how does one git gud at this game?
every fucker i duel can dance laps around me while taunting me seemingly without even stopping their movement
how does one git gud at this game?
every fucker i duel can dance laps around me while taunting me seemingly without even stopping their movement
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haha chivalry gay
You poor bastard.
Play AoC or PVKII instead.
What I find very important is to know the reach of weapons. If you know the swing the opponent takes at you will miss you wont have to block and instead can run him and hit in his recovery phase.
Also just play the game, you will improve eventually.
That´s not enirely true, recently there has been a free weekend of it on steam, I´m sure at least a couple of people bought it afterwards. Also the low level servers are kinda full most of the time.
Played it last year when it had a free weekend. It seemed pretty cool, but I heard a lot of people say once you got out of the newbie phase a lot of people were using exploits that never got fixed to make their swords hit early as they were still preparing their swing, or something like that.
The idea of having to fight flailing ballerinas or becoming one myself if I wanted to stand a chance kind of put me off, so I didn't buy it.
Not sure how it is now.
no thanks
mount and blade might not look better, but at least people there don't dance on the battlefield
What you refer to is called Rainbowing. It happens if you do an overhead attack and at the same time turn around and bend backwards. This lets you hit with the hitbox immediately and gives the opponent very little time to block, although it is not impossible.
Yes, you will met people who do this, but its not thaat bad. Most people dont do it, either because its not fun to do or its too much work to learn properly. The game is still very much about swinging swords, taking heads and shouting constantly. And honestly, I´d rather fight rainbowers than feinters. Feinters can suck my shaved balls.
you're clearly playing in the wrong servers then
all the duel servers with non-retards do it
Well, I´m mostly playing team death match, so my perception of reality might be a little distorted.
you quit because it's a bad game.
speaking of which, is mordhau dead?
they take forever to make updates
I sure as shit hope its not dead.
It says on their page they will launch the kickstarter in two days, so I guess not.
To me it seems like they develop the game because they have passion for it so it might actually get a good game.
chivalry is fucked on several fundamental levels. you could get gud at it, for sure, but really that would just mean learning the exploits that everyone still uses. i quit playing a year or so ago but there was still the dragging - where you begin your swing then whip your mouse around, basically creating a 360 degree sphere around yourself where it'll count as a hit if anyone gets too close. i also saw people use dragging but hovering over enemy's heads with the "impact" point, instantly cutting their heads off. and even if you manage to stomach that shit, there are still a ton of archers who will hang back, contribute fucking nothing, and instakill people from miles away
let's not discount how archers can parry huge-ass polehammers with their tiny daggers, or how 100% of your team will be savagely retarded and will teamkill you at least once every single round, etc etc etc. it's a fucking disaster
Basically learn how to out exploit your opponent. Seriously the game mechanics are just broken. Combat is really a ballet dance and looks fucking retarded, combine the fact if you know how you could do double swings which are unblockable and even do invisible swings if you know how to abuse feint. Age of Chivalry is frankly better and free since it has less retarded bullshit.
The Chivalry devs are fucking incompetent and retarded as fuck.
Play Mount & Blade or wait for Mordhau.
Also how about you post in your thread OP, faggot as always.
i may have to look into that one, though honestly theres something charming about chivalry
no, fuck you nigger
i know, but its still kinda fun
Are there bots in chivalry? Are they smart enough to replace players and make it worth pirating?
Don't waste your time. Here's a little story from the AU community:
But then something horrible happened
Feinting is an intentional game mechanic where you cancel a strike, it's readable with skill but usually is just a free hit as blocking without a shield only lasts a moment
In AU game servers, dozens is between 1/4 to 1/2 of the whole pop
The game slowly dies an ignoble death. Sometimes we'll get 40 players on a custom server here, but just recently we had some faggot DDOS all the servers. This happened for at least 2 or 3 months until someone went and physically intimidated the cunt at his house.
If it's free or less than $5, fine, give it a go. But the community has been shit since day 1, most of the vets have left, nobody likes to teamplay because of muh TK-ing, and you'll always, without fail, get killed by a level 30-something vanguard with a greatsword running in circles and bending into very unnatural postures. That's if you don't first get 90% of your health taken off by an archer and then stabbed to death by a butter knife that strikes before the players "hurgh!" attack sound has played.
That's not even the deeper problems with the game. Just don't waste money on it, seriously, it's not worth your time at all. It's sad, in a way, because it was so promising. Some people did a great job of explaining the game mechanics (look up HEXEN on jewtube) and really got into the atmosphere when playing. I guess that's just the way things go though.
it's like these people have never played mount and blade before
and they should
ballerina dancing is still stupid though
To be fair there is a way to abuse feinting that you can make your attacks "invisible" so there is literally no attack animation played.
I remember playing Pirates, Vikings and Knights long time ago, is this game similiar to that?
The game's a fucking lagfest.
Way more "hardcore". PVK is a lot sillier and less balanced with more focus on fun than Chivalry.
tl;dr: Chivalry has great mechanics but too many problems in their implementation, and over time the devs have fucked it up more and more.
In other news, Mordhau's kickstarter just launched and it's halfway through already:
They're seeking funding
dont play this idiot
shit game
You do know that this vid is of some comp players just having fun screwing around, right? This kind of play style is completely ineffective in reality.
Play For Honor dude :^)
for honour is shit tho
welp, mordhau was funded on the first day, chivalry is officially dead