Kids today will never know what it's like to play a game and NOT know the creator's personal/political opinions

Kids today will never know what it's like to play a game and NOT know the creator's personal/political opinions.

Other urls found in this thread:

How come game devs nowadays want to force a political agenda in their games? I can understand politics in games that tackle real-world issues, but you should do your best to not give a one-sided bias, now it seems that their games are being made for you to know what their political stance is instead of being a fun game.

Because the devs get told that the world is going to end if Trump is president and theyvget given money to stop anti establish ment thought

Politicians affect us all, so I could forgive them subtly including political opinions in a way that fits the story. They never fucking do it subtly, though. I don't think they know how. They just shoehorn it in and it often interrupts the game itself. Would not be surprised if there was, like, a direct reference to Donald Drumpf being literally Hitler in Mass Effect for example, despite the game taking place in fucking 21XX or whatever. It's retarded.

What the hell are they freaking out so hard about? I couldn't tell you one damn thing that's changed for me, for better or for worse, since Trump. My liberal friends haven't spazzed out on me over Trump (well, okay, one). Is it a fame thing? They think them being famous, like, makes anyone who opposes their opinion a threat to their well-being? Can a psychologist explain what's wrong with these types?

Because these people are extremely shallow and devoid of character and define themselves and everything they consider good and right via their political opinions. Anything that isn't preaching politics and ideology is worthless to them, because they are worthless people who represent nothing but worthless ideas.

It's like every game dev feels the need to publicly say their opinion, followed by a "fuck Donald Trump" for some big boy liberal points. The Comedy genre is just as bad
Every time.

You always could but it was a lot more subtle, like the common personalities and archetypes used in the game. Also MGS existed. The only time games had absolutely no politics was when they were too simple to have them, like pacman and mario.

You could make some pretty fucking educated guesses about their creators' politics.

You could, but would they actually matter much for the games themselves?

I don't understand the question.

I think he means did those politics have a major influence on the games?

are you referring to final fantasy tactics translation?

Yeah, I mean, if those games have political messages, are those messages so blatant and/or unreasonable that they detract from the game? After all, there is a line between fiction with a message and outright propaganda.

In Chrono Cross's case, I'd say yes. Any time the subject of environmental disaster comes up, the game grinds to a halt so some NPCs can tell you everything is your fault.

Final Fantasy Tactics is made better by its politics, since they serve as a central theme connecting most of the battles.

We just wanted to play video games.

That sounds right to me. Everything I hear about Chrono Cross's writing tends to sound retarded. And any game about war with a story deeper than a puddle will probably have to put some kind of politics in it.

Because academia infected them. The market "demanded" games design degrees, and academia responded by repurposing their humanities departments and staffing "game theory" classes with tenured Foucault/Critical Theory professors.

I think most of this stems from the industry being full of garbage writers. Most western games are remakes, reboots, and clones of classics where the original IP was unused for a long period of time. Originally is sparse, and inserting your personal politics into a cookie cutter fantasy/sci-fi/open word setting is a simple way to make idiots (read: your average "gamer") think there is a brilliant story being told. A good writer can come up with an original setting and a political environment that fits the fictional world, and grow the story around that. Instead most western writers want you to think civilizations with interstellar travel are still arguing about fags and trannies when a massive war is brewing. It's insultingly stupid and out of place, but it gets brownie points from game journos and braindead college kids.

I had all those PSX games in the OP but Threads of Fate and IT'S THE ONLY ONE I EVER WANTED TO PLAY

Also on the topic of the thread:
Indie devs: You get the personal politics of the devs
AAAs: You get the political opinion of the left or nothing at all
Japanese devs: Racemix and homosexuality

None of it is any good and we need to either make our own games or stop playing them. I'm so paranoid about this shit I wonder what people who make harmless arcade games like Virus Crashers are like,

Not like Threads of Fate is horrendously expensive, at least last I checked. And it even got a PSN rerelease, unlike Brave Fencer Musashi.

If you weren't here for the exodus you don't belong here in the first place.

It started with gamergate. Know your internet history, faggot.

Homosex, yeah. But the tone of it is dramatically different from a typical Western game. Also what garbage games are you playing with racemixing?

