Why Holla Forums hate anime?

Why Holla Forums hate anime?

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Plebians tbh

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I can't believe it you lied to me sempai… Nobody beat you in high school.


I see you are a man of refined taste in marital arts.

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Name one TV show as kino as this.

Checkmate, gaythiest

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Because Holla Forums is full of >>>/soyboys.

Because Holla Forums is shit but at least it's not full of normalfag weebs.

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The artstyle looks retarded

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1. Movies are popular than anime, which makes Holla Forums more normalfaggy.

2. These celebrities "love anime" as much as rappers love heavy metal, which is not at all. It's just a weird or nerdy trait they pick for themselves to try and show that they are human beings like everyone else and wow their audience with their down-to-earthness.

3. Most of the anime they like is the usual Miyazaki or DBZ shit.

t. butthurt weeb

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Everyone agrees anime was good up until the early 2000s. Afterwards, it's split between those who condemn the decadence into moeshit and pedobait, and those who enjoy it and are part of the problem.

Take Don't Bully Me Nagatoro, the latest fad in /a/. It's about this tsundere brown loli who keeps bullying a nard. Sounds sweet, right? Well, actually we would be losing our minds if it was a hollywood movie: it's femdom with a completely irrelevant, weak male that's monstrously damaging to any male kid.

Current year Japan is a place where you trade a good fap, for a thorough humiliation by stronk lolis. Another kind of dystopia, but still a dystopia just like feminism.

I agree with you.

No, THIS is the real problem. This mentality that we should all come to an agreement on what should be allowed to exist and what shouldn't is what is truly damaging to society and splinters it into many factions that can be easily controlled by those already in power.

Instead of people just not giving a shit about everything else and just doing what they like, you have militarized groups of people from all sides, all demanding that everything should be specifically how they request it and anything else should be destroyed.

This isn't just anime, it applies to everything. Feminism for example doesn't exist in Japan, why? Because it's a non-issue, because you don't have a (((certain group of people))) pushing for us to have an opinion on something (preferably a leftist one). The Japs don't have shit like feminism because unlike us, they really just don't give a shit.

Modern anime is aimed at "nerds", ie: normalfags

I like manga but aside from some kino animations most anime is trash artistically tbh.

The anime industry is awful, most anime are based on mangas rather than being new stories. It's worse than Hollywood.

Anime as a medium has beeen ruined by moe garbage pandering to closet pedophiles. Look up this spring's anime releases. The mpst prominent titles are easily moe garbage about underage girls.

I find it very creepy and unsettling that people older than me enjoy watching prepubescent girls doing little girl things for hours on end. Now imagine if you made live-action adaptations of these moe animes. That would really put things into perspective about how pedophilic these things are.

We have great anime like Kino's journey, legend of the galactic heroes and mushishi but for every 1 of those there's 30 about a bunch of little girls because that's where the money is.

I think to some extent it makes sense, just as it's cheaper to write a book than make a film it's also less expensive to draw a comic than to make an animation so those mediums have more artistic freedom and can be more experimental, they're also done by just a couple of people so there's also a much stronger authorship.

Because all anime is such shit that even Bay flicks have more artistic merit.

That's one big fucking kike lie and you know it son.

t. cartoon watching pleb

t. interracial sex watching, diversity loving, kike worshipping cuck

nice projection

Great reddit argument, nigger. The ISSUES were explained in the post, but you can't face them out of brand loyalty. Don't play pretend with people smarter than you, kid.

Not true, this is just crap from early goymergate. Japan's universities are not yet infested by marxists, true: but 1. they do have a progressive elite which dictates trends (watch some actual movies, other than cartoons, and you will notice) and 2. their companies closer to the west have already obliged several times to politically correct.
Put your fat hands to rest and thank me, instead of rushing to type some bullshit retort about facts having different meanings. If you realize now that Japan is as vulnerable and fallible as the West, your fragile identity wont come crashing down when the worst happens.

