Traps in vidya thread

Post em, I especially like the curves on this one


That's a nice trap.

I really liked to use this one.

You're a faggot



This is a straight thread

You should play Black Mesa if you like those kinds of traps so much


Bioshock 2 was trap porn. So many good passive weapons and abilities


Fuck off

>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums



How stupid can one user possibly be?

reminder Holla Forums is trying to b8 people into hating Holla Forums

Because Holla Forums can't have dumbasses in their midsts, right?

This game is all about traps

Orcs Must Die is sort of a game about traps too.

I forget what's the name of that game?

Looks like Deception IV to me

Thank you