Not reposting
Would it be blackmail if you were into it?
and just what are you going to do about it?
I mean I guess they'd still have something to hold over your head...
Let's find out.
With whom?
Whats even happening here?
my fetish
This is weird
Some screen shot I saw of some underage ban sneaking into his parents room and cross dressing while masturbating. His parents found out and locked the door and bought him clothes to do what he needed to do.
It was a sobering reminder that people from Ponychan were crazy.
Well, us.
Isn't that literal CP?
Thank god no one found my nudes on ponychan.
dropped those archive nudes
Just kidding they don't exist.
Yeah, it's true.
No, it was just the posts. The guy was just recounting his tales of being a kinky fucker.
I'm glad that no one has my nudes anymore.
I have them
I'm not going to doubt you.
I was a confused soul looking for guidance.
Are the shitpost gems!
We always ruin the thread
And if you think we can't,
We'll ruin your day instead
That's why the pissholes in this crew,
Believe in..
Chiri, Scootaloo and Boo!
(and SteveAn!)
( ° ʖ °)
My phone doesn't like Holla Forums :(
RIP Steve, God help him wherever he is.
So you cybered Jordan?
When you Phara e-push 5 people into a pit.
Probably just on some other imageboard claiming to be Christ on earth again.
I laughed way harder than I even should have.
that was lmao
We should have a thread drinking game.
It only lists the worse aspects of each poster that appears semi-frequently, and it would be an incentive for self improvement or drunkenness.
Either way a past time of the threads.
i beat the mission guys
It's pretty lit tbh fam :^)
i wanna play
you may be on to something here. we should get someone objective and unbiased to wright it, like boo.
I get the joke.
The amount you should of laughed was zero.
That sounds uh... interesting
write. no wonder it looked so weird. my head is not here tonight.
tsuchi may get it but i dont
Technically, using 'wright' would also be correct, as it means to create or build something, much like a playwright or shipwright.
thank you chiri. that makes me feel better.
well. less stupid at least.
Every time I bring up Badfox cybering my friend he leaves.
It would be a bit to put together, but I think it would be fun.
Like there is a list of distasteful qualities that each poster has that makes everyone playing the game take a shot, and whomever doesn't end up in the hospital wins.
Basically it plays up the high school and mean girls personality in the thread.
I think the only way to play would be to use opposite rules, so if anything got called out you would have to abstain from drinking for 30 minutes.
We'd all be sober.
drinking game now
Regardless of the game rules, I would simply cheat anyway.
Here's a trigger, any time Chiri takes a drink, take a drink.
I feel like this is a game I could enjoy
We all know the rule you usually operate under is "any time you take a drink, take another drink"
Rolled 4 (1d7)We could also incorporate some random rolls to determine who is winning the game.
it's a wonderful rule.
whenever bard tries to jam his hipster /mu/ tastes down someone's throat takes a drink
Well name some shitty quality about notable posters that everyone finds distasteful.
I hardly post so I'm not of much use.
whenever bernsa gossips loudly about a secret nobody cares about take a drink
But have you heard the song "I'm God" yet?
whenever chiri text walls take a drink
whenever smiles says 'jesus' or 'god' take a drink
damn boo is on fire tonight
whenever test gets defensive about his sister take a drink
whenever elma mentions her suicide take a drink
Rolled 8 (1d10)
If you roll a D10 and the number matches the last number in your post, kill yourself.
Bruh I'm telling you
This nigga xxyyxx
GG Yall Getting Wasted.
whenever ban posts that boygirl hes obsessed with take a drink
Somebody cap these rules and put them in one image pls
you gonna drink a lot
this game is shit because there are so many unlikable things that people do
Coping them
Fuck it, why even bother with shots with rules like these, just upend the bottle.
whenever rin blank replies with an anime reaction take a drink
I agree
Oh don't be rude.
whenever smiles spams about her current call with tsuchi take a drink
this seems like a good idea just in general.
whenever desu talks about his voice take a drink
Rolled 10 (1d10)
That's why I said I'm going to cheat, I'm just going to get drunk anyway.
whener luka uses an ellipse (...) take a drink
How am I rude?
