Is she the mascot for Holla Forums? I saw her in the banner.
Is she the mascot for Holla Forums? I saw her in the banner
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All female RLM reboot when?
It amazes me this chick still has a career and gets regularly 200k+ views on JewTube.
man, i could double post on both chans 23 days for a years and still not now who the fuck 85 percent of these beta orbiter cucks worship.
easy answer
oh fug is that dik sugger :DDDD
here's a clue
doesnt even help
what did she mean by this
true and fucking sad
The only group of people to complain about whites more than white liberals are Jews.
you think with all that self hatred she would've starred in a multiracial gangbang porno
where the white people in to white their white the white entitlement white white
is it ok if I got no idea who is this?
what's more interesting it doesnt look like as much of paperwork as cops usually complain about, i make more paperwork by shitposting on 2x4 about colorful mongolian mittens depicting underage stallions
No fuck off you're probably 40+ years old
I won't lie, I am in love with her.
Actually I am 39 1/2 years old.
Is this a day niggers refuse to go out on the streets? Because I'd support that. Shit, let's make it a month.
in another life she would have made a great suburban waifu with 2-4 towheaded white kids. i would have married her.
i hope you turn your life around you silly girl, you have like 5 years left on those eggs.
Why do they have to be Muslims though?
Which brave user wants to marry this thrice-blacked/pajeeted/riced sjw chick, who's well into her thirties and has corrupted eggs? Take one for the team so we don't have to lads.
in case you legit misread and don't know that word
we live in corrupted times. We all suffer, guys too. After a few years her womb will have rejuvinated itself and her eggs will be clean and white. Find it in your heart to have forgiveness rather than hate for these women, they are victims of this culture
Let someone else do it. I don't want her.
Get the hell away from me you drunken whore
Since this board is 15-20 year olds I get you. But once you get older (aroudn her age) and see the women of your life end up much the same you'll see what I mean.
source of this? what a slut, good god, she's fucking rubbing her uterus
You're reaching sweetie.
Wanna nkow how I know you're 15-22 years old?
This should be good. How do you know i'm 15-22?
wonka now hwo i kown u kno wut i konw abut u 15-yer-old mang lad
the naime
< i'm literally 40
back to bed kid.
There was no name, hun. You dyslexic or something?
Even black men are careful with that level of crazy, my dude.
I like how nature tells us someone is subhuman FAS baby
aka Finns
15 you giant faggot
The ANIME. Adults don't watch cartoons made for little Japanese girls.