What is some kino about an Holla Forums BO going full damage control and deleting threads/demodding people who point...

What is some kino about an Holla Forums BO going full damage control and deleting threads/demodding people who point out that he is intentionally ruining the board?

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uh-uh Zero jumped the shark there

Don't worry I have a million proxies

What I don't have is a way to unban wrongfully banned anons anymore. Sorry dudes, your guy inside is down for the count.

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It’s anchored, but it’s still there.

Its a different thread he deleted.

Did he say anything to you? Or was he so mad about you blowing him the fuck out that he did it without any contact?

I think he was talking about the other thread where got posted.

no, i'm referring to the thread complaining about the other thread getting anchored

Nope, site directed me to a page not found when I jumped to the catalog. I tried to log back in and got that.

I think he may have figured out I was the guy that leaked the video, lol.

So why did our BO get his dick sucked by trannypol's vol anyway?

He got talked into the trap meme. I can pretty much guess Piggy was angling for mod powers but what he failed to realize is how fucking disgusting he is. So gross that even a deranged jewish degenerate like Zero was grossed out so much that he wanted nothing more to do with it.

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Spaghetti, spaghetti, never forghetti.

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If chodemonkey wasn’t pozzed with ladyboi std and had half a clue he’d make open board logs mandatory.

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how is he ruining the board ? Holla Forums is the best board on 8ch right now, with actual free speech and debates

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tell that to all the racists who didnt like black panther
smdh, bigots

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Can you imagine that being the highpoint of your life? FAS eyebrow girl being what you live for?

How do you not brush your teeth with a .45 at that point?

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Christ, how thoroughly pathetic can one person be?
Not only was his first sexual experience with a pig-ugly tranny, but he's proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that he can't handle the only modicum of authority he's ever been given.

If you're reading this Zero, kill yourself. I don't need to make you, your shit life will do that for me.

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watching this after reading makes it 10 times funnier

Maisie poster is a harmless soul, a Tom Bombadil of Holla Forums. He cares only for his somewhat obscure actress that he’s probably had intense feelings for since she was 12.

What if he kills himself and the board is passed to sudocuck?

How close do all these damn people live to each other? Did leftypork actually fly in a plane to suck off zerosugar? And how did the video get out?

It becomes /television/ and dies.

they might just be jew yorker kikes like mark

Plus, he's a Hun. You know how testy they get when you take away their women. :^)

You’re MaisiePoster, aren’t you?

oh no no no no

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No, I'm Zach.

Maybe if he didn't spam his filth everywhere.

New York, and Piggy was the one who shared the video in the Holla Forums discord that I lurked in. Currently deciding whether or not to take up the Holla Forums board owner's offer of head mod position in exchange for a full release of my entire chatlogs from IRC and choice discord screencaps. It was a fun ride but now that my cover is blown I won't be able to leak any more Holla Forums autism on /cow/.

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man I wish zerosucc and piggy went to the HWNDU stream while it lasted

blissfag is more annoying tbh

Okay sure.

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Blissfag's IQ is probably average but Maisiefag's has to be somewhat low like 90.

the gypsy thread was deleted too

This drama is very nice and all but what does that mean for us?

That post is full of shit. Maisieposter is not a mod and never was.

Maisiefag is probably mod too would explain a lot.

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What an asshole. He nightmare-blowjob’d Zerosugar then posted it like some kind of trophy?

Not being a faggot, I’ve never used IRC. Is it common for people to post videos of themselves fucking there?

Just nuke the board

Only for /trannypol/ and /int/

This is unironically the last good high speed board on Holla Forums.

Take away the free speech and you get the same shithole as Holla Forums and Holla Forums.

If you banned blatant Holla Forumsfags the board would improve no doubt.


