Ass Effect 4

Let's talk about this shit for a sec, even after Mass Effect 3 people are buying this trash. Does Holla Forums think it's because of the reddit/neoFAG/youtube communities where they latch on to everything because "IM SUCH A NURD XD" or is it just a sheep effect where everyone just buys the game with the loudest advertising.

Other urls found in this thread:

You made a similar thread before this didn't you?


He's making the same thread over and over every time it gets deleted.

I can't believe I forgot to sage. Hopefully I can redeem myself with dubs

Why does Mark keep deleting this thread? Are we not allowd to laugh at Bioware any more?


no, that was someone else. I just wanna talk about how normalfags are eating this shit up without thinking.

wow dude cmon


Ban yourself you fucking kike.


If tumblr was the average normal joe then Trump wouldn't be president.
Normal folk don't care, mate. It's only the in-industry circle jerk and tumblrware crowd. Youtubers are between those two, obviously.

Just answer the question.

You can do better than this.

At this point i'm not even surprised anymore Mark.

It's low effort to make them feel smart. Think about it, why do normalfags love star trek, rick and morty and shit like futurama? They think that "science fiction" inherently makes the source of entertainment intellectual. They're trying to find a sense of superiority.

They don't know why the plot is ridiculous, they don't care. They don't play video games for video games, they play them so they can say they do. Plus Mass Effect has a lot of "geek culture" voice actors and people will buy anything that lets them feel like a "geek" without having to install gentoo themselves. They're called normalfags for a reason, they don't have a single feature or trait beyond the norm. They hate that. They desperately wish they had character or something that set them apart, but they don't. They're normalfags.

Are you venting over your Switch purchase Mark? Is that's what's going on here?

Oh. both thread had random sentences added to the thread. I wanted to talk about how this game is even being greenlit in the first place, while discussing what makes the "geek" crowd think.

So basically they're trying to become unique, without having to branch out of the norms and outcasts that comes with being unique. Would I be wrong in saying that they yearn for uniqueness in this "geek culture" in shit like Star Wars, Futuama, Mass Effect, Big Bang Theory, English dubs for anime, etc?

Yeah like that guy right here on this board who shat on Dark Souls 3 and then played it anyway because he eats shit up and just can't stop eating shit because he loves the taste of shit and just has an absolute unquenchable hunger for shit.

Because he is a shiteater, the worst kind of shit eater.

Just came here to calling you a dirty, fat kike.

So basically I'm The Boss.

You disappoint me.

Mark people will buy whatever they want. Reddit, neofag and even chans have an incredibly small impact on how many people actually end up buying the game.

The reason people will buy Mass Effect 4 is that it comes from a pre-established brand that they've heard of before and because it's being advertised to them. That's it.

Its EA and Bioware. Quite literally an example of kikes funding progressive bullshit in a widely consumed media. I don't want to get too Holla Forums about it but that's exactly what it is. It's not going to stop unless something big and political happens that exposes either company's shittery to the public in an indefensible way.


for you, kike

No, that's way over-analyzing it. People are hyped over this because ME was a huge success, and despite popular opinion here, 3 was still widely viewed as "ending the series on a good note", and people wanted more, so now, 5 years later, they're getting more, and they're understandably hyped. That's really all there is to it. It's the same reason people bought Fallout 4, and it's the same reason they'll buy the next Battlefield, or the next Elder Scrolls game.

judging from the new trailer, the game play looks the same as me3, but whatever fun that would be had playing it will be out weighed by the constant scanning bullshit. the voice acting ranges from shit to meh, though it is nice to see krogans still being krogans. peebee looks slightly better, though that still isn't much if an improvement.

Not as much as you think. These new animation failures are spreading all over. It seems more and more of the normalfags are waking up to it.

Suffering builds character. How many times have you heard that said? It rings true. Consider the age we live in. We have warm dry beds, houses, grocery stores for food and well policed neighborhoods. Suffering is rare. Most of us aren't normalfags because we've been belittled for our interests, we've had shitty conditions growing up that did cause suffering and built character, we come from broken homes or childhoods of being beaten. We're fat. Some of us are racially unsuited to our local peers. Some of us are ugly as fuck. We've got character because we've suffered. We're unique because we've suffered. But we're self aware to some extent, we know that just because we're unique we're not perfect and certainly not worthy of any more attention than another anonymous poster on some dickass backwater website.