Welcome to the world of the grown ups, kid. This is no cartoon where the heroes go for a middle way that keeps everyone a friend. You either believe the truth and empower yourself with facts, or end up worshing a bunch of old jews that control you with propaganda.

An anime to your liking has been provided.

because it's cinema and Holla Forums is a place for people who don't watch tv or movies to bitch about tv and movies

lmao, get a load of this butthurt millennial. Is the whole post just you trying to prove how big you are on the internet? ok lol
Yeah, because you know your medium turned to shit when fucking CARTOONS (top kek, amirite?) surpass it in almost every way, but even still, you try to defend your Marxist propaganda and movies about Marxist values because you are offended when someone attacks your AMERICAN cultural heritage in favour of something else, either that or genuinely have such low standards that you enjoy the cinematic equivalent of having someone shit down your throat.

lmfao, I fucked your mom in highschool, son.

An user here pointed me toward Konosuba months ago. Just wanted to say thanks user it was really good

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Konosuba truly is a blessing.

That's a pretty retarded strawman tbh.

No it isn't.

The books are top tier. Dust's book is just finishing being translated and wew lad it is 24/7 shitposting in that dudes life.

I have them downloaded but haven't read any yet, I should start

nips are sad tbh, they want to be white so badly

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I think the pdfs stopped at 10 or 11. The new translator is cannongerbil.

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absolute cancer but I like it

So do you, it must be tough not being white. My gondolences…

Yeah it seems so, thanks user

Why so triggered weeb? It's the truth.

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there's only so much a weeb can digest, user

its cancer

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God, I fucking hate weebs so fucking much

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>still going to (((Holla Forums)))

99% of anime are like this

Personally, I just don't like anime because I'm not a fan of multicultural propaganda.

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I don't know what I hate more, the anime about moedesu idols or that anime with "animal" waifus

Can't argue with those double dubs user. You're right, I'm just a triggered weeb, my apologies…

this guy should stay away from anime as far as possible.

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lol sure

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You are going to delete that shit right now.

there is only 1% of good anime, the 99% of it is shit

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Was Yakusoku no whatever the fuck filled with modern communist propaganda or was it proper USSR style shit? Someone explain to me please because I really want to check it out but I dont want modern libshit propaganda

Isn't that true of all things?


I swear, give them 5-10 years and Finns will have their own anime industry. In 20 years when Japanese anime is dead, Finnish anime will already be around to fill the void.

gondola is already kino

fuck I wanted to post the whole playlist

Like 60% of chocolate is good, to be fair.

Modern communist drivel. The author is one of the Brazillian Japs that live in their isolated communities.

He despises white people by the way.

fucking hell
I always wanted to start watching anime at some point but I get more and more desensitized with all this normalfag moe shit going on… I just cant seem to get interested anymore

death note was pretty good
t. hates anime

Watch Jin-Roh it tells the story of literal rightwing death squads hunting down communists subversives that murder civilians. Spoiler below

The MC shows a moment of weakness and sympathy for the commie girl they are chasing and gets executed for his troubles while her friends laugh about murdering someone because he was trying to protect innocent people from their murderous ideology

anime isn't a genre there is a lot of different stuff available, you're bound to like something

OK i am gonna check this out, thanks anons

There is a certain point in Death Note that it seems like it would be a good place for it to end. It doesn't. When you feel you have come to the conclusion of the story just walk away. You will not be missing anything.

And shit my bad on that spoiler. I was misremember a scene from the manga. The movie follows a different storyline. The whole series is kino as fuck. It's where this image comes from.

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As long as Precure continues to air, anikino will always beat hollywood trash.

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I like PRECURE precure a lot. It is a Mahou Shoujo that doesn't try to deconstruct, subvert, or sexualize the girls. It is a series of simple girl's adventure story with good morals and a proper sense of right and wrong. Good will always win if the goio never surrender. Evil can be redeemed if it truly repents. Life isn't always happy but if you stick by you and your own you will make it.

