ITT: Favorite Wii Games
ITT: Favorite Wii Games
Nice one, nintendrone
sin and punishment is good like most treasure games.
Top notch comfy and fun
Xenoblade chronicles
The house of the Dead 2,3, and overkill
No more heroes 1&2
Sonic and the secret rings
How was it bad exactly.
The controls are a pain in the ass to "Get Good" at (Though, when you do, it's lowered to just a subtle annoyance).
Did you play using a gamecube controller or play the PS2 version? Of course the controls would be garbage with motion controls.
The source material is trash but it was a fun racing game
I played that on PS2 Emulated, the effects are all manner of fucked but it "worked" fun game, and considering there's a lack of F-zero for the Wii a suitable replacement for going fast.
Fifteen bucks to approach the sound barrier? That's a steal I tell ya!
I played this on the DS it was fun
I'm not going to lie, playing it with the motion controls with a wii mote was really fun ramming other cars or flipping them.
you know wii for all it's popularity and games made for it doesn't really have any worthwile games for it. at least not like PS2 or dreamcast
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Red Steel 2
Sonic Colors
Punch-Out 2009
Sin and Punishment Star Successor
No More Heroes 1
De Blob
Mario Galaxy
Any answer that isn't Sin & Punishment is objectively wrong.
Was a translation patch ever released for Captain Rainbow? Also I've been eyeing Opoona for awhile, thoughts?
Muscle March
When they pose to fit through holes it's motion control right? How accurate and responsive is the wiimote for this game?
I'm still mad about Muramasa.
r8 my tastes, Holla Forums
My nigga
muramasa is superior on vita
All virtual console games
Light gun arcade ports
House of the Dead Overkill
Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles
Red Steel 2
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Sin & Punishment 2
No More Heroes
Mad World
The Last Story
Pandora's Tower
Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
Sonic Colors
Nights 2
Super Smash Bros. Brawl with Project M or one of the many other autistic mods
The rest is shovelware trash.
This is why collecting for the Wii is a lost cause, even the shovelware is scalped. Softmod and flash drive it is.
What universe are you from anyway?
This is a Wii Thread not a Wii U thread Dumbshit.
Cool user, looks like some good shit i'll have to add it to the list.
Sure if you enoy playing games at a silky smooth 15fps
chart incoming
While on the topic of Japan only games, did anyone here play Takt of Magic? It always looked interesting casting attacks using the pointer to draw glyphs/symbols.
While I'm never played it, I'm considering buying it and I'm read good things about it and its crazy detailed world.
So considering it's on the list, are they actually good games?
I remember having so much fun by moving the WiiMote like a whip to remove enemie's shields.
Only Kirby I ever played was the NES one. It was so easy to play this one, same music, same basic mechanics…
This is the best 4-player classic platformer I've seen.
Dokapon Kingdom, available for the PS2 and Wii.
You know something's wrong with the Wii when in 2008 IGN gave the "WII RPG of the year" to a Mario Party clone.
Wariogame was great, tons of mini games and infinite replayability.
Remember, part of the reason the Wii U failed was because normalfags didn't even know it was a new system. They literally thought a was a Wii 1.5 with no exclusives, or an add on for the Wii.
Speaking of Metroid, I'm still grateful to the user, whoever it was, years back that helped me exchange friend vouchers for tokens to get the rest of the unlockables in Trilogy. Not only was the Wii and DS wifi being shut down at the time (you can't even legitimately 100% the unlocks anymore due to that), but Trilogy and the base version of Corruption couldn't even communicate with each other, with Trilogy being much harder to find back then.
Yeah, Nintendo could have really done a better job with the name. Hell, had they gone with, I don't know, "Wii 2" instead, they could have built on that old "Wii would like to play" marketing style with "Wii 2, would like to play."
He's not the guy that's been working on that. I've been adding things based off fellow user suggestions, but I can't exactly speak for the quality myself. Ideally, people would be willing to double-check what fellow anons are recommending adding before I actually put them on an image, but people don't seem to bother with that much, and thus when I do put out a new image/version of something (under the impression that what's to be added is fine since no one had said otherwise prior), then people complain that X is still missing/Y is there. I should also say that that image there is currently still unfinished due to how infrequent Wii threads have been for input. Planning to at least add a section about Letterbomb modding and Dolphin as well.