Normalfags don't suffer. When they break a bone they go to the doctor, have a big song and dance about how much it hurts, post pictures on their facebook and instagram and lay around the house while it heals basking in the social attention they're getting while people say how bad it looks and hope they feel better. Normalfags never suffer bullying in school because they're not ugly, they're not overweight and they're not into weird shit. For the same reason people seek out "sci fi" and "geek chic" culture teenagers will claim they're "transgender" or come out to their family. They hunger for attention because it's the only feedback they get in life that they even exist in a social way.

Yeah, probably in this specific scenario it's over analyzing but I think it's the root cause of bullshit like mass effect being a normalfag fan-favorite.

€A thinks they can ca$h out on all the starwars stuff
speaking of which
The magic system in mass effect is fucking retarded, even more retarded than starwars

I hope so man, I hope so.

You're probably right, but is there no method behind the madness?

Hahaha! Wow! Please tell me these were made in SFM and don't actually appear in game

When you spend 20+ years brainwashing kids into participating into a consumer culture you don't need a method.
They don't need to do anything and they'll still make money.

It's pretty evil tbh



even old bioware was never good at animating but this is just horrible

The writing is lolsorandumm webcomic tier. Sense? Humbug, where we're flying there is no need fo sense.

reminder it's been a longer wait since ME3 then it was since the first game when 3 came out.

Answer the question, filthy kike.

Except they are not? Almost every site even gamefaqs where you can find a 12 year old who can get hype about a pile of shit, you have lack of interest.

Many people were burned by ME even casuals, as many of them care about story to a degree and ME shit all over it.

Hey now, 12 year olds aren't the target audience. This game is rate M. That's mature. Like sex and stuff. Yeah.

>Suffering builds character cynicism and depression
ftfy, user-kun

If you're a pussy.

While the models are ugly as shit tumblr-tier (clear that the art director has an agenda, but the modelers are probably victims in this), I don't think they're "technically" bad, as in the polygons are probably in the right place and the engine seems to be fine, why are the riggers and animators so fucking incompetent?

The arm in the first one is clipping through the table in the wind-up of the punch.

That's collision detection, a feature of the engine, and you'll always have some - I'm talking about model topology

It's not collision detection. The animators are just incapable of working with the arrangement of the scene, probably made all of it without the furniture and the actor being hit. Hence everything clipping and not connecting.

Just imagine how the sex scenes are going to be. Sheplet taking it up the ass like a champ and then the dick clips through the navel. Jesus Christ, how horrifying!

There are not technical level problems here. It's just shitty animation made by some indian slave worker.

Bioware is basically just a pajeet reservation.

Let's just face the fact that poor animation is a tradition at Bioware at this point. Especially when two models interact with one another, which IIRC was a massive problem back in ME1, since they never showed Shepard handing something to people or shaking their hands. Even if that's not true, the fact that a huge ass studio with tons of money behind can't even make decent animations which sends a clear message: "Our staff is incompetent/not motivated enough to make something even look decent and we don't really care enough to make them do something passable". I mean, if it looks shit, why not just change the fucking camera angle? Come the fuck on. Maybe there's problems I don't know about by virtue of not being in the studio, but this irks me. All this money and recognition and not even bothering to polish the animations? Don't upgrade the AI or anything.
This is maybe something incredibly petty to pick up on, but it's not like it's a non human model on 1, and Krogans aren't that much different to people in order to excuse 2 and 3. I would be forgiving of this if it were some sort of eldritch looking thing helping Ms. Shitface up. At the very least they tried to make a different skeleton for the aliens (which is the whole reason why they are all anthropomorphic in the first place, Unreal didn't support any other skeleton that wasn't the human one, which is why you don't see elcor moving around).

Jeez. Please just fuck my wrists up mr. Alien


I cannot wait for this turd to fall out of Bioware's diseased ass so I can laugh at it

Nope, there's plenty of braindead idiots who still defend the game.

Not enough for a target audience. They'll never release sales data for this one, too.


