How do you like launching your games?

How do you guys launch your games? I like to make batch files for launching DOS games that have multiple episodes in different executables, or games with expension packs like Quake. What do you guys prefer? Launchbox? Batch files? A folder of shortcuts? Discuss.

Why, the way they were meant to be lauched, of course

I right click and then left click and make my life easier?

I don't even get this place anymore.

Related composes of all kinds of memes, webms, saved threads, saved sites, saved books, saved notes, maps, supplements, lewds, shortcuts and even full dos or flash games. Eventually, me being the slob that I am I just start a new folder and make sure to mentally note to organize this shit at a later date. Currently I have about ~20 of these, each up to 9-10GB of the purest, condensed clusterfuck you can imagine. help

A shortcut on my quick launch bar if I'm playing it a lot. Otherwise, nothing. Seems silly to do anything more than a shortcut unless you have a good reason.
For example, I have a batch file for TribesNext that also opens AutoHotkey so my mouse 4 and 5 will do things in the game.

Shame that steam is such a drag of a client. Good thing I don't need it to launch my cracked games.

I had that problem at one point. Delete everything and start anew, organizing everything as you go instead of "Meh, I'll do it later." You'll be glad you did.

It's nice when you can create a single shortcut that leads you to multiple programs or mods. That way I don't need to keep a bunch of shortcuts for the same thing. It's fun to make the batch files and organize games too.

This tbh

Holla Forums hates any vidya

Nice shit cuckchan meme you fucking inbred nigger.

Ive been doing start menu shortcuts

what is that? win98? looks comfy as heck


no its 7 with classic theme and some tweak

Via terminal of course.


DOSbox is more fun then traditional DOS tbh.
I have actually spent hours just setting up AUTOEXEC.BAT's for many of my old DOS games. I don't even fucking play the game. Just spend all day tweaking Dosbox.conf settings and making shortcuts with the original *.ico's

I also used to do the same thing with WINE before I build a real gaming PC

Why, with the command line.

I create a folder for each game (not counting simple/small games), with a shortcut to launch it, links to wikis/walkthroughs/whatever, and a log file I maintain so I can pick up where I left off if I take a break for a while.

Which tweaks? I want it. I love it.

I know what you mean, there's just something so addictive to it.

I really should get into the habit of doing this.

Making your own launcher? What language is that?

It's just .bashrc in Linux. When you open your terminal emulator it checks the file and those functions can be called to execute the commands inside them. So if I enter "quake" it moves to the Quake directory, launches the executable then detaches the process from the terminal and closes the terminal.

I put them in /usr/local/games, with either a link or a launcher script in /usr/local/bin.

Or if it's a windows game

Steambabbies are worse than console kiddies.

Fuckign casuals.

look up classic start menu

When this gpu dies Im gonna build an XP machine and stick to that, I dont even need all this hardware for what I play anyway.

Still miss linux sometimes, I had the biggest game library for 5 years or more (made bash scripts for every game to launch in another X display and stuff, was really comfy and riced it with a doom3 pda theme) but I accidentally the backups while making RAID and was too shocked to want to put everything back the way it was. Could never accept to dual boot either since I spent all time on the windows partition anyway playing vidya.

XP were simpler times for me I need to go back to it eventually.

This is how you god damn run Morrowind.

you have no place here

At this point I have individual copies of DOSbox in with the games that I actually play fairly often. I realize that's horribly redundant and inefficient in terms of space, but it's all tiny by today's standards, and when I want to share or archive games I can just zip up the folder with everything together ready to unpack and play again. I do the same thing with a few PS2 games that are picky with emulation.

right click and then left click this *whips out dick*

Shit dude, that's rough. Sorry for your loss. Good luck on your XP machine.

My fucking nigger!

Ha ha? I'll give you 2/10 made me reply.

You could always use Launchbox MS-DOS 1.1 It's a pretty good solution as well.