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Project M
And my Gamecube library. I mostly use it with Nintendont to play muh GC.
Sure, but that requires getting a Vita. And this is a Wii thread.
harvest mother fuckin' moon was great
Nintendo does a really shit job of marketing and naming their consoles. Glad it finally bit them in the ass with the Wii U.
One of the most underrated games on the wii
Noice dubs
It was the last good one.
this better be bait
It's a Neat little game. There's some replay-ability in playing as the characters that you unlock as you go farther and upgrading a certain ability so you can posses enemies. It's a shame that the PC version is behind GFWL. I guess that the big downside is that the optional characters aren't as good as the main guy.
Best Zelda since Link's Awakening, IMHO.
I never thought this was as bad as everyone said, until my friend brought his wife over and she said "oh a wiiu! That's like an add on for the wii right?"
Its the least Zelda game in the franchise, and its also a shit game.
What about OTHER game
This one had a pretty good sound track too
The last good capcom fighter
If Wii U was just named Wii 2 instead, it would have done so much better.
The Japanese word for the number 2 is 'ni' thus if they called it the Wii 2 they'd have to call it the 'Wii Ni' which sounds like Weenie and marketers didn't want that
user, Sin and Punishment 2 did happen. It was on the Wii. Did you mean to put Sin and Punishment 3?
Good. Look at what they're doing with Street Fighter V and Marvel Infinite, why the fuck would you want a new game from them?
But that exists.
You can't break the cycle.
Any good Wiiware games besides Konami's and Hudson's games?
Sorry, I meant 3.
Cave Story, I guess.
Also, Megaman 9 & 10
You know that rumor was debunked years ago right? Not to mention it's fucking stupid, as the Japs calling Wii Ni wouldn't know they're calling "WEENIE PENIS XXXXXXXXD" because to them it's just "Wii 2" in their ears. Or they could just have the Japs phonetically pronounce the 2 as "tuu" or whatever seeing as Wii is a made up word even in Japan. And in America we would just pronounce it as "Wii Two (2)".
It's one of the few series wth an ending I wish they would drag on for longer.
Call me crazy, but wario land shake it felt like a bootleg Warioland 4.
Really wish there had been more to that game beyond it's animation.
The Wii had its Wario moments, didn't feel alive like the GCN era, but we got:
Honorable mention:
A new Punch Out game.
Does that mean the franchise died with dignity?
You're the reason why video games are fucking dead. All you posted was popular trash, wheres the fucking video games? The shit made by like 10 guys on a shoestring budget in a month but is still fun as fuck? No one wants to talk about those fucking games because faggots like you who only play the same tired shit that everyone else plays happen to be the majority.
Fuck you.
look a nut *lawnmower engine*
This is also on steam, really fun. I understand if you put steam on the same level as GFWL.
What else are you gonna play on the Wii, faggot?
What else are you gonna legitimately find at the store that had a fair production run and isn't getting a spot in the shelf taken by a shitty Wii Sports ripoff or PS2 eurocuck shovelware port?
The Wii wasn't an entirely bad console, but what Nintendo did by opening the floodgates to fucking any dev out there was a huge mistake. It was so bad it sullied the Wii's reputation and is likely partially-responsible for the Wii U's failure since Nintendo decided not to distance itself from a console that consumers had grown wary of due to poor-quality software.
Well we did get that DS game called Master of Disguise
The last good one was TP.
There are hunters, and then there are Monster Hunters.
Debatable. I didn't mind it much myself, but from what I've seen, a fair amount of anons are adamant that it's a poor quality entry. And to be fair, it's not helped by how slow a start it has, and how little damage the enemies do throughout (Quarter/Half heart damage only feels acceptable in the early parts of the game, and that triple Dark Knuckle fight in the Cave of Ordeals, which is annoying enough even at that damage scale if memory serves).
shame that the online is dead for it
I could never get past the the mission where Wiki gets frozen
One of the earliest and best Wii games. Beating all the challenges becomes tough as nails near the end, and in general this can be one of the harder Wii games. Tons of fun and chaos, but playing multiple characters can be exhausting for me, but that might be just be.
