reddit
thx doggo
>no polite sage