Valkyria Chronicles, Xeno, Star Ocen, and Tales of games to name a few have race mixing. How is jap homosex any worse than western? You know it wasn't too long ago where almost every relationship was MxF instead of being 80% yuri like it is now.

There is no acceptable "tone" for faggotry.

any better than western*

Less ugly dyke faces and moral superiority. Also thanks for the list of games to avoid.

Your loss, cuck.

I just named 60% of all the JRPG franchises there have ever been.

As someone who physically owns Threads of Fate and has beaten it, you have my permission to just fuckin' emulate it already.

You named a few popular games. That's a drop in the bucket.

Maybe everyone who would just make games has become depressed.

All the games you posted had political elements.
Violence and militant atheism were the safely controversial things of the 90s.
Gay people and anti-white diversity are the safely controversial things of the 10s.
Teenagers are defined by a desire to rebel while actually being ultraconformists, embracing opinions dictated to them with such enthusiasm they don't think of it as politics, but as universal truth.

Once a given community reaches a certain percentage of leftists they start overtly pushing their agenda. It's as simple as that, they believe they are dominant and that they can now shill their ideology unchallenged.

OP is being sarcastic and nobody gets it.

So why aren't games about white supremacy and the reactionary right wing? Wait, you actually think what the left spews is "controversial"? When they have full backing from the government and politicians?

In case you didn't get the memo conservatism is the new edgy.

It's like you purposely missed the rest of his post.

kill me

World in Conflict had almost zero politics in it. The whole story is about the characters caught up in the war and how they deal with it, there is no muh communism/capitalism, let alone pushing nationalism one way or the other.

I had my fedora atheist phase in high school and quit after going to college and realizing what obnoxious fuckwits the vast majority of atheist really are.

The really scary part is that many don't ever grow out of their childish leftist phase and remain Marxist zombies sprouting Jewish rhetoric.

Being a perfect sheep is so comfy.

Most games don't. People on Holla Forums just love to go on Twitter and other social media to dig up the personal beliefs of the developer. Usually it's only a single developer as well. Then they just put the game and the beliefs together and make threads about to get upset over it. If you just stayed away from Twitter most of games would be totally free of political bullshit. Most recent examples of this would be something like Lisa and that Va-11-h4lla (or whatever) game where the games were liked by "Holla Forums" and then something was posted on Twitter or Tumblr that outed the devs as SJWs and after that the game suddenly got shit and everyone actually totally hated it from the start and no you can't talk about it here anymore.

The issue isn't the writers though, but the fact the suits allow and encourage it, despite being proven time and again that pushing leftist propaganda hurts sales.


I didn't really get this impression, but more of a general sadness or apathy. People will mention the game and someone else will respond with a sad reaction pic and a single "user…".

Sometimes you couldn't have known what would happen. Like recently with Shit Shovel.

Holy fuck this is some next of level making shit up.

No they'll respond with "lol cuck game" because that's what you do nowadays. Or they say something like even if the game is still the same, their enjoyment of the game is directly related to the political beliefs of the maker of the game. It's fucked up when you like something and then someone comes in and tells you "don't you know that the dev doesn't want to gas the jews?" (hyperbole but you get the idea) and that makes the game you liked shit even if it's still 100% the same game that you liked before.



It's funny because if a dev actually cracked jokes about gas chambers and the sixty gorillion, they'd probably get more business than they do from the left.


What happened?

Pretty much. It's the Marxist's long march through the institutions. Leftists are programmed to seek out opportunities to infiltrate "problematic" parts of society, their vector being positions few would go for, mostly poorly paid ones or volunteering jobs.

Once they are in they unleash their full sociopathy and ingrate themselves to those in power until they get promoted, and keep doing it until they attain a position where they can hire other of their kind, which they do. An alternative approach is cornering the HR job market and using that as a defacto commissariat to purge a company of wrongthink, or go into the non-government gender/race quota extortion racket.

The result is always the same, the community that tolerated (and sometimes welcomed) the leftist will soon enough find that tolerating the intolerant merely spelled the doom of everything they love and care about because the Marxist will gut it and use it as another propaganda pulpit.

