2 weeks from now we`re finally gonna get a glimpse of Sonic 2017

2 weeks from now we`re finally gonna get a glimpse of Sonic 2017

What are your expectations, Holla Forums?

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Mild disappointment and the usual bored at this point whirring of nostalgia for the 67th time.

I was thinking about a proper growth for 3D sonic should have always been arranged as a sort of racing platformer. Something like timing jumps being replaced by "drifting" runs and managing your speed over a course like level of sorts. Much less or no automation sequences, to me this would have even been the most logical area to grow Sonic in once he started being pushed into 3D, and I think Sonic R was even an attempt at exploring this idea.

Hopefully something like that.


There really isn't much automation in the adventure games, you know.

Its going to be fun

seriously, it's been 10 years of pretty goodgames aside form Sonic Boom Its obvious really, the new games are going to be fun.

homing attack and grind rails were a bad idea

"wow it's fucking nothing."


where are the PC ports SEGA?

beggar count: 1

Fucking Degenerate

1 decent game that has nothing to do with core sonic mechanics, sonic fighting game, 8 shit sonic games, 1 underwhelming playable sonic game

We can wish

Well, Aaron from the twitter account assures us it will be good, and he actively shits over the bad Sonic games with the full consent of SEGA.

He's in with some of the devs, maybe they have actually listened to him and are on track for some good vidya.

Oh, and Sonic Heroes is one of the best in the series.

The version by Crush 40 is superior.

Another Chris Chan assualt

I just expect Generations 2 and if its that I will be happy enough. I loved playing as Modern Sonic in that. Maybe they'll restrict Modern to 3D and old to 2D since the complaint was the overuse of 2D sections


My dear anons. Sonic Adventure 3 already exists, it`s called Sonic 06. Learn to let go, my friends.

Mah muthafuckin nigga
Vid related for best track

[Citation needed]

People make this argument all the fucking time, and it would be a good argument if it weren't for one little problem:
Sonic 06 is not named Sonic Adventure 3.
Thus, Sonic Adventure 3 can still happen.

It's pretty much confirmed Generations 2, but with an 06 plot in terms of the apocalyptic setting. They had a video where modern Sanic was in some Doomsday thing, and Classic Sonic came to help him out.

Embed is the correct answer. Too bad the level was shit.

Well, let's see:

He did an interview, and he admitted that the higher-ups liked that he pointed out their flaws and were positive of what he did as it was bringing people into the games. They still tell him he can't do some jokes, but otherwise he gets away with it.

And he bullies Egoraptor, which is always a positive.

Sonic 06 2 Fast Boogaloo at worst, Sonic CD/Generations 2 at best

But do you really want it user? After Sonic The Hedgehog 4?

I imagine it must be hell to work for a company that shits on your years of work with dedicated memes made by a dedicated shitposting team only because the same higher ups that decided it was OK to shit on your work were also the ones responsible for your work being shit by mismanaging your project with shitty rushed development cycles, surprise budget cuts or surprise new demands of porting the game to other platforms.

But will it have blue arms?

I can't think of anyone that defends 06 from the dev team.
Sure, it sucks that they got shafted, but did SEGA fire anyone for it?

You`re way too obsessed over a title. Sonic 06 was structurally and mechanicaly an Adventure title from head to toe.

Sauce? I always enjoy seeing that faggot get taken down a peg.

Speaking of '06, how is that PC port coming along?

Have you look inside It? Cream and big having hanky panky via erotic asphyxiation so yeah, Fucking tumblr!

but we can all agree the Japaneses soundtrack was better.

I don't like to talk about SoJ because it gets me in the Saturn mood and the sega saturn is the best console ever and Sonic had almost no presence on it making it not very related to the thread.

I never understood why Sega America had to change the music for this game. I've played it with both soundtracks and I've got to tell you, the American music is pretty shit

Generations gameplay.
"Unique" setting. (Unique in the sense that the stages aren't throwbacks to previous games. The setting is going to look like standard Sonic fare.)

Generally I'm expecting "Well they didn't fuck anything up too badly but they didn't add anything amazing, either."
More of the same from Generations but maybe with a small gimmick thrown in. Not bad but not mindblowingly awesome, either. A solid 7/10 that's fun to play but ultimately forgettable. Baby steps, but at least they're steps in the right direction.

Because marketing, Sonic in the west was a different character than he was back home.

But the European version kept the Japanese music. Not only that but all the other games never had their soundtracks changed

I don't get this comparison. People make it all of the time to meme on Adventure fags but, in the end, I don't get it. It has the hub world, it has three separate stories for different characters much like the Adventure games did, and it has the whole multiplayer battle mode thing, but other than that, gameplay and writing wise, it wasn't an adventure game. It had the same features but Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 felt like they were from the same franchise and did a lot of things similarly in gameplay and tone. I've never understood the "06 is Sonic Adventure 3" argument, nor do I know who started it in the first place to make it spread this much.

Think it was also a licensing issue.

I can't recall when the tweets were sent, but just google "Sonic twitter erorapter".
Egoraptor said Colours was shit, so he got bullied, then he was called fat and they sent him cupcakes which he ate to prove he's a fatarse.

I'm going to have to say you're wrong. American version is slightly better and more inspiring.

The fact it has all those similarities your mentioned is why it's called SA3. I don't think of it as SA3, but it does, on paper, sound a lot like SA 1 and 2.


At least Toot Toot Sonic Warrior, why they redid the entire thing I dunno. I say we both try and find a solid answer though.

yeah, but PAL so its shit

At least it has the good music

Right seems like Present and Future were changed but not past because of programming. Also seems it was a marketing thing.



Holy shit that's really lame excuse

I expect it to be completely overshadowed by Sonic Mania again, and forgotten about 12 hours later.

sonic 2006 pt 2: nostalgia sanic and less bugs and loading screens edition

But those are three things. Sonic Generations technically had a hub world and two separate characters with their own stages, but it's not Sonic Adventure 3. Sonic Adventure 2 didn't even have a hub world and only had two separate stories along with an extra one at the end that tied the two together; Sonic Unleashed had a hub world and two different characters for the one storyline it had but people don't call it Adventure 3.

It's more of a "If you liked these things that Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 did, I'd recommend 06 because it did those few things as well" thing, but 06 was a buggy mess riddled with unsatisfying gameplay mechanics.

It just seems kind of like an argument that sprung up and has traveled and risen in popularity through memetics due to the Sonic fandom being rather bitter and wanting to jump on everyone, so they go "The worst game in the series is the game you're looking for!" as an argument to get at them, much like Pokemonfags do with the "ICE CREAM/GARBAGE/PILE OF SLUDGE/ROCK WITH ARMS/KEYCHAIN/WHATEVER" argument that's been overused.

Its Japanese title is literally Sonic World Adventure

I highly doubt it's gonna be as bad as 06. I will agree with you that Classic Sonic coming back out of nowhere seems a little unnecessary, though. I think Knuckles or Shadow would've been a lot more cool and surprising ally to see show up. It's just kind of been Sonic and Tails so far, and, while I don't HATE Classic coming back I just kind of think he should be saved for Generations 2 if that ever becomes a thing.

Oh of course, but I think that's because the game takes place all over the world. It makes a lot of sense that it could be a nod to the Adventure series though.

I'll probably be let down because of high expectations because of how long it's been since a new game and because of how they've been managing things and creating hype and how they keep saying how focused on quality they are now.

Other than that, we don't really know enough to have realistic expectations, only guesses.

>Sonic Heroes is almost one of the best in the series
just a quick fix, because slippery controls, glitchy physics, and bottomless pits are one of the few cominations worse than accidentally creating chlorine gas with hand sanitizer

the game's filler content could be forgiven, if it weren't for the horrible consequences of level design not taking the broken controls into account. the special stages are made unnecessarily difficult due to the broken physics.

