Essential Amerimutt kino thread?

Essential Amerimutt kino thread?

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Attached: nig world war 6.webm (270x360, 4.01M)

Attached: 0ca9f1e78f2a363e8f80e5b453ff2be5bda404c211cca3ecbee114c3cf3306f2.mp4 (1280x720, 5.25M)

Attached: americans.png (2838x1656, 319.92K)

Attached: meanwhile in arkansas.mp4 (192x320, 1.99M)

That video is in reverse, nice try though

pick just one.


he's lying. everyone knows you have to crawl inside a storm drain to abandon a cat.

That's fucking embarrassing. The nig in the white t-shirt was definitely on more drugs too, and Marvin couldn't handle it. He even came in with a broom and got his ass whooped.
Absolutely goddamn pathetic. How did this guy not go inside and shoot himself out of pure shame after something like that.

Attached: nigger ape spitting.mp4 (540x960, 8.15M)

Attached: nigskating.mp4 (480x480, 820.39K)

are you new here?

Attached: 1517058558221.webm (496x360, 3.87M)

I remember the 3 or 4 latinos in my high school in the late 90s being like that guy, lol. It's probably 40-90 latinos in that high school today.

2033, an average day in the black ethnostate of Florida

i'm reading Mein Kampf right now and i have to say he is pretty right in about 20% of what he's saying in his speech there

What does he say that's wrong?

Attached: 1461643134121.jpg (287x400, 16K)

Attached: spic gets knocked out by old white man.mp4 (400x400, 1.12M)

"what is white behavior" - see this vid


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11/10 user

Attached: 1bd1a967aa2d241b478bca69c4beb5f33d165e0202f51936f5e3340381ddf785.jpg (571x542, 47.93K)

Why is he trying to fucking debate the spic? Took him almost ten minutes to knock him on his ass.

because he was waiting for the spic to make the first hit


Attached: ClipboardImage.png (500x590, 128.75K)

the context is that a spic was trying to attack a human and got justifiably dropped for it.

how did an entire race of people with such a propensity for intentionally aggravating people who are bigger, stronger, smarter and whiter than them manage to exist for so long? why didn't we adequately punish these things by killing them before they reproduced? why did we not do them that kindness?

(((The Vatican)))

Explains the buy your way into heaven scheme the Vatican had going.




Teevee pill me on the spic race please. I have never met them but i want to fuck their women.

Attached: 1510194868001.gif (564x846, 247.84K)

they can be crazy but all women are tbh.
just watch out because some hit rock bottom around age 30 and turn into a 5 ft 3 over weight gremlin.

I heard this happens with the ones with higher percentage of Amerindian blood?

Attached: gloria.jpg (768x575, 64.53K)

mexifag here. only 1/10 mexican girls are really hot. the rest are disgusting/fat.
the food is really good but extremely fattening.
there is not much else to say about mexico, nothing positive atleast.

please nuke us, you will be doing the world and especially california a favor. If you really like latinas just go with Colombian girls, they are one million percent hotter.

Attached: 27877956_186149632148448_7810990630183632896_n.jpg (1080x1350, 1.78M)

Attached: Mall of America Minnesota.mp4 (204x360, 4.62M)

idk. i think its the spanish/native genes in the southwest. they dont seem to play well with each other. my great grandma was an indian who got ANGLOD and she didnt turn fat. none of us are fat, we're all absolutely insane though.

fuckin hell

thanks for the input, reddit.


Attached: (You).jpg (297x331, 13.86K)


Attached: Oekaki.png (500x250, 6K)

That's not even a spic. It's a Spaniard/Lebanese so full Aryan.

i think this video shows a very important lesson: DONT FUCK WITH AMERICANS! we will kick your ASS!!! see if either of these men were european, they would have pussied out and called the cops or something. notice how each of these men were ALPHA MALES fighting for their right to the hottest chicks. too bad all europoorean women are at best 6/10s, and more likely 4/10 or less, whereas bottom of the barrel american women START at 6/10, and are more than likely 8/10 or higher. this is bliss


meant for

are you drunk?

I've always thought this, but I wasn't sure if it was just an impression I had from only meeting very few Columbian women who just happened to be hot.

Attached: nigger killed He's_off_the_chain.webm (620x348, 6.72M)

I fucking doubt it. Only Western "bastardization" of Mexican food tastes good, similar to Chinese food, where the authentic version is actually dog cooked in gutter oil.

Is this reverse bait?



ni🅱️️🅱️️a got BTFO 👌👌👌

t. watched too many movies
IRL a dropped opponent can still pose a threat because it takes time to bleed out, see video related.
also this video, where even after being shot multiple times and even a headshot he's still moving around and potentially a threat.

Yes, a bleeding out nigger in a shock armed with a screwdriver/knife lying on his face poses a great threat to a policeman, sure, better shoot him few more times just to be sure that he is dead and doesnt pose any danger since in america life of citizens is worthless

Its not like the nigger lying in the puddle of his own blood is deafened by the gun shots, in shock and and bleeding out
He is still a mortal danger

Attached: ptsd.jpg (540x592, 33.3K)

What? Are you implying that 9mm wont deafen you for a while from this close?
When i was last time in the shooting range and shoot 9mm and .38 for the first time i didnt wear any ear protection and all could hear for the next few seconds was ringing in my ear

Attached: nogs nigging.mp4 (480x600, 1.39M)

anyone else get physically upset watching this? I already saw this vid and I literally can't watch it again because it's so upsetting

Whats the problem?

Attached: Dark Souls.webm (320x320, 4.29M)

Damn that niggresses looks hot
Would fuck/10

why are Holla Forumstards such easily triggered soyboys?


Allahu Akbar brother

Attached: nobody likes niggers.mp4 (640x360, 910.83K)

Do niggas like niggas tho?

the funny thing is he knows this and still moved to a white neighborhood

t. Uncle Ruckus

Because he doesn't like nigger. He very clearly stated this.

Not a single white person in the entire video. Good job Minnesota!


Did he friend tried to punch his leg back in place?



Attached: Sheboon Going Crazy In Store.mp4 (272x480, 3.12M)

the truth is the truth

this vid pleases me on so many levels, its hard to even really experience it, i feel like i don't deserve to be this entertained

t. westaboo


Never Allahu when you should Akbar

Americans are the mexicans of the world.

But you won't do anything, because white americans are cowards.

Attached: Twisted Metal.mp4 (480x480, 9.02M)

kek, lost it when she ran over the fire hydrant

Attached: woman gets slapped.mp4 (360x360, 412.58K)


depends on a lot of factors, not only caliber.

if women were ever truly handed the reigns, civilization wouldnt last 10 years.

Attached: americommunity.jpg (500x625, 97.62K)