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Last Thread an user asked for this to Webm to be made but I only got they're much later so I'm unsure if he saw that I made it.
I tried my best. never made a 1080p 60fps Webm before. How did I do?
It's fucken gr8, m8.
You guys realize that there's a faggot making youtube videos of these Webms?
you do realize most of these webms are just ripped youtube videos, right?
Why should we care?
You realize that this thread is literally filled with redditors, youtube rips, and halfchan?
Nobody cares, welcome to degeneracy
Anyone got sauce on first webm?
no jojo edit yet ;_;
You know, that's cool and all, but I'd rather it be a Segway than a robot.
I never liked Pete and Pete as a kid, but I fucking love it now.
Pls no bully
Well I was messing with Debug mode in the Steam Version of Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
I spawned a ton of Hyper Sonic power ups and when I used them It broke the game first it locked my controls and when I went back to the main menu it thought it was only Sonic & Knuckles then it when back to being Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
Interesting considering when I played S3&K on the Sonic Mega Collection for Gamecube I was able to use the Hyper power up to rack up a near infinite number of rings without braking the game.
only the weird kids back then like the show
it's strangely good if you watch it as a young adult
Having fun as kids/teens without the use of videogames, cellphone, internet, MTV etc.
Anyone got a good file name for this one.
Those were better times.
I was wondering if anyone here noticed that. Ironically I found him while looking for my own material for webms.
He also has a Facebook.
This glitch exists in every S3&K version actually. I remember doing it on Sonic Gens Collection.
You mean like those halfchan/reddit "YLYL webm comp #208" which are just youtube videos turned into webms and then regurgitated into another youtube video?
Also which one of you cunts uploaded my old version of my bebop X DKR mashup to YT? at least use the better quality version, faggot.
I’m streaming that film since I’m so great.
(we need a new one for the updated file size limit)
pete and pete - when petes collide
I keep getting timeout and 502 bad gateway errors when posting, so sorry for the double posts.
oh my god, is she ok?
best part of pet and pet was the theme song
ELO never got the respect it deserves. At least they're finally in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
Holla Forums gets told a story
She's a dragon, she's fine. Truck aint. Probably ate them, if they didn't die in the collision.
nothing can kill moe shit, only a ex-boyfriend backstory can kill it
How fitting.
racist here. this is fantastic
A song to future waifus
her voice is making me diamonds.
Any tips on how to make my webms smaller without sacrificing as much quality?
More idols please, preferably involving more bullying.
Make them a smaller res, or try and get the lowest bitrate possible for that res that looks good, or alternatively break the webm into chunks if it's a long-running video.
[Check sum]
Nope, She was reincarnated as a cute little girl having to fight the Demon King.
She's stuck in a Light Novel, the worse hell there is.
sauce on first one?
don't click
better times user
We all know Spielberg was a Jew credited for starting the first wave of the death of Hollywood. But I'm torn because he also saved animation in the west as well (only for it to die again when ToonBoom replaced limited animation techniques in the 2000s but thats not Speiljews fault) starting with Who Framed Rodger Rabbit convincing Warner to make cartoons again and convincing Disney to give their cartoons budgets again. As well as making his own animations that reflected a much simpler time in Hollywood history.
Not that any of it matters now, since Disney bought Star Wars and Marvel and effectively killed Hollywood permanently
most of the amblin animation partners shows were produced in japan or korea
in retrospect it's kinda obvious
Well yeah, most TV cartoons just were back then. I think even Disney outsourced their TV animation to Japanese studios while still making their feature films at home. Nobody thinks Spielberg was a fucking animator. Hell, you could actually count pic related as an anime by definition
So she's naked, right?
What a lazy ass webm, cut that youtube ending at least
Nice, thanks fam. I hope the qt that fell out of the chair didn't die later
no problem m8
What the fuck is going on and why is there non-stop chimping in the background? I'm confused.
Goddamn that album is so good. I like Ticket to the Moon the most just because the opening verse hits me in the feels of how I wish I could go back to the 80s.
Densha Otoko did a good tribute to Daicon IV with the theme song.
it was some anti trump protest where the people blocked a street so the police had to deliver some sweet justice
Do you have the muffled eurobeat in the distance webm?
Come on, dude. I love ya, I do, but there's a reason those faggots don't produce their own content instead of ripping rips.
Coming right up.
If only all porn was this well-written and well-acted.
Shame her reaction got cut off at the end, but it keeps cutting off the last couple of seconds while trying to get this in top quality. I'll try again later.
Made me realize I'd love an Ace Combat happening during the WW2 era of Strangereal
i need to recover from that, I'll see you guys in about five years.
Can I request a .webm of baby Plucky going "Eww"? Just a short and sweet .webm clip.
Does anyone have the one where a guy gets run over by a tank with Mario music and jump sounds going off in the background?
Man that kickstand sure does suck when you purposefully try to knock it over.
I like this one more.
fucking 10/10 webm
these were in the last thread and i wanted to thank the user that originally posted them if you are here. there was some more i didnt get.
was doug autistic?
i'd fuck babs forever
I made one too.
Is DSP legitimately retarded?