As you get older you will be less confused to find that most people have shit opinions about everything, unless you are one of them.

Oh hi Mark

My evidence is completely anecdotal, but my friends and some of my family are excited for this. I'm honestly unsure whether this will sell well or not. Like it or not, even after ME3 shit the bed, the mass effect series still had what was considered two good games, and ME3 still has a bit of rep to help sell. In genuinely curious to see if this one will fail.

So, could anyone clarify why the 2nd gif is shit? The other two are obvious but why is the second considered bad? Is it the janky movement, where it looked like he was bracing himself or is it something else?

Hi Mark

Their hands go through the animation of grabbing the other hand but they're not connecting, hence the wrist in the third gif.


t. """jaded""" edgy teenager





Look at the way the Krogan "moves" towards her. It's just very unnatural. That and the hands not actually connecting.

At least those hits connected.

They're digitigrade but get animated like walking on normal feet, heel first.

In your 20s, aren't you?

It's not petty, because the appeal of these games comes from the story and characters in the first place, so we should rightfully expect quality on all aspects the company primarily relies on in order to sell this particular product.
If they make a botched job, they should get shit for it, regardless if it's because the team lacks talent or the executives don't care enough to fund improvements to the game engine.

You'll learn soon enough, kid.

The Krogan grabs the air a full hand above the hand he's reaching for. Just from looking at that it becomes obvious that they animated the two models entirely separately from eachother or just didn't bother to do even so much as a second tweak of their animation for details.

If I were to have turned that clip into my professor he'd have flunked me and publicly shamed that clip in front of not only my class, but each of his classes.

ME 1 would have been game of the year all years if you could fuck all the women at once.

You don't understand, OP. The original audience for video games was abandoned and replaced years ago. New games are aimed at the new audience, not us.

At first in life you are like:
Then it's:

The funposting here is going to be off the charts when Ass Erect Androgyny comes out.

I don't see it being much worse than Inquisition which fizzled away into nothing after a week even though it's hilariously bad. I think tortanic really spoiled us.

Good job, shill-user. You're learning.

First you stopped making multiple threads at once, and now you're not putting IGN in the OP.

All the same, kindly fuck off and enjoy your weekly paycheck ending as BioWare is dissolved.

Was that drawn by a blind person?

Mark let me dump porn you tremendous faggot.

You didn't read the thread or you'd know it was Mark who made the thread.

it does when you have something to fall back on. like a family, a girlfriend, a relative. when you have a dysfunctional family and you weren't born with 10/10 charisma and looks then this

Why would I read the thread if I just saw shills trying the same thing a few hours ago?

Well, whatever. If it's mod sponsored shitposting, I can get behind that.

Thats just worse, it means Mark is a faggot.



Welcome to the normalfag world.

Normal folk who identify as gamers buy all the latest [BRAND] for console, because big name developers are behing them, not because they're interested or not, otherwise pic related wouldn't exist.

This was accompanied by a "how can you say you like videogames if you don't even play the biggest releases?"
This is what normalfags think.
This is what normalfags spend their money on.
Also please note MMO7 mouse, RAZr mouspad.

This is way more funny than it has any right to be, I'm willing to believe that bioware is just trying to end themselves on purpose at this point.

Pasta niggers have zero taste also the sky is still blue.

>Ass Effect designer is adding softcore porn in this game
Also does anyone have pictures of the cuck designer making racist remarks?

No shit, Sherlock. They're called fanbabies. We're talking about normalfags.

It's going to be a massive clipfest. It'll only be erotic if displays of massive fail are a fetish for you.

Why the hell does a fucking scanning minigame still exist they took it out in Mass Effect 3 cause it was boring as hell in ME2 and now they brought it back and made it part of the core gameplay loop is Bioware fucking autistic?

This is somehow shocking to you?


That's the first thing that comes to mind. Real actors not hitting each other. But why do it with a 3d animtion of all things ?

Because Bioware is lazy as hell. They used to get away with it because their games had good stories and sometimes had good gameplay. Now they rarely have good story and never have good gameplay. Bioware is fucked.

It's not so much this as it is that even normalfags have a limit of shit they're willing to stomach. This is reaching new lows so bad that even they're starting to smell it.