Whenever Desu says "master" take a drink.
Goodnight Irene
good one
whenever grim gets in a heated argument take 2 drinks
whenever a girl/girl drops a conversation with sci take a drink
boos rules are going to kill us all.
Welp we're all getting drunk.
Oh nothing. Thought you were going to dump it.
Jesus Christ
Whenever Ikarous gazes longingly at Chiri, hit Ikarous with bottle.
This is like the free space in bingo, man.
I'm pretty sure I am doing that.
she probably doesnt show her full chest because theyre sagging down so low
who is this chick anyway?
whenever grim mentions wish take a drink
uh huh
whenever squash talks about his dog take a drink
whenever lenko talks about working out take a drink
Get Drunk Or Die Trying (rules so far):
whenever bard tries to jam his hipster /mu/ tastes down someone's throat takes a drink
whenever bernsa gossips loudly about a secret nobody cares about take a drink
whenever chiri text walls take a drink
whenever smiles says 'jesus' or 'god' take a drink
whenever test gets defensive about his sister take a drink
whenever elma mentions her suicide take a drink
whenever ban posts that boygirl hes obsessed with take a drink
whenever rin blank replies with an anime reaction take a drink
whenever smiles spams about her current call with tsuchi take a drink
whenever desu talks about his voice take a drink
whener luka uses an ellipse (...) take a drink
Whenever Desu says "master" take a drink.
whenever grim gets in a heated argument take 2 drinks
whenever a girl/girl drops a conversation with sci take a drink
Me irl
whenever clockwork posts take a xanax (for your own good)
so cute.
bad mix
we gonna die 2nite
whenever an user with an anime avatar joins the thread and starts playing 'guess who i am' games take a drink
quotations on the second girl
Fixed thanks.
i probably need one on me to be fair
whenever gets too drunk to type and starts using vocaroo take a drink
tp gets*
Subtle's asleep nice try dork
So, basically, just start drinking and don't stop.
whenever lexi says nini take a drink
whenever bebop types a
Drinking games are supposed to be fun, not lethal.
Anytime Tsuchi says
take a drink
yeah, basically. you're going to have to choose like two rules and only those if you want a chance to live.
Whenever Tsuchi tries to ruin other's fun take a drink
to be fair, sci and boo talk about it/goad me into it more than me
whenever luke talks about his tail take a drink
what test said, anytime tsuchi says >she
i didnt make the rules
there are just so many unlikable things people do
never use me and sci in a line of text ever again
Not being much of a drinker is finally paying off.
in what way, exactly? even with just one rule, depending on the rule, you'll be pretty wasted fast.
That's not true, because wright is a noun, not a verb. You can't wright something. You can be a wright of something.
Yeah I'm thinking about making a rule where we can only pick 3 rules to follow at any one time.
They have to be of active posters, and you should state that those are the rules you're following.
Obviously if they start spamming it to be an ass you can change to a different rule.
whenever soto talks about the 50 year old he's fucking take a drink
whenever revy talks about his awkward family relationship
whenever kaybe talks about how fat he is
yeah. it'll be tricky. I'll probably just go with what test correctly pointed out is my usual rule anyway. drink gone? pour another.
In that I don't plan on drinking in the near future at all so I don't have to worry about any of the rules.
Whenever Boo mentions his weed guy take a drink.
It'll be great seeing some people get butthurt for calling them on their bad habits. Myself included.
oh, well I think at this point it's more just boo having fun. I doubt anyone is going to be doing this.
when the final rules are posteed i might
whenever bloodchan says hes 16 take a drink
boo picked a really dumb one for me though. I would have gone with "whenever he subtly or not so subtly hints that he's feeling depressed, take a drink" but I guess that one would be way more dangerous than the one he picked for me.
