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What does Holla Forums think of OFF...

What does Holla Forums think of OFF? I just finished it and found it to be an amazing experience that I doubt I'll ever forget.

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Maybe a bit pretentious and the RPGmaker combat bogs it down, but it was alright. Pretty memorable scenes and music.
The creator seems like a cool guy. I'd like to see him make a proper game.

fuck off

does anyone have that reaction graphic to all the little spinoffs and fanmade sequels?

rpgmaker garbage

Continue Stop Rise is pretty good too.


An amazing experience?
Not quite.

It is a very unique experience that merges its audio elements and visual elements together to create a surreal environment.
Areas in the game can feel closed-in and threatening (the mines in world 1) or wide-open, desolate, melancholic (the city in world 2).

Gameplay, on the other hand, is abysmal. Halfway through world 1 the combat hits a hard stop where wait times become so obnoxiously long that all sense of tension is removed.
This is only made worse as the game goes on and you become more powerful. The combat becomes easier, but at the same time it becomes even slower because of increased enemy HP and a slower fill rate on the ATB.

The story is interesting in that it is empty and open to interpretation. The main character, in a way, doesn't care about the plot. He is focused intently on his goal and it is solely up to you, the player, to figure things out. Major events in the game (Valerie's death) are seen through the tinted lens of the protagonist, who does not care about the means he takes to reach his goal. We do not get to see the impact of these events, and thus we are forced to think about what repercussions we may have caused.
The lore is not deep, but it is good enough to be worth getting invested in. The characters are shallow, but it is interesting to see how they all clash with and work alongside eachother.
The ending, which is probably the high point of the game, is excellent. I won't go into details why. However, it is concise enough that I can imagine some players disliking it simply because it seems like such a foregone conclusion.

A very unique RPG.
Excellent presentation, abysmal gameplay.
Absolutely worth playing.

If you enjoyed OFF, consider playing the unofficial sequel HOME or Continue Stop Rise.
I personally enjoyed HOME, and it does make a grand attempt to stay true to the source material (though it does fall short of this goal, especially around World 5).
Continue Stop Rise is a game I personally gave up on very early into the game because it is very clearly its own game, but I have heard great praise for it.

OFF is probably the worst kind of hipster trash. That somehow people accept on Holla Forums despite being the trashiest game in itself and LOLDEEPXD

youre trying too hard, just say you didnt like it