What are today's children equivalent of 80s fantasy?

What are today's children equivalent of 80s fantasy?

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Nothing, really. The closest I can think of is games like The Witcher.

Do you think kids will look back on capeshit with the sense of wonder that we do at our dimmest, earliest memories of such classics as the OP?

Even a child can sense phoniness, insincerity like an animal can smell fear. Something about hollywood capeshit just reeks of fakeness. What a deprived generation.

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He never said that you absolute fucking retard.

t. kid


t. born in 1999

Children's films have become almost entirely animation because it is ideal for kids. Your equivalent would be Toy Story or Shrek.

I thankfully wasn't a faggy 80s kid, no

Whenever I get a fuck-trophy I'm going to make sure they watch Time Bandits, Goonies, Never Ending Story, Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, etc.
They aren't even going to know what a tablet or phone is until they're older as well. They're going to do this crazy thing called "play outside."
I'm sure some cunt will call DCF on me for being a parent and not loading their kids up with rx drugs and electronics.

That's a lot of pedoshit.

Great idea my fellow redditor, don't forget Beetlejuice and The Princess Bride! xD

Doesn't get nearly as much shit as it deserves for how reddit it is.

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All good choices my dude.

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Zero self awareness or masterful troll?



Nobody takes umbrage with not fucking them up with adderall and spiderman elsa videos, it's the making them watch reddit 80's films

Stranger Things

80's films are not leddit. Just because a bunch of neckbeards on a circle jerk website polish their cocks with dvd copies of them doesn't make them bad. It makes them laughable.

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Steven Universe all the way.

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redditor confirmed

oh hey Uncle Jerry! I didn't know you posted here.. or still aliveā€¦

Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. People of all ages still watch them and will continue to watch them for another decade since theres nothing else.

do kids still like harry potter after age like 16?

I'm with you on exposing them to pre-internet classics (pic related) but the rest of the stuff is a pipe dream

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the gay ones do

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No faggot, it's the exact opposite
You SHOULD grow your kids with as little access to smartphones and shit as possible, what's annoying in the post is that making sure they will watch le ebin reddit flicks that only 80s kids will remember XD line

You get triggered that 80's kids movies are better than most shit from t he 90's on? Lel.

Dude you're like 17-20 years old. Stop.

both 90s and 80s kids shit are reddit as fuck, try again

Do you realize that most people saw the last movies when they were 16-30?

Why do you single out Harry Potter when Christopher Tolkien has donned Jackson's lord of the rings as being garbage for 12 year olds?

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No one cares Zach.

Pretty much replaced by Marvel Cinematic Universe(tm) nowadays.