#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Blind Guardian - Battlefield Edition


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> ESA Michael Gallagher GfC15 transcript of video youtube.com/watch?v=mQhOqFH8cR0
- pastebin.com/rb7uyF89
- reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/5qva0e/deepfreeze_deepfreeze_291_update_five_new_entries/
- imgur.com/gallery/X2w49
> Censored Gaming Talks To The ESRB youtube.com/watch?v=ItI0mGjdfnw


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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if you post stale memes I'll fucking kill you


Reminder of the media scum that plague us.


Old bread: archive.is/WzwHp

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Good luck on love, Good Luck on Surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic, faster Japanese learning and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy



How the fuck did that cake jew cross over into 2d mango

Beaten in the archive race again by an ara, this time in meme sweater. It could have been worse I guess. Congrats.


This gamer gate shit is still around?

Remember that the good guys don't backstab and eat each other, and he who doesn't stand by his friends, stands alone.


Superior Risa. I remember when the scanlator went on hiatus at the end of a chapter where she was just proposed to by another man and it broke my fucking heart until he came back and translated the rest

Video game will never be unloaded so long as the ESA exists

Battalions of Fear is the best Blind Guardian album

Does anyone have anything on hand about the Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA)? They began in '94, and rebranded themselves as the ESA in '03.

What did he meme by this?

Check the pastebin, if not the HQ thread. The HQ thread is not as well sorted since it was more of an infodump, but iirc the ESA digger did find some info on it.

Fuck off *loads videogame*

So last thread, regarding one of the more recent operations, I suggested Rapid Fire for a name of the quickies. How's pic related for a basic idea of the logo?

Beyond Doug Lowenstein the original founder & the information grabbed from the old site, I have not found anything yet besides the old articles of Columbine, 9/11, and other controversies.


as long as we use this as its theme song

he hasn't updated in a while since his computer shit itself

This is gonna be good!

I shouldn't have asked, I feel like shit now




holy shit my sides
here you go


No, the song becomes to repetitious, and it's hurting my ears. Let's choose another song (And, not this embedded video's song). There are other great songs in the same genre.



God why do artists do that?

Whoops, wrong link.

well, this one is about fire too


Combine that with the ESA & other game companies joining in on talking shit about Trump's ban, it's indeed going to be good.

Because it adds an element of sexual degradation to it. (That said, some of the sweetest, most vanilla h-manga I've seen involved a cute girl and a fat guy.)



Thanks have some schoolgirl Lesbians.

No problem.

Hang on, before we go around choosing songs, I think the script should be looked at & finalized. It's the first step before it goes into the drawing board.

There's literally nothing gay about sucking a mans dick

never EVER feel like your sinus is gonna explode because you spent all morning ripping up carpet in your room
its super gay

Calm down user.

What the hell even happened to ytmnd?

Wear a mask next time.

I agree. The song has to fit the style of video. We shouldn't shape the video around a specific tune.

Is the script ready?

Another question regarding the operation: What is the time limit? Is it going to be 60 seconds based off the suggestion?


I hate woman tbh

We all hate women here.

historyofgamergate.com has a misconfigured SSL certificate and the Current Happenings gitgud is not loading. When was the last time anyone checked the links in the OP?

This isn't good.

Admittedly I don't use the OP links anymore because I have the resources locally. Who do we have that can update the Gitgud?

Possibly a few days or weeks ago. I do have a couple of prototype OP text, one of the archivers may have saved a local copy. And there was a discussion on updating, fixing, overhauling the OP text.

Right now though I'm not quite savvy enough to edit it on a gitgud level, only my local copy of the template and maybe a pastebin. But if you got ideas discuss it. I'm up for updating the OP text template. It's due for spring cleaning and fixing.

Go check in the topic yourself:

We're trying to keep the videos under 5 minutes.

These are low quality.

I think that covers most angles.

Since Gitgud is down, why not use teknik.io?

Fair enough. I would suggest 2 minutes being the sweet spot & 5 minutes being the maximum.


user, we all are fat ugly bastards in the inside

Whatever works, and as long as I can use it. Meaning I don't need an account and it doesn't require me to be a high level computer nerd.

Kinda makes me think about my own personal favorite ecchi manga, where the MC is a perverted kappa-faced midget (and yet he's somehow the most selfless guy in the world).


I'm a cute little girl inside tbh

I like aras, 2d and the rare 3dpd. The 3dpd aras are rare but when I see one that is fit as fuck, my dick is diamond excalibur.
All 4 inches of it.mp4

This tbh famalam.

At least this fat guy look like he share the same age as the girl and look cute, while the others look old with wrinkles all over

I can do what I can by making prototype OP text templates, but yeah mang. I'm not so good right now with the gitgud or teknik.io part.


all is well.

I want to rub slightly chubby Vivian's navel.

pregnant viv is superior

A off topic conversation.

Anons, I need your opinion, I have been writing a book a time ago, I changed a lot of stuff because now I am no longer applying the principle "Write what the world want to read" but I'm applying the principle of "Write what you want to read"

Now as help I do want your opinion, about the MC's title, time before the story he got rid of an human trafficking group called "Beauty", so these are the two option about the MC's title and I need your help to know which one suits better?

Perdición de Belleza (Beauty's Bane)
Azote de Belleza (Beauty's Scourge)

Give me your opinion.

I agree

The first one almost sounds kind of nice. I don't look at a lot of romantic hentai because it depresses me.

I'm not saying I get off on it, that's just why it's in there, usually. Or if it's not a pseudo-rape scenario, it can serve to show how slutty the girl is. I've seen one where a gyaru gets fucked by her middle-aged, overweight salaryman neighbour. It's not rape and there's no drugs or nothing, and it turns out his wife set it up. She's just a slut.

I don't really read ecchi manga. If I'm going to read something that's going to make me want to jerk off, it's porn.

It's a sweet comic. I remember the first time I saw it thinking "Fuck, this is going to be ntr or something terrible she is going to break his heart" but then she just doesn't. Cherry Pink is still the best romantic hentai comic

I'd say beauty's bane for the alliteration, but if you're writing it in another language, that might not apply.

Why cant these cunts just shut the fuck up, these niggers have more money than most of us will see in our entire lifetime, if they truly gave a shit they could make a huge difference on the causes they claim to represent.

Instead they expect the rest of us to not only foot the bill but sit quietly while we're told to not be proud of our heritage and allow a group of murderous assholes to keep invading.

Fuck these people and their pretentiousness, let' see them go to those sand nigger pits without their escorts, see what happens then.