Normalfags don't play RPGs, not even the bad ones, unless they're Bethesda games.

AAA Title with a 3 year development cycle, that's why. AAA Title games should have 4-5 years for development, but with the sheer amount of bloat on development teams it cuts into their profits more than want (which wouldn't be a lot)

I was watching a youtube video from a dedicated Biodrone, it was a compilation of different Q&A on twatter, nearly 80% of the questions that were answered were about who gets to fuck who. Also "your character can even have pink hair".

I don't think there's been a single mass selling RPG, over 10 million units, that didn't have like half a billion in advertising.

Don't! bioware are trying to market the game as "softcore porn" your only helping them.

You need a new tactics to shit up asseffect shill threads, porn dumbs are want they want.

my nigger, yes


So they're hoping the rainbow haired e-celebs on youtube will make marketing for them with let's plays as their alter egos remade with the character editor?

maybe game physics would launch them on a sonic spin attack in to orbit if they touch?

oh joy can I have good gameplay as well please

Hope there is a no hair option cause this shit is going to give everyone that plays it cancer.

You're waifu a shit.


They care more about their Youtuber/Tumblr audience than the lore.
The other day they released a trailer about weapon customization, one of the options for a shotgun was "laser" shells. Pistols have their heatsink ejected from the front. Humans can now wield Krogan hammers.
They completely destroyed the lore.

This combined with the fact that people already know the name "Mass Effect." Why would you answer your own question?

This is merely a fundamental aspect of human existence. Someday, if an advanced alien species ever contacts us, the first thought in the back of the collective human mind upon hearing the news, before knowing anything at all about the aliens, will be "can I fuck it?"

Wait. Is it released right now?

I'm not even going to pirate it.
It has the most powerful DRM on the market, being a complete pile of shit.

I have zero intention of buying it. I was just wondering if it was out, if yes well I had no idea.

Not buying as in purchasing, buying as in falling for it.

it has 3 more weeks.

March 23 bby

You can't procreate with an alien retard. Only modern degenerate scum would think like that.


Is she arab or what?


I will unironically buy and play the next Elder Scrolls game.



Oh. In that case I wouldn't trust appearances especially on the internet regarding EA games, if they faked a gay support campaign for their previous shit game they can generate fake hype for their next shit game on the internet no problem.
It wouldn't be the first time an overhyped game these last few turned out to be full of hot air.

she's a strong independent woman

No, just retarded.

second one is fucking hilarious

Something's off about the lips too but I can't quite place it.
Where's the resemblance, anyway? She doesn't even have the same eye color.

Sadly, no one's at home up there.

It reminds me of that novel were attractiveness is a crime and are uglified to not upset others.
Guess someone at bioshit got triggered and downgraded her.

Someone should ask Jayde Rossi her opinion of that model :^)

Calm down, user. You can't procreate with fictional characters either; doesn't stop folks from wanting to fuck them. Erotic aliens have been a part of human civilization practically forever, see succubi, mermaids, satyrs, etc. Tons of ancient myths involve banging strange creatures.

Keep in mind I'm not expressing any opinion on whether this phenomenon or indulging in/obsessing over it is a good thing.

Don't know why anyone is surprised by this; they did the same thing with Miranda as a character (though perhaps not this bad).

This. The fucking Frostbite engine aint bad but holy shit Nu-Bioware fucks it up.

holy shit, that's terrible


Not clicking that shit.

I wonder how much that costed EA?

just tell me what they are, I'm not clicking that.

Please tell me someone else noticed how her face just kind of points off to nowhere during the follow through.

There actually were one or two moving elcor in ME3. You're right about everything else, though.

She's look up at the goddess Sarkeesian proclaiming in her mind 'one more patriarchy destroyed, hail her holy Anita' and feeling euphoric in that.

Took a chance and sacrificed myself to answer you. It's kind of interesting, there's some standard biodrone cocksuckery but nearly a fourth of the like bar is dislikes and many other comments are fairly critical of everything shown, from characters to animations, even people who admitted to preordering their game are commeting on buyer's remorse. Maybe people are starting to see this stupid bullshit for what it is.