Wait was it that girl or the other one?
when grim is a creep take a drink
nobody reads your crap enough to get that connotation that youre depressed bernsa
your main problem is that you have this strange aura that you think everyone is paying close attention to everything youre doing
hence the secret thing is definitely the best
When Boo tries to slide into those DMs with any of the underage posters, take a drink.
When Grim talks about fucking traps and then says hes not gay take a drink.
Something like that would leave it to speculation, and drunk people aren't that well at speculating.
Traps are definately gay
this new user has the exact same problem as you also
its kind of why you guys are all the same with little to no personality
we can better shorten that one to whenever grim types a
*reads paper*
checks out
grim never
That would be quite the vicious cycle for me.
I expect you to follow these to a tee.
both seem to fall into that category I think.
oh light yellow is welms
hey welms
i just saw him type a
or what?
If you insist.
Whenever Boo asks what game to play, take a drink.
Whenever a UKbonger talks about their welfare, take a shot.
Whenever Swedish Fish talks, take a shot.
who else am i missing?
are you still getting this smiles?
whenever erin posts some gore of himself take 3 drinks
whenever yan defends it take 2
light yellow
not yellow
oh, i must have missed it.
these are good
but i didnt think people minded my game-asking much ;_;
I wish I had more to add to this, but you guys all just know each other better than I do.
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Or I'll constantly remind you of your self worth or something.
What else do you dislike?
I do insist.
It makes me want to kill myself so that I can haunt you until you kill yourself.
Whenever Colby posts a Schwarzenegger one liner webm, take a shot.
Whenever Fool talks about a horrible health issue that he's ignoring, take a shot.
that's disgustingly cruel. mocking me with the idea there might be something there that isn't.
I dislike too many things to list.
make sure to get all of kaybe's theyre almost as good as mine
whenever luka gives a struggle snuggle take a drink
whenever neru talks about his toothbrushing take a drink
whenever neru posts a league of legend webm
I guess whenever Squash talks about fucking a dog, take a shot. People get pretty triggered by that too.
Whenever Fortune mentions that he doesn't brush his teeth, take a shot.
Whenever Mugen talks about his piercings, take a shot.
man that would be fun to do
Put it on your dick and see what happens.
I'm sticking with that one if you're not going to help me out at all.
I have heard that is a bad idea.
contrary to the impression you might have of me I am actually pretty careful about what goes on that area.
shower time nana
mildly upsetting.
I have my doubts.
I can do nothing about that.
I think this is good enough.
List so far:
Whenever bard tries to jam his hipster /mu/ tastes down someone's throat takes a drink
Whenever bernsa gossips loudly about a secret nobody cares about take a drink
Whenever chiri text walls take a drink
Whenever smiles says 'jesus' or 'god' take a drink
Whenever test gets defensive about his sister take a drink
Whenever elma mentions her suicide take a drink
Whenever ban posts that boygirl hes obsessed with take a drink
Whenever rin blank replies with an anime reaction take a drink
Whenever smiles spams about her current call with tsuchi take a drink
Whenever desu talks about his voice take a drink
Whenever luka uses an ellipse (...) take a drink
Whenever Desu says "master" take a drink.
Whenever grim gets in a heated argument take 2 drinks
Whenever a girl/"girl" drops a conversation with sci take a drink
Whenever grim mentions wish take a drink
Whenever squash talks about his dog take a drink
Whenever lenko talks about working out take a drink
Whenever an user with an anime avatar joins the thread and starts playing 'guess who i am' games take a drink
Whenever TP gets too drunk to type and starts using vocaroo take a drink
Whenever lexi says nini take a drink
Whenever bebop types a
got out of the shower because i remembered 2
whenever cupcake says 'i dont care' take a shot
whenever loco talks about his dick take a shot
we're gonna need a bigger booze
I don't care.
see that one is a good one.
not that I care.
what a coincidence
Good catches.
