Is this game going to flop so hard that barely anyone cares enough to even pirate it?
BotW leaked 2 days ago
Other urls found in this thread:
i think it's more because not many have a wii u to get an actual discussion going.
it'll probably pick up a bit after the switch release.
There better be a salt party here, but knowing Mark and the others they'll just get rid of all the spoilers.
It's fun, but I'm waiting for nip release before getting serious. I give it a 6/10.
>Internet is flooded with videos, pictures, posts, and reviews detailing how bad the BotW is
"Is it comfy?", is the question.
I just want a nice open-world game with bright colours and funky characters/enemies instead of the bland, washed out shitty edgelord open-worlds we have to have.
Another point would be "Would you pay for what you've played so far?"
And why wait for the Jap version? It's been VAd by NoE if I recall.
I'm a couple hours into it, and it seems pretty comfy so far. The problems are that while the color pallet is nice, the game does look extremely washed out. Asides from the bright neon magic Sheikah circuitry stuff, the whole game looks under saturated. The game also runs like complete shit. It's probably the worst running console game I've seen since Bayonetta on the PS3. In the overworld, there are lots of random frame drops for no apparent reason that I can see on screen, which makes me think it's caused by loading. If this happens in the middle of a group of enemies, be ready for sub 20fps. At least the frame rate should improve on the Switch version.
That shouldn't be an excuse though, but, then again, this is current year (To use the tired phrase).
You're retarded, right? It's the only thing that could make sense…
There's also the possibility that almost no one who bought a Wii U is smart enough to follow basic instructions.
I think they only made it on the Wii U to try and milk some shekels out of the guys who already had one, and to move the final units they finished making, so people see a Wii U and the game as cheaper than a Switch and the game.
I see you've never been to the Wii U or 3DS hacking threads.
Idiots ask the same questions every time, or don't listen to basic instructions in a guide that's thoroughly checked or from anons who know what they're talking about, and wonder why they brick their consoles.
Holla Forums users =/= normalfags, OP.
It's pretty cool, to be honest. I don't really know what to make of it as a whole yet, because it's so different from every other 3D Zelda game.
There's something special or interesting in every corner of the map and there's a lot of freedom on how to approach challenges.
My biggest question is how the game looks in more difficult areas, because so far it's pretty barren, with a handful of enemies dotted around the map.
Maybe because nobody wants to spoil/ and or not many people have pirated/ and or they're playing it right now and too busy having fun to post
pirating is wrong.
1) I'm lazy
2) I can't reclaim my fucking Wii U because my younger siblings and cousins want to use it the moment I try and take it back to my room
3) I'm lazy
normalfags will eat it up.
my friend is buying a switch on friday and zelda breath of the goyim after buying a ps4 just a few months ago
See, you say this, but then we have Overwatch, For Honour, Minecraft and FO4 threads constantly.
There's not much to spoil in terms of plot for Zeldo games. It's always a spin on the usual formula.
There were something like 50 UIDs in the leak thread, and most were talking about emulating the game or putting it on the Wii U.
You and I both know that there are people on this board who would keep playing a shit game for 100 hours just to get more upset. There are also people who play the games, have fun but nitpick it to death.
I hope this means that the CEMU devs will either work harder or more people will come in to help so this is playable, as well as other Wii U games.
Take it at night. Have you CFW'd it? If not, tell them you need it to get free games for them, then keep it for an extra day than needed to play.
Illegal is the word you're looking for.
Wrong is fucking over your loyal customers.
I'd be playing it but my Wii U is ~1400 miles and 3 states away right now.
I hope we get a jap audio hack.
I have been playing it for 2 days now, this is my main game for a while
You know full well what I mean. Normalfags don't participate in console piracy, if they do pirate, they only do so on PCs.
I mean i can go on for a long time about stuff. I'm playing it right now, but i has no way to livestream, otherwise I would.
Expect more talk when the Switch version drops along with cemu being able to play it, everyone with a wii u is probably too busy having fun to talk about it
Are there more weapons than 1hand, 2hand, spear, and bow? Other than minor variations like the boomerang.
user, you clearly don't belong here just by the way you decided to sperg out about nothing new. Go shill elsewhere.
Kotaku said that their review copy allowed them to go into the settings menu and change the console region for jap VA, but then there's jap subs.
Wii U might get a hack for Jap VA and Eng subs, but Switch won't for a while.
No, the problem is normalfags don't know it's possible beyond going to a store and getting a mod chip.
Softmods are beyond a lot of people.
I can't tell if this is a shill overhyping the game or an user who's experienced fun for the first time in a long time.
I want to have fun ;-;
How's the teleport system work? Go to a certain spot and use a teleporter to get to another teleporter, or generic fast travel?
The game isn't going to flop. It's comfy as fuck and will be extraordinarily well-received. It is a phenomenal title.
Thre are a few things tampering the hype at the moment:
1. Reviews are still embargoed until tomorrow. Like it or not, a lot of normalfags live and die off of those scores. They will be high.
2. Plenty of people perceive BOtW as a game for hardware they don't own, either because they didn't preorder a Switch or don't have a Wii U.
3. Not many people go out of their way to hack their consoles, nor do many people want to. It's surprisingly niche to do so. The 3DS being easy to hack hasn't stopped that platform from being successful.
4. At the moment, the normalfag hype is focused on Horizon because it got high scores and it's on a platform that most people have. In fact, some of the oversized hype for that game from normalfags is overcompensation for the fact that they can't play Zelda. Watch for people getting asshurt and defensive over Zelda's high scores by referencing back to Horizon.
Most of that sounds awful. It sounds more like a generic open world survival action game that we've seen 600 times these past four years than a Zelda game. NuZelda was a mistake.
They did a loooooooot of tinkering around apparently
The reason Breath of the Wild is getting so much spotlight is because it's an open world survival game, but actually good and fun
Console hacking is niche as long as it is harder than "put in cartridge, play pirated game". As easy as the 3DS is to hack right now, it's too much for the average 3DS owner to do, unlike the original DS. The occasional Nintendo ban also keeps them in line.
sage for off-topic
how's the localization so far? Any censorship or cringeworthy dialogue?
Unique animations also include hammer, axe, deku leaf, torch, club, claymore, some kind of fast club I found, etc.
Is there any kind of batch/bulk cooking function that I'm too stupid to find? It's incredibly tedious going through the same menu repetitions 5 times over to cook a bunch of stuff.
It reminds me a lot of MGSV.
can someone post these basic instructions?