It was way worse in ME3:
- Shepard always had the Avenger assault rifle in every cutscene even if it's not in the loadout.
- Every class had the same animation after a cutscene: *grabs a weapon by reaching over his/her shoulder*

Her idle face seems to be that forced grin. She always have that smug face in every shot.

I seriously think she was designed to look like Ashly Burch.

You just know this will happen.

She looks like Chell's retarded sister

I didn't read the comments because I don't hate myself, but I did watch the video. No lie, it's nearly all wave-based fights (with the uninspired, "Wait while I hack it!" shit) and NPCs telling the player what to do; "We should can these rocks," and, "I'd better blast that fissure," type shit.

Only the male actors remains strangely normal

more like

Most normalfags are going to eat shit up no matter what and will consume just for consumption's sake without any thought behind it. Normalfag will continue down this path unless they are taught critical thinking. There has however been a vocal critical community since ME3 that has been asking well thought out critical questions about the game's core plot and why we are doing it.

There has already been questions as to the A.I. that is seemingly dumber than rocks and poses no challenge. And another is asking why the animations are not up to standards since Bioware is a successful developer backed by a big company.

They have to reference the Shepard for nostalgia points. It's too low a hanging fruit for them to pass that by.

I actually think normalfags, if they stick around the Internet long enough, do end up developing taste, if only by osmosis. They just lag places like Holla Forums by about 5 years (maybe more).

it still hurts

Anderson maybe but not Shepard, they really want to be far away from the old mass effect.

I wish that stupid lazy fad would just fucking die, they're aliens you can make them look like literally anything I wish they would stop making multicoloured humans.

I rather find their obsession with seafood worrying.

But then how will the players relate to them user?
Think of the shekels we might lose!


Unfortunately lack of creativity sells in that respect. There is interesting sci-fi out there with genuinely creative impressions of what alien life might be like; those only end up selling to niche enthusiast audiences. Normalfags don't want genuine science fiction; they want operatic adventures set in the future.


wow racist

Worse, they're recycled Quarian concept art.

The real discerning gentlemen of Andromeda.

Games are failing at improving on badly written tv series. And I will get another few years of arguing with retards who consider this great sci-fi. The nightmare never ends.

Oh and aliens that aren't multicolored humans would require animations and a lot of shit specific to them. That is more work, and if there's something Bioware hates above all, it's work.

That's true, they can't even animate humans.

Well, maybe if they wouldn't animate humans, their shoddy work could be obfuscated better?

Oh my

We live in the shit timeline where Mass Effect is about humans, humans with scales, blue humans, and humans with fringes–instead of any interesting races. The closest they get is the hanar. Never anything like the pattern jugglers (which are basically a Solaris ripoff, so it's not like they're even an original concept).

In some ways this actually looks better than Andromeda.

andromeda looks fucking boring

Looking at this makes me wish this game would be a legit parody and you follow this broken light bulb through the universe. But that would require skill I guess


Looks like retarded tracer.

It's a force kick :^)

Works on My Machine™

I'm playing it fine, switch your browser.

It's so painful to watch that.
The swordfights don't have any impact on them.
BioWare could have at least LARP to know.


oyy vey let's pretend all the ME3 shit didn't happen! surely Eaware will deliver!

They're re-using that shitty animation from ME3.


Spaceman Spiff goofy space adventure game when

Going to be multiple posts here.



Good god I would love this so much.

it was half a decade ago so safe to say people legitimately forgot.

18 quintillion dollars



Someone make a webm

i hope we get to see her tits.

Final Set.

Please no.

Holy shit it's literally tumblr in space.

God damn people are so hyped at my college about this and I can't even understand how they are so fucking exited and how they manage to love ME3


probably because most of them were in middle school when 3 came out.

best use of this piece of shit quote I've seen, props user


4 U

Even the runts in middle school hated the ending at the time 3 came out, I think he's attending a shit college where people are just retarded.

I still want to strangle that bestacled faggot. The DA2 demo was the most miserable experience I had playing a demo, and that was the same day I played the demo of Turning Point Fall of Liberty.

I tried switching to the pale moon browser and it still wouldn't play

How the fuck do you softcore a game when half the characters have down syndrome and the other half are manlets?

its like Poz: the game
they did everything they possibly could to make women look ugly as fuck, smug, and generally repulsive.
and don't forget WE
wtf happened to Bioware and Obsidian?

