Would you be his friend, Holla Forums?
Would you be his friend, Holla Forums?
if you have to ask this, the answer is always no
Seems like a nice guy
You need to speak louder and clearer and work on your cadence if you want to get that Sam Hyde feel. Other than that pretty decent video, Gahoole.
one day this kid is going to a massive influential star and we will be able to look back and say we were there, we witnessed the beginning of a legend
No, zach is my friend.
MILO On Million Dollar Extreme: World Peace's Cancellation
I fucking knew I recognized Gahoole.
Jesus, Sam needs to take better care of himself
for you
holy shit
Yeah sure, he seems cool
oh fuck
Which one? Aldebaran?
I'd totally drink a beer with this based vol.
t. robertsfag
who's more powerful, 56%s or hapas?
56% white > 50% white
I guess I'd down a beer case with him instead of drinking one.
t. robertsfag
Let's be best friends.
Being a hapa must be such shit
Nice thumbnail
you deserve this
A fake waifufag strikes again
must be his latest strategy to pretend Worst Emma doesn't look like shit
Well, filipinos are the most powerful race
Being half filipino was enough for Elliot. Sadly Zach is half chink so he can't even gather the courage for fighting in a sanctioned sports event.
Isn't he half malay chinese or something
nah, half filipino half kike
or was he half thai half kike?
His mom's Malaysian
How do you know his age?