What does Holla Forums think of the new shadowrun games?

I have been playing through Shadowrun Returns and Dragonfall recently and I am not sure if the game is cucked or not. Its very cool, stylish and I like the combat system a lot, currently playing a troll adept. The only thing that kinda of pisses me off a bit is all these blue-haired anarcho feminists running around. There are the missions where your enemy is just a bunch of non-negotiable racists against meta-humans and I haven't heard much argument against the anarchist flux states, everyone in the game seems to be an extremely far-left and violent against pretty much anything that contradicts "muh flux state". Is my shadowrun group just basically like an antifa wet dream fantasy? What do you think of this and does the game change at all in the messages or narrative much? I was kind of hoping I would have a bit of a chance to manipulate and decide for myself what my characters political beleifs would be or even something a little similiar to factions and reputations like in NV. I am about 9 hours into Dragonfall, quite a lot of that has raised an eyebrow at some of the content but the quality of writing is actually pretty good imo.

This applies to Dragonfall: Director's Cut.

Much of the criticism of the flux states lies in background stuff and reading between the lines. The one you're in for example shows that you can easily seize control of one and rule it, so even though there isn't king/queen and it's supposedly a liberal utopia, it often turns out to be bollocks. Some of the ones you visit are crime ridden shitholes with a local crimelord. Back to 'your' utopia city-state, there's a woman who's functionally a drug addict and no-one does shit, a guy is trying to create a shelter for the poor/dispossessed and no-one's helping, there's a medical scientist with some seriously shady shit going on and this is all off the top of my head after not playing it for over a year.
There is definitely liberal themes; fight the power, smash the system, ect but this is cyberpunk, in the context of the setting of Shadowrun and the campaign itself it makes sense.

Not this shit again. Requesting the pic about how these threads usually turn out.

It's ok.
I didn't feel that mechanically it was all that deep, nor was the plot all that compelling; just a kind of revenge plot dressed up as a huge conspiracy. The environments were not all that interesting and I really only enjoyed the mission where you assume fake identities and infiltrate the rich residential building and the one where you control the cybernetically controlled ogre. The setting oscillates between bland cyberpunk and leftist fantasy and doesn't handle its politics well at all, for the most part it avoids the topic entirely, wasting its setting and avoiding any real engagement with the social problems it shows, unlike, say, Deus Ex. Things like the above poster's mention of the drug addict or shelter are used as flavor enhancer for an otherwise bland game and are not handled at all.

I found that magic was kind of useless for my party as well, and only really ended up liking Glory because men go head over heels for tsundere damaged goods apparently. My copy bugged out in her origin story so I dumped it there.

Fuck Duncan Wu. What a horribly written character

Same as I think about any SJW game.

I never really thought about that part but you are right for some awesome flux-state utopia it is an utter shithole with mostly everyone going off against each other. I guess part of my problem is I don't have a lot of context, maybe its because I never played any other shadowrun games or the tabletop but I feel I am in the dark about a lot of things and I have kinda just been dumped here.
There are no good or bad choices so to speak and when I look at the NPCs on a bit more of an abstract level they all come across as quite mentally ill and maniacal. The game feeds my imagination a lot but when it comes to details and specifics it kinda just seems to leave that all to me. Not that I always think thats a bad thing

Well Shadowrun is a dystopia, Its not meant to be even considered a "perfect world".

I think Wu is a shit, but I don't think he was badly written. He at least had reason for being a shit since his entire life was screwed over in a day.

I want to cum inside Gobbet. I bet she'd have a really hairy pussy.

Gobbet is best HK waifu and Eiger is best Dragonfall waifu.

Glory is a whore for Satan literally and worst girl.

Those are some correct opinions.

It is pretty shit, but if you've played 9 hours, you might as well just finish the game since there's not much left.

I want alt-right to leave and take the falseflagging leftkikes with you

I can't find fault with your reasoning. But who do you suppose is the best bro?