I'm pretty sure most of the indie video game scene is money laundering via Kickstarter by corrupt politicians similar to crap budget films. Why else would you fund a project to fail other than to get rid of money you never were never suppose to have?

This is just an opinion.

What's their endgoal?

They implemented the rule 63 feature that had been planned, and also a long virtue-signalling blogpost about how it's not just people wanting to play as cute girls, but in fact a very important progressive statement.

OG Gramscianism was "if we run the show we can implement communism without the goyim realizing," but I'm sure it's gotten worse.

This did.

The left is inherently against white, heterosexual men (partly because of it's Jewish roots and partly because it's made up of subhumans, cunts and numale cucks). Their goal is to marginalize white men from society and erase Western civilization as we know it.

If you examine their pattern of behavior you'll note they only really target things white men enjoy. A good example is accusations of objectification and sexism. They are always aimed at white men, or at entertainment white men enjoy, meanwhile true displaying of abuse and oppression of women by mudshits and niggers go completely unchallenged by the left, or they actively help them cover it up (like in Rotherham) or to make it more socially acceptable (like laws legalizing child marriages in several parts of Europe).

The only real motivation of the left once you get past all their moral grandstanding is a deep seated hatred of white, heterosexual men. They are an alliance of all the inferior dregs of society that feel jealousy and inferiority towards white men and the civilization they have built.

I have no idea why you would think that. You need to realise that most people don't actually care about any of this. They play something like Horizon zero dawn and they just think it's a cool open world game just like Skyrim. They don't see a problem with everyone being a nigger or every person in power being a woman. If it were the other way around they still wouldn't care. Most people don't even know anything about the developers of the game let alone their politcs. They just think it's Inifity ward that makes their favorite Call of Duty whether it's pre-2010 IW or not. If a dev made jokes about jews and whatever they'd just gain the support from people who are like the users of this website and lose some from places like neogaf and reddit. The end result would probably be minimal in terms of sales because the majority of sales comes from people that just buy the new hot game and don't talk about them on internet forums.

If that were the case the white majority in America wouldn't have voted Trump into office. They can obviously tell something is not quite right in the US (and the West in general) but lack the vocabulary and intellectual framework to put their finger on it. They'd blindly trust the MSM (when it's obvious 80% and more don't trust them at all) and keep voting Democrat so they can feel warm and fuzzy about their enlightened tolerance.

This also holds true for the rest of the West. You wouldn't see a surge in popularity for far right leaders like Le Pen, Orban, Geert Wilders, etc. if they were all braying sheep just waiting for the slaughter.

Also, I get the impression ZD didn't do so well in sales despite the media shilling it up. Why did Witcher 3 sell so well when compared to DA:I? One has a 99% white cast and is about a white man killing shit and fucking every good looking woman he comes across, the second one is the darling of the media and a proper propaganda tool that got all manner of exposure, on top of whatever prestige BioWare still retains in the industry. Why did W3 do so well and DA:I didn't?

He killed the TPP because he's a nationalist. Things could have been much worse.

And he put a stop to King Nigger's little game of nuclear Russian roulette that was going to get extremely ugly.

Because The Witcher 3 is a much better game than DA:I mechanically and graphically, has a much better world and story and the franchise in itself has a much higher reputation when it comes to quality than DA expecially after the shitshow that was DA2? Stop being delusional. W3's success had absolutely nothing to do with politics especially when W3 doesn't even have any sort of clear political agenda. It makes me sad that people like you think that games only sell because of their politics. I want the Holla Forums back that hated story in games and was about gameplay.

So you're saying that game that panders to the largest vidya demographic, white, heterosexual men, didn't sell well because of said pandering?

This whole thread you've been nothing but an imbecile.

that's because western developers today will never know to not be preachy cunts with their personal/political opinions in their videogames

I like TW3 a lot but you're really reaching here.
The harassment of minorities by fucking white males is a big theme in TW3.

Why would I be reaching here? We have plenty of examples of good games not selling well in the past, so the quality of the game can't really be the reason why it got so popular. And don't even mention the Skyrim crowd, they want a game where you create your own character, not one where you are forced to play a preset one.

