Why are Godfather fags STILL salty that James called out their shitty flick...

why are Godfather fags STILL salty that James called out their shitty flick? They're still making daily threads about it. Why can't they get a life?

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Butthurt pleb leddit memeia fans.

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ive always found most of the characters in mob movies to be fucking gay



The devil liked the first Godfather and did not watch the rest?

plays more garbage games that were never good

James is redeemed. Deal with it.

Mikes straight?

what was her FUCKING problem?

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i think so. dude is just a wierdo. also le 56 german.


It's fun, because even the average idiot would know better than to trust a passerby with an opinion over high art. But memers believe anything that comes from the internet: this soyboy is not validated by anything he says, it's the computer screen you see it on that makes it important in your eyes.



the nerd persona is goat but as 'James Rolfe' he is J U S T.

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mike or james ITT confirmed

Godfather is dogshit. Nerve is true kino.

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Also James has an "interesting" taste, he has a reasoning and a consistency for it, we just don't know why, he's basically a heretic in terms of basic standards and what we consider good
Ironically enough his AVGN persona is a parody of that same idea

that's the final nail on the coffin for me

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Godfather and Nerve is dogshit.

I know you're falseflagging to get (You)s from Zach but it's embarrassing. I'd never say The Godfather is shit or spam Best Emma mindlessly like that.
That said I found Nerve more pleasing than The Godfather

I agree!

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did she get harvested or is this just a funny meme?

Satan, I watched all three for the first time, I imagined they were great when they came out but I found it too machismo for today's time. The 70's were about beards and bush and bravado in a failed attempt to become beyond mere humans. It was a very egocentric and narcissistic time, stemming from reminiscing about all the beaver tail they got in the sixties from mentally ill girls duped into taking drugs and expanding their minds.

does this thread fucking suck or does it fucking rule?

The biggest god father fans are all Italian Americans. The movies are legit garbage but I respect proud Italians even though it's pretty stupid to be proud about degenerate criminals.

Clearly legit.

you must be over 18 to use this post

I don't mean the quote, I mean if there's a grain of truth to her getting harvested or not

You know things are bad when Doug is right about things in CY+3 than everyone else

Godfather wasn't that good. In fact it was pretty fucking boring. Then again, I think that about all mob movies. I just don't give a shit about Vinnie wacking his traitor brother Vito in the cleaners because he was sniffing too much spaghetti or whatever. Its all dumb and gay.

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No. The amerimutt branch of Holla Forums is degenerating into niggerdom at an alarming rate, and we the European Atlantic Holla Forums have taken the helm.
If it's american, disregard its opinion: it's never important, only shit and howls.


my dad made me watch Godfathers 1 and 2. they were alright, but you could probably trim an hour from each without losing anything important

Hey Zach.

Fool, you are only showing everyone who you are.
You are not shitposting: that's the actual posting quality of a half nigger.

Nice lobespacing.

Learn to behave or you get the stick, animal man.

t. degenerate meatball

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I don't get it.

reminder that the first film deleted the scene that showed that wolf is a pedophile producer that casting couches little girls

I wonder why it got deleted….