You have no power here, Holla Forums.

Why are (You) reposting their material?

Oh, right.

Looks like I hit a nerve, eh, Holla Forums?


why are Holla Forumsfags so easy to trigger

Nobody cares about your whining leftypol. And nobody will no matter how much you whine.

Nice downboat, leftycuck.

I don't know… because our countries are being destroyed and our race is dying out, and the worst part is that white males are being browbeaten into making all the media that supports it?
If the SJWs were smart they'd just let us anesthetize ourselves with our white male escapism for another few decades.
The irony is they have to disprove their dogma by forcing women and niggers onto teams of white males because no one but white males can build this stuff.

that baby be all

SR was okay, but with a lot of limitations.

The second one DF was good, I like the various characters. Overall they're well written.

Didn't play HK.

I just wish that choices you made has serious lasting effects over the other characters and overall storyline, but I suppose this isn't Fallout 1 and 2 even if in a way, it should strive to be.

Shadowrun Returns was pretty shit, Dragonfall was great, and HK was a bit too short and stingy on the shekels.

I want to bone Eiger.



I think this is the first time I've seen this many Eigerbros in a thread. Top tier taste Glorycucks get out. Dietrich would have been best bro if he wasn't such a whingy anarchist bitch that can't stomach opinions. I was a fan of the Decker in Dragonfall and Rachter in Hong Kong but neither are overall great characters.

Blitz because he's the perfect selfish fuckup for the setting and yet he never lets it get him down.

The HK Roctor was pretty cool as well.

>pure teutonic twat tsundere
It's not really a contest to begin with.

Honestly, I always read him as the wojak of DF. GFless, friendless, unlucky as all fuck but generally a decent guy that simply tries too hard into muh edge. But how about that Amsel? I mean he rather dies before giving you up.


Grade A autism


It's literally a magic negro bloviating about Christian fascist racist bigots.

how many pronouns can i choose from in game?

Just wait until Battletech comes out, then they're gonna shift the virtue signaling into overdrive. I miss the old MechWarrior and MechCommander games, no shitty politics, just the joy of slaughtering your enemies in your bipedal god of war.


Tell me about it. My nostalgia goggles actually made me throw a few bucks at their kikestarter. I know, I know. I cancelled my pledge when the betacuck designers proudly announced and showed off the game's "diverse" cast.
Harebrained Schemes really picked an honest name for themselves.

It bothers me because this makes no sense within the context of the Battletech universe, one set thousands of years in the future across a multitude of worlds
No one's gonna talk about how they're 1/4 german when they have no real connection to earth

Jesus Christ.

That's the 2007 Shadowrun.

Note that there are no white characters either. The most human you get is two white/East Asians mischlings.

The only single race character is the Chink/Finngol mix

Shit game made by SJWs. Play the pen and paper RPGs instead.


I wish Shadowrun was real, then I'd be able to join a gang and kill Native Americans, as they aren't a protected species in the Shadowrun world.

Reminder that in Shadowrun Canon there is a global jihad against metahumans and a dragon had to erradicate some terrorists to make the place relatively safe to metahumans.

Why everyone is trying to corrupt my shadowrun? Don't take this from me!

Chances are you'd get your shit pushed in with magic AIDS or a literal ebola-chan before you knew what's what since the various natives and aboriginals were the first to "awaken", ie summon demons/spirits and master magic as such. On the bright side Zulus are now also elves.

I just want to be an orc.

Actual BT characters.

What are the other shelves like user?

Why live?

Recent P&P Shadowrun is also SJW trash though.

Campaign ruined. Fuck you, I was kinda digging Mirrorshades as background noise you pink haired cuntman Koebel.

They all die just the same.

Orcs are okay. Whatever I was I'd go full cyborg immediately. The one thing I don't like about shadowrun is cybernetics = more vulnerable to magic.

