What are some africa kino's like the god's must be crazy?

what are some africa kino's like the god's must be crazy?
british india is also acceptable
i only know this, mogambe, and the african queen
british india is fine too, anything with this sort of comfy colonial feel

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The Ghost and the Darkness

Born Free is the big one.
Clarence the Cross-Eyed Lion, which then got adapted into the old Daktari TV show.
The Stephen Sommers version of The Jungle Book.
Mountains of the Moon. Though that's more about exploration.

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Wait a second, that's not a negroid. That is a capoid, the other dark race in africa.

all shit

that's a shit opinion my dude

There are a few Afrikinos I have seen but most are depressing as shit (such is life in the third world).

You might like Xala or Guimba The Tyrant if you liked the comedy feel. Xala is about a guy who sells out and now his dick doesn't work for shit. I might stream it sometime for Holla Forums.

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there's the shaka zulu miniseries

"Because his greed makes him blind"

Absolute kino. My grandpa and I watched this together when I was little.

Best John Wayne movie ever was Hatari.

I unironically like Sahara, also The Mummy.
cant really think right of anything else right, kind of in a brainlet mode.

my grandma is fucking obsessed with that movie

true african kino is Empire of dust.
nothing is more greater than niggers getting told they're lazy and useless by a chink

i only watched a few scenes of it. the african knows the asian dude was right. those people squandered everything.

seen the whole movie. theres actually a part of the film where the chinese dude is arguing with a farm for 4 minutes because they give him a sick chicken

oh damn!
that shit is still on youtube right?

It still is. i've got the link here my man.

just show's how despite hierarchy and organization that nigs still fuck up.


Africa Addio (1966)

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Tears Of The Sun

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