The second puzzle, inspired by terminally awkward Halliday’s one and only date with a woman...
Did South Park ever follow through on the 'Member Berries thing?
Only part of that season where it felt like they still had a finger on the pulse.
Americans journalists have a pretentious style of writing.
Nice fucking archive link that takes two minutes to load OP. Also "jaw-dropping in its emptiness", how can somebody be so open about this emotionally void husk of a flick and yet still praise it?
lmaoing @ ur internet
because they're kikes or golems
That was the single most forced inorganic meme since the frog unicycle.
Thought you could fucking insult my dial-up tier internet you little slut? Dead wrong. Now you've done it. Now you've really gone and done it. And you've only got yourself to blame.
*teleports behind you like a straight savage*
*snatches your edges*
d-d-dabbing on the haters!!!
the movie
Both are kinomakers
I would probably have a brain aneurism is I watch this shit
literally 95% of shit released in the last 2 years causes this effect for me
I sense Kubrick would not be pleased about this.
If you haven't already you should read the author of the book slam poetry. It's so bad I hope he dies in a car accident.
you know this is going to happen whether you like it or not
Why are you afraid of watching the kike version of the alt-right's rise and Trump
Here it is.
All these pop culture references and I bet there's not even one single homage to the greatest icon of the silver screen.
It's not my fault if you let your enemies write the narrative for you.
Posted on a kike's forum that you can't find an alternative to. (too busy larping)
The second puzzle in the book was based off of some old text-based adventure game (you know, the kind where you type commands like "look", "take" "go north", which even though it's stupid, at least it's not this, comparing a date with a woman to blood gushing out an elevator. Normally her blood comes out the ground floor every month, not the 2nd.
I agree that porn is trash, but
Jenny's made a video to tell us RPO is shit.
the only people who think that meme is amusing in any fashion are people born in 1997 or later
If I remove your butt plug will you die??
No shit.
I want to drag my balls across her forehead.
Good news, Kubrick will haunt Spielburg until that kike is dead. Bad news, this piece of shit still exists.
>Actuslly says the porn he doesn't like is for alpha-males
Since he admits to being a beta, I think cuck porn is right up his alley. Also
Fuck this faggot.
It's not like you can rip off Barry Lyndon and normies will notice sure but why, why is this necessary.
Many will look into the Shining and find Kubrick. Some will then find Barry and a lush green world of mystery and humanity that will be only available on AmAzApploWei for the reasonable price of only 3.99 Zarblucoins/fiscal quarter.