Time to go back lad, I know exactly where you come from and where do you still think you are
nigger, I used to be a board mod here.
2handed claymores, lightning rods, boomerang swords, boomerangs, energy swords [some of what i've found so far]
not shill, just…it's bretty good. Nintendo didn't screw me, although this wii u pirate can drop below 10 frames in heavy areas, rip.
When you beat challenge dungeons all over the map you unlock a teleport spot, you can only tele to those spots, and spots where you upgrade portions of the map. Hence, there is one challenge dungeon in or near each town, or general place of interest. it's kinda generic fast travel but you barely use them unless you dont literally want to walk all the way there. I personally don't use them it's about 50/50
I personally think nintendo pulled it out thier ass. It's pretty good, It feels very ocarina of time in the freedom sense, and it doesn't overwhelm you with any particular gimmick. You get the majority of your major assets early on, and its all about how you use them
Mostly, this game feels hella futuretech/post apocalypse, its so weird.
Otherwise traditional cheesy dialogue. The game really doesn't focus on taboo anything. It's very well done.
Those look like the musings of a bored dev with 30 minutes to kill who wanted to make a joke.
I think HZD is only getting anything above a 65 because it's the PS4's "Zelda Killer", as I keep hearing in the Switch threads.
I played it, and it's forgettable and dull.
One user went on the fucking warpath because the US version has 1 less dialogue file compared to the other languages.
I wonder if he'll ever find out what it was.
My money is on a skipped grunt or scream.
1. Check catalog
2. Go to Wii U CFW thread
3. Not be illiterate
4. Hack Wii U
5. Install BotW and give a review for me
He's not wrong. People are hyping HZD and it's shit. Sony only put it out this week to try steal BotW buyers.
How cute is adult link?
Do you get the gorudo outfit relatively early and can dress as a slutty twink early on?
How fluid are movements?
I have a Wii-U but I just don't feel like homebrewing it and downloading what will probably be a mediocre open world meme game (especially if it runs as bad as people are saying). Maybe I'll play it when it can be emulated at 60FPS but right now I just don't care.
I should have it tomorrow morning so I figured I'd wait for my Switch and Breath of the Wild.
I think the lack of discussion is from people enjoying the game, I've watched a little bit of gameplay, people seem to be enjoying it a lot, although people also enjoyed Skyrim a lot, but I think from what I've seen Breath of the Wild does things that Skyrim doesn't
I've been enjoying this so much lately, I hope more salt can be generated from other releases, come on Bayonetta 3 Switch exclusive.
That literally happens with every Zelda game, you are never getting what Nintendo originally started developing because they are willing to throw away bad ideas, except with Paper Mario 4 and 5 and Starfox Zero, but Shiggy is on his way out, the Splatoon 2 guy I think is his replacement.
They sound pretty good.
Nah. While MGSV's world is a horizontal turd with 3 guard outposts and a few actual locations with not enough guards for their size, this one is built upon interacting with the world. You will go around picking cherries to craft shit though. If Nintendo was just a little more critical about these mechanics, this would be an incontestable 10/10.
Those are only skin deep cosmetic features.
/ss/ cute. He has all sorts of menu animations for his mood and enviroment. [he double fists his food]
No outfits yet rip
Movements are bretty good, it's very platforming
That's what concept art is, they never made gameplay of any of these ideas
Fuck no. Koizumi is way more deserving.
Nothing like that here, theres not even one mention of that piece of shit in a Switch thread.
Go back to cuckchan, I'm sick of you Nintentoddler and Sonyggers crossposting and shilling here.
I don't give a shit if Hiroshima banned you or not, it fucking obvious that you know nothing how the Switch threads have unfolded in this particular board.
Think long and hard as to why Koizumi was the presenter of the Nintendo Switch.
Crawling version was better tbh.
I don't have it with me, so have this instead.
Don't know what to tell you.
I've seen anons claiming that HZD would get reviews from Sonyggers claiming it's better than Zelda just because they can't play Zelda. I've seen these types of posts for maybe a month and a half.
Don't be a kike and accept that you can't read every single post on this board.
Its possible pretendo's lawyers are going full-nazi and reporting every video
Did they take down the guy streaming it for a few hours?
The sad thing about MGSV's flop of an open world is that the shitty cash-in zombie game that's ripping off all the assets will probably utilize that world to a far better degree
Fucking good.
Oh, I interpreted that said salty Sonyggers were posting on the Switch threads.
My apologies.
It would be fucking funny as a spin off game you know you need this in your pathetic life user
Point and laugh at the gay, everyone.
The first half of Brutal Legend was basically that
I thought it was funny because it made me think of that being quiet's theme instead of Quiets theme, and I found that funny for some reason.
Personally I don't even give a single shit about that game and it doesn't make MGSV any worse or any better of a game, the real shame is that The game itself wasn't designed well around an open world and it sorely lacked play spaces like Camp X-ray where I felt the gameplay really came through.
The biggest kicker is that an MGS3 remake running in that engine with amped up survival, good side missions a more spider webbed layout of important positions and the dynamism of MGSV would really let what I think Kojima wanted to achieve shine. Lots of potential to be full on guerilla warfare in the jungle and being able to take on lots of side content at your own pace.
It would be fucking garbage that only appeals to 30 year old men still living with their mothers.
I jammed my dick into a meat grinder, fuck off.
30 year old men still living with their mothers.
What, you think they're grooming him to be the next president?
Don't project, you fagosexual.
Yeah, I guess you're right. Lyrics like "crawling in my skin" clearly belong to Chico.
At least Koizumi releases things on time.
That's not really a thing that's entirely up to him though.
KIDF pls go.
I've been playing it since the titlekey leak and I've been loving it. The biggest drawback is the poor performance on Wii U. Hopefully there's a day 1 patch for some of that. Other than that, it's been an extremely refreshing experience to have a AAA title that doesn't hold your hand and actually rewards experimentation.
It's also the first open world game that I've played in such a long time where I don't feel like I'm just staring at the mini-map 90% of the time. The vistas are really well designed so that you can navigate purely by landmarks that you see.
waiting for the murrican version
I hate everyone's voices in the english version and, even though I'm a beaner, I can't stand the spanish version
so no BotW for until the weekend
I just don't care about a shitty open-world game enough to run even a small chance of getting NNID banned from splatoon.
It's just not worth it.
So? Non-normalfags can play those games too, retard.
Of course they CAN, but since they have something resembling at least a partially developed taste, they choose not to.
Says the fag with no taste
Do you faggots have a search query going constantly or something?