I'm hoping that it has similar fast paced levels like Generations but with controls more like Adventure.

Both soundtracks are amazing.
Just enjoy them both.

I do enjoy both user but one is objectively better then the other.

>objectively better
Go on. I want to read your in depth musical analysis that drove you to that conclusion.

Let me guess, you played the PS2 version.
Not that that excuses the shitty atempt at a port, but still.

I'll do it for you he's a weebfaggot, and frankly the American OST is vastly superior.

That's all that can be hoped for

I bet you also reject objective reality and objective morality as well. Look dude, you are still a man even when you put on the dress, makeup and high heels. I thought Mark was banning Liberal faggots like (you).

i do know one fact, and that's that you're fucking retarded

Myyy fuckin niggers

can you please shitpost somewhere else this is a serious sonic thread for serious sonic fans.

go home, burgerking

Sonic Heroes has the best combat in the Series getting everyone to level 3 and just tearing through enemies that once took multiple shots feels great.
And Team blasts need to make a comeback. They did more then just wipe out all the enemies on screen each Team had a unique effect during the cool down.

Team Sonic Had it so when you used the light Speed attack on any other enemies you encounter
Team Rose Had everyone level up, gave you invincibility and a sheild since Team Rose was meant to be easy mode
Team Chaotix Had it so every enemy distroyed gave you Rings so you could Rack up huge amounts
my Favoirte was Team Dark's where Shadow uses Chaos Control and Time Stops completely. Even the level Timer Stops it's awesome.

Webm Related

Sonic is not a good IP.
It never was.
The best game Sonic Team has ever developed is Phantasy Star Online


That would be Billy Hatcher, also you are wrong. Sonic is great.

Your not fooling anyone egoraptor. We all know your just salty because your shit at sonic games.

Would you play a game with the mechanics of Sonic heroes if it didn't have the sonic IP?

I would in a heartbeat.

are you even a sonic fan?

They have the tools to make it good. The gameplay of Sonic Generations with the writing of their Twitter genius or the Sonic Boom TV team would be an absolute masterpiece. Sega has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are much more self aware than they've ever been. All they have to do is use the tools they have and they really can Make Sonic Great Again. I never subscribed to the Sonic Cycle, but this time I truly believe they have the tools to succeed.

Unleashed 2

Unlike Knuckles I chuckled.

Unleashed without the werehog or the sun and moon metals sounds fine.


Alright but which one of these is better.
I guess the first one better since it actually has both songs, but I like both.


Where is the titty bat porn?

Colors is one of my most favorite modern sonic games.

I'm actually playing Colors for the first time Right now I only beat the Second level and I already agree.
I didn't automatically get an S rank for not dying so that in of itself is a big improvement.

The first three sonics are the best sonic games, and the three of them are 8/10s at best, a poor man's mario.

You can argue "b-b-but it plays completely different from mario!", but the truth it is in the same platformer circle as their competition.

Knuckles Chaotix and adventure 2 battle are worth playing, but if you play them now after the test of time they are, again, at best an 8/10.

The rest of the titles you posted are garbage outside of the Advance series and Rush. Generations is garbage outside of its soundtrack.

either way, none of them achieve the "must play" level SMB4 or SMW reached, let alone Yoshi's Island. Sonic, sonic 2 and sonic 3 are the only games you can argue that are good, in comparison to other good games out there.

on their own they're cute, but when compared to excellent must play games, sonic games are meh at best.

Has anyone decoded anything from any of the social media posts? I'm pretty sure they're hiding something but I'm too lazy to attempt to try looking for stuff

Your opinions are objectively shit, kill yourself.


Sonic stopped being good when he became modern sonic. Even then you can easily argue the franchise is skippable, while mario is a series that has many must-plays on its IP, like its RPGs, SMB3, World, yoshi's island, its 3D games. Meanwhile sonic has garbage like its DS rpg made by bioware. Generations is the worst offender of "skip gameplay just press boost". At least colors tried to add stuff, but theyre just gimmicky shit.

You are actually correct. Billy Hatcher is also a game worth playing by The Sonic Team. It's overrated by Holla Forums though. same 8/10 deal with the first three games at best.

sonic autist spotted. I bet you ran like sonic in middle school.

This is why we can't have threads for console launches.

Mario can't go Super Saiyan.
Sorry but I gotta go with the Series that rips of Dragon ball Z as the Standard.


That's the risk you take making a thread. People have different opinions. Part of being mature is asking "why is that?" and learning why people believe something else, instead of being a little close minded liberal cuck and wanting a circle-jerk. Back to cuck-chan or whatever subreddit you came to try and find yes-men to agree with you.

more like popular fucking dogshit trash you nig nog


Yes actually.

Cool, what's been found? I'd like to know


Could you elaborate EXACTLY what you've found from the social media posts? Is there any repeating numbers like last time? Any key words?


I know this is too late in the game to rectify but please don't devalue the meaning of this insult by misusing it. Laughing at people crying they have PTSD from the internet is golden. Using it as a substitute for LOL U MAD BRO is fucking cancer.

could you be less specific about the information you've found


I'm not going to get a clear and concise information about any of the hidden clues towards Sonic Mania and Project Sonic 2017 that could be possibly be found in the Sonic social media posts, am I?

Theoretically it's a possible outcome given currently existing parameters.

Now I know you're baiting

What are you trying to say here?


go home Sonic Team dev, you're drunk

I expect Sega to never add chao garden with online gameplay again.
if they stick with colours and generation mindset the game woll be fine

Nope, owned the Gamecube release, while my cousin owned the PS2 release. Both versions were slippery as shit in controls, with the Gamecube version only being marginally less buggy. IIRC, the PC port was just an upscaled version of the Gamecube version, so there's nothing massively beneficial there.

All sonic canon will be retconned after this game and the Silver universe will be more edgy with better reviews than all sonic gaems and Silver the mindhog becomes most successful game series of all time.

What do you think Silver's feet smell like?

What happened to the analysis? I was looking forward to it

I don't know what the fuck you're smoking or how many extra chromosomes you have, but you said some really dumb shit.
I embrace the fact that there is an objective reality, and since he claimed he had knowledge of it in the matter of music, I asked for proof for his claims. Music theory is a serious and vast study, and somebody making a claim about an objective comparison may be completely legitimate, but it's not so easy that any user could do it.
Since the word "objective" is thrown around like a meme I wanted to put a stop to that retarded train of through.

Why is he so slow in 06?

You're a retard that doesn't know shit how to use weeaboo and JP/EU is infinitely better.


Silver was a clone version in Sonic 06 thats why he kept glitching out. Real Silver has only been in Sonic Rivals.

Why would you want your fanfic to retcon anything, when you can be like this user in the other Sonic thread and try and Connect every piece of Sonic media there is into one canon.

Not going to happen. Something like getting severely asshurt by the very existence of sexy fictional women or pointing out there's only 2 genders will never be replicated.

Palmtree Panic Present was alright, all 3 Collision Chaos (both futures) were shit with no creativity, Fresh Prince of Tidal Tempest was good while Bad Future was alright and doesn't even fit and Good Future was nice to listen to even if it doesn't even line up with other time zones, Quartz Quadrant Present was good while Bad Future was fucking great and Good Future to a lesser extent, Stardust Speedway was just boring shit and all 3 Metallic Madness were solid.

Overall the US soundtrack isn't nothing but shit that tries to cover its faults up with guitar, but still vastly inferior with a handful of tracks challenging or outright eclipsing their original variant.