That doesn't stop the nips from sexializing it. They will fuck anything.

kys yourself pedo

Is that why I got bored and stopped watching like 4 years ago and never went back?

It's also got some great sakuga and fighting in it. I'm very appreciative of mahou shoujo who can physically beat the shit out of their opponents, should the need arise.

Just finished GoPre the other day. Close is the best villian tbh, even beating out Kintolesky.

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I heard that it was the same for Neon Genesis Evangelion, is that right?
And also, I live in Cuckway and was wondering if there is any good streaming sites or torrent sites that I can used. most shit legal gay shit like crunchyroll in fagway is mostly regionblocked content….

also sorry for grammer i am tired


this is a Holla Forums owned board, get the fuck outta here pedoweebs

Evangelion's problem is they ran out of money and couldn't finish animating the final episodes. Still a good show overall, and if you hated the finale, there's End of Evangelion for a more cinematic ending.

I don't mind when the girls throw down as long as it isn't Strikers shit where it is just cruelty and bloody violence. Smile still a best. Did you watch Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara? It's a Mahou Shoujo that isn't a Mahou Shoujo. Very slow and very dry humor, but if that is your kind of thing it is extremely agreeable. The character designer was the animation director of Yama no Susume so it may seem familiar at first. However the tone of the two series is radically different.

No it was pretty boring and melodramatic as fuck. Still enjoyable in it's own guilty pleasure kind of way. You would know the point when it went to absolute dogshit if you saw it. I'm not particularly a fan, but it gave some good memes and it will kill some time.

Different reasons. Eva goes to shit because Anno had no idea what he was doing and blew his budget early on. It doesn't help that he was mentally fucked at the time and had an absolute hatred for the typical otaku who he felt was killing animation through their casual faggotry and buyfaggotryHe was right. Death Note goes to shit because the manga should have ended but they just kept going to milk the shekels.

nyaa.pantsu.cat is actually based out of Norway and the best open anime torrent site on the web. If you want vintage shit BBT has a great selection of obscure and old as fuck shit. Don't get anything new from BBT though, they are locked down by certain groups that only get their magnets added.

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Got it. Thanks, anons

Smile was pretty good, but it was a hair too far on the slice of life and goofy scale for me. I'm not some shounen-tier faggot crying endlessly for fisticuffs, but some would be preferable. Smile had approximately one great fight scene in its run, and that just wasn't enough. Precure as a whole is a scrumptious series, but I just don't think it reaches it's full potential without the action. I really liked Wolfrun and the gang, though.

I did watch Mahoumouii. It was pretty comfy, but I really hesitate to call it Mahou Shoujo. It's in a different ballpark entirely. I didn't realize it had the same designer as Yama no susume, but now that you mention it it's obvious.

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gonna need a link for this BBT site, cant seem to find shit on my own right now

Smile was what got me interested in Precure so I will always wear my nostalgia goggles.

Yama no Susume is top tier. I am hesitant to call it a sports anime despite what /fit/ and /sp/ though. It was a coming of age story that genuinely seemed more rooted in overcoming the limitations one puts on oneself than the fear of the unknown you see in most stories of the type. Interesting enough you can actually track the archtype heroic cycle in Aoi's struggles. I have seen some attempts to apply the monomyth to women before, but it always rang false and took many misteps. With YnS you genuinely understand the mythopoetic qualities of her struggle as she treks onwards.

Pure kino.