Tsunderes are cute
That's an .mp4, does it still count?
No one cares what you think is cute, underachiever.
I care what bard thinks.
I second this
better change your name to "burned"
Crying won't fix your crippling depression and social anxiety.
They're all mp4s so yes
Rolled 4 (1d7)Whenever Tetora gets a 7, take a drink
I don't want to live on this plaent anymore
And the planet doesn't want you living on it anymore.
I don't have that many alcohols
Also that's enough Warframe for now, so it's time to complain about my family
Also also I did a high ropes course yesterday and my abs and thighs are still sore from all the being used that they're not used to
Glad we got that cleared up, I really needed a drink.
you're just a bully anyways
But i'm happy with myself and I don't think you can say the same.
I'm leaving
I love you bard
no homo
see you later youu big Gay Loser
fuck my threads dead
this means i gotta g oto bed soon if i want to be awake for the active thread
Sorry, I like my bands to be higher up in the alphabet, like AC/DC.
How many people have you fucked today?
I'm glad my life isn't so full of tough decisions like yours, Boo.
I'm cold ~ω~°°°
This is hilarious
For a second I was afraid that dildo was going in his hemipeen hole
Nice soundtrack though
girls have only ever said this to take my fucking coat
Not a ZZ Top fan?
What about Zappa?
How many more posts are you going to make behind a veil of anonymity?
Nothing accentuates a bisected penis and a dildo the size of a man's arm with the soothing operatic notes of Ave Maria.
I won't marry you, sorry.
I've got plenty of Abba and CAKE to listen to, thanks.
Cake is alright. I liked Comfort Eagle.
They're the same band, Bard.
great meme
I'm loling irl
Just trying to look out for you buddy. People are starting to talk behind your back. And in front of your face. Just everywhere.
As many as the amount of people you have been an unfaithful whore with.
It's amazing how you manage to be an immature and stupid person, and also an untrustworthy one.
I, for one, don't slut shame.
Aren't those traits typically comorbid though? You make it sound like it's unusual to see those traits together in a person.
I do
Sluts are bad people
Shut up, druggie.
No, I know a few people who aren't so bright but don't cheat on others.
Immaturity and untrustworthiness aren't exactly strange bedfellows, though, so it just seems like a weird way to phrase it.
Hmm, true, I suppose.
At least I have a sense of LOYALTY
There are sluts who admit they are, and there are sluts who hide it and hurt people. He is the latter.
I would have gone with "It's amazing how you've chosen to stay with Darwin after his most recent string of child sex abuse scandals."
Ian, you do not know what you are talking about.
This is what you were talking about? Lol
if you're a whore have the heart to say it
Not me ya dingus
how could goggles even acquire the people to fuck required to be a slut?
he's a social retard lol
It's not very hard
Until the drugs run out at least.
Why do you even care since you aren't Darwin?
I gave him the benefit of the doubt at first, but it has become evident he's lying.
I don't really care about whatever's going on here so I mean
Have fun?
Okay. Just don't trust him.
he cant even voice chat dude
(That was some fancy proxy swapping, Ian. I'm impressed.)
It has become evident? Are you like an irl friend of his with a mancrush? That would be adorable.
kinda bored tbh
I never talked to him enough to have to trust him with anything and I don't plan to
An ex-friend. He's too dumb for my taste, and there's no reason to even like him at all now.
Okay goodnight lmao
Fuck off, Ian.
The only person worth replying to, in my opinion.
Don't you mean 'heck' off, you misguided manchild? How can you be such an awful person?
Goggles is way better than most of the other sluts
You seem to harbor some not-so-latent resentment.
i know you guys are really stupid but that user is obviously grim
I thought it was Clockwork.
You don't know the extent of his lying. I'm worried about any friends he still has.
Oh if it's Grim then I can just ignore that.
I take that back, Ian.
no shit dude...
types exactly like him...
You'll say that and then go cry yourself to sleep, as if you were the victim.
