At what point in time did developers stop trying to make good games and just released cash grabs instead?

At what point in time did developers stop trying to make good games and just released cash grabs instead?
Could it have been avoided?

Around when big jew publishers really started to dig in their claws. '07 or so.

You'd have to go way back to the late 1930s to fix that to be honest.

I'd say right around the time Oblivion was released.

And beat me to it with the jews.

I would say the beginning of 2010 is when this whole shit started



Horse armor.

The world went wrong in 1795.
The reason for that was around 6AD

The real reason happened 7 million years ago.

the real reason happened 4.5 billion years ago.

I wonder if every planet/moon with potential for alien life will eventually see some sort of ridiculously greedy kike race/species arise after a few billion years. Imagine, some intelligent alien race comes to a realization that "life=jews will be present" and starts actively destroying any other planet that they find life on (after purging their own version of kikes from theirs), simply to keep potential kikeliens from escaping those planets' gravity and eventually jewing the entire universe into ruin.

Developers have been releasing cash grabs since the dawn of the industry you nostalgia blind faggot.
No, it's a constant in every entertainment medium see Sturgeons law.

You're mistaken. Lower life-forms are not like jews. Jews are like lower life-forms.

2007 is when everything went to hell, there needs to be some barrier or requirement to entry to stop normalfags from ruining everything.

What about eliminating the Juden factor of a life form is the key to galactic civilization?
What if all that bullshit about Third Reich alien tech wasn't actually bullshit, but the ayy lmao's gift to Hitler to eliminate the Jews and realize the potential of man?

Are you implying that hitler didn't secretly make contact and allies with space aliens to defeat the shapeshifting reptilian lizard jews?

Since the dawn of time but a huge turning point occured when modern warfare 2 released and made a gorillion dollars. That was when investors and shareholders realized the potential of video games and coerced the devs to make soulless games.


1970 or so.

It was fucked since vidya started being large enough to guarantee big income. After this it started being advertised as casual entertainment and its values switched. It is even worse It is even worse than something like cinema because gaming never got off its brand loyalty, creating mass of normalfag children fanboys.

Polite sage because even through I delete fucked up post it still bumps apparently.



There were problems before, yes, but 2007 was putting salt on an open wound and opened the flood gates big time.

I'd argue that the decline started with the OG Xbox. Before it, there were a nice symbiosis of japanese devs dominating the console market and western devs dominating PC, with each making games to the fullest extent of their tastes and sensibilities, unhinged. But Bill Gates had to bribe and convince every western dev that there were lots of money by bringing and bastardizing, dumbing down the games they were doing in PC. Suddenly, arena FPS died, role-playing games went on to a dark age, strategy and point-n-click adventures got extinct, western devs stopped trying to make advances in game design (Thief, Deus Ex).

Also, given that they could get in bed easily with the western press, you started to see japanese games being badmouthed more than ever. By the time the 360 arrived, the shilling started to be unavoidable. Mediocre bastardizations of PC genres were released for consoles and anointed as the holy grail of vidya. You could also tell that there was a new crop of journos, those who weren't good enough to get into investigative journalism and didn't played too many games. These were easily bribed and controlled and they would sing praises for games like Ass Effect or Oblivion, as if CRPGs or Open-World design were a innovation first seen in the 360. Japanese games were already too late in trying to combat the shilling and were deemed "obsolete", also adding the rising developmental costs that only the most jew megacorporations could afford. Western devs started shilling annual releases of everything. DLCs and abusive practices became the norm. The new crop of gamers were easily swayed by their ignorance.

It all started with the fucking XBOX.

easy money is still money user

Anything that gets popular will turn to shit.
It happened to books, movies, tv and now videogames.

You mean PS2. Since that's the console that actually pushed sales and popularity.


So did the PSX, retard.

I've never heard of anyone in pop-culture using a PSX and the sales difference between PSX and PS2 speak for themselves.

That's what you get for being underage. Also, the sales differences between the two are easily explained:

PSX was fucking massive in its time and brought vidya to the mainstream for sure. It was the time vidya stopped being "for children". If you were around, you would understand it, otherwise there would be no need to bring up "pop culture".

meant "didn't steal PS2's mojo" obviously

The cognitive dissonance is amazing.

Not to mention you're basing this entirely off of anecdotal evidence, your only other argument is name-calling and you have absolutely nothing in your favour other than "Microsoft are assholes" and "Microsoft wanted to sell their product" which is true for both companies. Which is why you should never support either of them.

You should really take a step back and re-evaluate your life when you try this hard to defend a shitty company like Sony or Microsoft. Ever since Wii there's nothing positive to say about Nintendo either.

Seriously, grow up.

I explained the reasons WHY I think the OG Xbox harmed the industry much more than PS2. "Muh sales" isn't enough of a reason except for simpletons. I'm not even defending Sony, just describing what I perceive to be reality. It's almost as if you ignored the arguments of my original post and you decided to act like a fanboy retard. PSX & PS2 got good japanese presence, they dominated both platforms, we got a continuation of the philosophical design principles that we already had in the 8-bit and 16-bit era. We didn't get paid online + bastardized PC games (and before you mention the PC to PSX/PS2 ports, these games were designed for PC first and didn't gimp the PC versions to sell more on consoles). PS2 was the last console that had a clear distinct old-school philosoophy. Xbox were making money by bringing gimped PC-style titles. Halo's success ruined FPS forever, Morrowind success ruined CRPGs forever, games were dumbed down to fit on consoles (Thief 3, Doom 3, Deus Ex: IW). Western games stopped being "PC first" with the Xbox.

I give you a 8/10 bait for the fact that you made me reply seriously. All your posts in this thread so far have been shit and devoid of arguments. I won't bother with you next time.

Yes I'm sure sales has nothing to do with profitability/viability from a business standpoint.

Grow up.

Oblivion's release is close, but they still put out a pretty good expansion with shivering isles, and the base game was meaningfully complete.
Horse armor was the real turning point.

This is why we haven't seen aliens. They were kiked but because kikes are parasites, they didn't survive without their host race.

In the vast darkness of space, there are thousands of dead, kikened worlds.