JP/EU in particular hands down has the best sounding Bad Futures and they're a guilty pleasure to savor knowing they represent how bad shit has gotten fucked.

And I somehow forgot Wacky Workbench altogether, which has a nice catchy Present for US and a great Bad Future for JP/EU.

Jesus, Sonic IP is just furry cancer isn't it? Sonic has been terrible for so long I gave up after Adventure 2. I dipped back in to give Colours a shot but it wasn't that great tbh. I picked up Sonic Racing in a moment of weakness and was treated to a worse mario kart. I hear a lot of praise for generations in this thread but I just don't know if I can take being shit on by edgy tryhard bullshit again.

Have you been living under a rock for the past decade?

Post discarded completely, go back to cuckchan.

Adventure 2 was shit so I gave up on Sonic. All I wanted was to go fast and instead I spent most of the game playing as retarded side characters or watching Sonic run on his own. Sonic does not and cannot work in 3D. 06 was getting universally bad reviews so felt no need to waste my time.


You're right it's a league above

generation's 3D parts are worse than the parts they're flashbacks too
and no, being chased by the mecha-truck in city escape again does not make the game worth getting, its a waste of your money user

in generations, its pretty much modern 3d sonic gameplay, as opposed to adventure/2 3d gameplay
if you don't know what that means, take adventure sonic and let him hold down a button to go really fast and kill whatever you run into, while preventing you from normally steering in many if not all parts of the game, in which you only steer by pressing, but not holding, the L and R buttons to switch between 3 or maybe 5 available horizontal positions

adventure sonic allows you far more control over sonic than modern 3d sonic
in fact, if you liked that, play the demo for Sonic Utopia, vid related

I remember being excited for sonic games when I was 6.

that game actually looks pretty fun. Maybe I take back what I said and Sonic can kind of work in 3D but I have to play it first. I thought after 3D Blast, Adventure 1/2, and that 3D bit in the pre-adventure Sonic collection that was on Saturn I think that the gameplay just couldn't make the jump gracefully to 3D like Mario did. It always heavily relied on the tracking attack which I hated with a passion.

Pretty funny that the first 3D Sonic game that looks at all appealing to me in the spirit of the classic games is made by fans instead of Sega.

Hopefully what happened with mania becomes a trend, because that looks real nice

I have literally none. I stopped caring about Sonic a long time ago, even the good games aren't that great. I'd rather just play the old ones or Freedom Planet 2 when that comes out.

They better have blue armed Sonic.

Define your standards and we could agree on some points of merit to measure the value. If you are not willing to have standards then then their is no point in having this conversation. You don't define your standards because you are a moral relativist and a Nihilist. You claim to believe in "objective reality" but you accept this on faith. For all you really know you are a simulation, a mind in a Jar in Doctor Robotnik's laboratory. Without an set of standards then no values can be measured. How do you know for certain that Sanic is the fastest thing alive? Do you just listen and believe? We cannot all be supreme gentleman enlightened by our own intelligence like you are therefore we question are presuppositions. But you, like a rape victim, despite your protest, in your postmodernism malaise ultimately reject objective reality otherwise you hold to a logical contradiction and in this cognitive dissonance you are befuddled. Do you think throwing around insults constitutes an argument? Well news flash Kido, that is not an argument.

Shadow has to be one of the most hilariously tragic existences in fiction including meta reasons.

He was conceived as a literally darker and edgier version of a character already conceived as a cool, smug rival to another fat, happy asskicking Italian plumber with his creation for the purpose of curing the worst diseases and protecting humanity that wound up having his entire life fucked up so badly by the very people he was supposed to help that shit their pants at a giant hedgehog that couldn't die from natural causes his most miserable or tryhard quotes and attitude or even just music associated fluctuating between both spectrums have consumed his very identity. Which actually only makes him look even more like he's a straight up psychologically damaged sperg that just can't find any kind of footing as a person, let alone a character.

And even his own adorers are shit with the worst cringy shitty kink autism and Mary Sues to gaze out at on a computer in 2D when not most likely drunk off his ass from the self awareness of the comically awful clusterfuck fate of a character who was officially never even supposed to be around today.

I hope whatever he just ordered is strong.

At least we have Sonic Mania.

No one has high or any hopes and hype for the upcoming 3d sonic game. That's for Sonic Mania

I bet you also like the american soundtrack to Sonic CD, read the Archie comics, have a deviantart page and enjoy Sonic 06 as a "guilty pleasure".

Generations wasn't bad but all it really has going for it is the Nostalgia of playing through old stages and bosses we already like.
but the game takes no skill whatsoever to get S ranks

Trying to A rank Sonic Adventure 2 provided So much replayablitiy since they were score based. You Had to learn and Plan the perfect root through the level. comboing enemies and preforming stunts mattered. getting an A rank Felt good, and every level Had 5 missions to get an A rank in.

Generations Ranks are only based on Time and Rings, with the game giving you so much time that the rings don't matter. Pretty much all you have to do is not die and you get an S rank.

Also Generations Homing attack has been Dumbed down. the lock on makes it so the game controls what you hit Not you.
The lock on make's webm Related impossible.

Lost World was trash.

I agree Sonic Lost World is the one Sonic Game I truly dislike. every other game I can find Some at least a little enjoyment in but Lost world was dull as hell.

I was right all along. Please link your deviantart art page so "we" can laugh at you. :^)

The only ones that give a shit about mario cart anymore are the nintendo fans that can't let go. Transformed showed how stale mario cart has gotten. Feels real good when Sega is doing what nintendon't again.

Sonic 06 is so broken it's fun.
I haven't played Boom but with things like Knuckles infinite jump that also seems to be the case.

Lost world wasn't broken it was just boring.


you know what else is fun? Laughing at sanic fans deviantart art pages. Pls link now nigger!

The Adventure games are borderline shovelware. Only redeeming factors are the music and Amy's redesign. It's ironic that Adventurefags complain about boost to win when the Sonic stages are pretty much "hold forward to win" by the same logic, especially compared to the classics. Everything outside the Sonic stages is some kind of shitty puzzle, broken 3rd person shooter, or other variety of gay minigame because Takashi Iizuka was obsessed with throwing tons of random shit into every Sonic game with no cohesion "so everyone can enjoy it" or some nonsense.

Boost games may be simplistic but at least there's some appeal to them if you aren't an autistic fanboy.

I never had confidence in my Drawing or Writing ability as a kid and I didn't find out what Deviant art was until I was way past that point.
The worst I ever did was play Sonic Character Designer on Newgrounds Year ago. Webm related.

If you really want to make fun of me I can tell you that I got 100% A ranks in Shadow the Hedgehog.

I assume you don't have this one.

Homing attack is just to make jumping on enemies in 3D more viable. Mario just started punching and kicking instead. Sonic tried to stay closer to the 2D games.

Grind rails aren't in Adventure 1, and in Adventure 2 they're mostly very short, especially if you get good and are going fast and taking shortcuts.

They're never going to let their public relations guy shit on an upcoming product. That would just be retarded. Shitting on discontinued products doesn't hurt them, especially if those products already have bad reputation. Distancing themselves from those is beneficial for them.

Get the fuck out. You never belonged here. We came here specifically to get away from you after you ruined 4chan. Read pic related and learn some history you fucking newfag.

Then we want Sonic Adventure 4. Don't be obtuse.

And Sonic Heroes also has a claim to being Sonic Adventure 3, which would mean Shadow the Hedgehog may also count. So if you're gonna play this, then we want Sonic Adventure 6. Or maybe 7 if we count Sonic World Adventure, which plays different but has Adventure Fields.

