What is the obsession with this busted up whore? I've seen better looking women working at Wal-Mart...

What is the obsession with this busted up whore? I've seen better looking women working at Wal-Mart, without the 15lbs of makeup she wears.

Attached: 26066296_929200650589811_451077252340252672_n.jpg (320x320, 19.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:


ikr she looks like a really basic slut

She’s better than most cancerfus, unlike maisie, natalie, chloe etc she was never 11 years old in a show or movie centered around sex and violence. Not that I’d let Blissfag babysit my niece but at least he could probably do it without molrsting her.

I agree.
There are much more prettier women on this earth.

Attached: Goddess.jpg (930x1136, 180.93K)

She must have just let a big one rip.

Are you implying that you wouldn't smell it?

It's just a /wooo/ reject

All of the girls posted on this board are equally pig disgusting. In the end, nothing beats 2D.

Attached: Fran_RW.png (754x1580, 737.81K)

There's literally nothing appealing about that. It's not even a fantastic ideal.

Lets play a game, Holla Forums.
Post your worst at this thread to flame things up:

After at least 30 posts, I will completely destroy one of the Emmas.

Attached: 5fc.jpg (1409x1367, 339.17K)

You are low T if you don't like brown bunny girls.

Attached: 11540df68d95311598cf9597c452102b.jpeg (504x679, 391.37K)


He says posting a pig disgusting niggerfu

That thing's not even human, or real. You're fucked in the head.

Didn't she got completely blasted by the bunny girl from Made in Abyss?

Worst what? Clarify and I’ll do it, fugging hate the emmenas.

Anything, as long as they think they are under attack and decide to fight back against whoever.

What's your point, homo?

Attached: 6255647debbeca2988a2c1f043c00221.jpeg (565x800, 425.35K)

I like Bliss because she's realistic, genki, and a slore. If you want some unrealistic jew slave like emmas then go fuck yourself.

She works for the mercenary, the wrestling man


Thanks for that pic I didn't have but you're being unnecessarily rude towards the queen of Holla Forums. And she wears tons of makeup to get an striking appearance, she's a qt in real life but the makeup makes her look completely different. You probably wouldn't recognize her if you saw on the street without makeup on. It's like a Lucha Libre mask, but much subtler.

Attached: shut up.mp4 (406x720, 2.73M)

Master ruse from the horzbol gang
I'm impressed


take that back
only Emma Watson

So you’re the top and maisie’s the bottom then?

Bliss is queen and Maisie is princess, for the rest of 2018. It was determined by popular vote.

Attached: twisted bliss.mp4 (640x354, 928.37K)

This is the official ranking.

Attached: poll.png (1263x1508, 116.28K)

Kind of obvious who wears the pants in the relationship, just sayin.

There's no relationship.
The queen of Holla Forums is elected each year by the people, that's how it works.

So that’s what the bottom of the bus looks like.

Attached: 73D300CE-D86A-4004-94F7-B7FBA4CC333C.jpeg (723x408, 51.46K)

Blissfag didn't make the poll

Attached: 1492218471481.jpg (785x757, 38.13K)

Yes but it has to be fair. One user one vote + without a time limit it’s just a matter of calling a winner whenever you want. Would be happy to set up a real election but highly doubt ghoul would allow it again.

Yeah okay.

Why are you so cool?

It was done in a day or two. In a single thread which featured a Zach meltdown so it died quickly.
Is that a vol or something? If you said zerosugar I'd get it.
Looks ironically made by a non-blissfag. As I said, it's no secret blissfag and maisiefag are friends.

This, and that's surprising because /wooo/ is infested with shitty waifufags as well.

Oh and about "bliss at top of the list", this is the poll. At least for me Gal Gadot shows up on top. strawpoll.me/15105382
Bliss is on top on the screencap because the results are ordered in descending number of votes.
If anything I'd guess a gadotfag made it, who else calls that ugly thing "/ourgal/"?

Fucking halfchan fags

Gahoole2 aka jenny janny. He even has a meta Holla Forums jewtube channel.

Attached: D837F9F6-D21A-4E7A-AE1F-E25D1E45977C.jpeg (640x938, 68.26K)

Oh, I didn't know you called him ghoul. And just because he follows Jenny it doesn't make him a jennyfag. He's MGTOW and hates waifufags ffs. He probably likes her content or something. Guy had Elliot Rodgers' manifesto in his bookmarks toolbar.

Found the polling thread: 8ch.net/tv/res/1153228.html

Yeah he made an anti-Margaret vid where he called this a MGTOW board where waifus have no place. Oh the irony.

