Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?

who will play her in the inevitable biopic?

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Natalie Portman

Idris Elba

Hugh Jackman


Elizabeth Mitchell

not jewish enough

maybe co-staring :^)

too white

too nigger

too young

Alexa Bliss

Jennifer Lawrence

not with that pimple chin and crows feet

Amy Forsyth

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I genuinely think that she's beautiful. Would make sweet love to in the missionary position while gazing deeply into her eyes/10


but do you fit her taste in men?

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how new are you?

Jess is better.

I'd know those disgusting toes anywhere. Shouldn't she be swatting down planes on the Empire State Building.

I unironically do.

I bet you do

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Abigail Breslin is ideal.

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I'm not American though.

a jew would be perfect for the role
like pottery

Why do people act like Lauren is a crypto? She even said her grandfathers were persecuted by nazis and shit.

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Things Lauren has accomplished:

Things the alt-right has accomplished:

No, you nigger, they trademarked the liberalists brand and pwned sargon forever.

The only logical choice. Some hair dye will be required, though. But, if it can chop off its dick, what's a quick dye job?

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At last I truly seeā€¦

It says European right there in the title.

I'm more interested in who will play Finnknight

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lauren has sexy armpits tbh

what's the point?

None since it wasn't the British parliament

That is how a democracy works, you get politicians afraid to lose vote and support and they do the shit you want them to do. That is how she got Australia to support the boer with her documentaries.

If you nogs put some more time learning about the works of society instead of daydreaming about glorious space wars and etnostates, maybe everything would be fixed by now.

You realize the Nazis persecuted people other than Jews, right? My family fled Germany during Hitler's reign and I'm only 2% Jewish.


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