It's a SHIT game. I don't care if you have good taste, the fact you play that SHIT game and post here about it pretending it's anything more than crap proves you're taste isn't as good as you'd like to think it is.
We all enjoy shit games, my man. For instance, I love me the shit out of Civ 6 and Deus Ex HR not MD thank god.
I'm aware they are terrible games, but I still enjoy them. I don't, however, come in to every thread that mentions them and defend them, then make a general thread within 10 seconds of it falling to page 14.
Now go eat a sack of dicks or play some more Overwatch. Your choice, they're interchangeable.
There is no online how are you going to get banned.
I've been enjoying it quite a lot, don't know about other anons performance but I've only been getting slowdowns in built up areas like towns or farms. Considering the hardware has less ram that most modern smartphones It's pretty impressive. Still makes me wish we could run it on PC.
I haven't been posting anything since the game is a lot like the first no matter what you post you're gonna spoiler a part of it. Gonna try and avoid spoilers myself till I've explored the whole thing.
Also if you don't run pro hud mode you clearly need to go back to Skyrim.
I agree, there aren't even any volume sliders for dialogue either. I really with jap was an option, because so far all of the English actresses have been terrible while the actors have been passable.
What's the difference in the two huds?
No fucking way it can be that bad. You are obviously blowing it out of proportion, right? I can't believe a 1st party game running that badly.
Usage statistics and other internal traffic, the same way the vast majority of people get banned from console online services.
While I understand that it's almost certainly impossible with Nintendo's track record, it's just not worth it without a game that I actually give a fuck about playing that I also refuse to buy.
3DS users have never been banned for things in Activity Feeds or shit like that.
I set my favourite titles on friends to Freeshop and Pokemon Moon at different times for memes.
I've got dozens of hours in FBI while installing things.
Nintendo don't check shit like that. Presumably it's all sent to them anonymously and they can't trace it.
So either you have shit taste yourself, meaning your opinion on the matter means nothing, or you're calling games you like bad as a shield against criticism or to fit in, both of which mean you're a faggot
In pro the only thing on screen is your hearts and stamina. Minimap, button prompts temprature and sound gauges are hidden.
Nintendo are too backwards to program any of that, they cannot see what is running on your device and the game sends nothing to the Internet.
How would they tell the difference between a physical copy sent early or the pirated copy?
The pro hud adds XP displays and hit markers for MLG pros like myself
They can't, that's why they issue permabans for legitimate early copies too.
So you have proof of that and people with press and review copies being banned too?
What are these instructions then? I have the next few days off, wouldn't mind getting BOTW a little early.
Don't twist my words, nigger.
I'm saying everyone has games they like that are not terribly good.
But just because you like them doesn't mean we need your shitty redditor leader to jump proxies to keep discussion going and remaking threads as soon at the last one dies.
Ah, finally. This is what I've been waiting for.
Sounds like the way to go.
Whut? It has a meter for enemy sounds or your own sound for stealthing?
They are so incompetent. Switch is going to be a lot more stringent in terms of checking if you should/shouldn't have a title.
Uh, yes? Do you already forget people getting banned for copies of Pokemon Sun/Moon that broke street date?
So what is the story? All I want to know is why Link is in hibernation for years.
Has anyone who pirated it beat it? I'm interested in some of the late game details
Sorry sound gauge and yeah it's a little sound wave that vibrates depending on how much noise you make for stealth.
They only got banned when they tried to use the online services before the release date.
Kek that hivemind
I didn't hear of any reviewers being banned, as I assume they were warned, but there were guys with early copies who got banned. One of my mates did and had to buy a second-hand 2DS just to get the files to unban himself.
Some of those seem like the kinds of things the game would be designed around the player being able to see
I don't think we really need generals and shit either, but that kind of mentality gives us tons of shitflinging and crushes any actual game discussion before it can happen
And if you hadn't noticed, we had exactly one fallout 4 thread in the last couple weeks, and it was a "now that the dust has settled" type thing that nobody took seriously, and the only for honor thread that's been up for a while now is one shitting on the game
Link was a hacker caught by the space police and was given a backroom deal to hack the G.A.N.O.N. cyber security AI, he was given an experimental Triforce corp. neural interface implant and put in a cryo tube to heal when things went south
I prefer Koizumi over Kamiya, dynamic over static
There's no discussion in the OW threads. It's guys posting porn or talking about how stupid the devs are, with a scattering of shitposters and saging.
The FO4 thread was some autist who got banned off halfchan as they didn't allow phoneposters for a week or two. He just copy pasted off 4/vg/.
His thread was shitposted to death, then he decided to make 2 more and kept crying that the same thing happened.
For Honour had 2 generals filled with similar stuff to OW, minus the porn. Then the thread that started as shitting on the game turned into a general anyways.
Go to >>>/overwatch/ if you absolutely must discuss a game the majority of users dislike in some form.
Shieka Assassins know how to make great music
Shit, like Holla Forums as a whole, huh?
This is basically same for every game around here. This board may as well just be /shitpost/ at this point, since it's nothing but you faggots bitching about people liking stuff you don't like and people who like stuff you don't like being faggots whining about you guys not liking it. God, you're all fucking faggots.
Cool lies, schlomo
Exactly, those fallout 4 threads were all by one guy who wasn't even from here, and didn't even try to hide it, not exactly a trend
I've been in those threads as I'm relatively interested in the game, they're 90% arguments about shills by people who haven't played it and 10% complaints about specific features from the ones that have
Reminds me of Goemon games
If I had the screencap of the autist that makes those threads posting porn constantly, I'd give it to you, but mods deleted the thread too quickly.
I'd invite you to leave but we both know you won't. Despite it's flaws Holla Forums is still better than the vast majority of other places to talk about vidya and you enjoy bitching too much to go to one of the tiny forums that are actually what you claim to want.
Aren't people leaking the videos already? The ROM files have some cutscenes in mp4 without audio, I could just post 'em if anybody wanted.
Do it
If you do please spoiler them.
You should just leave the internet for a week if you don't want shit spoiled
Just asking user.
How much twink Link do we get?
Zelda seems to have reached a point where everybody knows what to expect from it and nobody's surprised anymore. This kills the hype.
Never enough.
Jesus christ, wasn't that outfit only leaked a few days ago
Faggots get out
looks like being a twink came in handy
After Nintendo DMCAing their main girls (Twice), I'm curious about how they're going to respond to Twink Link.
No, he's just a fag who likes to have sex wearing girls clothes sometimes. That makes him a sissy if anything, not a tranny.
This might shock you op but.