Im pretty sure cared is finished

Looks like they throwe in the towel and asked for superior western guidance

This is why trump won and they still
don't fucking understand

Beauty bane sound nice, but if you find better words I'd pick that. Sorry English isn't my first language

they still believe the popular vote meme or the russian hackers conspiracy and think they are still in the right. That they still speak to how people feel. Trump's second win will be all the sweeter

I did a timer myself on reading the script.

The shorter the syllables, the better. Go with Bane.

I wish he could have a third term, and we're not even halfway done with the first.

you better be sorry

Oh, and I used to be a Democrat.

Its amazing how many celebrities I just swore off after all this shit, like seriously, you wanna make a difference? Then fucking do something about it, instead all they do is whine and rant from the comfort of the gigantic mansions.

I have more respect for the celebrities that stayed quiet or people like Mark Walhberg who straight up said that celebrities are out of you touch with the common man.

The talented people left and the next generation never came. Then all the next generation made YouTubes instead.


Let's not lose sight of what's important here: Zootopia won an Oscar.


The oscars are on?

Don't act surprised. This is Disney we're talking about here.

Just a bunch of rich people giving each other handjobs and snubbing someone to make up for snubbing someone else years ago.


i liked it

Fuck I forgot to shut off my spoiler

Yep, mel gibson won director something and put on a maga hat infront of everyone, mixed opinions everywhere

That wasn't the Disney movie…

Reminds me of one incident where a bunch of music artists came together and did a charity concert. It was the one where David Bowie and Mick Jagger performed Dancing in the Street for the first time. Once all the expenses were paid for, they found out that they didn't even spend half of the earnings from the crowd that came. The artists agreed that they were going to give all of the remaining money directly to the people and areas in poverty that needed it. However, when the charity organizations were informed of this, they threw a fit. So, as you can see a lot of these people don't care about actually helping anyone.

Mel Gibson deserves a huge medal for a lot of what he does.


It's not?


Pics or it didn't happen

90% of charities are a gigantic load of shit that exists purely as tax shelters and to enrich whomever's at the top off it.

I actually got my mother to stop donating to that Susan G Komen thing when I explained to her where the money truly went.

It just astounds me how little people do to help anyone.

Well Beauty's Bane (Perdicion de Belleza) will be.

The opinion is that i'm just looking the title that sound more cool on english as well as the one who suit the best.

Foxes do tho, right?

Well yeah, but it wasn't the princess movie. It was the backburner movie of the year. But Moana kinda flopped and Finding Dory wasn't even nominated.

Oh shit, I didn't realize they were double dipping with Moanna. I thought that was the Disney movie. Of course they went in twice.


I want furries to go and stay go \

Deeply conflicting moral struggles are my fetish.

That's unfortunate.

Disney wins for free.
The only title that could have maybe challenged Zootopia and Moana would have been Kimi no na Wa due to a split in the default Disney vote and the sheer hype surrounding the film, but Funimation is fucking retarded and only did the bare minimum for qualification so the US Oscars audience never heard any of the hype for it.
Instead, they were banking on the nomination to build more interest before the theatrical release, and fucking blew it because they missed the cut.
The Red Turtle was pretty good, but without Miyazaki's name attached it couldn't really get off the ground.

no u

Yeah. Me too. Like people who want cats as their valentines.

too much focus on the loli also censorship
such a waste since the ara is good

I'm not surprised, it gave me vibes of Lilo & Stitch along with Good Dinosaur (Since that one also flopped)
That however is more surprising. Finding Nemo alone made more money than Toy Story 1 & 2 (Excluding 3), people loved it, & it's the 2nd highest grossing Pixar movie before Toy Story 3.


There is a less censored, but untranslated, version linked in the comments.

That comic always reminded me of this one. exhentai.org/g/107097/2c09ca14a1/

I disagree.
I found it forgettable, and the resolution was too satisfying.
It should have been "your family, the place where you belong, was here all along" as opposed to "Hey look I found my parents and we all lived happily ever after with Nemo and his Dad." The character with the most development was the Octopus, who learned the value in leaving your comfort zone.

mona is just ugly island coons
nobody wants to watch that shit besides ugly ass goon coons with black lives matter in their twitter profiles





That tends to happen when you grab pics from r34 Tumblrs, yeah.

Oh yeah, Your Name really deserved it. So the only reason is that they missed the release cutoff date for 2017 then? Fucking geniuses. It would have won, no question.

My kokoro is fully erected

I thought Miranda was a cat furry because she worshiped a god of money and capitalism?


It happened the same mistake of miss universe 2016 in the oscars, La La Land wasn't the winner and they were already doing their thanks.

Commies can't think properly, user.


Nana to Kaoru fan detected.

It just hurts when my kokoro gets erect now because I trusted 3d to not break it.

I want to add to this that I still don't get why she turns back into a rabbit when they leave.

They didn't miss the cutoff. They just didn't do a proper release.
To qualify for the Oscars, you need to do a 1-week run in LA, with 3 showings a day, one of which must be between 6-10PM. This was done on time.
That might work for the more popular categories, but for something as Irrelevant as animation, that shit doesn't work. 90% of voters don't give a damn about "cartoons" and they won't watch a film. You need to generate a lot of interest to get people to go out and watch one, and you have to do it organically.

The movie will finally start playing in theatres nationwide on April 7th. Not only did this prevent the from getting the necessary attention to actually win, but it's the reason why you still don't have Blurays yet. The Japanese know releasing it now would cut off the American theatrical revenue stream.

You know, Aniplex didn't try because they don't care about this shit, but I would've laughed my ass off if Kizu got nominated.

As for La La Land, I'm glad it didn't win. It wasn't spectacular in any way. Personally, I probably would've opted for Hell or High Water.

fuck off Holla Forums

I have not kept up with that, but it was gud when I read it. Nana is pure BDSM waifu material, but Tachi is just perfect BDSM play partner if you're into the genki and mischievous type. Also I have to re-iterate dis. Nana to Kaoru > shades of gray, hands down. NtK puts the bond in bondage, and is actually very in depth on the subject.

Any sauce?

Shygirls were a pretty nice flavor of the month fetish for a ton artists to draw.

The manga and its sequel series, Nana to Kaoru Arashi actually both finished a while back. Mangahere has the complete scanlations.

Its good. Was sad to see it end, and now I need new mango to follow. Recently picked up FATE/Extra CCC Fox Tail and I understand why Kyasubro loves his waifu so much.

What's breaking my heart right now is that the scanlator of Tetsuwan Birdy II seems to have given up. They left off at Chapter 10 back in November and their blog and Twitter haven't had a single update since.


Since you are talking about fetishes, I will collaborate as well.