You know the point is that people want one that plays with the gameplay style from Adventure, Adventure 2, Heroes, Shadow, and '06, and has the quality of Adventure 1 and 2.

I don't dislike the American soundtrack, but I like that the Japanese soundtrack has bits that recur in other games (or are from other games). And some of the songs reference each other, which doesn't happen in the American soundtrack.

Yes it was. It just wasn't a good one. It has the same gameplay style that all the games since Adventure had, and which would later be replaced with Modern Sonic's boosting style. The story is very tonally similar and Shadow's story continues pretty smoothly from Shadow the Hedgehog, which is very much a sequel to Heroes and Adventure 2, and also plays the same as Adventure 2, but with guns and worse physics. Shadow in '06 plays the same as in his solo game but with even worse physics and guns replaced with energy blasts.

'06 isn't Adventure 3, it's Adventure 6. '06 wasn't at all different in concept. It was only different in that it wasn't even close to finished.

It won't be like '06 because it's not being rushed. It was clearly intended to be a 25th anniversary game but they delayed it because it clearly wouldn't be ready by the end of 2016. '06 was rushed out to meet the '06 holiday season and 1th anniversary.

Unleashed is called World Adventure in Japan, and is the only other game to do Adventure Fields well, but it has a completely different Action Stage style than the one used from 1998 to 2006, so it's different. That action stage style should come back.

Enemies never should have taken more than one hit in the first place. It's alright, but has no place in a Sonic game. The levels are still designed like normal but the enemies don't fit in them well.

Colors is short as shit (though so is Generations) and basically isn't a Sonic game, with double jump and levels built with it in mind, with slow platforming that has little to no flow. But the 3D sections have you GO FAST! Because you hold B and watch a cutscene play.

Colors is one of the worst Sonic games. Unleashed is the best Modern Sonic game due to having tons of content, at least. But Modern Sonic is generally shit compared to Adventure Sonic.

You have bad taste. Sonic 1 isn't nearly one of the best Sonic games, either. And Advance and Rush are overrated shit. Nintenyearolds just liked finally being able to play the series they had to pretend they hated for so long, and journalists liked that they could just hold right and have the game played for them, like how Modern Sonic is just hold Boost and have the game played for you.

Arguably. Adventure DX and Heroes were both before then though.

Most non-platforming Sonic games are meh though. I'll agree with you on that. Spinball is awesome though. And All-Stars Racing is arguably better than Mario Kart. Mario Kart is just more casual.

I can't tell if you're joking or not but Sonic Rivals Silver is the version created after Sonic erased the future Silver was from, and Silver along with it.

Oh so you never played it.

Yeah but among the huge amount of discussion it got was discussion of Silver. To not know of the character's existence just means you're underaged.

3D Blast becomes very interesting when you realize it's a 3D Flicky more than a 3D Sonic.

And don't even pretend you owned a Saturn and Sonic Jam. If you were enough of a Sonic fanboy to buy a Saturn and collection of games that weren't even old, you wouldn't be bitching about Sonic in a Sonic thread.

Mario didn't make the jump to 3D gracefully, it made a completely different game and called it Mario. 64 and its sequels were so different from 2D Mario that 3D Land and World made a point of being 3D Marios that actually played like 2D Marios. Sonic Adventure did that for Sonic right from the start.

People who like the Archie comics hate Adventure because it invalidated their fanfiction.

Generations was okay but its gameplay style is shit compared to Adventure.

Naw. Especially in Adventure 2. Especially if you want to get high ranks, which is where the real meat of the game is.

Adventure was garbage.


Even fucking Sonic 4?

Sonic 4 is two different games. Episode II is totally different from Episode I, and actually good.

I said I can find some enjoyment with every Sonic game not that every Sonic game was good. Though maybe not Secret Rings. I beat it once when it came out but when I went back to try playing it again holy shit were those controls ass.

Sonic 4 Episode 1 is definitely not that good but trying to beat the last level without taking damage was pretty fun for an achievement.

Like said Episode 2 is better and it lets you play as Metal Sonic if you have Episode 1 so I give it a pass, and the last boss is pretty cool.

You don't really play many video games, do you?
Sonic became shit after modern sonic. Sonic 1 is not good, I agree on that, but it goes to show there are even less good sonic games around.

Was there a Sonic game as good as S3&K?

Is CD all it's cracked up to be?

I agree to a degree. But you define Modern Sonic wrong. The gameplay style and other elements changed substantially with Unleashed. That's Modern Sonic.

Sonic 1 is okay but when you compare it to Mario World, which came out the same year, it's certainly lacking. Later games expanded upon it though, and gave us plenty of games that hold up very well.

Adventure 2

It's very overrated, I bet due to PCfags (mostly eurofags) who never had real video games growing up, but got to play the Windows port of this game. It's good, it's interesting that it has more exploration than the others, and has a pretty good amount of unlockables, but it's still very overrated.

It depends on what you want from a sonic game. Most of the 2D ones are good, but some of the newer ones are unnecessarily hard to 100%, and nearly all of the 3D ones are good but do require understanding how you move, then you can really enjoy all kinds of deliberate shortcuts and non deliberate shortcuts.

Sonic 4 episode 2 was better then Sonic Adventure. The 1998 - 2010 was the dark ages, only children with severe life crippling autism like that era. Yes even Sonic Lost worlds is better then Adventure 1 & 2.

Hopefully a new CWC meltdown.
He should be incredibly fragile at this point with Trump being president, I suspect that a change to Sonic would be enough to send him FINALLY over the edge.

I've played romhacks better than Sonic 4 Episode 2.

What? Are you for real? PC has always in the entire history of videogames had the largest library. Why are you trying to cause console bickering?

I agree. However, I'd say the only worthy sonic games to play are Sonic 3 and Knuckles for classic sonic and Sonic adventure 2 for 3D modern sonic. The rest of the sonic games do not reach the level of quality those two teach, whether 2d or 3d

The other sonic games are meh at best.

He's probably bored, maybe if you laugh at him he'll fuck off.

First of all, Sonic 2&K, 3 and 3&K had a PC port, secondly Genesis emulators have been a thing as far back as Genecyst for MS-DOS and were able to emulate Sonic games so you are wrong there. Also you are not giving any reasons for why you believe that the game is overrated.

Modern Sonic is for casuals. I can get if people don't like Adventure era Sonic but to prefer Modern means you're a casual who never got the point of the series in the first place, and probably hasn't really played Classic Sonic either.

Quality over quantity. They were stuck with Jazz Jackrabbit instead of Sonic, so when they got to play the real thing, even if it's not the best version of the real thing, it's much more impactful for them since it's the only one in the series they got.

Also there's the fact that it's one of the only good Sega CD games, so a kid is gonna have to justify their Sega CD purchase to themselves by convincing themselves that Sonic CD is the best Sonic game.

Adventure 1 is really a very different game than Adventure 2. To begin with, Adventure 2 isn't an adventure game. Adventure 1 has a lot of focus on the Adventure Fields and exploring there. There's tons of detail to NPCs and elements to make the world feel substantial and alive. Adventure 2 would take that effort and redirect it toward level design, making its Action Stages (since they're now the only part of the game) way better.

Sonic Adventure 1 is a great adventure game with pretty good action platforming. Sonic Adventure 2 is a great action platformer.

And the other ports came years later, like 1998 or something.

CD's levels are shorter and there are less of them compared to Sonic 3 & Knuckles, plus the latter has three characters. CD makes up for it by giving you slight incentive to explore and find Eggman's machines and the Metal Sonic holograms, but the good futures and the tiny little clip you get for getting all the holograms aren't as good a reward as Super Sonic and Doomsday Zone. Time Trials are cool though.