Most people don't pirate, and if they do they don't leave an easily traceable history that they have pirated on the internet
I'm not sure if this is irony, but it really seems like irony
The slippery slope is real.
Yet he keeps that fucking white boi dogs sjw around him still.
Trannies, sissies, twinks; doesn't matter to me I'd fugg 'em all. But Link isn't a tranny, he's at best a sissy or more likely a very good crossdresser.
I know right is it a dogwhistle?
Oh well at least Young Link has a good model now
twinks are just taller shotas, man
What is it about Zelda that attracts so many degenerates
They stole that joke from FF7
Vai means women you fool, of any race.
Crossdressing existed before FF7 user.
They certainly are not and the proportions are different
Easy to get into and nostalgia, coupled with a faggy looking male. Similar to how other autistic things like Sonic are such prime targets for degenerates.
Please i am so thirsty for shota cock
Not in a joke situation in that same fashion
What, crossdresser's being a joke? That was Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers in 97.
If you're referring to the first time the player has crossdressed, so what? Are you seriously saying that a joke 18 years apart from a similar one can't possibly have come about independently and is some sort of ripoff? Because if you are then you're just the most retarded idiot on this board right now.
ok what the fuck
I was referencing the Literally Who article where she insisted that Samus was trans.
Good to see you guys are eager to take the bait anyway
Well now… it's not like I really needed another reason to burn tumblr to the fucking ground…
we wuz hylians
Why am i not surprised? The game is probably more empty open-world garbage like MGSV and Final Fantasy XV.
I would need to convert the rest of the files to webm to fit 'em here, and I'm feeling really lazy, if there is any demand, I'll convert 'em and post 'em.
Why should we talk about it when we finally have the time to appreciate the last good Zelda game.
Could be that nobody has a Wii-U
The files literally have no sound, what do you expect me to do?
Make them with your mouth, you fag.
Plenty of huge releases go by without any discussion here. I'm playing it myself, there's not much to talk about. Seems nice so far.
It's still shit.
And so is Twilight Princess for that matter.
We Wuz Hyroolianz, triforce mo like try-force!
So many triggered niggers out there really hate that the heroes are still aryan, huh?
Why not just make their own fucking thing? Also: that is clearly trying to be Egyptian in style. There was only one black Egyptian dynasty from what I understand and they got fucked because they invaded the wrong country.
Most niggers with access to a computer are former murican slaves. They have no idea where in Africa their ancestors come from, so a culture of therapeutic cultural appropriation has cropped up (everyone is a nignog kind of shit). This has continued to develop into purely fictional non-nigger characters as well, hence every successful franchise has blacked up redesigns by idiots that have fallen for the nignog stealing of white and japanese culture. Naturally, it's also extending out to include non-niggers too who are crying oppression at the hands of the White is Right.
Because no one would care otherwise. A trillion and one ideas out there, easier to 'make a statement' and virtue signal by leeching off someone elses own brand.
It would be better if you didn't sound like a 12 year old.
I wish I hadn't one, it's pretty cringy irl.
Kids are not allowed on this board, y'know?
You better look good in women's underwear, or there's no excuse.
Vomit Ale?
That image is top-tier (You) material, tbh.
link is a small guy
These designs aren't even bad, why can't they make their own game? I'd play it
Is there fishing in BotW?
The designs are:
>It's X, but with NIGGERS :^)
That's pretty shit, fam. African features are inherently repulsive/unattractive by human standards of beauty. This is why the only attractive blacks have predominately or exclusively European features, and why, particularly in fiction, most "brown girls" are just europeans or asians painted brown.
I don't think there's a fishing rod, but you can "fish" by hucking bombs in the water.
Man that fucking sucks. So theres no fishing pond?
Because it's easier to prove you're 'good person' this way than actually putting your money where you mouth is.
As far as I know, there isn't an actual fishing mini-game, which is fucking weird since that seems like it would be perfect for this game.
Where do you think we are?
You're a faggot
This is bait. No one treat it like it's not.
Pick one.
Switch Developers, clearly.
Did she just steal those curtains?
They actually are, bait-kun.
Don't try to rebait off failed bait, that's cuckchanner levels of pathetic.
Do you know what objective means?
I'm not baiting here I want junglebooty on my face right now
Have you considered it's because people want to buy it?
There is a universal standard of beauty among humans, yes.
Yes you are, and this is your last (You).
So it really is an anime where everyone has a mech?
Nah, by the looks of it those are the sage equivalents and they're activating their respective dungeons to fire a beam at GANON analogue, they look anchored to the ground so no kickass fight scene with the camel and the bird firing lazers at eachother.
So why did Japanese women dye their teeth black, Zimbabwean women put in lip plates, Thai women extend their neck with rings, Chinese women bind their feet, and Mayan women slope their baby's foreheads?
Why are classically beautiful woman in Renaissance art doughy and shapeless?
Where is the International Bureau for the Universal Standard of Beauty, you stupid shitheel?
You just undermined your entire argument, good job
These are mom bods
So instead of correcting your argument you double down.
My argument is that standards of beauty change over time
Maybe people are playing it?
That's how you're supposed to fish, right?
This is your mom's bod. :^)
That's a fertility goddess, the features are going to be exaggerated. See the distended stomach and breasts to emphasize pregnancy. The legs are for plenty.
Yeah but those proportions are physically possible
Cavemen liked their women thicc
underage post
The Japanese are Cavemen. I've learned something today.
Nothing new under the sun. Curvier women are becoming more popular– I'm sure in 30 years being very slim or something will be the fad
If only this board was half as smart.
Nips hate fat women, as do european males (i.e. humans). What you're seeing today are jealous fat women with no self control attempting to brainwash this generation that "healthy at all sizes" is actually a thing, and to push the overton window of human beauty standards into pig territory.
This "thicc" shit is just robots appropriating subhuman culture (where a fat woman was a status symbol because she could actually eat instead of being a lightbulb-headed stick with a distended stomach from eating mud and bugs and shit) and fetishizing body types of women they see as "attainable", but since 3D "thicc" women are repulsive (cheesy stench, stretch marks, pimples, fat folds), they gravitate towards 2D which is an otherwise idealized caricature of female beauty. They're so insecure about women that even their fantasy waifu needs to have some major physical defect for her to feel realistic or attainable.
Says the fatty.
Craaaaaawling iiiiin my skiiiiiin
The Venus of Willendorf was found in Germany. That's why it's called the Venus of Willendorf.
Big tits, asses, and thighs are symbols of fertility and childbearing.