1. Download.
2. Play in VLC.
3. Kill yourself.


At least this nigga doesn't look like he fell into a vat of nuclear waste

what do they have to do with this?

wow, it all makes sense now. Nice dubs at least.
Also its for normalfags, they don't know any better.

The new age of gaming happened. The only thing that matters is the checklist for their diversity quota. It means everything to have a gay character instead of a character who is gay. It's more important to have a progressive story instead of an interesting story that delves into more complex themes and it doesn't shove itself down your throat.

Male characters are allowed to be attractive; this is nothing new for BioWare.

The fag from Inquisition disagrees.

Let's see if they're allowed to move like human beings do too

Any company that gets bought by a large publisher tend to have a purge of the actual talent that made them great in the first place, what gets left behind are the sycophants, talentless hacks that can't make it elsewhere and interns who are expected to somehow replace the lost talent.

That guy is a Greek sculpture compared to the female elf love interest from the same game.

please yes.

This makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Just imagine, you could be posting in a thread, calling OP a faggot, trying to talk about vidya, but OP was the cake devouring nerd all along and you just posted in there without ever knowing it, not even being able to call him a fat jew.
I feel dirty.

Nothing is safe from him. Next he's going to say he posts daily under anonymous.

I doubt that, ME3 was 5 years ago so thats only a windows of like 7th and 8th graders who could now be in college assuming I'm not being retarded right now.

Pretty sure they have shit tastes is all.
That said there was a guy who I got along with pretty well despite the fact he was an unapologetic nintendrone.

Its not so much about the how its more about the fact that the controvery with Mass Effect 1 about the "sex" helped sell it to horny teenagers like me at the time.
EA knows how to market games pretty well. False controversy is part of their old modus operandi. Dead Space, Dante's Inferno, and Mass Effect come to mind.

Hollowed out. The talent that made the game and are not willing to take it in the ass from corporate left. This leaves tactlessness hacks and people who are just there for the paycheck.

They need the corporate asshole breathing down their necks to push them to greatness. They have amazing capacity but they can't seem to make a great game when independent.

Bioware and Obsidian are the princes of KOTOR. Things have changed a lot in gaming and the tech has changed and whatnot but they each had more or less had some level of claim for the crown of "the greatest RPG of the time".
I'm not saying I agree with either of them getting that praise in the grand scheme but for a time it was a topical comparison and people who knew of it still hold onto it.



How long until you realize that none of us are real, including you? We're all fragments of his imagination. Holla Forums is some weird fanfiction and its author is the BO.



Fucking Reboot was better animated than this.

In all my years of shitposting I think this is the worst insult I've had thrown at me. Jesus Christ man, calm down.

Don't give him ideas.

Obsidian has fired all of their talent so even a publisher can't squeeze a good game out of them anymore.

But Kickstarter was to make everything better!

Really? I recall hearing about people leaving and what not but last I heard they had at least 2 people who had some talent in them.

so how did that work out?

Obsidian still has some talent. The lead writer for New Vegas (who was not Chris Avellone), for instance. But they're a smaller company than they were, and I doubt they'll ever make a 3D game again. Avellone leaving didn't help.

Eh, faggots hyped hard for Dragon Age Inquisition and it still flopped hard. Doesn't matter how many sales they get, it never makes a profit because EA spend more on the marketing budget than it cost to make the game, making it almost impossible to get their money back.

Not necessarily. Marketing a game, in the form of building a brand isn't just meant to get people to buy the games. Its also meant to get people to buy the memorabilia and the other branded products, especially in the case of Mass Effect, the shirts/hoodies.





They'll probably make them lopsided or some shit just to make a point.

You could be posting hand holding gifs with him and never knew. You might have held marks hand user.

I've actually been extremely and pleasantly surprised with the YT comments for Andromeda's gameplay trailers, especially this newest one. It's almost as if people are finally willing to recognize that Bioware is trying to feed them seasoned feces.

Curry flavor.

fucking pajeets ruin everything

I want this man to die

The thing is if this guy was on the opposite of the political spectrum I'm sure he'd be considered an ebil white male

He's like an evil version of ElectroBoom.