If you can't find it don't worry about it right now. It's a private tracker that has been closing membership often lately. Any vintage anime isn't going to probably appeal to someone who hasn't aquired a palette. Aesthetics, quality, and production are vastly differnet between different periods and many people will find themselves turned off by things that are not the current style. Dip your toes in the contemporary waters and find something that interests you. When you have a vague idea what you like come back and make a request thread. Never go to /a/ and listen to anything they say. They are absolute shit tier redditors with the most god awful taste and will mislead you before permabanning you. The tranny that runs the board is batshit crazy and a global and if you earn nepfags ire by not being whatever it wants you to be it will stalk you all over the site and constantly fuck with you. Verdict is still out on /animu/. There are a lot of redditors that nepfag brought over during it's many recruitment drives that left /a/ because of the overbearing moderation. However there are a handful of lich tier wizards that lurk on /animu/ who are fantastically autistic about their singular obsessions.

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This nigga. It's some extremely well crafted comfy, to be sure, but nowhere near that transcendental.

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At least you recognized it was a shitpost. Better than anyone on /a/ would have been able to.

Come now my duder. I'm almost insulted you'd think of me on the same level as tr/a/sh.

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Whats wrong with /a/ by the way? I always hear about how bad it is but I've never gone there

Thanks for the advice and for being so helpful, user. I have been lurking /a/ for some time and its mostly moe-tier shit that they post as far as I have seen. I have lurked /animu/ and you are right on the fantastically autistic anons there.
I am gonna take your advice and watch a bunch of different anime genres. I'll post here again tomorrow with a request thread if I find anything that interests me. But right now though I am really interested in watching stuff like Jin-Roh the Wolf Brigade… it just looks so cool and dystopian.
Also for the vintage thing, is it a safe assumption that I might like anime vintage if I already like the sort of equivalent in movies, like for example Mean Streets? I really love movies like that, just wondering if that is what the equivalent might be in anime taken your post in consideration
damn, 5:34 in Norgay here, gonna hit hay soon

as user said

It is almost completely filled with seasonal casuals with no understanding of the medium, who are keen to regurgitate opinions they have read on other websites without actually having read or watched the material they are commenting. The majority of discussion there is little more than
And the Jannies are capricious faggots who will ban you for having an opinion different than them. If you are familiar with Mark, the board owner of Holla Forums, it is similar but much more pronounced as the users of /a/ suffer from battered wife syndrome and will continue to dick ride the "feminine penis" of nepfag despite it's obvious contempt for the users.

You are never going to find something exactly like a Scorsese flick in anime since the essential character of Japanese people is significantly different. You can however find cases where there is a decent homage to his style or crime drama in general. Most often if you want to find something that would be outside of mainstream interests or stuff with an established and dedicated fanbase you are going to need to go with manga.
That said, Rainbow: Nisha Rokubō no Shichinin is a pretty melodramatic series that follows a group of teenage juvenile delinquents in a reform school in post war occupied Japan. The story follows the boy's life in the facility and their lives upon leaving. The subject matter gets dark but real suspension of disbelief is difficult as the direction is ham handed.
If you want something that is more emotionally similar to mean streets and genuinely pensive and introspective of the lives of men with nothing to lose there is the manga House of Five Leaves. I can not vouch for the adaptation, but the manga is very good. It is set in Edo period Japan and follows a swordsmen who ends up working for a criminal organization and the moral issue he struggles with.

Those two series will give me a better idea of what interests you may have.

Rainbow: Nisha Rokubō no Shichinin and House of Five Leaves. Will definitely check those out, thanks.
Though I am more into watching than reading mostly, but that might change.
I can believe that, but is there at least some shows similar to Scorsese's crime movies? I am wondering if there are any good anime, or manga for that matter, that focuses on Yakuza based themes that you could recommend. Or anything related to crime syndicate.