I have never been the kind who self insert aa the guy doing the fucking, but I find this guys of my like.

exhentai.org/g/978056/0664971b82/ (my all times favorite)






Also one of a kind, guy is NTRed but he blackmails the NTR dude to get her loved one back


Also, lets not forget the classic, Impregnation, vanilla and footjob.

I guess. I don't see why "Gay Niggers" was a better choice. Seemed like an even more pandering choice to me.

You guys know xseed is now pozzed right?

No they aren't.

What are you talking about?

Does the Djibril series have the best OPs as far as hardcore tentacle hentai VNs are concerned?

So it didn't secure a nomination simply because it didn't get enough hype, because they were counting on the nomination for hype? wew lad

Typical commie, deflecting their status onto other people.

You think they haven't given up everything to join the ESA? Bet you it was shitjima who talked them into it.

If they made that choice of best movie for the sake of Political Correctness, it will not end well for the oscars.

from one of the newer seasons of bakemonogatari.

please use archive.is/articles/hideo-kojima-is-afraid-of-political-climate-in-ame/1100-6447527/

The normalfags are getting woke fam

You gon get bullied.

Unzip the dicks.


What are you a leftist? Bring it on antifa.

Time to learn moon.

That it is. I don't think it deserved the win either and I'm upset about the choice, but I'm more happy La La Land didn't win. The movie was so fucking overhyped - While the cinematography and Art Direction were phenomenal, the rest of the movie wasn't.
If that's all it takes, then Wes Anderson should have won Best Picture a few years back, since Grand Budapest had that while also being entertaining in other regards.

He's mad they joined the ESA - though they just wanted a booth at E3 and that's the easiest way.

Opposite of cancer its chemo in the comments section

The ESA takes all fam



I see. Is Touhou considered Royalty Free?


Touhou characters are inot in the public domain nor under a royalty-free license, but ZUN officially-but-unofficially turns a blind eye to any not-for-profit projects.
If you used the characters in a more commercial setting without his blessing, you'd likely run into trouble.

I used to have one where a kid starts experimenting with his best friend, then his older brother finds out and blackmails her into fucking him. I mostly remember it because the older brother got a baseball bat to the face for it eventually.

Very well. Back to the drawing board.



Nah, this one. (I swear something must be up with exhentai's servers because I'm having to hit the "image didn't load" practically every page for the past few days.)

What kind of music genre would I be searching for if I wanted something like webm related?

Or embed relateed since webm is too big?

comfy shop music?

comfy quads

Found another
Now with less moral pondering, inseki, and focus on the loli, and more actual incest.

Good news user, Lenscrafters is having a sale this week…

comfy quads
Check them again lad, they be

comfy quints.

Childrens' music with woodwind.

Your quints convinced me.

Oh right

These threads are pretty gay but at least you have good taste in music.


On a more serious note, how about this?

Did someone said

I advise against playing it, since it's a game for little babies, but curry saga did have some wonderful music. This is the town theme which I really love but Mysteriously Squishy Girl, Young and Unequaled King, and Hobgoblin Bon Appetite are really good too. That last one is the monster house theme so it's extra goofy and hectic.

Dear Acid:
A while back you recommended the Witness as a budget pistol. I've finally got some funds together and am looking to order a steel frame one for $350. My only hesitation is that I'm tempted to get a Jericho 941 for $550 because anime.

How stupid of an idea is that?

HI-NRG, Euro disco, Italo-disco, Eurobeat.

Its basically the same gun user.

IWI actually buys the frames for building the Jerichos from Tanfoglio. Its the same base gun as the Witness.

And both are built from patents licensed from CZ…

This Royalty-Free song is my choice for the test run of Rapid Fire It's not the style I expect from what I posted above, but I think this will go with the topic discussed (That is, if that's your final decision.)


Similar concept, done worse.

Yeah, that's the conclusion I'd come to after watching a bunch of reviews. I was hoping there'd be some kind of difference that I was missing since it's hard to justify spending an extra $200 for aesthetics.



this tbh

Damn it Marche.


The Jericho's slide is a bit beefier and it weighs a bit more.

The "wonder" finish on the Witnesses is bomb proof though. Its a different-colored version of the Tenifer finish that Glock uses on their slides, and I've seen year-old blood and brains, which will rust almost anything, cleaned off one with the finish still pristine underneath.

Just get the Witness.


You guys see the new Thunderf00t video about Milo?

Embed or webm it (Preferably the latter).

Yes sir. Thanks for the advice.


no, I stopped paying attention to him after he succumbed to Trump derangement syndrome

no why the fuck would I

Or it's just there to just fuck your shit up.

No, I don't see any of his video's that have to do with politics. He's still salty about brexit and doesn't want to admit he's wrong so anytime something right wing happens weather its good or bad he starts going on look how crazy things are. I just wish he stuck with the science

So basically, he's still salty about Milo on Brexit and Trump, and now the skeptic warrior is following the bandwagon of lies, lots of "Fuck off Phil" on the comment section.

Thunderfoot's one of those guys who is a genuine Leftist, but manages to be normal enough part of the time to keep regular folks following him. Between Brexit and Trump and the way he behaved it doesn't surprise me at all that he'd take swings at Milo.

"Fuck him" is the appropriate response, at least from me. He wasn't exactly a huge, outspoken #GG supporter himself. He should know better than to push the worst spin on things as indisputable fact, but chooses to anyway because its one of his sides' enemies. He's virtue signalling.

Let me guess: he shits on Milo because Thunderfoot turned out to be just another head-in-the-sand liberal?

No. Why would I give a shit about him since his spergout at Brexit & Trump?

He's been losing his mind since a year ago, just like that namefag frog, he's big on the EU because he gets his scientific funding from them, while also saying "bugger off" to the people who hate mass rapefugee immigration.


I do like how the narrative has shifted slightly. Before it was Milo talking about his teenage experiences that made him a pedo, and now its that he doesn't want to name all the powerful Hollywood people he saw being pedos. Because without hard proof, he'd get his shit slapped for slander if he tried to name names this far out.

Thunderfoot knows better, but is pretending he doesn't so he can get swings in and feel morally superior.

>comes back to see proper politically incorrect Holla Forums with a dash of /a/ discussions in Holla Forums's GG thread
>finds Holla Forums having a GG thread that isn't just shitting on GG >>>Holla Forums9366337
…Did we swap users for today?
Also, fuck the Oscars. The only thing missing in that SJW-infested event was someone namedropping GG.

I think the shills were too busy with the Holla Forums GG thread



What in the, I say what in the fuck is this?

Okay I just went over and looked at that, and its as hilarious as it sounds.


The salt


This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.


Well they certainly gave a damn because they had several of their retards make GGRevolt to co-opt us.

I'm 99.99% positive it started in 2014. am I wrong? I swear the huge exodus started around August after all the shitstorms around overmoderation during the summer.

