Let's talk about this shit game.
Horizon Dawn
user didn't you know that Video Games are POLITICAL.
no user i don't want to talk about this shitty game.
too many threads already.
You need to go back
Every overwatch/undertale thread you see here is from those same faggots on halfchan.
Return from whence you came.
I want to fuck some sense into that cat but you're one to talk about needing to go back.
The sad thing is these 'people' will think this is cool. When it is part of the reason they are hated.
The game is ok. JUST ok. The pandering to SJW bullshit is so annoying i gave up on caring for the story.
Only half way into the game, and I know gameplay wont change and once im done with it I will never play it again.
Dont buy the sequel
None of your shit looks good and your comics are deviantArt-tier trash. Kill yourself and use your reincarnated form to learn some basic art skills.
one off. Why did they put vivian in ancom colours? Holla Forums are culture vultures just like Kangz.
Leftycat is wearing Vivian's clothes.
Can we just have mark sticky a thread allowing porn spam like when the shills were out in force for Fallout 4
The artist has a thing for humiliating Vivian, which could be interesting if he wasn't fucking terrible and picked a better character to do the humiliating. In the end it just looks awkward and unsexy, and I'm left wondering if Holla Forums's drawfags never improving is a good thing.
reads like one of those forced assignments on importance of diversity in the 4th grade.
I went to cuck/v/ yesterday for shitposting purposes and people have been shitting all over Zero Dawn nonstop.
Though to be fair that might have been partly the usual cuck/v/ Nintendrones vs. Sonyggers shitposting that's going on over there.
I watched a bit of this game the other day to see what the fuss was about. It seemed okay. Cool giant robots to fight, giant robot hacking, giant robot pokemon battles. The concept seems solid. Why are people so upset over it?
So far it seems like a mix of:
Why not? To trigger and assert dominance over sjw values by marginalizing and objectifying the femalse in it? Or maybe I just want to jack off to it, who knows?
The only things worth making porn out of is all the robots. Every single human character is hideous.
I thought it was from shitposters who don't play the games.
thats where I knew you were lying OP.
Everyone knows both Holla Forumss are Nintendrone central.
How does leftypol even exist? Can libtards even be politically incorrect? They can be incorrect, sure, but "offensive?" Doubt it. I guess being enormous faggots could qualify. Other than that, it's just a honeypot for shit opinions that got laughed off of Holla Forums.
What the fuck happened to that board? The commies were always cancer but this shit is beyond the pale.