Admittedly there is a reason for lack of design originality, as mentioned by , past and current middleware engines that ME series only allow for humanoid player models and they can recycle animations with each "humanoid." Basically any non-humanoid sentient alien made will not be playable or even move much.

you should be uncomfortable then

I made a few threads

and I'm not telling you what they are :^)

Would you happen to know if he has tweeted about being a Marxist by chance? If so it might be pretty easy to cause him some cognitive disobedience.

ElectroBoom is ironically from Iran IIRC

Behold! I present to you football/zeppelin theory.
Its 2 horseshoes attached at the center but one is tilted sideways

This is a mess

What is the z axis supposed to represent

I may have fucked up on color choice.
Y=Authoritarian vs Libertarian Economics
X=Level of Intensity. Near 0 ([true zero cannot be reached] center point) no Intensity. As it gets closer to 100 Intensity ([likewise true 100 cannot be reach] extremes).
Z=Authoritarian vs Libertarian Social

The extremes are only close if they have high intensity. And there is such a thing as high Intensity centrists policy that too more similar to the other extremes then different from other extremes.

What did he mean by this?


Mark can you start enforcing your mods to start deleting shit threads, and start banning faggots who just want to derail.


But we have already established that Mark is the one starting these shit threads.

Economics is the science of resource distribution.
Authoritarian Economics is where the distributions of resources is controlled heavily by the government.
Libertarian Economics (also known as neo-liberal) is economics where the distributions of resources is not controlled by the government.

Example: Communism with central committees that decide how much of a resource is to be allotted to each person are Authoritarian. Anarchists Communism where everyone is expected to share what they make with the collective and where needs are met simply by virtue of whoever uses the resource first are libertarian.

A capitalist economy with laws that limit CEO compensation based on the lowest paid employee is authoritarian. A A capitalist economy with laws that protect the right of a CEO to be paid what ever the markets will bear is libertarian.

This is not rocket science its economics.
Good night

Read the comments, friendo, they're 90% shitting on the game, I feel a little bit hopeful now.

tower of monsters is that to a T

Economics is a description of an existing system of production. Each system depends on a different set of property rights.
In slavery, the master owns a slave, and therefore owns whatever the slave produces.
In serfdom, the lord owns whatever the serf produces three days out of the week. (The church owns 10% of the serf's production on the other three working days.)
In capitalism, the shareholder owns whatever the employee produces. Production is undertaken almost exclusively with the intention of exchange, rather than direct use, unlike all the other systems (except cash crop slavery in the American South).
In communism, the government owns whatever the community produces.

In each of these systems, property rights are the basis of their structure, and unchangeable within a given system. "Authoritarian" and "libertarian" are not useful descriptions here. Classical slavery and serfdom often existed in places and times where there was no central government; the system of property rights was still the same.

You (and he) simply aren't viewing economics through anything but a very narrow prism that the current system and its media has created for you: government regulation of markets vs. government deregulation of markets. That's hardly the whole story. In the long run, it's not even an important part of the story.

Polite sage for very off-topic.

Then I hope HotWheels can stop mark and his faggotry, only HE has the power.


That is a shit tier harem.

HW quit, remember?

No I'm not, I only made this one.

Of course I remember.
I'm saying he's probably dead in a gutter somewhere.

So he's wholly responsible for the handholding, the SCAN THIS! XD bullshit, the three active skills limit replacing classes and everything else that is wrong with this abortion of a game.

I will remember.

Does anyone have the model comparison that shows off how dumpy and silly the new character models look?

Oh fuck really?
When and Why?

Holy hell, dude, where were you when all of that happened?

oh, that's concerning

You already admitted to making other threads and considering we already know you're a literal kike who has shown shit taste in the past it's no stretch.

Halfchan. Obviously.

Short version: the site was fucked, HotWheels had some incompetent programmer friend try to fix it, the fix never materialized, and HW's friend was fired. HW "quit" (or might have been fired by Jim) and now CodeMonkey (supposedly) runs the day-to-day.

Oh. Fuck off, then.

No I didn't retard, I deleted the other threads and then made a standard thread where I talk about the normalfags and ass effect 4

Nah i just dont keep up with the news.