Attached: 455E3590-B9A4-45E2-B59F-E517CA133888.jpeg (640x546, 71.64K)

we really need to do something about the margcuck problem..


Attached: 4087f205856dadad8f94c00568d8c68814ac9926377869c111f91ada64c436ff.png (391x394, 65.13K)


I know who the janny is, I jus didn't know you guys called him Ghoul. I always knew him as GaHoole2. Stop trying so hard, goon.

How could you read that name and see this face and not immediately think "Ghoul?"

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (422x604 88.5 KB, 65.88K)

For starters, English isn't my mother tongue. And he doesn't look like a flesh-eating demon either.

You're a brainlet pleb

You're a hapa manlet deeply affected by Dunning-Kruger

Nice projection brainlet

Said the arts major, kek

I’m studying biochemistry at the University of Iceland. Without further interruption, let’s celebrate and suck some dick!

Yeah and I'm a razzie winner.
Cut the crap Zach, we know everything about you and you have a meme arts degree from UConn.

Standard book of replies chapter 7 right?

You replied to a post replying to Zach, with the type of bullshit he'd attempt to pass as truth, so the logical assumption is that you're him.

I subscribed to jenny so I would know when to come over here and anchor an off topic thread

kek, that's clever

I am not the same user that was being responded to in that post.
Nothing personel kid.

My bad then. I guess getting called Zach serves you right for interrupting the conversation tho :^)

Barbara is the actual queen.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1234x1063, 1.22M)

Spit on the fake queen

Attached: 4CC0947A-B0AC-476B-9C52-7C9CEB93C9F4.jpeg (730x1095 92.63 KB, 105.66K)

Heh, not bad. Almost made me use 20% of my banter.

Attached: 5C9293FA-DC25-4A41-A4C4-7F6B42DC8AAE.jpeg (396x594 110.16 KB, 76.54K)

When do you usually check this board, and when do you go to sleep?

Do you think he's stupid enough to reveal that?

Have you ever been to college?

Would I laugh at arts majors if I wasn't in the superior field, Zach?
Besides your degree being gender studies isn't something we have discarded yet, given that it's a Bachelor of Arts in UConn too.
So, which one is it Zach?

Attached: lol 2.png (1263x1500 77.83 KB, 121.99K)

What's the big deal? I just want to know when the board is improved by his moderation so I can better schedule my visits to it before the shit seeps back in again.

Nice projection

What language is this?


What makes a poll official then?



Attached: I activate my secret self-destruct mechanism now.jpg (149x206, 11.99K)

Attached: 1520895278450.png (600x517, 232.59K)

Dear God, you're so dumb. How did you even find your way here?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (625x773, 90.88K)

Instead of answers, you are going personal. Typical halfchan mentality. But I'm a better person than you are, so I'll just ask one question:

What makes a poll official here?

Attached: get away you freak.jpg (145x203, 10.82K)

I'm not any of the people you were replying to. I'm just making an observation based on your utter lack of comprehension of extremely simple things.

What are those, if I may ask? I know that the guy made a typo (second question), but calling an actress' every fan pedophiles, because the actress worked as a kid is ridiculous. I've became a fan of Maisie around 2014's second half, where she was 16. That's hardly a kid. Call me an ephebophile then, but that's still not true, because I've became a fan of her personality. She looked like a funny person.

Also, I don't think Jenny makes "content" worthy of watching, and I don't have any idea how the fuck do you make an official poll on a completly Anonymous, mostly unregulated imageboard. But you say that's an extremely simple thing, so why don't you, oh so intelligent one, tell me, how does this work?

Attached: processing information.jpg (309x252, 14.05K)

What's your point here? You think you not liking her content means that it isn't content?

why do you dumb fucks get into retarded debates with avatar fags?

Attached: brain-aneurysm-2-copy.jpg (500x379, 34.2K)

Attached: are you kidding me.gif (360x202, 1.74M)

Hey, sorry to hear that

If you are watching a person doing 20+ minutes of talking while their face is visible, you have to like that person to bear it. I can't imagine anyone wasting that much time on people they hate. I think if he is subscribed, he must like her as a person as well as what she does, otherwise it's pointless.
I don't think anyone on youtube talking about fucking movies are content. None. And if she doesn't talk about movies, the fuck is she doing on this board? But even if I'm wrong, I dislike her, and I'm not interested in her, so from my perspective, her content isn't content. Twisted, huh?