It's a good game, but it's not as good as 3&K.

they did, and are you fucking serious? It's MSDoS, it's not fucking hard to use.

Go look up the percentage of people who had internet access in the early-mid 1990s. I'll wait.

Considering how much he is trying to stir a shitposting storm I've just gone ahead and reported him for console war bullshit. I don't think he believes anything he says, nobody could be that stupid, he's just trying to stir shit up.

It's a lot easier just to explain yourself, if you actually thought you were correct.


You didn't need fucking internet to get a hold of an emulator, all you need was a friend to borrow you his floppies with an emu and some roms.

So what year were you born, 1999-2001? Somewhere around there?

Got any more? It's rare to see porn of Cream that doesn't look like shit. Even rarer to see actually good fetishes incorporated as well.

Back then even a friend with home internet, who also happened to be into video games and would bother to learn about emulators, was still quite rare.

No it wasn't, like, at all you ponce.

You are starting to get worse than he is, because you continue to reply to him.

There are people incorrect on the internet I cannot tolerate this.

If what you mean by "casuals" as in gamers who enjoyed 2d sonic but abandoned the 3d games because they where garbage and laughs at all the furfaggots and autistic kids, then when the games finally became fun again returned to enjoying sonic. Then yes.

Yeah, it was. Home PC ownership wasn't at all universal back then, and internet access was even lower. And a very substantial number of people with home PCs still wouldn't be using them for anything like what we're talking about. Hell, a lot of them wouldn't be using them at all, they'd be using them because they thought they should have a computer because it's the future, and then they'd not learn how to use it.

I mean casuals because games like Sonic Adventure 2 actually played like Classic Sonic translated to 3D, while Modern Sonic is a completely different thing that plays more like Dimps Sonic translated to 3D, but the game plays itself for you even more.

interesting… Is that how it seems in your mind?

You know he's right. Sonic generation and colors has nowhere to go except to go straight. no hidden areas and alternative ways. so yeah mock the "retard" while you lose your braincell.

The continuation of the sanic cycle.

Colors' alternate routes were relegated to 2D, often accessed by wisps, and Generations' modern Sonic levels like Sky Sanctuary and Seaside Palace put Unleashed's to shame, (save for Eggmanland) in terms of open 3D space.

Sonic 06 is non canon from existence, it never happened. It was all one big illusion created by drugs in our waters.

It is pretty funny how the most Infamous Sonic game ever, erases it's self from the time line at the end of the game.

It still happened on some level though. The Time Eater's shenanigans cause '06 future Crisis City, along with '06 Silver to come back.

That looks like garbage, no skill involved what so ever.

It's just a tech demo. Obviously an actual game would require actual level design.

You didn`t play either of those games, did you?

That's what I asked the guy to do. The one more knowledgeable about the subject should be the one defining the standards. You can't define criteria for a subject you don't know much about. It'd be like asking a farmer to define the criteria on how to compare the efficiency of nuclear reactors.
If you define your criteria and it has objective measurements, then it can work. I'm all for that.

Did you start smoking that shit again? What the fuck is the matter with you? How can one man spew so much nonsense?
Where the hell did I say I was against having standards?


Whatever drug you're on doesn't seem fun. You seem to be suffering.

Sa2 didn't even have a hub world.

06 isn't any more like both Sa1 and Sa2 then heros and shadow are

Why are Sonic threads always filled with autists arguing with one another? Can't we just talk about what we enjoy about the games like for example, Tails Adventure is a flawless masterpiece.

Dubsman nice bats

Tails Adventure suffers a bit from having most of the items be pretty much useless, and only really collected for the sake of getting 100% of collectables.

It's still one of the best games in the series.

dubs for double ds

Yeah let's just pretend that's not just the rest of Holla Forums altogether.
Actually, that's all Holla Forums.

But that's bullshit.

Haven't played Sonic Adventure 2, but Adventure 1 was pretty fucking casual and rollercoasty as fuck
Don't act all superior for having played a game that sucked in that regard just as much as the rest.

Certainly not as many as Sonic Adventure 2, and most of those are still only in the 2D sections. And the 2D sections in Colors don't even pretend to play like Classic Sonic.

I agree that Adventure 1 doesn't have the greatest level design, but the basics of how Sonic should move were there. Adventure 2 improved on the level design a ton. It doesn't have the Adventure Fields, which are a big part of the draw of Sonic Adventure 1. Adventure 2 is all about the level design. It also improves the physics a bit and stuff.

Modern Sonic is casual because the very basics of how the character moves don't allow the game to play like Classic Sonic at all. Adventure Sonic could, so long as the levels were designed well.

I honestly am happy at a new 3d sanic game. Sonic Mania I'm also happy for. Sure Sonic Mania comes off as a HD fangame. But fangames have been pretty great when it comes from sonic. Hope they blow my expectations out of the water with it.

If this follows the trend Unleashed, Generations and Colors set. Then I'll happily buy it a week after release. My only fear is the final boss. I really hope it won't be ass like Generations and Unleashed. Colors is the only one that had a remotely tolerable final boss and it was still awful.

What's up with modern sonic and terrible boss battles?

No imagination obviously.

Which sucks, I got good ideas, but I'd rather keep 'em to myself unless I somehow wound up at Sega. Even then, I'd demand changes for a lot of shit if I had a chance to make at least a couple good sonic games.

The guy making this particular fangame also made the remakes of Sonic 1, 2, and CD, which are all the best versions of those games on the market. And we're talking about games that have been rereleased dozens if not hundreds of times.He knows how to tweak things to make them without changing them so much that it feels like what you liked before was changed at all. If anyone can make a good Classic Sonic game, it's him.

I've seen unity games in AGDG that look better than this.

You'll notice the guy got an E Rank. He's not playing properly. Maybe trying to speedrun or something, but the meat of the game comes from trying to get high scores, which in that mode means getting high combos while also going fast.

Also it's a game from 2001 made for a console from 1998.

Aaron, pls.

Well I wasn't Trying hard. That was my first time playing as the Chao outside of 2 player mode to see how Broken he was.
His acceleration makes him go faster then the actual Speed Characters.

Yeah okay not-Generations 2, but why isn't Sanic Mania out yet?

Nice bait faggot, go play the games. Also all Sonic games that aren't 1, 2, CD, 3 or &Knuckles (or Mania) suck and are not true Sonic games, they are just games that (claim to) have Sonic in them. Adventurefags are kidding themselves and anyone who thinks Heroes is a good game does not belong here.

I had an essay written out for this question but I lost it. Basically Sonic is too OP and bosses only appear more complex when functionally beating them is child's play.

Not just Taxman mind you, he's had advice/assistance from Stealth from the beginning and you know the rest of Retro would have been pretty vocal about it as well.

It's certainly the popular favourite but I personally prefer 2's look and feel, also some of 3's levels are too long for my liking.
It seems like it's acquired Majora's Mask-tier notoriety but unlike the other classic games it hasn't been as readily available, only being ported twice before it was remade in 2011. It's worth playing but I wouldn't play it first

06 is Shadow 2. think about it.

Speaking of Sanic Mania, I am starting to worry about how big a game its going to be considering all they have shown off is a rehash of Green hill zone and one new level. Assuming its only 8 levels for a classic sonic game is a bit shallow if they are asking for over $30. The Collectors addition is $70 On the one hand I don't want the game spoiled, but on the other hand I am not playing over $15 for a modern SEGA game that essentially emulates a 24 year old product.

I think Heroes was shit. Weird Hit-detection, slow as fuck, boring and repetitive "Kill all the robots" rooms all the time, recycled the same 10 levels and 4-5 bosses for each "Campaign".