Ecaflip is the god of gambling, Enutrof is the god of capitalism and money hoarding.

Hell if I know. I hear all this shit second hand.

yep and miranda has been described as behaving like an enutrof when it comes to business and money

why this bitch keep eating shit

Started 2013 in august

He works for the EU you don't think they tell their employees what to say to the public?

The "he's protecting pedos" thing is BS because he's written about people like Sarah Nyberg before.
They could say he's protecting pedos on his political side, but they've got a much worse score on that.

August 28 2014.

Do kangaroo girls have upside down pussies?

oh shit you're right, I remember that ugly girl saying stop gamergate 2014 and though that it was a year later.

with an image this time

Will you protect her smilepouch with your benis?


Don't you have a dead board you should be moderating?


Acid runs the /ggrevolt/ board now? When did that happen?


benis haha

It was posted to /a/ and everyone else was also baffled. No one knows where it came from. Is someone watching us?

Whatever happened to those guys? They go to onionland to wither and die or something?

FBI-chan's daily report?

She likes the crunch.

Doe anyone remember that cow skull guy who talked to Sargon?

mikuru? Yeah. He hasn't uploaded since he got doxxed. Shame, I liked his humour


Oh hey, a demoralizer shill. We haven't seen one of your kind in 5 or 6 hours.

Quick, don't forget to tell us that your mistresses, Anita and Zoe, are bigger and more successful than ever thanks to us.

Your parents killed themselves to get away from you.

And yours killed you to be free of you.

This is #GamerGate. Only the dead gather here.

Just checked plebbit, must be the same retard who posted that video of thudercuck being a sellout libtard and asking people "please do counter-argument against Thunderfoot's points!"



Concern troll indeed

Owners of dead boards gather here at any rate.

Only 114 posts to go to beat your record, good luck!


You've crossed a line, sir.

fuck off Holla Forums reddit shill

Epic win my friend. Toppest of keks. I tip my hat to you!

At least try not to switch IPs, now you're gonna have to redo your post record.

Pretty sure its "scarf."

Can I ask you a serious question, shill-kun?

I get why you lot bring up the dead board thing, but I would imagine that at some point it became obvious that I don't mind it that much. It bothered me back when the boards were shrinking, but you're something like a year and some months past the fresh date for it to be the memetic gut-punch you obviously hope for. Why is still the meme?

Ask me at reddit.com/user/livinforkicks

Don't you mean ask me anything?

I remember Satan was a thing for GG but he went into obscurity after that attack attack attack guy quits

Some gaming related news, let the shill wallow on his stale memes.


A lot of our load mouthed e-celebs quit because doxxing during the first few months.

I wanna fug Asuka.

Mykeru got doxxed. Also possibly one of the reasons why IA burned his bridges though everyone knows the biggest reason was him being a sperg during the King of Pol fiasco of a stream.

s8tan was alright. Unfortunately he was one of the Cancerfags, and they wound up doxing him for not being hardcore enough or some shit.

He doesn't like me, but I consider him the most respectable one out of that group, and I hope he's doing okay.

I have a bad memory but I do remember people shat on him when he just abandoned the stream to eat out his Asian girlfriend or something with the mic still on

I don't want to disturb the nostalgia fagging right now, but GDC is gonna be up soon.

time to bully some commies

what time does that shit show start up? I want to set my alarm so I don't miss out on shitting up their hashtags

I shall call them niggers with a VPN.

Nite to Unite is tomorrow.

Here is GDC's time. Since it's in San Fran, it's Pacific Time Zone. Which means ETA is 9 hours.
I'll get some rest to join in on the faggotry.

Should start in 7-8 hours from now.


Literal the only thing to be concerned about being doxxed is potential bombs by the worthless excuses of humans.

You can legally purge the shits attacking you in your own home and call it last resort self-defense.

Retards always double down.

That knowledge will serve anyone well on the internet.

how can I tell if I getting arthritus
my hands have been aching all the time lately


Is it the joints that is aching?

i dont know

Can't play doctor in the internet, if you're feeling some painful aches on your wrist for some time now, go to get it checked out. And has KiA been informed about GDC and the IGF? Mr. Shitface and Nina Shillman is hosting it.

If only.
There are so many cases of homeowners sued by home invaders and their relatives for self-defense it's not funny anymore.

Now I'm fucking blazing with rage. You can't get sued by the worthless shit if you have a gods damned triple bladed chainsaw on hand, can you?

Cooled down.

This is literally why I said to kill an intruder. This is exactly what I will do one day., so I'll just save up that fury.

More mudslime asshurt? Spread the hate.

Does this count? :^)

Checked. But sued is not a settlement. Granted it's still lost time going to court and whatnot.

I don't get it. Just help normalfags hate the fucking mudshit subhumans.


that shit gave me aids, they should stop repeating their shit so often

My bad, was lurking on Holla Forums and catching up on the latest drama, so some items got crossed by mistake.


stop ip hopping to show off how assblasted you are

anti-gg is mad at youtube, they have a very hard time understanding that they are the minority. Feels good to see our numbers rise.

How much of a disaster is this shitty Jam?

I heard it was actually giving 8ch some attention. Which might be something to worry about. Maybe an opportunity to redpill while keeping retards at bay, but still unnerving.

Yeah, they also hide Pedowood pastebins from threads

No such thing as neutrals when they don't agree with you, right Ghazi?

TakeP is PURE, goddammit!

Aren't they referring to when eyescrubs or whatever his name is exposed that blonde bitch with her throwing the word nigger around? It's like these fucks are saying that it's only okay for them to call people niggers.

It will never not be funny to see them name their subreddit after a scandal that contributed to bringing down their presidential candidate.