Holla Forums has this kind of mutually assured destruction thing going on. It's the only way they hold any sort of unified front. They are pressured into giving personal information and embarassing secrets as a kind of blackmail in case you step out of line. You see it a couple of times a year where someone will dump their blackmail material on someone else in some sort of power grab in their circlejerk. One of the things to know when inflitrating them is to come up with a character that they can't track you down with. If you choose a random picture of some dude or link to a profile someone will try to verify that the blackmail info is real. Your best bet is to play naive autistic loner that has no real tracks. Draw up some shitty fetish art and upload it to DA with vague communist euphamism and make shit up about your family. You get bonus points if you pretend to be a mentally ill highschool kid because almost all of them are gay and they are all wannabe kiddy diddlers.

And no, it is a special visible form of autism.

Post in the picture is a lie. Maisiefag is not a fucking vol.

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t. Ser Gifmaker defender of her lady's honor

all we need is Holla Forums's child porn and we'll be Holla Forums with freeze peach.

i can't wait.

I'm actually an old friend of him from chlomo.org, back when he went under other name and Chloë wasn't able to crush planets with her bare hands.

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Is this the really really really pathetic version of my dad works at Nintendo? Like even more pathetic?

Coming from a mod who won’t even admit to being a mod himself, not very convincing.

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fuck off pedoshit


i said fuck off

and i said no.

Here is proofs I'm friends with Maisieposter. He is not online right now, but he will debunk that bullshit later. Holla Forums is a shithole, but if there is a thing I hate is (((manipulative))) cunts.

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>(((manipulative))) cunts
You mean like Maisiefag?

>(((manipulative))) cunts

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This isn’t twatter or reddit ”””user”””, the fact you all know each other and upboat each other’s cancer is kind of the whole point.

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You and your BFF have a shit taste in historic faggotry. Even an effeminate Italian with the air of a cult-leader would be an improvement at this point. Fuck.

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Well Holla Forums is still a gay board

If you retards knew 8ch history you would know why is it so. But I'm not spoonfeeding.

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go back to your irc/tox chats, you insufferable faggot.

In my experience it’s usually the lying sack of shit who is the lying sack of shit.

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Why not nuke Holla Forums?

Go back to 4chan. Oh wait, you can't.


Pedo opinion discarded.

I'd tell you the same thing but you already got btfo by moot. Back to the darknet, faggot.

I have no idea if the moderation here is full of shit or not, I'm not watching close enough. But I do know that image is full of shit, that is all I can provide.

If I were a mod, the first thing I would do would be removing that fucking board from the banner.

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Nice mental gymnastics, pedo.

the instant we surpass Holla Forums the faggy shit starts happening. ITS NOT FAIR BROS


I said "was not" WAS is past tense, I hope you do understand english.

It was always a pedo board. Always. 4/tv/ pedos left for /waifuist/. Have you decided to just forget this crucial part of 'history,' pedo?

No, retard. /waifuist/ was founded when chlomo.org closed its /bros/ section and banned people who didn't worship Chloë as the one true waifu.

The pedos did come from 4chan, but it was much later when GG happened and the first exodus happened.

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Even before GG happened it was a pedo board. It was initially filled with waifufags but some of the waifufags were indeed pedophiles. Hence, why I said "the board has ALWAYS been a pedo board." You cannot win the argument that "at one point /waifuist/ wasn't a pedo board." Once again, nice mental gymnastics, pedo.

Pedos can't have waifus, they are literally gay and have no soul, thus are incapable of having feelings other than sexual towards their waifus.

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< you

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He's right though.

I think we're done here.

Good joke.

I always liked the part where it tried multitasking and tried to play with zero's balls, but just ended up scratching them for a second.

How do you just be a totally gay homo that dresses like a woman and sucks dicks and not even know how to juggle a set of balls?

If he knew how to do it proper, he wouldn't need communism and gibs.

See this is what I was talking about. If Zero tries to outright censor shit it causes a Streisand effect. So he floods the threads with irrelevant shit and starts non-arguments about unrelated shit. Eventually this thread will be sanitized as he picks and chooses posts to delete to build a false narrative.

He is a dishonest hypocritical kike, and you fucking nigger cattle fall for it every time.


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