Even this fanboy autist hates it but you underaged faggots are nostalgic for it I guess. Leave it to Holla Forums to endorse such a shitty game.

I read somewhere it was going to have 14 zones overall, personally I'd have been fine without the rehashes but even still I doubt they'd skimp on new stuff. Speaking of which, "new" stuff has surfaced (be warned, embed is Polygon)

How can they suck so much at sonic, jesus.

One of those rags moaned about Nioh being too hard for them to review. Lurk more buddy

here's a hint, user

That's also bullshit.
Also you're contradicting yourself
"Certainly not as many " is not the same as "no hidden areas"

but there is skill involved user

Music makes my penor diddy

Music doesn't sound very desert-y or like something out of a western, but I like it.

It's supposed to be saloon music

I don't get that vibe.

It's fine though, because it gives off a "Sonic" feeling rather than a "western" one.

It's the truth. Heroes was absolute dogshit, I tried to like the game but it was no where near as good as the other 3d Sonic games. That retarded wii magic arabian rings one is a more polished game than Heroes.

Guys… what happened to his teeth?
Is that going to be the new

Sonic stopped being good after Sonic 3. Adventure 2 was a one hit wonder. Sonic is shit and Mania, a fan-made game, looks better than anything Sega has done in years

even new super mario bros for DS is a better platformer than any Sonic done by sega since modern sonic was a thing.

The Sonic Team is a shit dev studio.

Even though I Enjoy Heroes i'm not going to deny it has problems. I just happen to enjoy the game anyway.

The lack of a proper Spin dash does suck i'll admit.

I agree, the campaigns are treated as mandatory difficulty levels. (save for Chaotix being objective based) The Team Rose levels are the shortest, The Sonic levels are medium length, and Team Dark levels are the longest. but that ends up meaning in order unlock the last campaign you need to play the Rose sections 4 times and the Sonic sections 2 or 3 times to and the Dark sections possible 2 time depending on how Chaotix levels are.

That I get as a complaint but I like the Combat so it doesn't bother me.

SMW and Sonic released in the same year, you autistic mongoloid.

Super mario world follows the mario platformer series. You are either baiting or retarded.

This actually looks interesting. A way to turn sonic 3d without just being Adventure or Mario Galaxy. It would be up to level designers to make it good and not just a mess.

It's a indirect sequel to Generations, so I expect quality somewhere near Colors.

Sonic's Twitter page is better than any Sonic game.

SMW was released in 1990 and Sonic was 1991

So whats the skill involved besides just jumping? it looks like everything is Sonic Generations (modern levels - just run forward for miles) but more towards open world roaming. I like the concept but its lacking some meat.

the sound of his feet is so irritating. Why would they do that? also while this is a cool tech demo how could you make a challenging and fun game with this formula?

sounds good, but they really shouldn't charge more the $15 to $20 for this game.

You know Generations Modding community is really a god sent.

Its Jazz piano mixed with hophop and a single Western Whistle thrown in.

Am i the only person who likes Sonic 3 sprite designs more than sonic 1 and 2? I mean sonic looks a lot more mature on them.



As impressive as this is, rendering by cells is a surefire way to fuck your game up bad, just look at Gamebryo abortions. Truly the issue at Sonic Team is that none of them know how to code a goddamn modern game.

Knowing when to spin to gain speed. And all that.

Nope. Then again I'm really nostalgic for Sonic 3.

I'm with you on that honestly, I can still dig it pretty easily. It's funny how pretty much everything about this game is on point and all Sega had to do was hire the fans

Leave this place

Sadly you can't play a Twitter page

Blue arms is the new green eyes

Only in Japan, Sonic got out first elsewhere. Makes you wonder how they managed to take a year to bring it elsewhere

Yes probably not One sprite design I really like is Eggman piloting his eggmobile in CD, it makes him look way more intense. Also you don't see it that much which is sad

You're missing out.

Oh nevermind, you're just a faggot.

The people saying that Heroes is a great game or one of the best in the series are certainly out of their minds, but I think a lot of it is backlash against people saying the game is absolute shit for years. The truth is it's a playable game that's good for a fun time if you're a fan of the series or 3d platformers in general, especially since this came out right around the time 3d platformers were dying out.

I wasn't the one who said "no hidden areas," I just came to his defense because I can understand what hyperbole is, because I'm just a Sonic the Hedgehog autist, not a "I take every sentence literally" autist.

New Super Mario Bros is a good game that just got old because they rehashed it so many times. Sega was never able to pull off a new "Classic Sonic" game. Advance and Rush, despite being 2D, are different, and much more like "Modern Sonic" (not even like the Dreamcast/Gamecube Sonic they were released at the same time as). They tried to do Sonic 4, but Episode I was an abortion and Episode II was only half a game (just like Sonic & Knuckles!) that nobody bought anyway because they thought it would be the same as Episode I (even though it wasn't).

Sonic Team also only makes the main entries in the series, not the 2D spinoffs. But then I agree that they're also not as good as 3D Mario, at least since Sonic Adventure 2.

The sprites from 3&K also do a good job having a lot more "dimension" to them. Almost come off feeling like Donkey Kong Country or something, at least more than the previous games.

You like every platformer ever?

so an fallacious appeal to authority?
please have some standards kiddo
maybe you should study more Plato and Aristotle. Or at least learn the basics of logic, both inductive and deductive reasoning before you try to swim in the deep end.
please son you are embarrassing yourself.

I think you are just bad at getting high scores on the in game speed runners leader boards. Due to you lack of skill at gotta going fast you cray that the new games are "casual". Its a self evident conclusion that you merely have not gotten good. You seem to be forgetting that the original Sanic games where remarkably easy due to the ring system making you virtually invisible. Why you pretend they are hard core is laughable when in reality they where ultimately designed for little children.
Sonic CD remastered is the best Sonic game
also bump

Sonic dreams collection is the only good sonic game.

Generations is maybe the easiest game in the series to 100%. If you want to talk leaderboards, then you can do that for any game. You can say any game becomes challenging if you're just speedrunning to try to beat other speedrunners, but the in game challenges are very simple and easy, and the way the character moves do not allow the levels to be designed in such a way that the game can play like Classic Sonic translated to 3D, at least as well as Adventure 2 did.

The Classic Sonic games aren't the hardest things in the world but they're harder than Generations. Generations is just longer, but still very short for a modern game, and very short compared to any major Sonic game since Adventure.

Alternatively, I could just say you overlook the Adventure games because you are just bad at getting high scores, which is actually the point of Sonic Adventure 2, unlike Generations. Getting all S Ranks in Generations is way easier than getting all A Ranks in Adventure 2. And if you want further challenges after that, go compete with the speedrunners. Go try to beat Darkspine Sonic.

you keep asserting this to be true when in fact its not true. The Adventure games where garbage which is why so many people abandoned the games and then Sega started experimenting with the formula to try to win back an audience. The Adventure game played a part in Bankrupting Sega. It wasn't until they fixed the issues with trying to control a fast moving ball in 3D did it start to have any success. What you consider "hard core" is just tolerating jumping with no depth perception and because you grew up playing this garbage it feel natrual to you. However the 2D fans of Sonic dropped Adventure like a hot potato. Only autist unironically like Adventure 1&2. Their failures is where what birthed Sonic 06. Sonic Hero's would have been a step in the right direction if they actually made fun levels, but was monotonous garbage. If you are unwilling to impose your own standards and by proxy your own Challenges then you have no right to bitch about valuations. This is because you have not metric in determining that which is good and that which is bad outside of subjective feelings and emotional tirades. You have no way of resolving the gap between that IS the case vs what Ought to be the case.


Anyone who isn't an idiot knows that Sonic '06 was simply unfinished. You're just showing that you don't know shit.