Said minorities actively asking for it too. It's not like Witcher games paint elves as innocent victims or makes humanity out to be the bad guys, and this goes doubly so for W3.


This is all you took away from my post? That one part where I said it has better gameplay than DA:I? Are you saying DA:I has better gameplay than W3 and that all the other bits I mentioned are all false as well and the reason it sold so well is because it has a STRONG WHITE MALE as the lead? Fuck, the whole game you can even side with the minorities or not and the whole fucking POINT of The Witcher franchise is that there are no moral black and white situation and everyone's more or less evil. It's about as neutral as a game can be and let's the player decide who to side with. How the fuck is that pandering? Do you know what pandering means?

For not agreeing with your stupid opinions based on fucking nothing? All you've done in this thread is whine about "the left" and their supposed tactics of integrating into society. You're not even talking about video games most of the time you fucking shitstain. Go choke on a cock you stupid fuck.

If that is the case why hasn't pewdiepie hemorrhaged suscribers

I especially got fed up with elves since the W1, i was young and wanted to help the oppressed but after i saw the consequences derived from helping them trafficking weapons and robbing the bank i got that they were nothing but savages in the end.
I regretted that i didn't side with bro Siegfried

I'm pretty sure a bunch of kids play a lot of Candy Crush and Pokemon Go type games without knowing the first thing about the creators' politics. The political shitstorm in games mostly exists in the bubble Holla Forums and idiot game devs share on Twitter. Outside of that, no one really gives a fuck.

That Phil Owen guy might be a gigantic faggot, but no one sucks more cock than the one with the Prinny avatar

We need a list of games that are strictly pro-white and against libshits.

Must be nice being a oblivious retard

I've never cared about the people who make the games and I never will. I just play games.

There are a lot of folks who care more about shit posting and controversy than playing games.

Shit man, I can hear the hand rubbing from here.

I feel a bit privileged though. I got to experience the Internet before it went to shit, and good old games. Though I never got to experience this country before immigration arrived, that privileged is what my parent have.

When I was younger I would play lots of different games with female protags and never bat an eye at it, but now with all the gender-baiting going on in the industry and accompanying media I now find myself looking at games with female protags wondering if they're only female to garner socjus points. Not even for specific devs, either, just in general I can't get the initial thought out of my mind since I just know any game with a female protag is going to get favourable responses on that basis alone and I don't (always) know whether it was intentional or just coincidental.

Fucking sucks.

Second pic is pretty bullshit regardless of your political alignment, though. Main characters are usually meant to be easily recognizable, and the sameface is strong with many of those. But the worst of all this is that they are designed like that just because those AAA games are designed by committee, and think their protagonists must be 30 years old short haired short bearded white men because the people who will be playing these games will fall into that demographic, ignoring most people wouldn't mind playing as something else, like a giant Irish lumberjack, or a cute loli, an animal, a robot, or a badass 60 years old balding man.

When these people talk about diversity, they are talking about inserting transgender homosexual muslim black women, but under a non-pozzed definition of the wordm I agree wholeheartedly. Design by committee has to die.

For real, I don't even really like trump but Shillary's constant threats towards Russia were a one way ticket to a nuclear fucking war. The irony is that liberals are still claiming thay Trump is going cause a nuclear war with Russia despite the fact that they are also claiming he's a Russian puppet

I did have a militant atheist phase but never was into communism, anyone with common sense knows that it's a retarded system that would never work.

Kill yourself.

Stop playing western games.

Boo hoo, the western industry that's been in freefall for the last two decades thanks to marketing has given up peddling awful games to consumers that care about quality and instead is pandering to an audience that only cares about affirming their political ideology.

Meanwhile japan doesn't care and continues to just make fun, if sometimes flawed, games. I'm fine with that state of affairs. But feel free to waste your time trying to rescue BioWare and Ubisoft from liberal propaganda if you want. They'll still make shitty games even if you succeed, because they've been doing so far longer than this current problem you perceive.

The internet was a mistake
Social media was a mistake
People only wanted to have fun and make a living back in the day.

The gooks use that shit as a joke, user

It doesn't seem that way, it just is that way now, sadly.