There are a few crime dramas. Mostly stuff that gets animated is stuff that is meant to appeal to as broad an audience as possible or a very niche audience that will shell out a lot of cash. You seem like a 80s 90s OVA kind of person. Most of the stuff from that era has either some giant organization and conspiracy or cyberpunk element and fantasy edge to it. There is Crying Freeman, an assassin story that deals with the Triad. Banana Fish is getting an adaptation this year, I enjoyed the hell out of that back in the day but it is more a psychedelic freak out story. Baccano and Durararara are both sort of focused around crime and drama but they are fantastical as fuck. Texnohlyze is cyberpunk goodness through and though but at it's core it is a story of gang warfare that destroy a corrupt and decadent society fallen into dissolution. Pluto is fantastic. It's sort of different take on Astroboy with the setting and story is significantly changed but it is a straight detective story.

Monster has an adaptation and you might like the fuck out of it. It is about doctor in post cold war Germany who makes the choice to save the life of a child over the life of a rich man and the consequences that has on the world. I am not going to spoil it for you but it is quite the rabbit hole to go down. I might not enjoy it as much as I used to because as I recall there is turkroach apologism in it.

Really if you want good crime fiction from Japan you are going to want to go manga. The audience is a lot smaller over there for western style crime fiction so you won't find a lot of anime. If you want to go period you will find a lot of Edo era crime shit. Just replace western clothes with kimonos and swords with guns. I am pretty tired myself and to be honest my brains are donkey shit. Seinen is the genre you want to explore but it is pretty broad. Stuff like Koroshiya Ichi might sound like something you would be interested in but the vibe is more of pure spectacle and ultra-violence than something Scorsese would do. The reason I am asking you to dip your feet in is because there is no direct analog to a lot of thematic elements. When you say you like Mean Streets because it is a crime drama it doesn't really tell me why you like it. If you watch some stuff and tell me what you like then it becomes easier to figure out the elements that you appreciated and find those themes. Tokyo Tribe and it's sequel deal with gangs in Shibuya. Sun-ken Rock is about cops and gangs and is pretty good. Mad Bull is just a batshit insane cop story set in New York in the 1980s. Kaiji and Akagi are about the underworld and get into some pretty implausible scenarios but like a lot of Nobuyuki Kukumoto's work deals with the essential character of a man and how we allow our own mediocrity destroy our lives. Saikyo Densetsu Kurosawa is one of Fukumoto's best stories. It isn't crime drama at all but holy fuck it will hit you.

I have watched and read a lot of anime and manga. Fucking decades of my life spent on this shit. I have sat through entire series and not remember until the last few episodes that I had watched them years and years before. And through it all my taste have fluctuated wildly as I have grown to appreciate things and learned contempt for others.

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Holy shit, user… This is a lot to digest. Looks like I am gonna have a lot of watching and reading to do now.
I will read those manga recommendations after watching some shows I guess. Got to get a feel for it first, then I will make a more specific request thread here on Holla Forums in the foreseeable future. Not like I got anything else to do with my time.
Well, I suppose I could have been more telling, but you already summarized it well in your previous posts, so I thought I didnt need to further explain.
Seeing how much you know about this, being a true encyclopedia and all, are there any shows that I should definitely avoid like the plague?
And have you really spent decades in your hobby? How old can you be, man?

Looks like someone drawed kawaii eyes over some eggs.

Why do only anime threads get serious discussions? Is it autism?

Japan is probably the most feminist country in the world and anime is on or beyond the level of hollywood propaganda with how much femdom and male submissiveness they shill

This is also a massive problem but mosly in the west (I dont live in Jewpan so I dont care), this is why everything went to shit

Most anime is shit. That being said have you seen the Battousai OVA, Trust and Betrayal? Absolutely gorgeous.

t. jimbo mcamerimutt

I like anime tbh.

Yeah. I wish I was 10-14 years old again, my interest for anime burned out since then.

I still think anime girls are cute

Watch better anime.

Looks super deep. When will people start recognizing anime as a sophisticated art form?

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The best anime have been released decades ago.


what's happening in those three pictures?

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Why do /a/utist loose their shit when you pronounce their anime's name?

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God, I fucking despise ninendrones who can't handle the truth.

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Anime hasn't been watchable since 2010

this, but unironically

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