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain
☑ Called a jew a nazi
☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter
☑ Memed life into Liru
☑ Refusing to ban Liru
☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic
☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy
☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting
☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail
☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3
☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone
☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers
☑ Gave a toddler meningitis
☑ Made it rain in London
☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU
☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men
☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up
☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla
☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion
☑ Not watching Grillbusters
☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go
☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones
☑ Got Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again.
☑ Leveled up on the DNC
☑ Barbecued worst Korea
☑ Chasing topkek from kotaku
☑ Appropriated and augmented a group of racists
☑ De-funded paranormal investigators by linking them to a suicide group
☑ Channeled the powers of love and death into misogynistic flowers
☑ Komm Süßer Troll'd
☑ Surviving for 2 years
☑ Ejected a fascist nicktator and toppled his dishonest empire
☑ More effective than New York Media, Silicon Valley and Hollywood
☑ Being Gawker's biggest enemy
☑ Celebrating their daughter's birthday
☑ Continuing to be the #1 hate group online
☑ Forced aGGros to spend christmas and new years whinging alone
☑ Owned some bitch
☑ Caught the Arby's killer
☑ Became a verb
☑ Made Pepe great again
☑ Inspired Trump's campaign
☑ Seduced the Occulus Rift founder
☑ Hacked the DNC
☑ Forced Pepe into the American school curriculum
☑ Bought 4chan
☑ Defended Devin Faraci
☑ Forced the UN to gather 800 gigabytes of white supremacy frogs
☑ Marketing of Nintendo Switch
☑ Infiltrating the emoji selection committee
☑ Hiding millions of anti-Semitic tweets
☑ Virtually raping a woman under the name BigBro442
☑ Unintentionally prepared all of us for the 2016 election
☑ Made halfchan go bankrupt
☑ Bullying a comic writer off twitter
☑ Turning S.Korea into a chinese girl cartoon
☑ Using free speech to undermine the freedom of the press
☑ Triggering Blizzcon
☑ is actually the FBI
☑ Making alternate earth great forever
☑ Creating fake news
☑ Ordering pizza without pineapple
☑ Genesis of the alt-right
☑ Outliving Castro
☑ Corrupting communist mascots with glorious capitalism
☑ Laid the groundwork for online harassment and conspiracy
☑ Glorious Winged Faggot Extraordinaires
☑ Funded the most diverse game in history, eliminating racism, sexism, and the game/animation/whatever itself from existence
☑ Being associated with white supremacist groups
☑ Spent Christmas with Liru
☑ Actually had fun for Christmas
☑ Destroyed the alt-right
☑ Became meme warriors
☑ Toxic gamer culture
☑ Weaponized nostalgia
☑ Shutting down every woman who tried to even have a forum
☑ Causing Battleborn to flop
☑ Carrying meme associations with the presidential inaugural speech
☑ Made Antifa shoot itself in self defense
☑ Set a limo on fire
☑ Taught the right wing to collectively target sponsors
☑ Sent the head mod of Holla Forums to attack Chia The Beef
☑ Revealed their leader to be grand nazi Jonathan ARYAN Jafari
☑ Shitposted an ethnic minority into existence
☑ Propelled a gay immigrant to international fame and fortune
☑ Won the Superb Owl 2017 for the white supremacist team
☑ Won't stop pretending it was about video games
☑ Turned Pewdiepie into a nazi
☑ Tested their methods to hurt people on video games journalists
☑ Cucking games journalists out of their own safe space
☑ Trying to seduce user's anime mom
☑ Surprisingly made gaming darkly politicized
☑ Helped Pewdiepie darkly politicize gaming via time travel
☑ Basically runs the country now
☑ Forced Salon to change their stance on pedophiles with their archives
☑ Scares SETI more than ayy lmaos

Remember the shit about MSM buying Chinese bots, they were kind enough to confirm it by trying to hide it

Good evening faggots, are you READY for tomorrow?! GDC will start after today!

What are the odds that European MSM outlets are doing the same thing?

You bet your double dubs we'll be ready.

Guys, please.

Australia, it's a bit late to be following America on this.

Much lower but still possible. I don't think they are doing it now but they could eventually be brought to doing it, Germany is one of the places where it could start considering the whole "Lugenpresse" thing

I believe it but I don't get it. Context?

SETI cyber security protocols refer to us by name.



That's a lot more telling about STI than about SETI. Ouch.

Yeah, they've been doing that for the past few days. To be honest I find it pretty cringey, but I'm not about to waste any sleep over it.

What the fuck?! That just makes me feel uncomfortable. Like throwing out a drink bottle and coming back to find two guys licking it

at least their ids were green and purple

You can't kill what's already dead inside.

Probably gildafag

At least one's pretending to be a girl.

After all, it can't be gay if it's with a girl.

what if they were both girls and one was pretending to be a guy?

mathematically impossible

If some day, researchers read through our threads to understand how we managed to master meme magic, I want them to see this post, which truly encompasses what gamergate is about.


What if it's a fujoshi pretending to be a guy pretending to be a girl?


Fujoshits are mean

But they like it when you're mean back

Prove it

I was gonna put my gf as an example but she's more of a animation goblin who hides in dark rooms than a fugshit who love yaoi



This. Don't get too complacent now. You better be on point when GDC comes around.

remember to help our #resistjam friends with their survey


Certainly not hiding it, considering I posted that spanking image last thread.


People underestimate how the entire landscape of discussion changed after GG. Or at at least, it was when I noticed how people communicate on the internet far differently then before. There is a lot of pushback everywhere.

We've been silent a bit too long in my opinion, we can't really tag hijack anymore but hopefully people contribute to thrashing GDC, also #resistjam

he must be stalking some girl at kotaku now


But the pushback against all the pathetic shitty shaming of sexual appeal and attraction in general clearly isn't strong or fierce enough.

I just want to dump fuel on that and break this nonsense once and for all. Now is the perfect opportunity.

Sargy did a video on this.

We're approaching Spring soon and aside from Spring Break, there's no excuse to sit around shitposting and jerking off to porn here when It's time we get started on the ops and spread out.These hypocritically repugnant puritans need to be pushed back more visibly and be overwhelmed to the point that their efforts at establishing tighter control of their platforms will be wasted.

Thunderf00t is a total twat but he's right. We give Kluwe and Chu a hard time for turning a blind eye to pedophiles/rapes that they knew about and Milo apparently did exactly the same, by his own admission (some of the boys at a party were "very young", implying underage).


shoo shoo (1) shill


Wasn't he one of the candid shills? And no surprises here, hes biased as fuck. There are comments calling him out on shit though, like the whole without evidence how can he seek judical help.

5$ says shitface does something retarded and revitalizes us more than ever.

Solid rebuttal. Idiot.

A lot of the anti-GG stuff is just shitpost spam we always get. It's really not a majority opinion on Holla Forums at all.
Look at some of the serious replies.
Remember we have a lot of ultimate newfags who have to be broken out of their liberal conditioning too


You are infering to much there, his "very young" could mean 15. And without evidence, going to the police is asking for a clinton detractor themed "suicide" of 3 bullets to the back of the head. Hes saying milo should die and be called a liar for something that if thunderfoot saw, he would look the other way like the chinese do to the wounded in china. Hes saying safe "skeptic" opinions because they make him look counter culture whinle not making any waves.

But how do I help break the shame once and for all?

Meanwhile, in Korea

It keeps happening.

Now all they have to do is let slip the connections to the un and (((them))) and we have globalized chaos.

Yeah, I am sure nothing bad will happen when you piss off some of the most powerful people in the country by revealing information that could get them thrown into jail. It's not like people have been killed in less than a week after snitching, he's just doing it to protect the pedos.