The great thing about P&P is that they'll never become as cucked as any other entertainment medium, because they're always built around customizing the experience for the players. You can not only ignore all the sjw stuff, you can remove it from your setting. Can't do that with vidya.

But yeah recent Shadowrun P&P is cucked. Also it's shit, stay with 4th edition.

The more you two talk about the setting the shittier it looks.

Oh also they had to protect a orc muslim giving motivational talks to nigger orcs from irish terrorists, that was kinda lame.

And you didn't try to think up a scheme to ruin it for them? Faggot.

Why? I'd even get dwarves since muh long lives without being a ponce but orcs are just slightly larger, somewhat dumber humans that have a significantly shorter lifespan.

Hey, not everyone can exclusively shitpost like you.

Other orcs should have killed them all for being self hating faggots. And niggers.

Goddamn it, I hate these fuckers. They just HAVE to interject with their socjus bullshit. It's a fictional setting for fuck's sake, stop bringing your judeo-bolshevist rhetoric into my fucking game.

Respecting to stats they are more versatile and balanced than trolls. Also orcs are cool.

You can always fuck with them when they try.

Not really understanding the first line of that story, are you, you mouth breathing retard? Let me make it clearer for you:
>WATCHING shadowrun campaign
I'm sure you're still too retarded to understand, so let me also clue you in further by telling you I was watching it on YOUTUBE

Fuck tard.

They might've, players were hired as bodyguards for that mudslime whore.

This is the DM by the way. Look at him. Look at him. For the record, he didn't look like this much of a faggot when the campaign started.

never forget

/tg/ being a battered housewife.

At least I'm not a cuck like you, or everyone else on /tg/.

I couldn't even imagine the level of pathetic self-hatred you would have to sink to look like that. How can he think that anyone would look at him and take him seriously, he dresses like a middle schooler jesus.


To each their own, I guess.

Reminds me of the story when a libshit played a paladin but failed an insanity check and killed himself. The cause? You can't be lawful good and fight muh evil patriarchal laws that allow no sodomites.

Honestly and without any exaggeration - you sound like a grade A moron. Seriously, why did you expect any better?


Call me what you want, at least Holla Forums doesn't sink as low as you dumb fuckers. You not only still support publishers that release pozz, you also love to pretend you're better than the rest of us because you can pretend the pozz isn't there, slippery slope not being real and all that.

Not that you linking Shadowrun wasn't a huge red flag already. Next you'll come out as a moderate to show everyone how smart you really are.

Yes. But, credit where it's true, you get a choice at the end picking the option where you side with the old white male literally causes the apocalypse.

I played through Dragonfall, dropped Hong Kong about two hours in. The game's about average when it comes to gameplay - nothing to write home about, but nothing bad either. The writing is fairly solid, but pushes an agenda down your throat really hard. Overall a mediocre game

Well, if that is law of your character then you could. Lawful could be just following a set of rules and laws without exception, the same way you could be a cleric of atheism.

There is a void in the rules respecting that.

I started watching The Starwars episodes, with JP - Strippen and Jesse Cox, and the fucking DM constantly made all the male characters they meet into dick sucking cuck's who are the biggest chicken shit's in the whole game. IF anyone can Recommend some good DND games, i'd love to watch em. I put them up on my 2nd monitor while doing work or playing vidya.

Laws are for shitlords though, or at least that's how it's supposed to work, unless said laws prevent faggots from being throw in the oven, then they're okay. Rules for thee but not for me I guess.

You wouldn't believe them when they said they're all unique individuals and in no way a hivemind of braindead Jewish puppets.

The gameplay is bad. It's not complex enough to justify all the tedium you have to go through, and not streamlined enough not to be a chore whenever it gets in the way.

It fails to engage. I couldn't give less of a shit about anything that was going on, and I actively despised all the NPCs on offer.

That's fucking retarded. What's the point of a lawful character when said laws are basically headcanon?

Tabletop was a mistake.

Feels bad man.