I dont really talk with him
but this is some nice drama
Me vale madre, slash es el mejor guitarrista del mundo, es mejor que jhon petrucci, stive vai, joe satriani, eric jhonson, frank zappa, ywing manstain, steve morse, paul gilbert, etc (todos los otros guitarristas paleros que existan).
Seems relatively harmless. If I end up hanging myself over little anime girls I guess you can say "I told you so."
You should be a handwriting analyst.
I mean, Grim if you feel like this is your business then why don't you go ahead and fill everyone in on your role?
Because I certainly can't say anything because of the promises made to the parties involved.
pretty sure everyone knows what youre talking about goggles
its not like grim didnt tell anybody
i just understand english well
Is this about the ketchup on Grim's nipples thing? I really hope it is.
idk what is going on
tell me
I wnana know
Which is doubly impressive considering your Native American heritage. It takes Indians at least twice as long to learn a civilized language.
boo is a tatanka?
i dont know luscieno at all
i dont even think its formally taught
To people curious, no Grim is not involved and is only spreading malicious words because of his long standing resentment for me over unrelated reasons.
is this fake drama
No, but he's not a nice set of tatankas, if you ask me.
Of course it's not formally taught, formal teaching is the way of the white man. You learned it while smoking a pipe with your elders.
Preseent counterpointal evidence
He is unrelated as to what's been happening around me.
That's great, Boo.
I need to have a shower before leaving. Goodnight everyone.
grim has some personal stuff about me that he's never shared
i wouldnt dare
its best just to remember that goggles if a filthy liar and social retard
this is more funny than offensive kaybe
the hell is with this thread
That's fucking weird
Back in my day we didnt have creeprs
What is with this blatant display of chidlishness from this newer generation
The kids these days I will tell you what
We need to make drama great again
when peoples dirty laundry was aired by everyone
Buh bye.
Just tell me on Steam Tonto.
I guess I'll just have to be malicious in our future correspondence.
I like my boys in skirts and crying
You're disgusting, man. Please don't say that kind of thing.
this mission is WAY too hard
I'm sorry friend I ddidnt mean to offend you with a sxual kink. I will refrain from posting such offensive items in the future
Guess what else is hard.
It's the bread on my counter. I'm going to throw it away tomorrow morning.
Thank you for taking responsibility for your actions and working to make a positive change. It's very mature of you.
yeah me too
for what purpose
Why has anyone ever one anything?
You love it.
where are all the cuties
As quickly as they came they were gone.
Yes, that is a masturbation joke.
This one ain't too bad I guess.
Is it really so dead you're just posting gay animals?
I would be doing much the same thing if it weren't dead. I just like doin' it.
God first playing a PC game with a controller and now this.
Isn't it just wonderful? Being spammed with furry porn.
Gay furry porn, even.
Is it really spam if nobody is talking anyway, is it?
I got stuck between two sentences.
Well. Yes? It's a bunch of unwanted posts.
I doubt that's the only thing you're stuck between, you degenerate.
I don't think anyone *actually* cares tbh
Why would playing a PC game with a controller be a bad thing? Keyboard and mouse isn't the best for every game.
Speak for yourself.
I am also stuck between a bed and a wall, I guess.
It's slightly disgusting tbh.
From my point of view, the Jedi are evil.
Such a contrarian.
Everybody loves a good disagreement.
I'm not being serious.
It's not like it's gore or CP.
I know I do. I live for them.
It's still degeneracy. Sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of reproduction is the only way to go.
That is indeed my fetish.
I know some people who are weirdly serious about that.
And, in all likelihood, you will die for them.
cute anime pic
I don't think that can even be considered a fetish it's so vanilla.
To imagine that I could actually influence someone like that with what I say would almost make it an honour to die that way.
But really I'm not that controversial. I'm just an edgy teen.
Don't save my pictures, Luka. It's extremely disrespectful to me.
hi null
Hello. What are you doing up so late? Or early. Or whatever.
