Was he a virgin?

Was he a virgin?

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t. guy who gets lots of pussy

how many hours were you waiting to say that??? two? three? lmao


Does anonymity make you this stupid?

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Here's your (you).

I didn't like this film, too intense. I suppose it is a film for those more vapid who look to feel something.

someone post his kids

t. ox

KEK must be true, explains the shit tier virgin taste

Why do soyboys and feminists forget that are cities are laced with prostitutes who will sell men all the sex they ever need

t. didn't see the movie
Travis hated hookers, he flat out called them animals and garbage among all the rest of the trash that comes out at night, and then becomes obsessed with saving an underage prostitute from that lifestyle.

prostitutes hate alt right men and refuse to work for them, they're feminists.

women have no will of their own

Captain save-a-ho? No way!

Paying for pussy doesn't count. And your virginity grows back if you go a month without vaginal sex.

One of my favorite movies, just wish he fucked that 12yo lolita prostitute instead of or after saving her

Well no shit, every man would react the same seeing a young innocent girl falling prey to corrupt politicians and bad men.

unironically kill yourself

kill yourself pedoshit

shoot yourself in the head like that faggot from /r9k/

Hi reddit. Welcome to 8ch.

mods, please permaban this poster.
They are cancer in every thread they post in.

not based



Good movie but I fucking hate it. Hits way too close to home for me.

el oh el

degenerate wastes of life like you will be the very first to hang on the DOTR

You post on an anime forum. There is no DOTR.

You seem to be the only one hell bent on making sure this is an edgy place. Are you sure you're over eighteen?


not based

not based

Alkaline thread tbh