Attached: kissy nerd.jpg (600x600, 45.8K)

Something tells me you play dumb a lot when it comes to sex with children.

Common sense for one. Blissfag says here

So a poll with unlimited voting nobody saw that kept going for an unknown time until he decided it was over. Don’t know how official elections are held there in the third world but over here it’s pretty much the opposite of that. Tbh only thing it got right was calling maisie a cancerous munter.

at least you were here to be a voice of reason

Attached: bffs.jpeg (720x695, 66.06K)


I actually agree with you here.
You obviously don't know what "content" means. Hint: It has nothing to do with whether you like it or not.
Replying "What" to such a neutral word is an extremely retarded way to express that you don't like her.

That's Africa. I live in glorious Hungary, last bastion of Christian Europe.
So anyone who votes must be identifiable, it should be observed by the BO or the mods, it should be stickied, and it should last till every single person who regularly posts here have eitehr voted or declared that he will refuse. And this should go on without fake votes, raids, spams, etc. So it's impossible.

If it's impossible, an unofficial poll is just as valid, under these circumstances. I think…

You understood. Then what's your problem? Should I used halfchan cliché words intested to insult Jenny instead?

Attached: not working.png (600x400, 418.12K)

You could try saying that you don't like her instead of making factually incorrect statements about the meaning of a word.

Sure, I could. But then others could say
Instead we get
If others do this, why can't I do it?

Attached: ClakkwaWQAA_rHU.jpg (698x657, 76.32K)

None of those examples you gave are factually incorrect statements about the meaning of a word.

You are low t if you if had to convince yourself to like cartoons over women because you can't get women. That is really what this anime love shit is, it's beta faggots who could never get a real gf or any female interaction so they chose to convince themselves to love something they can't be rejected by. You are so full of shit.

Is this some online academy?

If you talk about a worthless topic, the things you say, could be worthy, but since the topic itself is worthless, it's hardly worthy to listen to you. That's my point. If you listen to some average person talking for long minutes about something, you have to be interested in the topic first and in the person too, or at least in one of them.

Attached: scientist Maisie.jpg (436x659, 29.99K)


Attached: all this noise in their heads.jpg (880x888, 134.95K)

It's still content regardless of how you feel about it.
For example, I think maisie is an ugly piece of shit. Would it make sense to say she doesn't star in movies as a way to express that? No, that would be retarded.

Listen, I'm telling you, that by content being not content I mean it's worthless. Do you understand this? I'm not denying that in those fucking videos, tehre is something, because there has to be, just in my book, that's worthless content. Non-content. Understand?

You understood at the first place, that I basically said "I don't like Jenny or her videos". Now, the next step would be to stop playing with fucking words, and start talking about either
or we could just go back to the thread's topic: Bliss. But nooo, you have to insist on calling me a retard and telling the same thing over and over again, despite you get what I've wanted to say, and I get what you want to say. What's your goal here?

Attached: why do you do this.jpg (454x558, 51.65K)

i miss the camren poster

Attached: 3DF69BBD-9BE1-43BF-B065-5D74C48F9BF7.jpeg (640x640, 181.89K)

No, I didn't. I only understood that once you explained it.
For some reason I doubt that.

But you do understand it now. That's what counts in the end.

Attached: vk3.jpg (604x604, 82.78K)

What do?

Attached: Maisie foot4.jpg (640x640, 61.94K)

Attached: curb stomp.mp4 (480x480, 158.92K)

Attached: sad Maisie5.jpg (604x603, 51.81K)


das rayciss

Attached: kneeling bliss.jpg (1000x600, 327.27K)

But why?

Attached: wtf am i reading.jpg (1280x1912, 638.68K)

t. reddit

Attached: lol.png (400x289 137.43 KB, 90.63K)

it's a movie about neonazis, and that particular scene is a nazi killing a black guy. seems pretty racist if you ask me

Attached: smug sitting.jpg (1844x1497, 296.33K)


Smell feet

Oh, I thought about the reaction image being applied to Maisie. But you were reaction on the image itself.

Attached: Picture_Pub_Maisie_Williams_15.jpg (4040x2712, 1.62M)

i see nothing wrong with this

Attached: Maisie feet2.jpg (1280x688, 357K)

in retrospect, I can see how it could be interpreted that way

Attached: nod.gif (425x264, 1.71M)

top kek

cute toes
would suck


Attached: do me Anon.jpg (213x206, 17.53K)

DAMN, Maisie is hot as hell there again. What have you done to me?


cute dick
would suck

Attached: tumblr_p0xhvmhV461rg38foo1_1280.jpg (768x1024, 127.13K)

Attached: oh shit.jpg (2725x1937, 474.77K)

nigga you gay
better get started, at least

She is soooo fucking hot.
I would tongue fuck her asshole and eat her shit.