Adventure 1 and 2 were very highly regarded at the time, and it was only later, around the mid-2000s, that people started shitting on them.

What the fuck? If you're not willing to judge a game based on self-imposed challenges, then you can't judge a game? You're retarded.

by people like ChrisChan. Most real gamers dropped it like it was infected with aids. But you keep telling yourself the Saturn would have been a huge success. What ever you need to tell yourself to get to sleep at night.
did I say that? No, I said you clearly have no standards because if you had standards you would not be asking for people to create "fun" you would be creating your own entertainment. This would result in you imposing challenges. I judge by the fruits of ones labor and you are clearly nothing but Sour Grapes constantly making excuses for having no standards.

knowing when to jump
jumping the way you want to
jumping without losing momentum
knowing when to spindash
not messing up, like i did near the end when i forgot to do a homing attack to chop off maybe .03 seconds
knowing how to run on walls without falling off, when applicable, and actually doing it right

now tell me what the skill involved in FPS games other than being able to run and aim is?

Anyone who has actually played it and not just gotten their opinion from Game Grumps knows that they didn't get nearly that far. That shit is nearly Big Rigs level, with concepts that weren't even finished enough to be incorporated into actual gameplay, but also not given enough time to even be removed or dummied out, like the Gems.

They sold extremely well for the Dreamcast and were reviewed well at the time. The Gamecube rereleases got worse reception (Sonic Adventure DX was a rerelease of a game that was by then about five years old, almost a full generation, and was being judged as a new Gamecube game), but they still sold like gangbusters.

In that case I'd be making my own fucking video games. When I buy a video game, I am asking people to create fun for me. That's what a fucking video game is.

I don't know if it was Heroes, Shadow or 06 but definitely after 06 it became cool to hate on Sonic for anything and everything. Everyone on the who isn't a child or an autistic fan has been shitting on Sonic for over 10 years. So yeah I pretty much became numb to it.

Where the fuck are all these cuckchan shitposters coming from?
Holy goddamn shit

Heroes certainly had lukewarm reception, and by Shadow people were shitting on everything.

Prove it
Why are you not making your own video games user? Are you like some sort of SJW who just want the whole world to cater to their feels? Do you actually expect anyone to take you seriously now? This is a forum for serious gamers who love serious games. You are defending Sanic '06! user pls. You are now like (pic related).

Stop replying lad, its the same faggot who shat up this thread

No one is saying said 06 was good. it wasn't even half finished so of course it was bad.

I literally said
I didn't realize you thought Big Rigs was good.

This is a good point. That's also why I pointed out that it sold well and got general good reception from those buyers at the time.

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle is the 11th best selling Gamecube game.

Oh so you're just fucking with me. Well done. You got me.

I've never entered that thread. FPS a shit.


If I was in that thread, I'd have known that the guy in it was openly shitting on the genre that the thread is about and saying it's objectively shit, and thus I would have lied instead of stating the same opinion as a reason for why I'm not in that thread.

Also, I haven't played those games because I don't care for the genre. That guy obviously likes shooters, so he's played them and has opinions on specific ones. I just wanna play platformers and shit.

If you disagree with opinions, just say why. It's not trolling to say that Sonic Adventure 2 is a good game or that Modern Sonic is less like Classic Sonic than Adventure Sonic. In fact, my autism has brought me to write a lot of stuff justifying it in this thread.

but I didn't post in that thread.

he is saying that if they had more time it would be good. He has yet to set any standards for his valuation.

You think Big Rigs is good?

but I am right and you know it.

Goddamn you're as autistic has he is
Actually read my fucking posts and stop replying to that nigger.

No, but that other fag thinks that saying Sonic '06 was nearly on the level of Big Rigs is a compliment to Sonic '06, so he must think quite highly of Big Rigs.

All signs point that they were trying to make another Sonic Adventure with improved Adventure Fields (complete with their own NPC missions) as well as tweaks to the characters to make them make more sense (like Shadow being similar to Sonic but with more attack capabilities instead of agility. Though he's also slow as fuck which sucks). Level design for the 3D games also got much better after Adventure 1, so this game, if completed, may well have done better. Instead, it wasn't even close to finished, and was not only buggy, but clearly not even past the concept stage yet, with blatantly unfinished and unimplemented elements that absolutely break the game, and loading screens for loading screens.

If even just the most obvious things were fixed, the game would probably be mediocre, maybe Heroes or Shadow level. But it's also not crazy to think that, given how unfinished we can see it was, that things like how certain characters move, or the level designs themselves, might have been tweaked further.

You're just a dumb fag that can't defend your opinions. It's not like I'm the one just giving short non-answers and deliberately ignoring opposing views.

No, faggot, you are the trolls.

No I am logically consistent and well educated.

I am going to go easy on you. Please define your standards. If you cannot define your standard then fuck right off. No amount of autistic screeching will make your shit taste good.

You trolled me pretty good, because it took me this long to realize you were just using different words for saying "fun is a buzzword." Still, I have said many times that the reason I appreciate Adventure Sonic over Modern Sonic is because it is able to play more like Classic Sonic in 3D. The specifics of this have already been stated multiple times in this thread, and if you read previous posts you will see them. It boils down to the way Sonic moves now being based around constant FAST, which results in long, sparse corridors. This means less ability and incentive to explore, because the levels not only are not made for that, but they are made to discourage you from doing that. Adventure Sonic, with good level design (like Adventure 2), allows fast play, but also slow play. The fast is earned by getting good and being able to hit those shortcuts and make those tougher jumps by having the right speed and timing, which is what Classic Sonic was all about. Classic Sonic didn't just send you going fast for the sake of it, you had to earn it by getting good. Modern Sonic still allows you to increase your speed, but in trying to automatically make you go at least a certain degree of fast (because casuals think GOTTA GO FAST), they miss the point of Classic Sonic, which Adventure Sonic was still able to do, at least when it had level design that facilitated this.

Now define your standard, faggot.

but fun is a buzzword user. If you want to have serious discussions about serious gaming then both parties need to have a clear set of standards. Otherwise its pissing in the wind.
but that is objectively not even remotely true because of depth perception.
yes but 2D sonic was linear. Left and right where the only dimensions.
this is true of "Modern" Sonic as well user. Just watch any speed run of Generations. The optimal rough it the toughest to master.
So you don't like booster rails. I agree Dimps is shit.
My standard is God. I don't invest that much energy into video games honestly. I was just trying to help you learn to be more reasonable.

Hence why I said "in 3D." It's not that it's the exact same thing, but it translated it in a manner to keep the core concepts and not change them that much beyond moving the camera and adding an extra dimension.

Left and right aren't separate dimensions, they are the same dimension. Up and down are another dimension. They are two dimensional games. You're right that it would probably be hard to have secrets if you could only move left and right, but you can also move up and down, and this results in many alternate paths and secret areas.

Of course, but I argue, for all the reasons stated in my post, that Adventure Sonic does it better. You can speedrun any game. I argue Adventure Sonic does better because it doesn't take fast for granted, and allows you to play slowly if you like. In fact, you probably will play slowly at first, because you aren't just immediately thrust forward into levels that are just sparse hallways that exist only for running through. Adventure Sonic moves in a way that levels can be made to let you stop and smell the roses, or more importantly, stop and look for secrets/alternate routes/etc. Modern Sonic, either you notice and you hit the alternate route, or you just restart the level, because it's not like you can actually take your time. If you deliberately try to, you find that the levels aren't made for that, nor is the way Sonic runs.

I'm glad we have common ground.