What happened to Deus anyway?

There is no void in the rules respecting that, at all. Personal code of oath does not exclude the allowance of evil deeds just because your code doesn't specifically mention this, this is in fact one of the reasons lawful good paladins are considered to be uptight assholes by DMs and players alike. And bestiality is under the umbrella of "sodomy" so the player failed in understanding what sodomy is to allow that insanity check to happen.

He doesn't know his DnD edition rules.

Wait, if that Orc's Japanese then shouldn't it be an Oni? Orcs in Japan are almost entirely part of the Oni subspecies. Or was that Japanese Trolls?

You're assuming it started off full libshit. It didn't become libshit until like 5 hours in which was when I turned it off. It started off with one of them like headbutting a car speeding car apart while the others perform brain surgery while in a firefight with the police, all signs pointed to normal campaign.

HAHA. Sure I do. I totally support them. Much in the same way piracy supports the developers.

Projecting much?

Retard much?

Insecure much?

Well Jesse Cox and Strippen are giant faggots to begin with.

Not if you're a follower of a specific church/creed and the said creed being the definition of your character, ie straight and narrow paladin. Also not if you're a dumbass like that guy.

user, Holla Forums is thankfully dead. You can stop now. It's funny when you mess with people, for example being a cleric of say Mask or Bane you're obliged to lie, swear or otherwise act the asshole by your canon laws. :^)

You know you missed the best part, right?

They just relocated to Holla Forums.

When you get over the time wasted on it?

Nope, I was right it's an Orc subspecies.

I thought orcs are orcs anywhere, but onis are more frequently in japan.

Ok, nobody mentioned that. I was mostly thinking, for example, you are a muslim cleric or some shit like that.

The funny thing is that people discussed this years ago in cuckchan's /tg/ when /tg/ was the only board you'll only need.

OK, that's one session, maybe two sessions at best. You're telling me he dyed his hair and got all those hipster tattoos in a span of a week?

Again, you sound like a grade A moron.

Maybe now since /sp/ reamed them a short while back. :^)

And your shitbait aside I'm obviously talking about the simple joy of that is popping wired reflexes and cyberwhipping those riceniggers like the animals that they are.


Onis are a metavariant of orcs like cyclops are the metavariant of trolls.

Just because satyrs are the metavariant of orc in greece doesn't mean there are not orcs anymore and there are only satyrs.

You must really have a low threshold to eke out fun from the simplistic gameplay of the Shadowrun games. They're glorified tablet trash and play like it.

Why would I feel joy in killing East Asians? Jews, coons, curryniggers and mudshits, yes, but leftists will never let you exterminate vermin.

Orcs are usually pigmen in Japan.

There are two aspects to being a Paladin, rules of the land and faith, and the rules of Lawful and Good. If it is a rule of the land and it goes against Good then there is nothing wrong with a Paladin going against that law and is in fact compelled to get rid of it or change it by his own power as per his oath, the Paladin falling conflict lies when it's Good vs Lawful or to a lesser extent pissing off your God but that falls under Lawful in most cases not law. Bad DMs aside.

The player who killed his own paladin was simply failing to understand what sodomy was, so the reasonable course of action would simply be to legally change sodomy itself to something else to exclude oral and anal but leave bestiality as illegal.

Well I didn't see his arms on account of small webcams showing only the face for the most part, so I couldn't see the tattoos.

Yes. I don't know why that part seems impossible to you but yeah, he got his hair dyed in between the ending of one session and the start of the other. Hair dyeing takes like 10 minutes depending on the dye used.

Orc variant is Oni in Shadowrun.

Your whole argument hinges on the premise that good and evil are clearly defined.

If a paladin takes action to change the sodomy laws in the name of what good is he championing? The good of faggots or the common good of society (anal sex being one of the big factors that play a role in the spread of STDs)? Is it good to put the majority at risk to safeguard the lives of a tiny minority of mentally ill individuals? Wouldn't the proper course of action be to cure them of their mental illness so they can live normal lives?