Attached: FF4.jpg (1706x2560, 1.09M)

I'm not projecting anything there Zachary.

The results were announced in that very thread, and a lot of people saw it. Tip harder, faggot.

Wet hair effect

Attached: shampoo commercial girl2.jpg (363x257, 22.46K)


Attached: Maisie Maisie Maisie Maisie.mp4 (1920x1080, 520.47K)

Does anyone have the bored bliss mp4? Asking for a friend

Wasn't it hair spray?

Attached: Maisie_spray.mp4 (1920x1080, 471.01K)

It was neither but I can't remember what it was

Attached: clones4.jpg (422x202, 31.94K)

Attached: angourie-rice-miu-miu.jpg (1200x1011, 393.54K)


Attached: fanevent34.jpg (2100x3150, 1.09M)

Attached: Angourie-Rice-Height-Age-Weight-Measurement-Biography-Wiki-Affairs-Net-Worth.jpg (700x994, 112.2K)

I hope you are not Darren.

Attached: Maisiefish.jpg (287x265, 18.67K)

Someone post the car wash scene.

Maisie punished you with an off by one for posting that badly lit pic of her


Attached: scared.jpg (261x210, 22.89K)

Attached: Maisie ass7.jpg (697x1024, 128.08K)

NEW JAPAN CUP 2018 Mar 15,2018 Tokyo · Korakuen Hall


She's pretty hot imo. Much better to look at than most of the women who get posted on here, tbh. Her physique reminds me of that one blonde who got fired from that conservative political network which was run by a never trumper, can't think of either of their names. Bliss is better looking than her though.

Attached: IjbEvSy.jpg (476x477, 23.85K)

She has promised us a new Jewtube video. Where is it, Maisie?

Attached: Maisie pillow2.jpeg (220x200, 12.68K)

you know how girls be

Attached: it's me austin.jpg (900x506, 67.78K)

I've prepared so hard to get the quads and some idiot accidentally took them with some worthless meme

Attached: oh god why19.jpg (1200x798, 104.61K)

a mix of her willingness to flaunt her "body" and her 12 year olds height is probably hitting a lot of buttons for some.

that's rough, buddy

Attached: big guy and small girl.jpg (846x1059, 200.1K)

Attached: check em2.jpg (780x882, 116.13K)

what did you mean by this?

Attached: bliss posing.jpg (1080x1085, 121.88K)

Maybe he dislikes the pleasures of the flesh and feels disdain towards those who are more interested in a female's body than in her soul.

Attached: tesék.jpg (299x256, 17.1K)

sounds plausible

Attached: skirt bliss.jpg (1920x1080, 680.55K)

Nice furnace

Attached: ehehehehe.jpg (232x248, 18.37K)

Bump against unrelated waifus

Attached: Fire Maisie7.jpg (1080x1080, 151.26K)

Tomi L something?
Lauren Southern?

Bliss is from Ohio, so she is probably a conservative too.
Also she hates Sasha who supports BLM and hates Trump.

I love the new improved Holla Forums, Bliss threads are so comfy

Attached: WWE-28753735_1833992940232016_2901855874282684416_n.jpg (1074x1074, 148.71K)

you're probably right about her political views, but I think her issues with Sasha are more personal. something about Sasha being jealous of her success, I believe

Attached: eww why is that thing touching me.jpg (640x640, 103.6K)

Attached: new pic.png (139x79 119 B, 4.1K)

are those maisie's fingers?

The left hand is hers, yes. The right one is Tom Hiddleston.

Attached: yes.gif (160x160, 204.85K)


Attached: tiny emma with huge pillow.png (604x554, 592.15K)

What is she doing in that pose?

Attached: thinkin.png (309x350, 214.76K)


Attached: a79023215c6a9ec4e8690621416b4ea7--madison-montgomery-american-horror-story-coven.jpg (500x538, 46.43K)



Attached: emma-roberts-beauty-evolution-10.jpg (1997x2996, 966.59K)

Attached: sasha being a jerk.png (1280x727, 542.79K)

Attached: 0beeff7a335e1be1bbe06cc4d49a3707b30a85286ba9876e2a954f4f83a09760.png (191x376, 151.65K)

what's this from? looks familiar

Attached: bliss and finn.png (500x626, 464.95K)


You're thinking of Tomi Lahren. Also Sasha sucks and she's the niece of Snoop Dogg (and she gets riced daily).

cousin actually. here's him rapping during her Wrestlemania entrance two years ago

Oh I have no idea why I said niece actually. Excuse my beleaguered mind as I've been pacing around my house all day pissed off about having no hot fucking water.

why not?

