Is this a parody or real life?
They just put Duke's Forever model into it
At this point? Both.
just sell the license to someone who gives a fuck, Randy, before you try and put him in StillBorne as a last ditch attempt to salvage that trainwreck
Worse. It's Gearbox being their usual hack selves.
There's no way that can't happen any time soon.
Absolutely disgusting.
Jesus christ you can hear in his voice that Jon St. John doesn't want to do this shit anymore.
A love how games are so bad right now developers are focusing on rereleasing ports of mediocre games from a couple years ago
There is no saving that abortion, Randy just needs to face facts that he flushed tens of millions of shekels down the drain.
And I doubt he will sell Douk, Randy worked for years to jew the IP from 3DRealms. The way he did it makes even greedy jews like EA and Mr. Shitface look tame in compassion.
What a gigantic faggot. There must be something on California's water which makes everyone born there insufferable faggots.
It's not the water, it's the schools, media, and the fact that hollywood is there.
Weird direction to go for a guy who repeated "Dead babies" to himself while recording Douk's voice to keep himself from laughing at how fucking ridiculous most of them were.
Someone who gives a fuck, but not interceptor, please.
From what i remember even 3Drealms was surprised when he went on twitter saying how he owns the ip now.
I still am not entirely sure how the snake did it, but despite them pulling out of the deal with him he somehow managed to snag Duke away from 3drealms
Figures. Can we blow a nuke under San Andreas fault so we can get rid of that cursed land?
At this rate duke should be renamed to cuck
cuck fuckem
It's what happens when you let the media be your teachers.
Just wait for calexit. I want it to happen because it would be the only way to get the traitors out of the government.
From the rumors I've seen, Randy kept the partially completed documents from the old failed IP selloff and used that in court to "prove" that everything was sold to him when in reality 3DRealms pulled out of it at the last minute.
I wonder what would happen if California did leave, because I'm a cali citizen but living out of state. Would I become an illegal alien?
That's what I was thinking. Like Bulletstorm wasn't terrible but certainly nothing that you're gonna think about once you're done with it. It's just odd, especially with the Duke Shoehorning in. Hopefully this is one final attempt to keep themselves out of receivership and it will fail hard.
>>>Holla Forums
I don't know at all, but I dont want my parents to lose their house due to some bullshit that corrupt politicians push. At least there is going to be a calexit comic releasing in may that would make for a great lol thread.
everyone with any kind of money or influence, ie the people pushing for it, would all move out and the state would be flooded with beaners leading to riots. it would be Venezuela 2.0
Would be a great excuse to build a wall around the southern half of the state and establish the new state of Jefferson in the northern half.
Maybe even turn the southern part into a giant prison, kind of like Escape from LA.
When will this meme die?
To America? Nothing. Cali is a sinkhole of money and sorrow. The one thing that would happen is that farmers and people outside the cities would declare themselves part of American soil and Cali would lose pretty much any territory that isn't on the coastline.
They'd have no money, no power, no water, no food. Nothing.
And that is why I support #CalExit
What did he do to jew it away.
Things broke down in 3drealms, was he in the background the whole time?
Thats despicable considering that the deal in place for the longest time was that 3D realms would get revenue from old games while Gearbox got money from new releases.
Orignally 3DRealms were going to sell all the rights to Douk games to Randy in part with releasing DNF but pulled back at the last minute and only gave them limited future rights plus 3DRealms getting some royalties back on the new games.
Randy saved the old documents and argued successfully in court that he got everything instead of the modified deal.
Now 3DRealms get no rights or royalties, nothing.
I'm glad StillBorn blew up in Randy's face losing tons of shekels, fucker deserves it.
The nearest jewing situation in vidya I can think of in comparison is Bethesda using their publishing contract with Arkane Studios to sabotage development of Dishonored for a complete hostile takeover of the company.
holy shit I almost forgot about this
It still doesnt make sense though for Randy to only fight now for the entire Duke Nukem rights. He could have easily done so any time earlier, why before Battleborn launched?
At least Humanhead got away…
StillBorn's development was in the tens of millions, an old interview quote from Randy put the cost at "more than the Borderlands series combined." Can only find numbers for Borderlands 2 cost, which came from another interview and that was around 30-40 million, probably the whole series development cost is 60 million easy.
Betting that many shekels on a single game, while around the same time they were fighting with SEGA to fuck them over, Randy was probably looking for an easy source of revenue and finally jewed 3DRealms thinking the Douk name could make easy bux, but it hasn't yet.
Now Gearbox is in big trouble after releasing failure after failure.
Fuck, Randy got so desperate he tried to make StillBorn porn a thing.
Someone post the pathetic screencaps of him shilling the shit, can't find them right now.
The only way to save Duke now is for Queerbox to completely die and for someone decent to rescue the character.
Who knows, maybe the board of directors might just throw out Randy and install a new CEO instead of letting the company sink.
With how shit Gearbox is as a company, don't have much hope for a new guy to do anything better with Douk.