So apparently this game finally came out after years of development hell. Is it fun?
Echidna Wars
Is that a qt Khezu grill?
Its got some good gameplay to it.
Despite being into vore, the vore in that game puts me off
Same, I'm pretty picky about my vore.
Ever tried Viocide?
I also recall there being a vore game that was an endless runner obstacle course where all the obstacles eat you but I don't remember the name.
I played it about a month ago. It's pretty fun.
Also I'd like to point out the rabbit girl character has a metal slug play style.
With her magic skill making her spam grenades, just like in metal slug.
Viocide is ok, its not that fun, The other games they made are kinda the same also, its only worth playing for the lewds.
I think I played a beta demo of this once.
Is this that game where you can save your characters from getting nommed by shooting the thing nomming them?
I liked what was in that demo aside from the fucking lamias
That was another version which could be played on a browser. This is their latest game they made. There are like 3 kinds of echidna wars or miliawars games.
You have 4 playable characters with their own playstyles.
Theres an even older demo game called fromage which is kinda like kirby.
Well now I'm just more confused.
Pretty sure it was the browser version though.
Only found 3 playable characters there
Robot is best girl
I kept looking for the harpy vore scenes but couldn't find any.
Sucks because the lamia and arachne scenes were the best, but that's just my love of unbirth.
They should be pretty easy to find, Fromage was one of their first demos. Then miliwars was a completely seperate demo, then it was the browser game you played, then theres Echidna wars.
Theres no Harpy stuff like that, they just Smooch and fly off with the characters
not small enough
I need to download this game but I can't because of fucking capped internet
Data caps are the most jewish thing to have been on the earth since fucking Abraham
The full game isnt free.
But it shouldn't be too difficult to find the full game.
I know where to look for eroge, I just can't grab a copy because my ISP is run by jews.
fukkin saved
Just playing it now. Decent if you love vore but the combat system is shit. Lots of enemies who don't suffer hit stun seemingly at random, lots of enemies with bullshit hitboxes.
I love old school monster hunter.
The closest you're going to get to a harpy vore scene is the "Harpy Sandwich" that can occur during the first boss - get grabbed by a harpy and he eats both of you together.
I was also disappointed that the harpies (and the loli bees) don't have a special "finish" animation - the harpies just carry you off, and the bee girls don't even do that. I hope they add some more in an update or something.
(Reminder to anyone else who bought the game immediately when it first came out to download the update - they made some improvements, and added a gallery.)
I remember playing it before, must've been a trial version. It was kinda fun, but I hate vore. Also I remember it being pretty hard.
You fags actually can't lurk for shit, how new are all of you?
The gameplay's good, too bad vore is for faggots.
Usaco best girl
The vore kinda sucks.
Cute things dying ain't hot
After reading the /hgg/ thread, am I to understand that some of you aren't "struggling" properly? Since there are complaints about the lack of lesbian acts.
(Try pressing left, right, up or down to try and escape during some of the grabs. Certain monsters will adjust their hold to keep you restrained, with sexy results. Dryads and the Queen Bee are particularly nice.)
Hot things dying is hot though
Gameplay is weak, you just kite the attacks. It's challenging but it's not that in-depth or anything. The vore is pretty good, the lizard soldiers are pretty top notch.