You should stick fuck off back to whereever you came from

You should still*

There is no way this shit is just contained in south korea, the media is going to ignore this as long as possible. I only saw one small bit of coverage back when millions went on the street to protest. They said it was "thousands" protesting against something vague and that was it

To be entirely fair, I think the media blackout chiefly sits with US media. Germany's state broadcaster Deutsche Welle did several reports on the situation as it evolved, and so did Al Jazeera and the Japan Times.

Im yuropoor

And I'm canadian and the media & gov here blatantly works for (((them))).

If I get this straight.
It's ok to be a criminal and shot the cops, but it's not ok to be a cop and enforce the law?
Isn't it better to have kids be "brainwashed" in to law enforcement than criminals?

The people in power do not trust cops and military to be on thier side when shit hits the fan.

I can't imagine why.

I don't want to see shrek naked.

Maybe they have taken a lesson from Anthony Burch?

Don't forget about Fukushima.
They didn't blocked radiation from spreading to Pacific. MSM is completely silent about it, in every place in world.

Your country's desire for a bloodless revolution may be the biggest blessing of the bunch.

Yeah, that was odd. What was the point of hiding that?

it will probably be the male characters fucking each other

That's pretty cool, I should donate to them.

" …if you see old movies and new movies, you can see that in new movies a policeman, an officer of the US Army looks dumb, angry, psychotic, paranoid. A criminal looks nice, kind of well…he smokes hash and shoot the whatever drug but basically he is a nice human being, he is creative and he is unproductive only because society oppresses him, whereby a general of Pentagon is always, by definition, a tough, a war maniac. A policeman is a pig, rude policeman, he abuses his power. You know? A generallity, a generalisation like that. The hatred, the mistrust to the people who are supposed to protect you and enforce law and order. Moral relativity, the Angela Warner process lasted two years in LA. And yet there are still some lawyers who say: "Look, he's a nice character, as a matter of fact". There was some witness, who said (also criminal): "Well he's a nice guy, I ask him one day to burn the house of my enemy and he wouldn't do it". "

It would be money wasted. When they brought a ship to distribute birth control and give free abortions in Poland, only 11 women actually showed up to take part in it in contrast to the 200 people that went there in protest.


So, you're a spineless scumbag that would shield child predators for fear of retaliation? Fuck you.

WTF I'm pre-ordering now.

i like how they shit out articles about the same subject within seconds from each other


feels bad man

Seems like you have not meet the swedish police.
They are ideologically biased.

TEPCO laziness, and possible Japan riots for building a nuclear plant on fucking island which lie on 3 fault lines. (Also that reactor had major design flaw.)
Proof that I am not full of shit:
Sorry I can't give an archive, because I am too stupid to use them.

Are you playing the PSP version? That's shit.

Well I know I won't get any retalliation because my identity is unknown. An example of a case of someone getting killed after speaking out was a woman involved in a prostitution ring, who spoke to the news and explicitly told them that she does not intend to commit suicide and that she is perfectly fine. Not too long afterwards her body was found and it was declared a suicide, with a suicide note conveniently found. So yes, leaking information publically will most definitely endanger people, and anonymous tips are incredibly easy to dismiss, which is why Pizzagate had way more success than Pedowood despite Pedowood being a subject of discussion for fucking ages.

That survey was almost downright cancerous. I think I need a decontamination procedure for my mind (Why, yes, I'm being a little dramatic).

Gaming news websites always are in a race to publish shit first, as this gives them more sitehits.

This is gonna be fun, we'll have to check with their Disclosures and how will the twitch cultists will react, especially the normalfags.

GDC San Francisco 2017 ETA is 2 hours and 11 mins people.

Nah I just grabbed the screen for porn reactions

I never even bought a psp lel

Just play video games my dude

I'll be doing that within the hour.

Bullshit you just never took the effort, you go to archive.is and paste the link to what you want to archive. If you can turn your computer on and navigate to this site you can use archive

So you admit Milo is no better than Kluwe or Chu then for not blowing the whistle on child molesters and rapists?

No matter. They're providing a valuable service that moralist busybodies are keeping away from the people.

They're usually subscribed to press releases.
If the articles are just copy of the press release, then it might be a coincidence.
Compare them a bit to see if there's anything else written like comments. If possible see if the time of original press release by twitch is available.


Alright, I will remeber that in future.

It begins.

It's alright, Holla Forums has a constant issue with newcomers/normalfags because it's one of the very few English leftist places that isn't an idpol safespace. As long as they keep ass-imilating it should be fine.

Yes, he is. Klue I suspect was downplaying his involvment as a "bystander," and chu says shit for attention and only heard of the rape offhand. Klue would not speak up only to be revealed that he was part of it, and chu still would have less chance of ending up dead if he did squeal, hes not ratting on the mainstream media. Would you speak out against the mainstream media if you saw them raping and molesting children, even if it means having not only your death, but the death of your love ones, all staged as a suicide, and the ones who ypu ratted on getting awards for surviving the accusations of a mentally unstable suicidal maniac?


That is what people said about bringing cancer to the site in its early stages, it most certainly isn't fine. It only serves to shit up quality, which is already pretty fucking low with how many newfags are on Holla Forums. Eventually you're going to get overrun, m8

All of these are loaded questions. Damn.


Wow, and I thought the other survey was bad.

They aren't assimilating though. They are like Holla Forums where these people ONLY go to their ONE fucking board and remain a cancer.

And besides do you really want communists assimilating? They're the only people too stupid to not realize communism doesn't fucking work.

There are non-white wizards?


Generally only Barbarians

Pretty sure Japan is a nation of wizards.

that second image really tries to pry an answer that can be used as a statistic factor



Make some noise.

I think I recognize these faces. Not completely sure but IIRC on the GDCs jewtube channel there's a video of them presenting their research why those dumb devs just don't want to found a dev union.

can I get a source on this? Anti trump people claim the guy shooting was a milo supporter.

turning that one into a webm right now.

Over 40% of all single japs are virgins.


Also there's something called a Japanese Cherry Boys Association: archive.is/MYWY6

We've had this discussion here. The Seattle Times claims the shooter left fanboyish messages on Milo's Facebook, but it's impossible to search them.

What do they need all this mana for? What are they planning?

Making anime real.

Yeah I know, we had this topic here a lot. I know because this was not the first time a antifa attacked another antifa thinking the other one was a nazi. Some sources say he was a milo supporter, others say he was a lefty.

This entire rising Sun cultism?