I wish GDC would burn and all the hipstery indie socialist faggots with it


Because people played it for the story

user, if you are hungry you will think about bread

nice try schlomo, but the Jews wont succeed in Japan like in the West

Because GDC


Meanwhile trump went ahead with an increase in an already runaway military budget, preparing for god knows what or just appeasing the MIC. The money could have been easily diverted to fund research for better and more efficient space travel or something with just as much benefit to humanity/American people.

Anyway this is political talk, you want to talk politics? We have a board for that.

Technically there are several political boards, polite sage.

Samurai are now salarymen, working to death and financing a life they have no time to enjoy. Young people don't breed or fall in love, old people die alone. Glorification of shallow youth culture decadent Western expressions from fashion to hip-hop is ubiquitous. Good Ruck!

Dubs confirm.
The moment they start smelling bullshit, they'll turn into yellow murder monkeys of old.

To the political retards, everything is political. I bet 100$ that they think Tetris is a criticism of the Berlin Wall and Soviet isolationism.

Japan has repeatedly said NO to immigration, despite all the pressure the West and the UN put on them with all the depopulation fearmongering.

They know that with automation just around the corner all those low skill, cheap "refugees" and immigrants are a future underclass of angry, military aged men that will topple the established social order. I guess that's why the West still keeps flooding the US and Europe with them and keeps them in perpetual poverty and pushes multiculturalism instead of integration (not that I think it would work). They need the manufactured votes to say in power.

They need to make everything political, that's how leftism works and pretends to still be relevant.

Isnt a post like yours already a bannable offense on /r/the_donald/ Holla Forums ?

It's not just leftism user. The spectrum is shifting. Games should be apolitical in general.

Because life sucks for most people and the only outlet they have is fruitlessly raging against the machine through indirect mediums of expression like video games and comics, so they start whining about what they think is important because they can't get rid of the nagging feeling that something isn't quite right here.

No, art tends to be political because no one can help and keep their biases separate from their work. The issue I have with the left is not that they want to make games shilling their propaganda, but that they want to stop everyone else from doing the same.

Another bone I have to pick with them is that not only can't they tolerate different views from being expressed, but they go out of their way to ruin things we enjoy simply out of spite.

I see no point in tolerating these vile vermin since they have proven time and again they do not understand what a free market of ideas is supposed to be, hence they need to be purged.

Good thing video games aren't art then.

I agree. These faggots were welcomed into the free thought/expression pool party with open arms. "The water's fine, let's see what you can do!" And they took a dump in it and ruined for everyone.

I fucking hate them.

Because it's trendy.

And supposedly it's done and somehow they make leaps and bounds in the next 5-10 years of progress in terms of engineering even more so figuring out some way to extend the survival probability of the crew past what it is known to date ; then what? Go where genius ? Just fly around in the cosmos for the next 50 years or so not accounting for all the shit that can go wrong in space travel during that time in the hope to just bump into ET on the off chance that he is a as big of a pothead hippie as you are and not some fucking nightmare out of a John Carpenter movie?

Libtard logic everybody , may as well gib dem monies fo programs 'n' shit because i can tell you right now : they're gonna be equally wasted and if shit does go wrong at least we do know how to deal with niggers at this point

The culture has changed and it started in colleges. Recall the phrase, "The personal is political" and then trace that back to college classrooms. Professors these days were raised and taught by previous generations which were in turn educated by the extreme counter-culture hippies. Each successive generation from the 'political activism' era became more extreme, as they discovered that having power, authority, and control of culture was not enough to sate their maddening lust for power.

So each new generation of professors creates new problems, new issues that require activism, and where they can't inspire activism, they push others to make their lives into statements. Like being gay isn't just wanting to suck cocks, now it's a lifestyle. A revolutionary lifestyle that seeks to enlighten the masses and make them understand that sucking cock is a better way of life, according to college professors who are so sheltered by the dense academia echo chamber previous generations have erected, that they never bothered to check if sucking cock was just a sign of deep mental instability or a sign of abuse.

But these people didn't stop at Gender and Women's studies departments. They expanded outward. The physics department has to be feminist. The biology department needs a social justice slant.. and STEM.. Mein Gott, STEM needed the most work of all.