I'm a hungry skellington and not even a grill, fucktard
Is it a Friday MIDNIGHT release? As in tonight? If so, a friend of mine and I will probably go pick it up.
Not even close.
Reported for being a leftist pile of shit.
Being obese isn’t, however.
Thanks for admitting that you agree with him.
>Defined state with the worst obesity rates is the Cook Islands
Do they do it on purpose?
You'd think a primeval theocratic despotism installed initially as a communist puppet state would have starved its citizenry more effectively.
The thicc meme dummy
What a fucking faggot
The Venus of Willendorf is pretty large, fam
A-rab money
Being. obese. isn’t. however.
It also wasn't created as a sex object or idol retard; the man who found it called it "Venus" ironically, and discovery of similar figures and writings about them reveal that it was made as essentially some pregnant woman's self-portrait to track her gestation period.
The short answer was these islands went from growing their own food and eating healthy to suddenly being flooded with cheap, extremely unhealthy fast food (that tastes incredible compared to their normal healthy cuisine).
With the Saudis, essentially all of their food is imported, and they were hit HARD from the fast food epidemic as well.
Nips hate you.
The meme isn't objective truth, I'm just saying it's getting more popular
Being. obese. isn't. however.
The Venus of Willendorf is obese. The Venus of Willendorf is a fertility goddess. Therefore, an obese woman's figure was associated with fertility.
That figure is not pregnant. She's fat. Nobody would confuse her for being simply pregnant
Two "T's" looks worse.
That has nothing to do with the game flopping. If anything it's already going to be an enormous commercial success.
You're retarded. He means crossdressing to sneak into somewhere.
Nintendo does it again :^)
Then he's still fucking retarded for the aforementioned reaching.
Well those scores don't mean anything as always but maybe, just maybe, it will be fun.
mark another victory for Holla Forums against the SJWs
For the most part, games with extremely high (95+) metascores do tend to be at the bare minimum, very good games.
…how good is that fucking tony hawk game?
Is it possible/safe to acquire it by the usual means?
Surley you jest?
THPS was a genre-defining game that came out of nowhere, and THPS2 improved on it in every way. Insane replayability, top-tier soundtrack (I don't think any other game has even come close, maybe JGR/JSRF), and rock solid gameplay. I don't think it deserves that slot as the second best game of all time, but it certainly belongs somewhere in the top 20.
You need to look at those ratings in the context of X game against every other game out there. Most are mediocre at best. 4 was a flawed, but very good game, and hilariously is still mechanically more advanced in many ways over 5.
shit taste
You plebbians will never get it
What's the news on cemu? Are they working on it?
I saw anons mention they were going to work on it after it officially came out. The patreon backers will probably get the fix first since they get the new builds a week in advance
I've been playing since the leak first became playable, more or less, I'm a good chunk in, here are my thoughts so far:
Nintendo has been busying themselves with waglan gimmickware shit for far too long so now they're making all the same mistakes other devs made 10 years ago with their first open world efforts.
I'm not saying the game is bad but it's pretty lacking after you dig into it. It looks good to start with and it's absolutely overwhelming for the first several hours, but eventually the same ole same ole open world fatigue sets in.
You climb to the top of yet another tower and look around and think: Mother fucker. I'm going to spend the next two hours walking around down there trying to find more of those little bastard's with their seeds and hoping something drops a halfway decent weapon. And it's probably going to start a thunderstorm in the middle of the first fight I encounter, and I don't have any non-metal weapons right now so god is going to smite my ass if I try to fight.
Every time I got to a new area I found myself doing that math again.
Weapon durability is a huge problem. Period. There's no consistent ways of getting a few decent weapons so you're usually running around with a bunch of bullshit weapons you hate or that don't do enough damage, slowly building up a decent arsenal until you run into another tough enemy and break them all on it for like two teeth and a horn. Which brings me to the next problem.
The combat is kinda shit and isn't rewarding. It's a bit sloppy, unresponsive and you don't get much for fighting stuff, it's honestly better to avoid a lot of combats.
Many of the enemies are just a fucking chore to fight, don't drop anything valuable and are likely just going to waste healing items and weapons in bypassing.
I find myself going through most combat sections with stealth whenever possible and THAT is frustrating since the stealth systems seem to have no real consistency, even with a full set of stealth boosting gear, they'll randomly wake up for no reason, even when you're in the middle of a stealth execution.
I think what it boils down to is the game is really mundane from a gameplay perspective, you don't get much in the way of neat new stuff after the first few hours on the tutorial plateau. You do get some but so far none of them have been game changers. I got a camera, I got an amusing swimming ability but it's so situational it doesn't see much use, and it's a bit of a chore to have to change out gear every time you want to use it.
By giving players so much freedom they required that they themselves have almost none in design, so they frontloaded all of the major powers and you basically start the game with everything you're ever going to need.
I could bitch a lot more but it'd just make it seem like I hate the game. I don't. I really like it, but I'm so burnt out on it that I needed to blow off some steam. These are real issues and I do hope they rectify at some point but I've put like 30+ hours into it and they've all been pretty much the same as the first 4 hours. It has had some really cool moments, but a lot of them are just that overwhelming since of scope and scale. There's some clever puzzles too but nothing so far that's going to twist your noodle. The dialog is entertaining, the story IS interesting and everything generally looks and sounds nice, but I feel a bit like Nintendo locked themselves in a vault a decade ago to start developing the game and did so entirely in vacuum with only that era's knowledge, and the game suffers for it.
Also, fuck rain. If it starts raining JUST as I land on a surface I need to climb and I slip slide all the fucking way back down one more time…
Huh, I got the sense that BotW was better than the average open world game because Nintendo is so insulated from AAA trends
How's the physics user? Are they fun?
Is it comfy? Is the framerate bad on the Wii U version?
Please tell me you can turn that shit off.
ninturdo shills are at it again, huh
So once again, Nintendo decides to baby it's players with no way to opt-out. Fuck this shit.
The only good thing about Zelda for a good while has been the Link porn.
Apparently the game is hard though. There's a centaur that kicks your ass a lot.
Because it's well designed, or because it's badly designed?
Oh, the slow motion thing
Don't worry user, the game is still the most difficult Zelda since MM at least
I don't know if I can fully say one way or the other with the insulation from other open world games. What I meant by that locking themselves away is they've fallen into a lot of the same pitfalls that other open world games did regularly in the past by leaving you somewhat directionless. On the one hand it's nice that they'll just give you verbal instructions on where to go, but others they're so fucking vague like "it fell off the bridge" in an area with 30 fucking bridges that it can be frustrating.