The Americans didn't kill it. They only forced it underground. Soon, the Jew will truly fear the Samurai.

no first for benis, therefore sage


Also, damnit. Just remembered a perfect character that we could have used for their "diversity", NiGHTS. That fucker that appeared on the Saturn and returned for a one off experience on Wii. He's a great example of a "nongender" character.


Wait, didn't nippon like Trump and then the trump will make anime real meme started. So they will use Kek as a vessel to rip a hole in the fabric of reality and open the eye of moe?

There is one major obstacle, however

I hope this happens

Maybe to turn rabbits into humans?

This survey is gay as heck


Guys we have confirmation that Nier: Automata was censored due to backlash against offensive content.


In other news, George Bush just sprang to the defense of the media against Trump. Deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole.

I didn't get that screen, I chose female

is this the n64 joke thing?

I did

Jesus, that's sad.

It begins in 33 mins, hope you fags are ready.

What does?

For what? I'm going to be gone for the next two hours.

Yeah, we heard about that. It's the Nintendo 64 thing.

It's a shitty thing to get mad about

Do not bully shou.


Oh Ghazi. You're almost adorable in how delusional you are.

GDC you faggots, read the whole thread.

Do we have an inside source like last time?


I'll bully whoever I want. Try bossing me around again and I'm going to kill this baka.

Alright, tell us how it went for those of us unable to watch it. I did my part by filling out the survey.

Indeed, but hapanese autism is something everything in the world should fear.


You like being dominated by a girl.

Seriously, Mr. Shitface and Nina Freejobs,


5 day event, it's gonna be a big circlejerk, virtue signal, and corrupt award show for their buddies.

damn son


I think the writer is having fun looking at the bottom of the post.

I think you responded to the wrong post buddy.

This is the hashtag #gdc17

And look how cancerous it is.

You know, I used to think that Bush was dumb but I never bought into the idea that he was a complete and utter retard. Guess I was wrong on that part.

Shit, tired right about now, need to take a break, you lads take it on.

The bush family is just like the clintons, bought and a very shady past.

Sick fuck

Go to sleep.

Joke or not, it's always the rich people who are pushing this shit because they don't have to live with the rapefugees. FUCK OFF LIVING IN A WESTERN COUNTRY IS NOT A HUMAN RIGHT. HOW ABOUT YOU STOP BOMBING PEOPLE FOR TWO GODDAMN SECONDS AND MAKE YOUR OWN COUNTRY LESS SHITTY

Never mind the above, I hope terrorists attack GDC and everyone there dies. Especially the organizers.

The cancer is spreading.


What I mean is that it would strategically make more sense for him to SUPPORT Trump, since that would give the anti-Trump crowd the reason to start lumping him with Bush and pretty much say something along the lines of "oh look, the corrupt establishment supports Trump, I wonder why". The Bush family may be very popular in Texas but after how Jeb was destroyed during the election, I doubt that support will take him very far.

I hope someone wears a trump nametag.


time to email Gillete and show them the "gamers are dead" shit

Aren't there some good devs there too though? Wasn't a Nipponese dev our informant last year?

Kill them all, Ahmed. Kill them all.


Fucking called it, Freeman's the new "Face of Indie Gaming" after Chelsea shit the bed and exposed herself as being a complete sociopath.
Yeah, because it's not like he's previously had Mel Gibson-tier drunken rants or anything. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?

If the new face of indie gaming makes overpriced 30 minute long non-games for a living, then we've already won.


You mean that one proverbial sockpuppet incident?

Would you a Nina?

And chelsea has probably been paid to sate her sociopathy, if not, hoooboy.

As long as I didn't have to listen to her afterwards. I don't know if there's a penis under there but I would either way. She's kinda cute but damn her games are bad.

No. Id rather a shemale than a delusional fucker who thinks he can become a little girl by removing his dick. I do not dig mutilation and condemn it.

Wait, Freeman is full-on penis removed? Damn, I'd fuck a dude or a woman but something about fucking a wound made to look like a vagina is too much for me.

Yep, thats a post op, technically an it/male.

I really couldn't tell from the pictures provided. I thought (s)he just had a bad case of the manface.

Yeah, what's stopping him from making an ass of himself, and by extension making the gaming industry look bad this time?

Oh, money wouldn't keep that brand of crazy away.

It-its a tranny?

Oh, so they've moved on to another demographic that they think is untouchable for "Indie Darling?"

I guess changing from a woman to an "it" didn't work so well for ZQ. I wonder if this retroactively makes the 5 guys gay.



I'm not a homo

Shit, now that Tumblr-tier post from her makes sense.

wtf is going on on that first screencap

Then I shall enjoy the carnage of an itmale/female sociopath slapfight and backstabbing.

Post op. It fails at having a effeminate voice, and it even has an old twitter post going on about its operation

Yep. And its not the first to try. Carl petit did so too to deflect criticism, and now is head of igda.

That bulge is fat. It got the d removed.

I am and I'm kind of iffy on this now. In my opinion pussy > feminine benis+bp > an onahole > my hand > abstinence > fake pussy. I would probably hit it if not for the alleged fake pussy.

It always made sense if you realized it was just a cry for attention. Just like that shit at the Oscars last night. I guarantee that wasn't a genuine mistake, just them trying to draw attention to how great they are for giving a movie about black people an Oscar, instead of just doing it.

Yeah, especially given Jimmy Kimmel's earlier comments referencing Will Smith's "the Oscars are racist because my wife wasn't nominated for anything" shit.

I heard about that but I don't watch awards shows so I didn't know the exact statement. It's just a bunch of rich people masturbating each other.

What the fuck.


Do we know the editors? Do we have tweets etc of stuff they said?


It was a goddamned stereotype on wheels


Bullshit. As unattractive as she is, she's a woman. Hell, Cibèle is an "autobiography", after all, and she's a woman in those.
She has a pussy and always has had one. Stop inventing reasons to hate her she already has enough as it is

Rubber. As in not a goddamn wound pretending to be a pussy.

Yeah but these kinds of people like to take "liberties" with their life stories.

Except that was rage over literally calling the N64 worthless trash that came from Japan itself.


If Leffen doesn't double down on being an asshole with no fucks given for all beneath his livelihood earning skills in Super Smash Bros Melee with Fox McCloud, then he's faggot.

Oh I forgot to respond to this one. Yes, I do. I have a very high libido, I always have. I'm seeing someone but I still have to jerk off on top of sex or it gets in the way of doing things.


Good morning! Got up just in time for GDC to start in 30 minutes.

Can someone please explain the KING joke from Gachimuchi? I figured those white haired fatties with too much makeup make that related enough to ask.

Literally took the place of Tabuu at the end of that one Melee parody.

Now I just need to really fucking set it off against retarded westerners altogether.

that's not a nice way to die.

