this movie right here is more kino than any western movie since its release since apocalypse now, which was released in 1979, a whole 18 years earlier. if you do not like this movie, i have but one thing to say:
get. off. Holla Forums!!!
pure and simple. all true autis/tv/irgins love this movie. its deep. it has meaning. it is probably the most influential work to come out of japan ever. also, normalfags dont like it, so you know if someone is bad talking it, they are either a goon, a normalfag, or both. also, general anikino thread
This movie right here is more kino than any western movie since its release since apocalypse now...
I agree with all of this. This is the closest animation ever got to Kubrick.
ITT: Post characters who are literally you. Pic related.
tbqh if i had the chance to let a cute boy fug me in the ass id go through with it because i imagine it would be really pleasurable. not gay tho
it's total ass and people who even pretend it's good to shitpost should be ashamed. you may have gotten a reply out of me, but your soul is permanently stained by your crime.
that descript is literally just you
Reminder that the creator made it 2deep4u bullshit with no explanations on purpose to trick retarded weebs into thinking they were smart, he's one of the biggest trolls in existence and you're an idiot for falling for it
It's not 2deep4u at all and it's quite unpretentious tbh.
a lot of anime did this. thats why i stopped even tryin. i am happy at normie anime tier. Ghost in the shell and Blood + is the only shit i remember. Bleach really let me down though.
quads of truth
How low IQ are you to require answers for everything and need it layed out? Some of the best films of all time are quite unanswerable in many ways which leaves room for interpretation and thought which is actually the point in the end rather than to spoon feed. While I agree that not having a vision as the director can tarnish the film and ruin it sometimes it makes them great despite the director. You act as if having a clear meaningful message is somehow important and required when in reality most complicated and interesting films end up being entirely subjective to the viewer's analysis so long as the director doesn't ruin it all post production. Supposing what you say is entirely correct and the director made it complicated and complex as mere trickery, he may have accidentally made something amazing. Gotta come up with some better criticism than that your moron.
That's pretty accurate
That is a cartoon. Cartoons go on >>>Holla Forums.
Spotted the American. Seriously, the deeper meaning isn't even hard to glean if you're more well-read than a fucking middle schooler. Literally just go read a tiny bit of entry-level old scifi and some entry-level existentialist fiction and you'll realize what a fucking brainlet you are for failing to comprehend a fucking cartoon.
ur mom is a cartoon. cartoons go on >>>Holla Forums
fuck that, the Utena movie was sick as fuck