That said it's one of the better open world games in awhile, but it has the same failings as any and the fatigue is going to set in.
The physics are amusing but nothing to write home about. Some Half Life 2 tier physics puzzles with a few extra gimmicks is all. The rag dolls are funny but a bit unsettling in the Zelda setting.
WiiU framerate is playable at best. It feels like it hovers around 25 fps most of the time, it dips often but rarely is it game breaking. If this were a PC game or on the PS4/Xbox One I'd say the framerate was totally shit though. So your mileage may vary.
The dudes in that mp4, sometimes them ragdolling can just TANK the framerate, I'm not sure why. Also, the dodge mechanic there is kind of a must-have against a lot of the tougher enemies. The enemy in the mp4 has I think 140 hp usually? And he's using an iron sledge hammer which is like 9 or 12 damage or something, I forget, so it still takes a dozen hits to kill the guy, bigger enemies later on will have 1200-2500 hp. If you don't abuse the slow time on dodge, plus damage buff food, plus reasonably damaging weapons, they're long fucking fights. Also they tend to oneshot you with almost every attack, so that's nice.
Those are the situations where you burn through all of your nice weapons at once. 2500hp, weapons last 5-25 hits depending on quality and deal like 10-25 damage mostly each… takes a lot.
The master sword doesn't have durability, right?
Badly I think. Dodges and blocks are unreliable and inconsistent.
I don't know if there's any or much iframes on the dodges, but whether they trigger the slow time opportunity to counter is mostly based on timing and has nothing to do with if you dodged damage with it like you might expect. I've had times where I've hopped to get better positioning while an enemy attacks an NPC, while I was behind them, and had it trigger the slow time.
Blocking seems to only work when it feels like it against certain attacks. It's hugely dependent on direction and many larger enemies seem to just bypass the block. It's not that the attacks are unblockable but that sometimes their animation gets a bit janky and the attack comes from too far to one side or another.
Most enemies above the most basic ones seem to just be there for you to break weapons on taking 20+ hits and as a result between 1 and 5 or more weapons to kill, and we're talking enemies you can encounter 3 or 4 of at once.
Heavy hits will ragdoll link, and you'll take additional damage for sliding down slight inclines while ragdolled, meanwhile the enemies can be readying additional attacks that can ragdoll you again before you finish standing, though those don't seem to do more damage at the least… but the additional rolling down hills will, or being thrown off mountainsides, bridges, etc..
The combat isn't AWFUL, it's just serviceable at best.
Git gud.
This sounds fucking horrible, who the hell thought that implementing this mechanic was a good idea?
No clue, I haven't found it yet. I also have no idea where to find it, I've heard rumor of its location from an NPC but I haven't been that way yet.
I did get a 'legendary' weapon from one of the main quests, I'm trying to avoid spoilers where possible, and the trick with it is that after you break it you can come back and get a new one for free any time. I wouldn't be surprised if the master sword requires maintenance somehow too.
However, if it doesn't break, that would be nice even if it was a kinda shit weapon, I wouldn't mind a backup for dealing with trash.
I stand by my earlier statement: Git gud.
It's not a question of capability, it's simple math, the weapon won't do more damage more times no matter how good you are.
*smacks lips*
So wut u wuz
*sucks teeth*
wut u wuz saiyan iz
*ducks child support*
It be aiight when nintendo do it?
I do appreciate the info, user, give us more :^)
You should go out more often, user. There have been stores making a living only by installing modchips since the PSX/Gamecube era.
'I dont know how to do it myself' isn't even an excuse.
Can the 3DS remove firmware and shit? Mine is fully updated and I don't know if I've permanently blown my chances or not. Same applies for the WiiU, actually.
weapon degrades faster/slower depending on what it hits. you want to use blunt weapons against armored enemies like guardians or a careful poke with a spear on their "soft" spot. slashing weapons degrades slower vs fleshy enemies like bokoblins.
any enemy with >1000 hp needs to be hit on either a weak spot (all of them have them) or you can power them through with a attack+++ food. good thing is that most enemies of this class carries a 50+ attack power weapon making further encounters with their class much easier (unless you waste its durability hitting 1HP stalfos-type enemies like an idiot). it is very easy to come by ingredients (hint go to the south) to make a +15 to +20 yellow heart food in order to fight them without getting one shot or upgrading armors. also, use your fucking items, some of them are extremely effective. dropping an iron block with the magnet from above can do upwards of 1000 damage depending on the distance of the fall. you can use the ice blocks as shields. you can parry projectiles for a one hit kill on most long ranged attacks.
the game is not braindead as other recent games in the series, but it is not even close to hard and it is only tedious and drawn out if you are a lazy player that doesn't explore the dynamics of the system.
tl;dr git fucking gud
I was too busy having fun playing to bother posting about it here. I also remembered that Holla Forums hates videogames so why bother?
CEMU fags rejoice.
The game is still unplayable as you can't get past the Main Menu, but that hasn't stopped people from messing with it.
4k resolution pack is out.
Oh, and remember that CEMU has early builds on their Pateron a week early. $5 to access it, though.
Apparently it has a serial number DRM, but I can't see why you can't just use the 1 code.
What do you mean "remove firmware"? Like, custom firmware, or Nintendo breaking shit?
Why are there so many sonyggers on this site now? When did you mongoloids get here?
It's the soft racism of lowered expectations.
Because it's alright to like Sony as long as you hate Nintendo in the same sentence. :^)
Nintendo's updates that, at least for the Wii, would brick the console if you tried to mod it. I don't know shit about modding beyond putting PM on Smash.
But aesthetics ARE objective. Negroids have objectively ugly features, such as flat and wide noses instead of the beautiful sharp and small noses of Aryans.
Oh, that shit.
Well I'm not too well versed in Wii U CFW, but if it uses CFW at all, updates shouldn't kill it, I hope. Pretty sure Wii Us have RedNANDs, which aren't easy to detect by Nintendo, if at all.
3DS can take updates fully as the CFW has gotten to end game.
>sharp and "small" (caucasian noses are the biggest) noses are objectively prettier
You don't know what objective means
That was never the standard of beauty. Fit women have always been the standard of beauty as long as humans have existed. That statue depicts the pregnant (and fat) wife of a rich man. Originally it was thought to be a statue of a fertility goddess but this theory was realized false when further evidence was excavated of it just depicting a "noblewoman".
There really aren't. It's like 95% idorts and mustards, but pretending to be a sonygger and shitposting can be fun.
