Game Folders

Show 'em.

Just delete it.

Can't because of peer pressure.


You deserve to play it.

I'll bite, but most of my games are in the top menu.

I bet you use google chrome as well you faggot.

this tbh

next you'll say linux is a viable platform for gaming

Jokes on you I'm using Pale Moon.

which fork

Disregard that, I've populated my folder now. We should get a game of Openspades going sometime.

Okay it's Waterfox



I'll bite.

It's not even finished, but it's better than half the crap that came out last year. Also, I really really want a good Metroidvania.

I hope that Resident Evil 7 is pirated
Good for you.


The first is what I have installed right now. The other one is all the installers I have sitting on my external drive.


Of course it is, that's why is has no proper icon. Also, easy access for me, but I am a slob.

Niggas need to step up their game.
This isn't even including shit I have on steam

I own the disks
It's the mod
Vanilla private server

Hope you have them vacuum-sealed somewhere.
Yeah, the incomplete verison since they went total Jew.
It's unacceptable and you know it. I still mod it from time to time.
Watch out for Blizzard!

shitty names.png

addendum: mighty no. 9 is a demo leak from like 2015 that got shared here. I didn't buy or pirate the full game because the demo was so shit.


You can select the icon of the executable, if there's any, or you can just download one from the web. You're not a caveman, user, at least make the thing look pretty/legit.

Looks messy as shit

What game

I am a lazy fucker.

Though I mostly just play POE on Steam these days.

Judging by the icon, something from Illusion, maybe Honey Select.

Yeah, that's the one. The last I touched from them was PlayClub.

Was just looking for something new for when I get my Vive

first 3 pictures are my old HDD.
The last one is my SSD.

FP = Freedom planet
AVP = alien vs predator 2
sf = street fighter

I don't play any of these games.

Many but not all of the games i have here, it's a mess, but i don't know where else to put it and it's too late to move it all now.
On the Computers folder there are some MGT Sam Coupé, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST and Macintosh games.

Here's some shit I have in a [Games] folder


I also have a ton of roms and isos for emulation but I've organized them into dozens of other folders



yeah check this out


Gonna go google this

get thug2, then get thugpro. no mmo but you can play online with others

Yeah, sorry to confuse. It's THUG Pro. Couldn't think up a witty name for it.


because you're a faggot and a retard who renames shortcuts for humorous intent.


You have to go back Paco



Neat I'll try it sometime.


I'm more American that you will ever be.

I'd play more games if I had something better than a toaster.

I also forgot to mention, but I got some smaller games like dwarf fortress, CLIVAN, Cave story, some flash games, Cataclysm in separate folders.


Best OS!

trying out the whole linux thing with ubuntu so I basically lost 85% of my library and just reinstalling bit by bit what works natively. (trying to remedy that with Wine, but have shit time with that)


That's what a desktop is, asshat

Eh, nothing special. Been on a older console kick lately with Warband and Baldurs Gate II to compensate.


Go ahead and judge

Hah! The Rogue-Like icon.

Games I will never finish.

Besides these your taste is good.

>>>/ovens/ please

Kill yourself

fucking sickening




why, armageddon exists

It's only half as large as my eroge folder.

Do we have to use le funny may mays like you or can we post normal human being folders too?

Señor, you need help.

Just formatted my notebook and installed a lot of the GOG Games I donwloaded from the share threads


Besides Steam shit the only things I have installed are SWAT 4 and Dofus.

i regret nothing


I have too many different game folders so i'll just post the shortest directory on this OS

Fuck it why not.

sounds like something that forces you to seed before you close a torrent

I'm currently on my laptop, but I have some games installed here.

Hey, I played that. Is the second game worth playing?



Not bad.

Why you gotta mud your perfectly good games folder up with shit?

All of my games are scattered throughout my folders. I think I have some games in my music folder.

I don't have much space so my list is always small. What you see isn't even half though. My other games folder is all over the place though and I don't really feel like dipping into it. Either way these are the games that I pay most attention to currently.

Also sorry for shitty editing. I'm not spending to much effort here though. Also Wurm gives me texture errors so I can't play it.



but of course

Why is every single folder here so disorganized? At least have an indexer or something so that you can actually find the games you download.

I did that as well, now I can't find anything.


oh don't you worry your pretty little head, I got my shit organized.

In MS Word? Next you'll tell me you paid for it.

I love all these games. Weird how the images from some shortcuts keep disappearing for me, though.

Good taste, user
Get Afterbirth for BoI, it's really fucking good

Great idea fuckwit, if you're so poor you can't legally pay for your shit then get a job. Unlike you, I can actually pay for my shit and not have to suffer with bitcoin miners infecting my PC unlike your poorfag ass.

Here's your (you)

I keep my games on the desktop.

I-i can explain. It's actually fun with friends

I save everything twice, once with a descriptive name I'll remember and one with an apt name I'll smile at if I bump into it

I need to play some of these.

I laughed.

Better game than any of those tbhfam

i'll participate in the data mine.

handle my data g-gently, NSA-sama

I played a few hours of Thief Gold one night when my internet went out, one of the comfiest nights of my life. Really solid game.

I delete the games i complete %100. Their installs are stored in my portable hdd.


user what the fuck

You forgot the newgrounds flash garbage, 3.3 million dollar remaster, Shadowrun returns dlc, and superhot.

I don't really have a problem with those (3.3 million dollar remaster is War for the Overworld, right?)
I DO however have a problem with Undertale.