I honestly don't know, possible that he did some drugs and fucked up his brain because he was not always this bad. He actually had a decent rank in USFIV and that game is not that easy to play. But today he SUCKS dick at easy games like SSB. He can't block, the only move he can do is down B and he doesn't know any combos.
thanks guys, i named them UNDERSTAND and UNDERSTAND UNDERSTAND just for differentiation.
Is huniepop any good?
I dunno, you tell me.
it's a fun enough match 3 game and it has 20 lbs of pussy & ass. i liked it
Every fucking time
god damn this is amazing
who knew there were so many white rappers out there
no one gives a fuck faggot
not like that , like this tho..
Who are these guys?
thank you my man, you are a scholar.
Any source for the middle two? they warmed my heart and my dick
Gonna bully Shii. By the way I'm not the only one who is reminded of KnJ's ending when I see those little kitty butts shaking, am I?
Has Holla Forums been running slow for anyone else lately?
It seems like for the past week or so I can hardly get images to load and webms are out of the question completely.
Are we being throttled?
Lost it.
I think so, yeah,
I've been using the firefox extension DownThemAll to download Webms, and honestly it's been going faster then ever.
That from Maxi boost?
WTF? were they drunk or the plane just stopped responding mid flight?
They brought their kids on the flight and let them into the cock pit and one of them disengaged the autopilot when they were there by accident.
what a fucking terrible way to die.
I was expecting some kind of 40k dub where some dumbass humans ignore the obvious warning from the space pansies, but a black box of incompetent Russians is pretty interesting too.
I always hated how the Mainframers acted like Bob was totally on par with Megabyte. Megabyte was playing actual riffs, playing fast and skillfully, while Bob was playing the equivalent of smoke on the fucking water.
how can someone be this irresponsible? holy shit.
ok, that one got me
The only good think out of this fucking idiot accident is that his kids will not pass his shitty genes to no one else, saving mankind for even more idiocy.
have a unrelated WEBM.
It's best this way.
This is way you just don't let ANYONE enter the cockpit. Here en Argentina 2 pilots got permanently suspended and judged just for letting a model enter and do the same shit, plus taking selfies with them.
Have another unrelated vidya webm
I saw a documentary about it this flight. It's unbelievable that anyone could be this stupid, and irresponsible.
It's like the polar opposite of the Miracle on the Hudson
the FUCK? what is this from? who the fuck made that shit? What the hell do they think the purpose of flak is, to throw smoke in the air?
This is like watching a person walk over a grenade that explodes and just keeps walking like nothing fucking happened
Does anyone have the webm with DSP jerkin' it on camera and it goes WHOOOOAAAHH from Metal Gear Solid (I think)? I saw it last year on my phone and couldn't save it.
Why not post Aliakbar or TF2 webms? those are fucking hilarious! XD
i actually had an angry post half-typed up about that webm you're talking about before i remembered that it's war thunder, which means that it's automatically russia-fellating garbage with nothing remotely realistic about it
There is more in this thread >>>/wx/61794
Smooth McGroove is a faggot.
He didn't make it, the original is here:
what's the song in the first webm, I'll suck your dick for it
tbh fam i dont think the kicking in Dying light was nowhere near as effective as dark messiah or as fun, hell some enemies you weren't even meant to fight let alone kick
okay I'll bite how does sticking it under her tits make it a pineapple pen?
Maxi Boost On, yeah.
That's because kids didn't really appreciate it then. Not compared to the cartoons like Ren & Stimpy, Rocko, etc. - so Pete and Pete was something of a B-list program.
That show is timeless, exactly for the reasons that mentioned. It doesn't depend on fads/tech of the time, it focuses on simply being a kid, having kid problems, and done with absurdity. It's all the better for it as a result.
Kicking isn't that effective, it's more a stun to push basic zombies/attackers back
Once you get the dropkick/shoulder charge though you become an absolute fucking terror
Fucking kek
Whats the name/source on this song? Drives me batshit every time I see it in webm threads.
did the whole plon enter a spin or something?
Wait, is that Sam Hyde?
Jesus christ, fucking clowns flew that thing
Lurk moar
Genuinely made me laugh thanks user
Know an episode where it happens? I'll provide it if you can provide my an episode where he does it.
so this just happened to me and I found it pretty funny, so you can have sum OC guys
inb4 I have to go back, Im already back and in yurop
Jesus Christ, why do webm's play so fucking slooooooooooooooow on Holla Forums
Because people make 10MB webms for only 30 seconds of footage
Is this what autism feels like?
A legitimate faggot, or just a self-absorbed asshole?
The black girl is the worst one. Not for Holla Forums reasons, just her voice actress is total fucking garbage.
We seriously need a new telescope up there to replace Hubble. Those images suck.
They're working on that. It's called the James Webb telescope, will be up in 2018, and will be better than Hubble in pretty much every way except physical accessibility.
Polite sage for no webm
I know this is more than a day late, but…
Is this from Sam's show on AS? Can't find shit on JewTube
2393 Kudrinsky: We'll come out of this. Everything's fine … Gently [unintelligible], gently … Pull up gently!
Is it courage or stupidity that lead him to say this?