I do though, everything I said was objective fact. Also yes all, 100% of pure Negroids do have flat and wide noses. If you see one with a narrow and sharp nose, it's because they are a mongrel with a lot of European ancestry.
Alright, sweet. Many thanks, user.
Have an old poem.
That's a bretty gud poem, user.
Have a (you).
I grew up and quit pirating. I vote with my wallet now, and I suggest you do the same (or else you've got no voice in the direction of the industry and deserve the vidya you get as a result).
Germany had feudalism in 28000BC? Wir waren nobility n shit
I see a chicken with implants.
From all of the WiiU footage I've seen it looks to be on par with Bloodborne. I don't know if it's different on the switch, but I doubt it since the older trailers comparing the two showed equivalent drops, just the Switch had a higher quality image.
She doesn't look pregnant at all, and whether she was a fertility goddess or not it was still a fertility figure
You really don't know what subjective means. 2+2=4 is objective. "Big tits are better than small ones" is not objective.
That’s right. You don’t. THEY’RE CAUCASOID.
Bonafide caucasian
I like my
You are objectively wrong
Really? Big tits are objectively better than small ones, every time?
Every time.
I'm playing it whenever I can. Great game, bad framerate.
Fuck that shit. Nintendo has clearly given up and it shows.
psst hey
it also renders at 720p internally on wii U and the switch can only manage 900p docked
still pretty fun though
Stop that user. Nobody likes to see other anons doing it for free.
Definitely. Or are you trying to say the face somehow makes the tits worse? We're talking about tits here, not the whole package.
I disagree. They're too big for her frame
Are you confusing freedom with a lack of direction? There is a main quest… with a quest marker…
There you go with that "whole package" argument, not talking bout the tits.
Tits don't exist in a vacuum, therefore any discussion must take the rest of the woman into account
The biggest tits in the world are objectively fucking awful because no woman in the world is big enough to fit them
Trips confirmed. You need to take into account the entire package or you will end up with niggers jacking off to THICC bullshit.
I was specifically talking about sidequests and untracked quests. A lot of side quests' markers only connect to the quest giver and then you have to go by their verbal instructions which sometimes are fuckawful. Sometimes they're really neat and satisfying but just as often it's a case of accidentally falling off a cliff onto the thing you've been looking for for an hour.
Fuck I realized I should have spoilered the other line
It's running at 720p and still can barely get 25 fps, thats what I wanted to point out
That sounds pretty fun, actually.
Jesus fuck Nintendo. I can handle a sold 30 frames but I thought they use outdated hardware so they DON'T get bogged down with this shit. I'm slightly salty now. This is worse than them pissing away their entire year of launching before the other systems. Forget about Iwata, Nintendo died a long time ago.
The Wii U version has worse framerate stuttering, a shame
I have several I haven't figured out yet that I'm not annoyed by since I don't yet know if they're just poor instructions or me being blind/retarded, but at least the exampled one has me pretty annoyed, where they said something had fallen off a bridge in an area that's literally all bridges and covers a square mile. I'm not looking forward to just dredging the entire area with trial and error. There's no puzzle that I can see, just "go look under all 860 of our fucking bridges, bucko."
Some have been pretty fun.
Big tits are superior, no matter what logical leaps you try to make.
No user
The woman doesn't exist in a vacuum either
Putting them together means they're both bad
So does the Switch go for 30 or 60 at 900dp?
And does that mean TV mode is just upscaled to 1080?
Perhaps you have to talk to another NPC and they mention which bridge the quest giver uses or something like that.
Truly user has surpassed us all.
The obvious solution is to start with the closest one to the NPC and fan out, assuming the NPC is in the same area as the bridges
30 fps rendered at 900 upscaled to 1080p
I'm not the kind of user who constantly wants 60FPS as I find 30 just as good, but the fact they upscale the 900 just seems silly.
Yes, but if you try to argue that small tits are better than big tits by mismatching bodyparts, you could use the same mismatching to make small tits bad. It's irrelevant to whether one is better than the other.
If a pair of massive disembodied tits was suddenly floating in my room, you'd bet I'd fuck them.
The switch struggles with 30fps at 900p, it struggles less than the WiiU at 720p but it still struggles. The switch is shit.
And that could be, however, the fact that I know it fell off a bridge is BECAUSE I went and spoke to every NPC in town, I just haven't done so yet again because I wanted to do something else, I'll go back eventually.
My complaints are almost entirely with caveat of "this is something that sucks but everything else is pretty good".
The only two things that consistently suck are weapon durability and performance. The former may be fine but I just personally hate durability systems since I see them as needlessly padding gametime with busywork. Maybe that'll change, so far it hasn't. I want to go adventuring, I don't need the chore of finding more weapons every several series of encounters. That's why I quit Let It Die ffs.
The NPC wanders the whole town, the area at large hahs probably 20ish bridges, many of which cross sections of water 100+ meters wide with numerous platforms, cliff faces and tiny islets below them, plus you can only swim a finite amount being that you're stamina limited in water. It's just a giant fucking chore I haven't gotten around to yet.
You know I feel in my bones they had already canned the Wii U while they were making this game, just off the fact that it doesn't use the wii u pad for anything.
Both of the gamecube zelda ports used the thing for item swaps and maps but it will just sit there and ask you if you want to render to it instead of your tv with BotW
I've been playing it since Tuesday.. As I predicted, it's a major time sink. I can play it for ages & forget about anything else.
I'm on my way to Zora's domain now. It's a good thing I got a fire rod because on the way there's a cave entrance covered in bramble which can be burned. There's monsters all over the path, but I've already been through much more difficult places.
I really need to find Korok village so I can use all these fucking Korok seeds & expand my inventory. I was told it's at the source of Hylia River.
Wait a second, the Wii U came out?!
1st chest must be yanked out of the ground with Magnesis
2nd chest is a faggot Octorok hiding under the sand.
PROTIP: The Octorok chest, when viewed through Magnesis, is not a grabbable object.
That's still pretty shitty. It means either a shit ton of backtracking or fast travel load times.
Also, following up on
I managed to find this glowing blue owl-rabbit thing again & this time I actually had arrows to shoot at it. It's location must be random because it showed up in another forest. If you hit it with an arrow it drops rupees. It didn't die, but instead hopped away & vanished so I assume it'll pop up in another forest at random offering another opportunity to shoot it for rupess assuming I have arrows at the time. I keep running out of arrows & refuse to pay out the ass for them when I can find them in Bokoblin camps for free.