Attached: bliss with her colleagues.png (620x620, 599.25K)

No idea. It's being going on for a FUCKING YEAR though and the nigger landlord hasn't done shit. I get hot water for for like two minutes at random ass times of the day. You basically have to treat taking a shower like buying a McRib: it only happens about once a god damned year and if you don't take advantage right then and there you'll be waiting for a long fucking time.

Alexa and Liv team up when?

Attached: Ew9CCw0.jpg (1600x1600, 311.18K)

I swear to god I've gotten so pissed off that I just yell randomly without giving a shit. My neighbours must think that I'm a schizo or a crackhead or something at this point.

No /goodboys/ in town, huh?

maybe when they start the women's tag team division they've been talking about for a while, although I'm not sure why Liv would leaver her Riott Squad buddies

that sucks, dude

Attached: fuck marry kill.jpg (1031x868, 110.66K)

You highlighted only the majors that upset you the most HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA


It's from one of your pics. Someone cropped this guy out and I've saved him, because he looks funny.

Attached: sky Maisie15.jpg (555x370, 34.98K)

The girl third from the right has a goblin-like quality and a nice waist. Who dat be?

Attached: derp2.jpg (110x124, 8.15K)

That's the 56%er known as Bayley. Her whole gimmick is to be an autistic "lovable" loser who hugs people. I'm serious.

that's what I thought at first, but I can't seem to find such a pic so now I'm worried I've misplaced a Bliss pic

beat me to it. he's really not kidding about the gimmick

Attached: deeply concerned.jpg (1741x979, 241.29K)


Interesting. I find her really interesting. And she has a giant wristwatch too.

Goblins interst me

Attached: I say M18.jpg (682x1024, 27.04K)

They'd best get on it fast, because nothing is as tedious as the 6-woman tag matches they have on week after week.

Attached: ZaR78a8.jpg (1920x1080, 257.7K)

Attached: spare change, sir.jpg (1080x1350, 167.65K)

Attached: fucking disgusting.jpg (321x248, 22.87K)

I want to perform oral sex on Liv's holes.

Too lewd.

Attached: a2rif63vp9f01.jpg (1080x1075, 877.84K)

There is enough makeup on her forehead to stop a .22.

Attached: 12070822_1645632195718797_1061101518_n.jpg (1080x1350, 217.23K)

But not a .45!

Attached: Maisie with a gun2.jpg (980x490, 29.48K)

I want to paint her forehead a little more if you know what I'm saying.

she doesnt have any tits.
she's wide, not curvy. there's an illusion of curves given how tight her outfit is,but she's basically a bronze fridge. don't worry, we are programmed to fall for this sorta stuff, but one day you'll start to see through it.

I don't think I quite get it

Attached: Hmmm....._really_makes_you_think.webm (640x480, 233.11K)

the beta's curse.
longing for the touch of a woman, but knowing how undesirable they are, they will often cling to a solid 6.5 (before makeup) because that is all their compromised self esteem will allow.

I want to ejaculate on her forehead while she calls me "daddy" is what I mean.

I'm still struggling, could you be more specific?

Attached: pondering-retard.jpg (550x421, 17.21K)

I want to lovingly drain my balls and coat her in semen and then knock her up with triplets.

I gotta admit, Liv is looking real cute here. kinda like if Bliss had a little sister who admired her and tried to be just like her

Attached: harley.jpg (1590x1590, 156.75K)

Those southern barbie girls remind me of an old-time pornstar from a couple of decades ago called Planet Summer.

Attached: summer10.jpg (600x900, 121.09K)

Holla Forums watches youtube and television apparently

You really made me think.

Woah Zach, how long did it take for you to make such an incredible discovery? It's almost like it's a board dedicated to television and movies.


some men just want to see the world burn

What did the Robertsfagdyke mean by defending this?

You're so obsessed you think everyone who calls you out is me, lel. Lay off the weed and the garbage beer, it's rotting your brain even more than it was. FYI weed is associated with schizophrenia. I'd see a shrink if I were you. Looks like the stonefags are on your trail too, judging by what I saw on /cow/.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (910x568, 64.1K)

he should lay off the soy too