I've Been Thinking

You know when you think about it Yahtzee Croshaw is quite funny, after all none of his "reviews" were ever meant to be taken seriously and it's just used to point out the negatives in an exaggerated fashion but in my opinion the homour wears off quickly because in a sense you might as well already know that he's going to shit on the next game he's going to "review", though sometimes it brings me to a surprise when he does praise a game, and by surprise I mean me wanting to shoot his head off (watch his Bioshock Infinite video for further details).

After watching Zero Punctuation for quite some time I also started to watch his "Let's Drown Out" series on his original channel which I found to be somewhat ok then it got boring for me honestly however I did find something interesting on the videos, for one I realized his skills on playing video games is acutally terrible even on his Dark Souls 2 videos I can't remember a single time when he did improve, and that was the game he played the most on his channel.

I would also like to point out that when he talks about anything political I get a lot of eye-rolling, he claims to not be a "Tumblrtot" as he speaks but I don't that excuses him for having just another liberal eceleb mindset when he made jokes about Trump and Brexit on his Zero Punctuation series, and at one point on his Let's Drown Out series when he was playing Agar.io he said that Trump is "a dangerous idiot that is factually wrong on the things he say" and then started to say that "maybe America should have given communism a chance" as if it were to sway me to think that he knows if communism was implemented in America, it would be a better place than having Trump as president because you outghta know he IS Hitler, the (((media))) says so.

One last thing I should point out is that his fanbase are a bunch of Jim Sterling cocksuckers, they actually think he's funny and intelligent.

"give communism a chance"

he made lots of comments against SJWs in the past, I dont now much else about him so you are probably wrong, op

who knew?

If it helps, he wears a fedora in real life as well. So at least he's consistent

He's a faggot and so are you

Fuck it, whatever.
Someone asked him this in a drown out and he went "b-but muh stage fright". He's fucking terrible at videogames, just look at the first LDO they made.
His ZP videos have also taken a drop in quality. I don't know if it's because he started working on his books, apathy from his side or I've grown accustomed to his style. Probably the last one, since ZP is basically a living fossil by now.

He doesn't anymore.

I'm pretty sure he's had that avatar since before the fedora gained that reputation.

You know, it seems like every video game reviewer meets two if not all of the following characteristics:
There is an untapped market for high-skill right-wing people playing video games and doing it for free. But how to break into this industry? Would it be lucrative enough for ad bucks? For fun? What sort of games would even be ideal for this sort of thing?

Fuck off with this eceleb shit
Waste yourself like you wasted those trips

is seems like copypasta

ITT: We forget about OP and post characters who just wanted to go into space.

Has this ever worked in derailing a thread?

Ooh yeah, I remember that. That guy then threw a shit fit because someone told him that he's technically dating a dude and went "oh so im fucking gay now?! fuck you!"
Then Yahtzee went the cowards way out and changed the joke to something else, confirming him a pussy by allowing himself to bow down to the screechiest of autists in the planet.

He is a faggot that rushes into games most of the time.

Yahtzee is a huge faggot, but compared to people like Jim Sterling and other such monumental colossi of incomprehensible faggotry you'd think he was actually a decent game reviewer. But he's really not. He's got only very slightly above-average normalfag-tier taste in video games with a talent for snappy criticism of the few flaws of many he is actually aware of.

Yahtzee's a tumor, but in an industry riddled with cancer he's as good as it's gunna get. I always was suspicious of him because he would always get major ass pained about Resident Evil because it's story was goofy, and ignoring the fact the game had other strengths. It always came off like he took shit way too seriously.

I think the commie comment was toungue and cheek

It wasn't.

I can't find him saying it for the life of me, but the context and tone he used weren't joking. You forget this is an already left leaning guy who's totally saturated in communist-sympathizing media.

I am sure yahtzee actually browses Holla Forums or else he wouldn't be so bitter

you dont even want to talk about video games. go to Holla Forums