My other games are either in Wine prefixes or my Steam inventory.

your little joke names are infuriatingly shitty, stick to being an unremarkable weeb and stop posting

This entire site is nothing but unremarkable weebs. OP just has shit taste and isn't funny.

I install games as I need them. I only have 384 gb worth of SSD to spare on my gaming rig


Bad goy!

Why would you do this is only you will ever see the file? Literally reddit-tier.

Got some real shit in there, and some legitimately good games. Good work user.

Are they really still updating Half-Life 2? What are they possibly adding?


This doesn't include steam.

You have some cheek renaming that game with that name.

Nigga just use your desktop



(not found)
I can't tell which distro you got going on there.

I miss having a tiling WM

It's Ubuntu MATE. I can post the themes I'm using, I think they'll work with Gnome and XFCE.

kljovo, u menja LXLE i ja jego uzhe i sam napičkal vsjakimi temami i ikonkami, tak chto spasibo, mnje ne nado. Dlja ostaljnyh mozhno postit'

Grim fandango. Not the original GF either.

Screenfetch pl0x

I'm just learning Russian, sorry.

Here you go.

Source on BG?

do you have a problem m8?


user maybe you need help

Engine updates that break the game :^)


Well do go on and tell us how good and playable it really is.
Because I really wanted to play this game when the first cinematic trailer came out. Fuck that was years, if not a decade ago…

"juegos" kys famalam


The only issue I've ever found is quest characters in multiple locations, sometimes messing you up when trying to turn in a quest.

Aside from that its a typical ARPG or diablo clone, it has an inventory system/weapon modifications via relics (crystals), fetch quests, boss fights, randomly generated dungeons. The shooting is also not as bad as that video makes it out to be, there is several types of weapons including rocket launchers/shotguns/etc which handle quite differently.

The game holds up in the graphical department as well in my opinion compared to a game like borderlands which while more unique I guess also tends to look like shit.

I've played about 20 hours or so and while its not as great as say Grim Dawn, its got a unique perspective and it fulfills the checkboxes that such a game needs to. In fact that video is one of the reasons I installed it again and tried it. For clarification I played the original release via torrent at the 1.2 patch.

Can't seem to find out how to take screenshot in this fucking game so have some random images

I've got a whole bunch of other folder as a placeholder for when I get a bigger HDD so I can actually put all that shit in.

Alright so how do I play it today?
Do I simply download an offline client, if one even exists?
Do I register at a korean website and then be forced to play online?
Do I wait for the aforementioned "TRUE" fan re-release?

yup you are mexican
up for some BBCF matches? i know you already have the game and main azrael

Here's the link I used, its the original game with the latest official patchs. You can play the singleplayer campaign just fine offline.


Some of these games I don't play much but have them installed just incase.

As someone who bought it shortly after release

The original complaints about the game came about because of EA forcing the game out early, and the vast majority of the bugs involved were patched out super quickly.

The multiplayer was really lots of fun, and trying out the hanbitsoft MMO iteration of the game was straight painful with their re-characterization of many characters. Originally there was a good mixture of serious and silly, but hanbitsoft decided the game had to be all serious, all the time.

Everything else mentioned is pretty much correct though.

Oh, and I also bought the first book of the book trilogy they released, and it was… subpar.

guess something like this
that's not counting emushit tho


1st pic is my main game folder, it has most of the games I have on my computer, not counting rom folders in the Retroarch folder in the root of my data drive. I have already tried out some of these games and probably will try to complete some of them one day. GOG folder contains some GOG installers.
2nd pic is my doom folder. "I'd fuck an imp" contains YADFUCIMP, a doom launcher that works like ZDL.
I have some more games at E:\ and my system drive like Diablo 1 and 2(+expansion packs), Warcraft 3 + expansion, WoW(downloaded it for Nostalrius, I haven't touched this folder in quite awhile, because I have not enough bandwidth as it is(30GBs per month is no enough at all)), all 3 Stalkers, Turok, 3 non-steam Half-Life folders(1 - retail HL, 2 - HL1106 + CS11 and 3 - HL1108 + CS13), Unreal Tournament and some other games.


Looking at it now reminds me I am depressed

At least you got trips.



meant for


Time for ratings
6/10 nice names



1/10, not 0 because mcdickie




t. not me



I wouldn't either. 2/10 and the 2 is for MAME






2/10 without the background, with AIDS/10







third 3/10

7/10 nice theme





Organized but uninformative
But it's probably 8/10





Just kidding it's -1/10


goldshire nigger faggot/10
nice quads though


RCT2 and Overwatch cancel each other out. Rest is 7/10





3/10, if you had emus it would be 4/10







7/10 even factoring in Undertale

5/10 nice trips


0/10 >>>/suicide/

Hard drive died a while back so I have nogaems. Mod Organizer is for Oblivion.

Guilty as charged for the furshit though

This better not turn out to be tedious shit, because I nearly threw out my PSP trying to get through the prologue of Valkyrie Profile. Sit there for half an hour watching the least useful and stretched out cutscenes with less than a minute of actual gameplay in total. JRPGs are really not my jam

you know exactly where your opinion is going


dad when did you start torrenting

It's a front end i'm using for my roms

I'm using mGalaxy

How so?

Used to be very susceptible to change, as I only had 0.5gb hard drive space until a few weeks ago.


loL plen

Does NEO Scavenger has anything to do with newgrounds or did I completely miss the point?

Also, is one puzzle myst witness?



nanami a cute

R8 me m8
