Where is Splinter Cell?!

Honestly. It's been like 2-3 years since we've heard anything from this series since Blacklist. This is a longer wait than the 2 year 'back to the drawing board' after "Hobo Sam" Conviction debuted around 2007…

Is this series dead already? If so, what a shame.

They may announce something this year, ubisoft doesn't like to keep things dormant it seems. If anything, were it retired it may be for the best for the time being.

It's dead, and I hope it stays dead. Blacklist was a decent (not good) stealth game if you played on the highest difficulty, but it was still casualized all to fuck. The series was on shaky ground with Double Agent, Conviction ruined everything, and even Blacklist was little more than a poor attempt at getting old fans back while still falling into the "Let's make a game for everybody!" trap.
Let it go. Let Ubisoft stop raping the series' corpse. I say this as someone whose favorite game is Chaos Theory. Just let it go.


I agree. But the first 3 were all amazing in different ways.

Perhaps you're correct, given their recent track record.
They used to make good games….

I find it hard to play the first two games these days. But at the time, I had great fun with them. Chaos Theory spoiled me.
Pic related is still one of the best levels I've ever played, in any game.

Blacklist was pretty fun.

Chaos Theory > Splinter Cell 1 > Blacklist > Pandora's Tomorrow > Conviction

I know what you mean. I always found the AI in the 1st too sensitive. You mention that level, but it's also hard to forget the CIA HQ from the 1st game

Oh, I remember it. Especially the music.

Beautiful. Perfect for an espionage/stealth game, sneaking through the CIA HQ.

Hard to beat CT overall though

Yeah, CT has the best soundtrack in the series.

For whatever reason, the game's music files are multi-track audio files, so you can remix the background music in audacity.
I have no idea why Amon Tobin didn't mix that level's music for the soundtrack. It's one of the best songs in the game.

Sounds kinda industrial, like the new doom soundtrack.

Splinter Cell's moody subtle atmospheric music wipes its ass with nu dooms dated dubstep trash

I'd say it's dead, but I don't know if Blacklist sold well or flopped. That would be what will determine if we a see a new one.
I hope we don't though due to how it would likely further be made into more of an action game and Sam Fisher doesn't feel the same without Micheal Ironside.

Syphon filter is the better splinter cell, fuck splinter cell bring back Syphon filter

No, you're wrong. I am sorry you suck nigger cock at stealth games.

I like Pandora Tomorrow. That train level is a blast.

Train level was nice. Overall PT had a focus on outside levels which looked really nice. CT focused mostly on CQC style levels which were also nice but different.
I liked SC1 but compared to 2/3 it felt a bit unrefined.
SCCT > PT > SC1 > Conviction >>> Blackshit (it even has a different voice actor so you know it is NOT a SC game)

Blacklist flopped horribly

(DA was omitted because it is pants on head retarded and does not deserve to be named)

Even without Ironside Blackshit was much closer to being a real SC game than Conviction. You could actually sneak through levels without having to kill anyone unlike Conviction.

So you are saying it was a stealth game.
Considering the fact that Sam suddenly looks, sounds and acts like he's 27 again means it is not a SC game. They should have just made it a spin-off without re-using the old characters. Much like the co-op campaign in CT. Instead they chose to fuck up the "lore".

Objectively best comparison coming through, please make way.
CT > DA (both versions) > SC1 > PT > Blacklist > Conviction

I thought PT was fine, but that it didn't do enough to improve on its predecessor. It was basically just an expansion pack for the original game. Double Agent was the same thing, basically just an expansion pack for Chaos Theory. I didn't particularly mind, they both had a certain amount of fun for their time (although PT hasn't aged any better than the original game has).

I remember reading somewhere that it didn't sell well at all. I don't have a source at hand, though.

Agreed. But it was still a (mediocre) stealth game, at least if you played on the highest difficulty. Conviction wasn't.

Conviction literally had only one good aspect and it isn't even by the devs.

The movie is coming, and NuSam (Tom Hardy) is starring in it

I don't know what to feel about this. Tom Hardy is pretty good, and he might be able to pull off a decent Sam.
But all film adaptations of vidya are dumpster fires.

Do you really want another Splinter Cell? It's been shit for 10 years.

I already know where this is going.

This. Why bother?

DA on Xbox was better than the X360 version, imo. It was basically Chaos Theory 1.5.
But your basically right with your order overall.

Best "real final test ahead of the final level" of all gaming.