You would think they learned a lesson with ME3 to leave the IP alone but i guess they need to milk more money
Mass Defect Assdromeda
I don't know what you mean OP, it looks like the game will be filled with thrilling action and gorgeous environments, shame Nintendo fans aren't going to have this on their console
Fuck off.
This is clearly just one of your shitty BioWare forum cucks posting here hoping you can somehow manage enough sales for EA not to shut you down. At least you tried this time and didn't make 6 threads within 5 minutes.
Enjoy it, faggot. Maybe if BioWare made decent games instead of shoehorn politics and non-issues into their games and spent their budget on writers instead of hair dye and pajeets modelling faces, you wouldn't have this issue.
Hope you enjoy unemployment. Unless you do it for free, that is.
Get it right.
It's going to suck and you can't do a damn thing about it.
its only decent leak we have atm, also its fun reading their comments and seeing all those drones
Check 'em
Fucking christ you don't even try to hide it.
I don't get it.
Why do you want to make a thread about a game that isn't out yet?
No one here fucking care about the game, and we'll only laugh about it once it's in the hands of actual players, not strictly guidelined testing from writers.
You kikes made 6 within 5 minutes. All of them were jokes about how shit Mass Effect were. You fags keep making negative threads in the hope they'll be some positive talk about them, or you send in your hotpockets from the BioWare forums to shill it to death.
to stop retards from pre-ordering and spread awareness
Good joke
m8 people buy shitty games here all the time
Doubt anyone who found his way here isn't going to bother buying shit from Eclectic Arse or Be-Ware.
name 3 examples people from Holla Forums bought after being well informed
game devs stop this
For Honor
and Fallout 4
I see a whole lot of people saying they're gonna buy a switch despite the massive amounts of flaws.
MGSV was 50:50
For Honor is one example
Who the hell from Holla Forums bought Overwatch?
That was just a meme from Todd posters
MGSV is the only good example you named.
The other two and are just proof we're being invaded by normalfags.
Fallout 4
Witcher 3
Deus Ex MD
Fallout 4
witcher 3