I have a friend who is actually hyped for this game. He pre-ordered it and everything. This man is an adult, with a marriage and a job at Google. Why. Why, God.

Quits a nicer way of saying it to me. He abandoned his post a long time ago. Long before jim and ron took control too.

i tried to talk a nomalfag co-worker off the fucking ledge about this game

i gave up just going to wait after he buys and start bitching about it and say I told you not to buy it

Thanks for letting me know about this channel. Some good shit.

Electronic Arts

All the original talent is gone. I also recall EA got worst company of the year award - and they covered it up by saying "It was an attack on gay people!!" so they told Bioware to go hard gay. So now if you hated EA it's because you hated gay people.

The thing that brings my piss to a boil is he types this while he benefits from everything white people have ever made.

He is equivalent of a spoiled bratty son of millionaire who hates his parents for making his life so easy.

This is considered acceptable?

His family fled from India because they were being persecuted and Canada took them in.

Really? Why would they be persecuted?

By muslims, I think his dad was a Sikh.

They must have been in Pakistan, then, not India.

There are plenty of Muslims in India, who constantly start shit with the Hindus. This is despite the fact that Pakistan was created to essentially funnel all the Muslims out of India, which was done to prevent an all out religious war from breaking out.

Of course, the Muslims are still going to attempt to spread further and further into India despite this, and all that the Indians really did is create a gigantic hostile country right next to their borders. They realize this, now, of course, and thus hate the Muslims within India all the more for it.


Think we can count on pajeet to remove kabab or just shit on them?


that designated street is worst than hittler

Wait so why does he hate white people?
It was muslims who persecuted his family and people, white people were the ones who gave him shelter.

yeah but those people are in minority since most of the sales are from idiots who just see cool cover

yes, that's sadly true, but I think it's still an improvement from 10,000 comments all reading "ME3 was good it was just the ending that was bad"


That made it way more hilarious than it normally would be.

Yes they are. For them Bioware is still some sacred company that did nothing wrong and Obsidian are the venerable oldfags.
They will also tell you with a straight face that Paradox Interactive care about its players.

They'll make memes on it on reddit and then make long-winded post starting with "I know I'm gonna get a lot of flak/hate/downboats for this but.." with complicated terms and appeals to authority : "I played [classic] and its animations sucked too !" to defend it and will probably end the post with an attempt at humour that will remind people to preorder such as "preorder canceled :^^^^^^^)"

They'll make memes on it on reddit and then make long-winded post starting with "I know I'm gonna get a lot of flak/hate/downboats for this but.." with complicated terms and appeals to authority : "I played [classic] and its animations sucked too !" to defend it and will probably end the post with an attempt at humour that will remind people to preorder such as "preorder canceled :^^^^^^^)"

underrated post

You niggers keep doing it. You keep making Ass Effect threads.

Nobody cares. We know the game is shit. We know Bioware are cucks. Do not give them attention.


Learn to live a little. The best part about Bioware games for quite some time is threads like these, where you get to watch them be ripped apart.

Street shitter hindus breed in the hundreds of millions, stealing jobs from Americans and the like. Hurr Durr, muslims are the problem.

You fucking inbred idiot, at least do some research before making wild assumptions. The sikhs were persecuted becuase one of their people shot Indira Ghandhi who was prime minister of India at the time. The Sikhs were persecuted for a while after that and fled to Canada. This has nothing to do with muslims since it was the Hindu populace that tortured them for this.

He's an ungrateful turd who drank the SJW koolaid and began spewing their rhetoric. All indian streetshitters are like this. Once they start getting a little too comfortable. Their true nature will start to show.

Pajeets are dumb. As such culture influences them a lot.
You may not have noticed this but the amount of movies that shit on white people is huge. To the point where *I hate white people* is a common sentence.

anyone know what he's been up to lately?

It's made by people who have no idea of how weapons work. Some pistols even have the shells ejected from the front.

who cares what normalfags are doing
it looks fucking hilarious, i hope cracking is swift

It's still going to be game of the year.

Can you do a comparison?

I absolutely love this idea.

and I am not here to be your loo, street shitter.
clean up after yourself for once.

Mark is a kike.

Testing something.

**kdpoamoief dasdaf
