Has this happened to you?
Wow user you have 2000 ratings on IMDB and 4TB of films on your hard drive? That's so fucking hot omg...
Dumped her right then.
Why the fuck would a pornstar sit down and talk to me in the first place
you sound like a whiny beta cumskin. i'm sure you'd just splutter and drop your spaghetti if confronted with any woman not related to you.
Except I don't you lying bitch
I'd ask him to show me his benis
I never rated anything on IMDB, and I delete everything after I watch. Women do think its interesting that a man watches some movies that are not cape blockbusters, but that alone won't get you pussy.
I'm not paying for that orange juice, you know. Now begone, thot!
Get thee behind me, Satan!
This bitch did several vids with Stella Cox
Betamax was shit and laser disks were for suckers who spend 500 bucks on a pair of earphones.
not today, no
my harddrives are all 2-3gb max and i have about 7-8tb of stuff
we can watch whatever
Who is this slut?
what do
Answer with an emphatical 'I see' and leave.
Invent a time machine, go back in time and prevent the coalburning?
Pretty sure she's licked niggers' buttholes, too.
I too would use a time machine to help out Hitler.
Solid dubs. It's all fucking garbage.
the shit is wrong with that whore's lips?
You would have been one of the first people to get gassed by the Nazis if you lived back then lel.
Fixed that for you.
Always nice to have /deepthroatedfaggots/ come in to ruin other people's fun. Or to say in your language, GACK GACK GACK SPUTTER COUGH GACK
Don't worry, the divorce came soon enough.
How much would you spend on (OP)s thot?
No it hasn't happened to me because:
It's so unattractive when women curse. It's almost as bad as tattoos.
Everything he said was true. Hitler was an idiot.
The best girls are usually quite taken with the films I show them, yes. I'm a girl btw
Kys falseflagger (assuming you aren't Zach himself)
t. soy
What did she mean by this?
It was the default filename. I found the pic searching "chad radwell shaking his head" (sans quotes) on google images. Do it yourself if you want to.
I hate this shit. Visual mediums are shit-tier when it comes to passions. Its literally in your face and requires so little interpretation that people inflate its value and create interpretations that aren't even there.
Fuck off with this garbage.
That's right user books are clearly superior :^)
i like tv as much as the next guy and films are fun to watch but don't be so fuggin delusional to think they're more than entertainment
What did he mean by this?
i dunno, it is Holla Forums
I mean, /pol worships a zionist president that wants to ban guns and video games instead of brining any honesty, cleaning up corruption or even locking up paedophiles
I don't like women
But Romeo and Juliet is actually pretty funny, you dribbling faggot, or did you only read it once in middle school and pretend you understood it?
U gay m8?
I'm not gay. Think harder retard.
WW2 started with Germany and USSR splitting Poland.
WW2 ended with USA and USSR splitting Poland.
It was never about ideology: just jewish revenge against christians.
No, you're only admitting that you seek gratification due to insecurity.
Yes but they're all BLACKED videos, m'lady
Are you ready to watch some interracial kino with a renowned expert?
I'd unironically marry her in a heartbeat.
sure, if you have a thing for crackwhores
Oh hey, I love this scene. My favourite from Facial Abuse. It's fucked up that I get super turned on when she starts crying while he's fucking her ass later on in it.
Link please
I unironically think this should be how the average wife is treated in any western country
should be treated*
her cunt is probably leaking thru her panties from that. she's gonna think of this for the next decade any time she orgasms
I don't have one because I torrented the scene a long time ago off of Empornium. Her named is "Janis" though so she should be easy enough to find. The scene is probably from around 2010 or so if that helps.
I unironically just fapped to this
Man up and marry that slut
and save your dad from the belly of the whale
i am rock hard now
That's why you will never a wife… or a girl interestedin you… or lose your virginity…
forced meme is forced
But it's fun
*puts a ring on it*
Have you fags heard of soap and water?
unquestionably one of the funniest going right now
womyn btfo
what's wrong with her head/neck in the start?
worse than the nigger from the JUSTice league tbh, terrible CGI