Additionally. I bought a house for Link. Furnished it with a door, some weapon stands, a bed, lighting & a sign the says Link's House. The literal faggot carpenter, Boson, charges too much. 100 rupees for one measly door. What a jew.
They seem to drop rupees commensurate to the damage you deal to them. If you get the full Stealth armor set you can sneak up behind them, hit them with a full melee combo and get possibly several hundred rupees.
I'm confirmed for retarded, and I'm not pretending. The NPC USED to wander the whole town but now he's just on that one bridge. The thing was directly below him, but it wasn't visible without using one of the powers.
Can you list all the powers apart from Magnesis?
In order: Round Remote BombCube Remote BombMagnesisStasisCryonisCamera
Difference between the first two?
Those being the runes you get anyway. There are other abilities but I've only found a few so far including swimmingupwaterfallslikeacokedupdolphinis. It's attached to the zora tunic and you'll get it in the pertinent story progression. There's a few others but mostly mundane stuff, seeing numeric health values, and all the generic buffs like improved stealth, cold resist, defense vs specific types of damage etc..
I'm sure there's more unique ones but I have a feeling it's going to be one set per major faction, so probably 4.
Round one is round, it rolls. Cube one is a cube, it doesn't roll. That's about it, also they have their own cooldowns
It's also notable that you can upgrade the function of several of them but chances are good that by the time you have access to the ability to upgrade them you can upgrade them all at once, assuming you've been fighting everything you encounter.
The bombs get larger blasts that do more damage and have faster cooldowns, Stasis gains the ability to affect enemies too, and the Camera gets the ability to track any creature or item you've registered into the compendium.
I hit it with an ice arrow hoping to freeze it, but it didn't freeze. I used a long range bow that does less damage than my other bows so I wouldn't have to sneak up close & risk spooking is since I hadn't seen it re-appear for ages & it was the first chance I had to actually hit the damn thing.
Remote Bomb (Round Bomb, rolls)
Remote Bomb (Square Bomb, doesn't roll)
Magnesis (Move metal objects)
Statsis (Time-freeze objects, Build force in time-frozen objects by striking them)
Cryonis (Creat pillar of ice where you point or under yourself)
Camera (Take pictures, Landscape or Selfies)
Sensor (Toggled ability, Beeps when Shrines are nearby)
Also in regards to the Camera: Many objects photographed will be tagged with their name & placed into Hyrule Compendium. You can delete those photos from the album & they'll remain in the Hyrule Compendium. You can set an object you've catalogued in the Hyrule Compendium to be TRACKED by the Sensor. Example: Sensor will beep when you're near a certain plant, item, or monster you need to find This ability is enabled after you upgrade the Sensor one time in Hateno Village.
The more I hear, the comfier it gets.
Not going to buy a Wii U for a single game, and the Switch is overpriced in my country by something like $100 burgerbux.
Aside from the new ability to swim up waterfalls can you swim any better with
that? As in, not run out of stamina & drown like a bitch who don't know how to float.
I hope there's gear that lets you climb wet surfaces because holy shit every time I wanna climb something large it starts fucking raining goddamn.
The bunny things do respawn but it's a hugely long timer, or just really rare, I've actually seen two in one area a couple times now.
I thought at first the respawns were tired to the bloodmoons but it seems to be more a case of a set time that you aren't in the area. I was trying to farm up fairies in the same area and I've had three ghost bunny spawns now without any fairies.
It probably is. I was overly negative in my initial posts because it's easier to talk about the negative aspects than the positive, there aren't very many by comparison. It's not the end-all-be-all of gaming but it's the best thing Nintendo's put out in forever. They just made a fucking game instead of trying to make everything a hardware gimmick showcase. They should do that more.
The rain's fucking out to get you isn't it? I was flying towards this giant fuckall tower I needed to climb this morning, was going to hit it about 10 feet from the top and climb up. Not 5 feet from the tower it started raining and I fell the fuck off. Upside is I FUCKING KNEW ITS TRICKS by that point and saved before I made the jump.
Anyway, on the topic of the gear there are three parts to the zora outfit, hat, chest and legs, they all increase your swim speed by maybe 15% at most individually, you still swim slow as fuck and you still have to deal with stamina. The hat also gives you the ability to attack in the water though, albeit with a limited water specific one, dunno how strong it is.
That was my first thought too. I saw one the day after blood moon, but the second one didn't appear around that same time frame so I found it was irrelevant.
The cooking system pisses me off. Sometimes you can put the same ingredients together & get better or worse results at random.
I think there's critical successes in cooking. I was just dumping one Hylian Herb in at a time for a bit early on and about a quarter of them would have different music in the last half and came out as 5 hearts instead of 2 hearts healing. It's just a crapshoot I think.
The rain wouldn't be so bad if it would ever end. It takes ages sometimes & you can't make a campfire to pass time because the rain puts it out, unless you find some shelter nearby that blocks the rain.
That may be story related. There are rains in a few areas that ACTUALLY never end, you can stop them though.
Did you ever find that survival trial island, when you set foot on it, a voice tells you it's a trial, takes all your gear & weapons, & won't let you save the game until you beat the trial? You start with nothing, it storms like crazy on the island so even if you're lucky enough to find a metal shield or sword you can't have it equipped a lot of the time else get killed by lightening. There are three orbs you have to find & place in slotted platforms, one of them is attached to a Hynox, one is in a tree fort guarded by monsters, another is atop the mountain guarded by stronger monsters. The last orb I inserted had to be placed onto a raft & ferried to the last platform which was surrounded by water that I had to avoid dropping the orb into, That trial was pretty hardcore.
Can't say I've found that one, sounds nuts. I've been taking things pretty slow and easy so far. I've seen a number of islands on the map but I haven't been to any of them yet. There's one that's a giant crazy labyrinth that I'm thinking I should check out. Just this enormous thing out in the water, pretty hard to miss, off the northeastern shore.
I just went to talk to the guy to see what he'd say when I don't have the thing.
He wants a specific weapon, a fucking diamond and five pieces of flint to make a new one.
The green zora gives you a diamond for 10 pieces of a certain ore. Much easier to get than a diamond itself.
Nice now if only you can get the rest of the thread and the majority of other threads on the board that would be great. Pretty sure this blatant flamboyant attention seeking literal faggotry is against rule 8.
But we all know thats not going to happen.
Yeah, but the weapon in question is mediocre at best, 23 damage I think, I'd rather have the rupees, thank you very much.
the only good about the game is Sidon being a smug Zora prince with the best AESTHETICS, those goran fags are fucking gay and eat rocks instead of fish