This is the ideal female body

This is the ideal female body.
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Attached: 1.jpeg (397x750, 117.24K)

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my penis is about that long flaccid but im cut

how can you tell

poor baby
sue your parents

why? i love having a cut penis

did you know that if you beat a rabbi in jewish checkers he has to give you your foreskin back?

That's because you don't know what you're missing.

stockholm syndrome


Not him but it's pretty cool how it's so much easier to not fap when doing so is painful anyway

t. Burger

Attached: 3fe3e2ab1974ee8a0ebfde3ee47b0aaa169616858b551d08290b63648a67f10a.jpg (130x184, 5.49K)

Girls love my circumsized cock

I won't even comment on the irony of this comment

the only good thing about it is it's easier to keep clean tbh

I would find it kind of nasty to have to clean the inside of my penis

No, they settle for it or don't know better because they've never experienced a natural penis. Foreskin doesn't benefit only your pleasure, but the female's as well.

you sound so fucking gay my dude

You sound angry that you have an inferior, mutilated dick.

The tears of impotenet amerimutt rage are always funny.

You will never be white. You dick will never be unmutilated. You are forever marked as property of the jews. You will never be at a healthy weight.

i'm uncut, just not cock-obsessed like you faggots

AndI am sure you aren't fat either, wwwwwww

i'm literally a lanklet but keep reaching

I'm sorry you were mutilated as an infant, brother.

Says the virgin right?

Says science:

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1221x768, 698.63K)

Op is a liar

Attached: amateur-couple-walk-nude-on-the-beach-in-spicy-hotties_nude-galls-amateurs1.jpg (500x457, 65.93K)

nice shoop


but that is not Alicia Vikander
although she seems like such a cunt she would shoot herself in the foot because a man with tits upstaged her


Besides why would anyone do that


OK. actual american non-larper and catholic, i got jewed and got a skin bridge because i got really hurt when i was younger. the masturbation meme is not real unless you have real small dick. now real talk. if these non cut fags talk about how pathetic their 30 seconds were, so imagine that but maybe 10 more seconds. not relevant anymore.
the true issue is that the procedure is brutal and not necessary. you watch a video of it, and these kikes keep saying, "oh the baby isnt feeling pain. he is just uncomfortable. oh he is just cold. he doesnt feel the pain." kikes actually believe this!!!! IF YOU HAVE A SON NEVER LET ((((THEM))) MUTILATE HIM

If you have a sister, a brother, uncle, whom the fuck ever. never let those perverts touch your child. DONT LET THEM TOUCH YOUR BABY