My argument that Adventure Sonic did a better job of being Classic Sonic than Modern Sonic does was made hundreds of posts ago. You were just deliberately trolling by not reading the posts to which you were replying. But I'm too autistic (being in a Sonic thread and all) to care.

but you are wrong, it fails at translating well into the third third dimension. This is why Adventure 1 & 2 was crap. Please don't strawman me user. Strawmans are not arguments. I do not respect intellectually dishonesty.
No need to be pedantic. It was a foible, but you clearly understand the sprite of what was written. There is only -/+ on the X and Y coordinance. Where as 3D introduces the Z axis and Sonic fails to translate into 3D unless they contaminate for this.
can you clarify that reason because you seem to not be able to make that reason substantive. You seem to base all your options on subjective feelings.
yet you clearly do take "fast" for granted. You just presume to know what fast is and leave this presupposition unquestioned.
no we don't have common ground that is the whole issue. You don't seem to understand what I am trying to get out of you. I am asking you about the metaphysics of Sanic. What IS sanic? What does it mean to GOTTA GO FAST?
no user I am not trolling. Sure I am being a pain in the ass, and nobody besides us cares about this topic but I am being philosophically and logically consistent. I am just trying to get you to do the same in your life.


I don't think you know what strawman means, because that wasn't done anywhere.

I then explained why I argue Adventure Sonic does a good job being Classic Sonic in 3D. I've explained it a bunch of times in this thread, in fact.

Which many levels do. Of course I am saying that this requires good level design, but my main point is that Adventure Sonic at least allows for this, with proper level design, and Modern Sonic does not allow for that type of level design, and thus cannot play like Classic Sonic in 3D, but instead has to be quite a different game.

I already did, many times. I'm not going to reread all my posts to find the right parts to copy/paste. You should have read them the first time, or you can go back and read them yourself now. Anyone else reading this thread will see them. I'm not going to continue repeating myself again and again just because you refuse to read.

Modern Sonic is about making you go fast at all times, Classic Sonic and Adventure Sonic let you earn the ability to go fast by being good. Of course Modern Sonic lets you go even faster than its standard speed if you are good, but the fact that its standard speed is already throwing you forward down a hallway makes it very different than both Classic and Adventure Sonic.

He's the prophesied hero foretold by the Echidnas to be the Ultimate Life Form and defend the Master Emerald, which represents order, by its (and Sonic's) ability to control the forces of Chaos. Of course he is defending it from Eggman, who thus represents that Chaos. This, in a fashion not dissimilar Joseph Conrad, throws typical assumptions of representation and metaphor on their head. While Eggman and his machinery would, in a typical story, represent Order, and Sonic and his hectic nature would represent Chaos, Sonic Team cleverly turns this on its head, to show how Eggman and his mechanical intrusion on the status quo is in fact creating chaos, and Sonic, and by extension nature, actually has order underneath a surface of what only seems like chaos. This is furthered by the fact that Eggman's chaos intrudes on cities with mechanical capabilities, like those controlled by GUN. Station Square still represents order, which calmed Chaos, while the Echidna civilization is what unleashed Chaos upon Westside Island. Sonic Team wants us to look past surface appearances. Eggman is not chaos or order because he uses machinery, he is an embodiment of chaos who merely uses machinery to exercise his will. Sonic is not chaos merely because of his entropic nature, he is an embodiment of order who merely uses these seemingly chaotic methods to bring about order.

That's just some American dub shit from a shit adaptation of the franchise, that unfortunately leaked over to casuals and influenced the main franchise. Sonic doesn't have to go fast, but going fast is fun, and a good reward for getting good at the game.

No a lot of it is just you not reading what was already explained to you.

a strawman is when you build a substitute for an argument then trash the shallow replacement. Please don't pretend you understand logic after all this bullshit. You clearly need to gotta more into Aristotle as apposed to GOTTA going FAST.
but it requiters more then just good level design. Just because you have grown accustomed to eating shit doesn't mean shit taste good user.
so you can not clarify? Well I guess you really are not as passionate about Sanic as I first assumed. This is pure speculation but maybe your are not a true Sanic fan after all.
user you are full of shit. I know this is just you autistic way of talking about momentum physics but you clearly don't know the first thing about the Metaphysics of Gotta Going Faster. Why is this simple idea so hard 4U 2-into?
but what is the spit of FAST? What is its nature? What is the Talos of Fast?
you know nothing

opposed *

Which never happened.

Now you're strawmanning. my point was that it requires good level design, and that Adventure Sonic allows this level design while Modern Sonic does not, hence Modern Sonic not being as good.

Go read my previous posts. Anyone else reading the thread would, so you're not convincing anyone.

Nice rebuttal. I refute with a NO YOU.

The meaning of Fast and the meaning of GOTTA GO FAST are two very different things. I've explained what GOTTA GO FAST means, but fast itself is a whole other matter, and highly dependent on context. In the context of Sonic, fast is the state of controlling the chaos to bring about order. When Sonic says he GOTTA GO FAST, he is in fact stating that the chaos must be controlled and sent away with the utmost urgency.

I honestly thought that this was the lowest part of the game. I've died so many times because of physics fuckery, like
And don't even get me started on transferring between rails. All that just to sell soap shoes.

The rails in Adventure 2 are at least better than in Heroes, where the different characters and stuff makes it even harder to use, but yeah, rails just shouldn't be in the games at all. Soap Shoes are the coolest, but not good for gameplay. Maybe if they at least relegated it to edges and stuff to make for neat ways to get around corners or perhaps over or under obstacles, but not long paths that you're supposed to take.

What the fuck's with the performance of Shadow's new VA? I almost thought they got another new guy, but apparently this is the same guy that played him in Generations where I could've sworn he sounded better.

Disregard this entire post, turns out he was just as bad in 2011.

Have they done the "nothing personnel kid" meme yet?

Kill yourself, air stealer.

Sonic should have died with arcades. The autism has gotten beyond all comprehension.

You seem to be describing the games from unleashed to generations. I concur.

I didn't like the classic stages in generations, it didn't feel right if that makes sense. hopefully they fix it for this one.


When are we getting Sanic racing transformed 2?

Are you saying Kirk Thornton's not good enough to be his Shadow?

Despite following numerous parts of the formulas from both games yeah faggot SA3 would totally happen

check em

oh, I'm laughing.

It's the wall for you, spic.

sonics the game speeds my name


The Sonic Boom cartoon is so fucking awful. How can anyone watch this? I mean I even watch Akiba's Trip anime so its not like I only watch good stuff, but COME THE FUCK ON.


I'm a Sonic Fan liking things everyone else considers shit is kind of par for the course at this point.
I mean it's not an amazing show, but i'll watch it once in a while and get a chuckle out of it.

Also I like Sticks but her thing is pretty much "lol random" so I get why people wouldn't like her.

Yes I know. Its fucking garbage, but its still thousands of times better than Sonic Boom cartoon.

If that's what a "fan" does then I guess I'm not a "fan" even though I absolutely adore Sonic games ever since I got the first one as my second legit videogame. (First was Shadow of the Beast).

I predict the game will look underwhelming from this glimpse, but that the end result will be a lot of fun either way.

yes satan i too want to have sex with rouge the bat. Also they really need to make a spin-off that plays like knuckles and rouge's part in the adventure games but further expanded upon.

Has project X risen from the ashes for the 2342342th time yet? That fucking game is a goddamn case study in furfag behavior.

Everyone knows this is the best and only Sonic game worth playing.

Transformed was already 2. This would be 3.

Sheesh. No thanks. Shit like that makes me yearn for better mod support for AA2/AA3 if it ever comes to be.

You can beat it 100% in 2 1/2 hours including the extra modes and that if you are bad and have to try a few times. The forum is awful though.