Edgy teens die all the time. Maybe you'll get in a disagreement with being awake while driving.
God damnit Luka fucking pander to my sensitivities.
that cute pic is mine now too~
saved to my drive
Maybe you'll be able to sell those pictures on the anime black market, and finally make a little bit of money for yourself.
The normie ones maybe. I usually pussy out before anything gets too serious.
Oh. That -is- a possibility.
The key is to find out which drug makes you the most crazy, and then just take way too much of that after walking into the worst neighborhood you can find.
You're my fetish.
I would never do drugs. That leads to degeneracy. Also what the hell is that picture. It's not even stimulating.
...Nice. Meme?
*pets the cute pouty muuu gently*
being unproductive i guess
What? You're not into horrible, horrible drugs? Or Ken doll crotches? What kind of passionless life do you lead?
I -refuse- to induge in your RPing degeneracy.
I'm beginning to sound redundant with that word, but there's just so much of it here.
Oh. I see. Rad. I'm listening to terrible music while also -making- terrible music. A vicious cycle.
you aren't listening to the music you're making..?
Even a broken record is right twice a day.
A respectable one. Is...that a fetish? Ken doll crotches?
No, because it's even worse than the terrible music I listen to.
did someone say degeneracy
how the heck do you know what you're doing with the music if you can't hear it??
Some people do like sexless characters, yes. The ultimate chastity.
dont refuse
dont try to be re dun dant
yeah slut
let me -slap dat ass-
effing lol
ur the best
Haha, nice one.
You know how Mozart went deaf, and trained himself to feel the vibration of the piano? Yeah. I'm doing it old school, of course.
...Freaks. Also I admit chastity is definitely a fetish of mine.
I gave up that whole RPing thing when I was 12.
Bad memories.
ur doin it wrong
u mean beethoven...?
also if you can do that then why can't you make good music?
Everything you do is wrong.
Oh...right. Mozart was to dude obsessed with cats.
Well, he was a prodigy. I'm not.
no u
Do you ever get chastity-tized for being a weirdo freakface?
No? I'm not a weirdo freakface. You are.
Coming from the guy who chatted up middle aged men when he was 12 in chat rooms. Trying to put those poor guys in jail. You're the real predator here.
if you're not a prodigy then how do you do the vibraty thing??? your story is just crumbling away now
Hmmm. Touche. Though I never chatted any of them up. It was just RPing. Hell, rarely any of them wanted to have like. Actual conversations. Always RPing.
They said I was good, but, they were a bunch of autistic manchildren. I doubt it was hard to impress.
Chhildhood innocence
Impress me.
Papa bear RP'd too hardcore, mama bear RP'd too softcore, but baby bear, he RP'd juuuuust right.
Who needs it?
It doesn't take a prodigy to distinguish between vibrations.
It takes a prodigy to arrange those vibrations into something people would consider good art.
I'd rather not.
...What is wrong with you.
not very impressive.
what is i it good for
absoluteley nothin
one more time yall
Don't you get it? This is RPing. I'm obviously playing a character right now. Impressive, huh?
You could call me a modern-internet Andy Kaufman.
It was my tragically stable upbringing. I'm bitter about not being able to be a tortured loner, like my favorite anime characters.
when you're wide awake at 5am and bored out of your mind
You disappoint me.
I know how you feel. I long to be the underdog.
...I feel like that has a different meaning to you.
no relevant
i think you've got it backwards friend
Not really.
Why can't there be any unfortunate situations thrust upon us that we're forced to overcome, thus shaping us into capable and dignified human beings? Those stupid heroes have it so easy.
Why, yes, underdog does have a different meaning to me.
Is that joke the reason you took a while to respond? I feel like it was.
Don't worry. They'll come to us eventually.
There is a new thread
No shit.
Yes, hello
When I shit talk, I do it loud and proud with a name on
So you can fuck right off