Because it says so in the manual, you faggot.

A metavariant* as in ghouls are a variant of vampires or pigs are a "variant" of humans since muh DNA similarity. And alright, I guess you posting tumblr.png like it's nothing would suggest you have more experience with hair-dyes then I have.

It being Hong Kong means there are plenty of those as well, and I'm still talking to you, ain't I?

Wouldn't the proper course of action be to enslave them and provide cheap labor to the local coal mine so the nearby children's hospital has enough fuel to last thru the winter? No hospital? Fine, have them work in a quarry or make bricks instead.

Again, both lawful and good are debatable, playing neutral is where the real rulecuckery comes into play.

So, let me get this straight, the manual says that faggotry is good and pure and needs to be protected from bigots?

Just because your mom engages in bestiality there's no need to project your feelings of inferiority on others.

The point is to piss off the leftists, and nothing pisses them off quite as much as finding ways to cure faggotry. BioWare spent a great deal of effort in Inquisition whining about gay conversion.

Also, I don't think a lawful good paladin would agree to send degenerates into concent… labor camps.

Just do pic related in every situation while masturbating under the table.

Okay. And? That doesn't change the fact that Orcs are Oni in Shadowrun in Japan, not pigmen.

Stupid insults don't hide the fact you said something incredibly stupid, user.

I wanna fuck that commie cat

The same way it is moral to erradicate orcs and goblins, because they are chaotic evil.

There was a comic strip where some philosophers were playing D&D and they were discusing this same subject.

Don't do it user, her crops have failed again.

You got a small penis or something? I mean you could even milk some bonus roleplay XP since you're technically larping a chaotic neutral barbarian.

Honestly, this is a notburch type of situation. Thanks to your existence I can literally shove the flag of /namibia/ up my ass and sing the Marseillaise and people would say at least he's not watching libshit jewtube roleplay. And you're wrong but hey, thread's gone shit anyway so who cares.

You activated my shadowrun autism card.

Ghouls are no variant nor are vampires, you faggot! they are people infected by the Human Metahuman Vampiric Virus, a virus with so many strains it almost touch every variety of undead. You want to houserule pigorcs into your setting? feel free to do so, but don't you dare to fuck with the lore like SJWs have done.

I'm getting mixed signals here. Gay bashing is evil but racism and genocide are okay? This shit was written by leftists, wasn't it?

First you must be joined in holy matrimony.

I don't know what kind of big bang theory shit is happening right now but I'm laughing at it.

The first one: Bad
Dragonfall: Amazing
Hong Kong: Boring

See, this nigger gets it. They are related but there's still a world apart from the imperial weeb oni and your average Seattle #OrcLivesMatter green nigger.

But I love it how you glossed over the tattoos (and the piercing) being part of that post.

Since when orcs are green in shadowrun? they are white, black or asian like any human being. Or at least that is how it was.

I'm glad he gets it, I have no idea what you were arguing and I didn't care to begin with but I'm glad you found someone who understands it.

What post? What are you on about now? Are you actually retarded?

You've gone from shock that people can dye their hair over night to spouting bazingas at me to referencing posts about piercings for no reason. Slow the fuck down.

I think the Anarchism in Dragonfall is shown to be hollow as fuck. Basically everyone works for the MegaCorps in some way even though they're supposedly ideologically opposed to them. The little piece of heaven the game is set in is also only held together by Monique and when she gets iced basically everyone returns to being a dickhead that is only in it for themselves.

This all culminates in the ending where the MegaCorps take over Berlin and the anarchists barely put up a fight. No one was really dedicated and were all basically squatters taking advantage of the anarchy.

Around the time they allowed for kickstarter designed characters?


Okay? I still have no idea what you're on about but I'm sure you think you're winning this conversation so enjoy that I guess?

Maybe if she learns some basic economics/history first.

