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🎶Where in the world is Sean Murray?🎶

Other urls found in this thread:


There's like 16 quintillion worlds. Which one?

Surely you mean 6,0000000,000000,00000,000000000000,000 gorrillion, user. You have to remember the 6,000000,0000000000,00000000,0000000,0000 gorrilion, user.

Designated shitting thread?

Preparing his next scam.

That's almost as many jews as those who died in the holocaust!

He works on Star Citizen now.

Heh, I'm a holocaust expert and that's barely one bajillionth of the real death tool.


Remember when No Mans Sky won a GDC award and none of the developers even expected that so they didnt show up?

He's not a Friend, but he is pretty good at disappearing.


Stochastic Scam: The Game

Somewhere up there, in space, looking down upon the world.

Thread theme.

I find it kinda funny

Double dubs tell the truth.

please fist me daddy, i want to give you my rose


already this thread has more gameplay and re-playability than no man's sky.

Maybe the GDC awards was just a clever bait to lure him out of hiding but he didn't fall for it?


if giving you a rimjob was the only way to save your life would you let me give you one?

If I was him, facial surgery? Getting that scraggy hipster beard electrozapped so people don't notice him?

Oh wait guise I got it, if he comes out as a tranny he'll be fucking Teflon.

stop being a slut

He'll come out as 'Samantha', say he was always this way and that bad cis bullies on the interwebs are being meanies to 'her' because he's such a such stronk wimminz game developer.

Then he gets coshed by John (Bri Wu) for stealing the GG limelight.

He's going to emerge in like 10 years with a new patch.

Who is this? Did he make a game? Why should i care?

This nigga

The chances of finding him are incredibly small.

He basically made a modern noctis IV and then overhyped it to hell instead of just saying its a visit sort of random generated planets walking Sim with some shitty crafting to pad the length. Shit he could have dropped the the crafting and the gay quest to the center of the universe and it would have been way better

He's in Mark's basement, bitch.

Kek, too bad he has some minions he forcefully scammed so he owns their souls to go around and act as bait.

I find it kinda sad

But the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.

I find it hard to tell you

That song is fucking gay, bruh.

Yeah, so what's your point?

Prepping the bull.

fucking amateur

We're in the same place, you just can't see him.


I hope not, or the fraudulence will collapse into intself, forming a singularity.

Mountain climbing with his dad.

Elon Musk is sending him to the moon

A new precious patch.

I would refuse to believe they would be that stupid, but these days, I just don't know.

Hopefully adding in gameplay to his """""game""""

mild kek

not half as much, goy.

Stranger things have happened.

Some say he's safely locked away in a cuck-shed behind some degenerate slut's house.

Well, it's not "King Liar" Murray, but a designer from Goodbye Games.
> Previous: Hello Games, Lionhead Studios, Testology Ltd
Also Lionhead Studios? Peter Molyneux? I'm sensing a pattern here.

Maybe he's depressed, because the weight of his actions reached him soon after the game released and he's thinking about how he could make up for what he did.

Or he's just enjoying his sheckles he knowingly scammed from people.

Some say he was actually Todd Howard in a mask.

molyneux and Sean Murray are from the same town.

It's in the South of England. Where all the liars and cunts come from.

I know those devs updated NMS once, but did they ever do anything else to it or is it now abandonware?

when you think about it, you only really need the one successful scam

Sony did all the ad pushing to hook the morons
Game was deved on indie budget then sold at full studio retail price
They must have made some insane profits

and just as well, anyone who bit the bait deserved the disappointment

What shekels? Weren't most people able to get a refund?


I would legit play a geographical game where you would have to use game scandals to attempt to track Sean Murray, just like Carmen Sandiego

Looking for a five million dollars mansion, with anita sarkeezian.

Don't you mean 6*10^6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 unique planets?

I kinda feel bad for him

Hard to take money from your pocket when you're in another country.

He's working on No Man's Sky: Game Of The Year Edition. Now with Time Attack and Hard modes.

regretting the monkey's paw of the Sony publishing deal

I don't.

See that customer? You can lie to it.

Isn't there already survival mode or some shit? Played it at a guy's house and it made the game somewhat bearable.

Remember their twitter being "hacked" by one of their employees? He has gone completely insane and is probably planning some supervillain shit

Obviously sipping Pina Coladas at some remote island where nobody can find him and laughing with his buddies at the from his latest heist robbing cucks from the millions.

Probably dead


So there really isn't any more arguments that this was a Triple A priced Early Access Indie game shilled to the high heavens and won a circlejerk award in GDC, you go Sean! And someone needs to check their offices if Sean is even still breathing.

At least Molyneux had the decency to develop good if overhyped games.
The liar-to-honest-dev scale should look like this:
Molyneux>Todd>Mr. Shitface>Murray> Derek Smart

Fuck,I meant honest-to-liar.

No, fuck Molyneux. I will remain ever bitter about that purchase. It was the first time I felt jewed.

Good idea.

In Black & White you could grow trees but not in Fable.
The 22cans cube thing was 5 years ago.

he knows

I think he went on a family trip with his parents

Wow! What a scambag!



How can this indie dev can fuck up this badly when Sean Murray has major funding from Sony and can make No Man's Sky as long as he wanted to? How is such a thing is even possible?

I'm kinda suprised that nobody seems to have tried to track him down.
Look up where he lives or camp a day or two at the offices during the week and not on the weekend.
Or if someone did that, what the fuck happened to him that he completly disapperead from the face of the earth.
I know he must be shitscared for fucking up so badly, but either his corpse is at the bottom of a lake or he's being held somewhere by the Yakuza.

Here is the real question:
Where the fuck can he be on this planet? This is not Carmen-tier follow the clues shit, this is easy as fuck. He is on a vacation, because of work related stress. He just finished a big project and is probably completely burned out. He'll be back soon enough. Just wait.

Sony is going to ride his ass with a dragon dildo, but he'll be back. That is how it goes.

Meanwhile let's look at the updates on Nu-Mans Lie: Nothing here. Maybe go the dubs route on this thread?

Aren't they busy adding more pointless trash gameplay to the game? Additions that fix no outstanding issues from the initial release and merely compound its problems?

Anyone have the pic of their empty offices?

Counting his shekels in a country with no extradition treaty.

iirc it was taken on a weekend though.

Last I heard they still have empty champagne bottles from their launch party laying around the office which sounds like there hasn't really been anyone around in a while.

So who is making the updates then?


are you telling me you don't believe random facts that you've heard on an anonymous imageboard made by someone that probably has never had any contact with them?


Why would someone lie to me on the internet?