Now people coming out of just about any college are deeply programmed with this belief that they must constantly act as a paragon for their ideology. That they cannot do ANYTHING without virtue signalling or making sure that the whole world (enabled by social media) knows exactly how they feel about everything, no matter what it is they do or what they work on.

A lot of developers are just leftist.

You can't censor them
You can't persuade them
You can't effectively boycott them

Maybe just start making apolitical games of your own.
Maybe one will get popular and people will see your point of view.

You wouldn't have to know if you didn't go looking for it. Yes, if you follow some fuck on twitter the fuck will spew political shit. But the amount of people who put it in their games isn't high, mostly because pandering doesn't sell.
I keep seeing people mention Inquisition and other Bioware shit while forgetting that nobody fucking likes modern Bioware, not even the normalfags. I can't really think of a game that pushed an agenda down my throat that wasn't some butthurt indie dev.
For example, GTA series has always been highly political but you wouldn't guess what politics the creators have. Same goes for Bethesda. Despite them featuring a large amount of different worldviews and satirizing political leanings, the intent of the creator is unclear.

Really though, I would like to know. What major, mainstream games released in the past two years push an agenda? I would say Watch Dogs 2 but I haven't played that one, so I don't know.

There are tons of apolitical games too, some popular too.


Such a good taste, user

Then trace it back to commie modern/post-modern philosophers, who were inspired by philosophers from the post-Industrial Revolution who were inspired by the thinkers of the Enlightenment and the growing loss of faith in the transcendent. Kali Yuga is not a new phenomenon.


Man you are a special one aren't you? Funding ANY Sector that does R&D is a good idea, be it NASA or DARPA and has yielded multiple things that now improve our daily live.

Jesus Christ, why do the Japanese assume that Americans are so incredibly literal and autistic? It's like the Japanese gaming industry decided as a whole that the minds of Americans are too simple not to have the game's weapon-clad cast plastered all over the boxart.

Mafia 3.
The new Deus Ex has 'refugees welcome', 'aren't whites racists?' overtones. (Also your boss is a gay man who has raised children with his man-pal)
Horizon: Zero Dawn.
The newest Hitman (as you're passing by some npc, you can hear him mocking someone who is clearly meant to represent Trump.

There are probably loads, tbh. You are, however, right: it doesn't really sell, and often takes away from the experience, which is why it's relatively subtle for now (other than something like Mafia 3).
The steady growth of pro-poz propaganda in gaming is definitely worthy of note, and will certainly continue so long as the zeitgeist is directed by the jews and their leftist pets.

I don't know where you're getting the idea that no one cares about Bioware. Are they not still a highly commercially successful company?
They are definitely the most pozzed of the mainstream game developers.

Better to fund research to expand man's living space or improve man's life than just throwing more money into the an already bloated hole. lik ur mum :^)
I like how you jumped to conclusions once I mentioned funding for more R&D projects.
This is a retard's logic, even if a more efficient and economic way to leave earths atmosphere were implemented in our lifetime we may not see viable forms of space travel for generations to come. The point is to leave something for the next generation to work with.

If every person and his mom had the same nigger mentality like you, we'd still be stuck living in hovels and shitposting on the walls of taverns.

You don't think racemixing is bad? You just created a Holla Forums thread. Enjoy.

Those were the days.

Hyperbole much?

This infestation will kill it's self in time and every game since they went to shit will be available to them too.

tfw being a modern game dev literally becomes Depression Quest.

Muslim tranny dyke in wheelchair GO!

As if everyone doesn't immediately try to make the hottest bitch they can then the ugliest fucker they can.

Cheque please, this is gonna be incomprehensible even if 'they' doesn't have a hideous accent.

Needs a Jap loli version

Giving out orders like they have authority.


The hamfisted crowbarring of their shitty narrative poisons the intentions of anyone making an honest 'gal as MC' game with suspicions of kikery.

The fact that character creation screens exist undermines absolutely everything about the argument against those titles cos there's always a default male and female anyway. Regardless women aren't playing these games and never have been, they'd probably shut the fuck up if there was just more female characters in the advertising

There wouldn't have been a nuke war with Russia and there won't be either, both sides are making too much money to fuck it all up now.