Let me tell you are story: a long time ago, before DLC had been invented game developers had to release the entire game at once. Any content that was left out was gone forever, so they made sure to pack as much content into the package as possible. That's what Radiant Dawn is like.
Might be better on the DS but I had a ton of fun with this. OST is GOAT.
I won't bullshit you, I fucking love that movie. I won't praise it on any objective level, but as pure schlock that knows what it is it excels wonderfully.
Most of these are games I would have never known about without Nintendo Power. They gave exposure to so many smaller good games in an era fraught with shovelware and garbage, and in the end they got nothing but the axe to show for it. Fuck Nintendo.
Mad World. It's absolutely over the top!
The motion controls were actually fun to use in combat. (when they worked) For everything else it was pointless and more tedious than just using an analogue stick. What was the reasoning behind forcing motion controls everywhere instead of just using them when they would actually offer more control/precision than an analogue stick?
This game is a glimpse into what we could have had if developers were actually putting effort into making a genuine Wii game. Don't get me wrong, it could have been made much better, but it was the first of its kind. Sadly it was also the last of its kind.
The game is a first-person brawler, you go from fight to fight and kill bad guys with your sword and guns. It has some of the meatiest combat I have ever played and it's just so satisfying.
That would have required actually making new kinds of games instead of recycling the A Link To The Past formula for the umpteenth time and slapping a shitty anime story with motion gimmicks on top of it.
Fuck, can't post an image and embed a video at the same time.
Are you the guy who does the DS ones too? I hope some of my suggestions helped, I really think more people should play Dragon Quest 9.
Wouldn't they be better on the ds what with the precision of the touch screen vs the motion?
galaxy 1 was better
What are they doing with infinite?
Wii was awful
I honestly want to replay RS2, I remember thinking that was okay but I guess I didn't realize how good I had it when Shadow Warrior had insanely lackluster melee combat in comparison.
You only lose out on the GB Player, but if you mod your Wii(and who doesn't outside of "muh piracy hurts the industry" corporate whores?) then you can run a GBA emulator. Modded Wii can also bypass the need for a GC memory card as Nintendont uses the SD card.
It wasn't even made by Capcom. It was made by the same people that did MvC3. It's still better than MvC3 even if grabs as the huge characters are fucking bullshit.
All these games are shit
It reminds me that Holla Forums always has underaged fags regardless of how much time passes by
The elite oldfag is here!
Probably my top five favorites with Mega Man 10, DKC Returns and Skyward Sword coming right after. There's still a lot from the Wii I haven't played, though, mainly due to laziness since I know I can pirate everything relatively easily these days. Also never-ending Steam games.
Also it's a shame Super Paper Mario was such weak fucking game, considering I absolutely love the first two. Same for Other M, but at least the fun combat saved that one for me, unlike SPM's gameplay which is a tedious slog through and through.
All of these games are ones that are flawed gems. Baroque in particular has been stuck in my mind for half a decade because of how good the gameplay ties into the ending.
I know it has a port now but it's trash and don't fucking mention the damn Vita remake that ruined the charm of this. It's a pretty solid fucking game with a good soundtrack (All remixed public domain orchestral sort of shit) with some deep parts, shame that the dev folded up and this game flopped.
This is super fun with friends, honestly something the Wii excelled at.
Exceptional taste user, add Fatal Frame 4 to it and the collection of grim third person action-adventure games will be perfect.
the last story?
Talk about flawed. Chasing Crow at the amusement park was possibly one of the most hilariously bad gameplay moments I've ever experienced.
Xseed recently got Durante to fix the PC port, actually.
If you liked dokapon, you should like Momotarou Densetsu, Itadaki Street and Jinsei Game too.
My sisters and I played this shit for hours on the PS2. Great Mario Party clone.
It's Dentetsu, user. Not Densetsu.
As far as I know the only legend of a train is Spirit Tracks.
Played it and despite the very strong opening chapters. The game completely shits the bed and I'm not joking when I say the game completely forgets to give a character any resolution and just forgets they exist and that they were in peril when last we saw them.
It got really frustrating running around the same hotel fighting the same bosses with different characters that by the time me and my friend got to the end we were beyond done with the plodding narrative. Doesn't help that I one shot the boss. Making that particular climax a letdown.
I cannot in good faith recommend that game to anyone who isn't a die hard for the FF series.
help ;_;