It really is.

Thankfully, you can be a GM and handwave most of that shit.

Since hobgoblins became an Arab ork metavariant.

Communists don't get married, they just swear to inform on each other to the government.

Are (You) trying to corner the market or something? Fine, I'm nothing if not generous.

Marx was against marriage though. Marxism being the cuck religion it's only natural that it would make the women communal goods too.

She'll familiarise herself with biblical history as part of her conversion to Christianity, prior to your marriage.

pic related


Oh, that's okay then.

Ideological cuckoldry is a real thing. I'm not surprised that Holla Forums is into it.

Just like real Anarchism.

Basically everyone works for the MegaCorps in some way even though they're supposedly ideologically opposed to them.
I feel that plays into the setting more. The system has overtaken all of society to the point that even when you're fighting the system you're supporting it. Fits in with the cyberpunk theme.

Photoshopped. I have the Shadowrun game and all those people have regular skin colours.

aren't you reaching a bit hard today Holla Forums

>we were just pretending to be cucks haha

You have to got be shitting me. First you yourself got triggered over muh oni being related to orcs and oni come in every flavor from white and green to blue to red. Second, the dragoncultist.png alone has like 5 variants in DF and a couple extra ones in DC and third: related is directly pulled from Shadowrun 4th Edition - 20th Anniversary Core Book and the Character Dossier supplement respectively.

And I never said they have to be green, just how apparently they can be green.

Uh… I think you got the wrong guy, buddy. I got triggered about ghouls.

About Onis being of every spectrum of the color I think that's wrong, but I'm too lazy to stand up and grab the shadowrun companion to chech.

Whatever, one jabroni's as good as another. And this is the older stuff as well, in the new shit you can have a proper rainbow lineup if you're so inclined.

WEll, it only says that onis can be red, blue or orange, not that they could be of any colour, but I guess we just got a problem of comunication.

Also, I never doubted hobgoblins could be green, just said that all orks could get green was something I wasn't so sure about, but of course that too might be some miscommunication too.

Well, good to remember.

Truly the worst form of cancer.

SR /tg/ guy here. Basically Shadowrun up until recent editions was broadly based off of 80s Cyberpunk themes. Since usually the protags of such stories would be anarchists fighting against the man in a corporate tower, that's about what you should expect the average mentality of someone you'd control in this game series. Now the PnP version did allow a wide range of characters types, including playing as said Humanis affiliates, as well as professional mercenaries and corporate Runners that "sold out". Most runners in the 2050-2065 era however are basically autistic antifa or ancaps that take wetwork and theft jobs from the people they hate because they want to pay the bills and have some soy coffee in the morning. As such, expect to run into some bluehairs in the process.

Interestingly for later Third Edition and Fourth Edition of the book, the new owners (Catalyst; not Harebrained, which is essentially old FASA) did try to push a more IRL leftist line for a time which created some implausible scenarios - such as a kingdom of cannibalistic Ghouls who do need no humans. In a rare example of a tabletop setting partially uncucking itself however this was reverted to the mean with Fifth Edition, where it was revealed that said Ghouls really were kidnapping and eating people after all (among other things). On an optimal level, the SR setting is that basically the whole world is a complete shit hole and it's going to get worse as magic gets more powerful: since the setting is tied into the game Earthdawn, when magic become common place a race of edgelord death spirits appears and extincts the planet except for a few small areas that have extensive magical protection.

Some faggots released a supervirus on the Matrix that ruined it in November 2064, although that was good timing since Deus had escaped the acrology system and was about to take over the digital world when the virus caught up with him, Mirage and Morgan (who were in a slug match with each other on the East Coast Stock Exchange system. All the classic AIs were turned into spaghetti code as they were sucked into a digital black hole.

Captain Chaos got geeked during the whole affair too. Maybe. Fastjack and Dodger came out alright but FJ went nuts and Dodger sold out in order to try and piece Morgan back together (again).