Nina is the one who made all those boasts about the switch leaks, yeah?

Put them into war planes.



Found the stream for GDC! ETA is less than 10 minutes!

Black Metal is over now that Antfaggot will be boycotting it. ;_;

I remember the guy who did the Eurogamer preview also specifically noted how one of the male NPCs enjoyed flirting with his male player character.

There goes the pandering train. And that after the "Troy from North Korea" bullshit EA pulled when ME3 was panned for the ending.

So this is how they're advertising Andromeda? "We still have the fade-to-black sex scenes?"

That's just the beginning.


GDC begins

No, that's lara kate dale, who indeed is an ugly tranny. "she" has given fake and wrong leaks and then cried in a twitstorm about how she was the victim when it was established she was so full of shit.
I don't blame you for confusing the two, but one's a "developer" and the other a "journalist"


is there a bingo or a brote's stream?

You're supposed to call that retarded disgusting shit an "it".

I bet no one grilled him on the 2030 thing, or why windows 8 and 10 are shit, with the latter being fbi.net


Haven't made one
Haven't found any streams on Broteam or GDC's official Twitch.

I confuse all the idiots, they blend together to me since its all the same shitty attitudes.

it will be probably at 1am yurop time



I have last years, it isn't renamed or anything, but I can post the cards if you want.

Aspies are retarded, but calling them "disabled" is a stretch. Its the only reason I shy away from wanting sociopathy to be classified as a mental disability, at least without adding the word "criminal".

Needs Marxism. Marxism is good for bingo game design.

Like clockwork, as happening starts the pornspam resumes.

I'm talking about making them even more xenophobic and shitlords.

Seriously how old is she? Above 30 at least?

Hope this helps!

Actually pleasantly surprised with the quality of some Razorfist's political related videos.
His wall video focused on an argument no one ever talks about, really fucking convincing too.

26 according to jewgle

Well fuck, did she do meth or shit like that?

Oh well, my curiosity is fed. Thanks.

I seriously never considered building a wall for the good of the mexican people as a moral measure until that vid.

It was an amazing argument.

pew pew!


Thank you, super Hitler.

This seem like pretty standard, we all know they don't enforce is evenly but the wording itself is not that bad.


Never ever have a code of conduct. It's how they get in.

when did people get "harassed" over that?

Its also there to covert their asses for legal liabilities.

Its usually preceded by "mistaken" aka fat women.

I still can't find a livestream link for GDC. Jewgle's livestream is for their own conference & Gamespot I think is doing it to cover 'Indie' Games & not GDC only.

GDC is UBM which is Polygon. They didn't get infected, they ARE the disease

"Go be pregnant somewhere else round tummy!"

"So now I can sleep with you without fearing for a pregnancy"

"Preggos are my fetish"

Said no one ever.

If you want a decent tech convention, siggraph is decent.

Wait, this guy's a zona fag? Neat.

So blm is basically just another sjw group? I thought they were just a bunch of angry criminal niggers.



The latter usually follow at the tail of the former. With the police busy making sure that BLM protests remain peaceful, gangbangers use the opportunity and crack a few shops.

Also just realized there's nothing in the code of conduct regarding politics


Overwatch, blizzard acted tsundere to the porn, and know that without the porn, it would be in the bin alongside battleborn.


Still it seems to have started a new trend, porn of the game sells the game, or that's what they believe. After the complete failure of the Dragon Age brand I get the feeling Bioware is on the ropes. Too bad their is as much hype for Andromeda than for Farming Simulator 2017.

Oh god why

Did they even heard about rule 34 ? That's no success at all.

what the fuck did xhe do to Daphne

Strawman comics: totally not making you look like insane children.


I can't tell if this is serious or a joke

a trans nigger, please

user, . . .

No clue, the comic seems to trivialize trannies as only wanting to be women because they want to get fucked by straight men.

Can we now declare that Scooby Apocalypse is, officially, a better comic.

Admitting to illegal squatting, that should be reported.

Why are SJWs so fucking bad at art? Even the worst drawfag is better than this!

the absolute mad mammal



Time to end it

Because they churn the shlock out in an hour and act like it took weeks, and never use structure.

Because they're unwilling to learn and all of those participation awards have gotten to their head that the least amount of effort that they can put forward is clearly their best work.

Ignoring all the other cancer, what's up with them shaving the side of their head? This has probably been asked a lot since this is not a new trend and people do this since ages, but why exactly are they doing this? I mean are any guys who are not total cucks into this?

at least she doesn't earn a lot.

Mental lobotomy + S tier brainwashing + Muh safe spaces

Everything is better than that shit here.


This needs to be turned into an ISIS parody.



user, Farming Simulator [CURRENT YEAR] got mod support on PS4.
Claiming Biowares newest abortion has as much hype as Farming Simulator is vastly overestimating Bioware, Farming Simulator bitchslaps Ass Defect in the hype category all night long in cinemascope

Lefties saying the right supports ISIS when they are the ones allowing them to enter without security checks.

And >90% of those sales are from 10 companies.

I dont get that pic, want to add subtitles? I assume they are claiming isis is now white people?

Is that the same parade where they had the trump float with a black eye?

Not a kraut but the AfD seems to be saying "hate towards muslims" while IS is saying "Our neccesary idiots"

GDC 2017: Epic Games’ Tim Sweeney Thinks Social Interactions Will ‘Be the Number One Use’ of VR in the Future
Someone post that Brote VR video

So they are claiming isis is a false flag against muslims?

Which is weird, because Apocalypse is a really low bar to set. Like you have to consciously try to make something worse than the shitty forced drama those comics have.

well the isis guy calls the afd (a mostly anti refugee party) a useful idiot.

well basically this.

They are saying that one of the goals of isis is to make the life of peaceful muslims hard. And by hating muslims we support them.

The AfD (german nationalist party) is holding two…things (I don't actually recall the name of the instrument) reading "Hate of Muslims", while the ISIS guy says "Useful idiots".

Always remember, user. If you kill your enemies, they win.

Nigerian, please.
I've noticed the people who are productive here, either by digging, making OC and working on memetics, archiving, verifying. They don't say shit about what others can or should do with their own time and energy. They focus on their own things, and work with others just fine.

If they have one tab on the GDC stream, h8chan, and some stroke mango and can keep up with all three. No one's business but their own. The only thing I'd be worried about is the 8ch memory leak. Otherwise if they can handle their own thing, no one needs a concernfag tut tut-ing about. If they can succesfully meme on socjus with one hand and stroke their own benis with the other. Well sheeeit, go right ahead. Just make sure to use some purelle before I shake your hand.

Nah. Not everyone, after all you stayed and kept watching over and over and over again. :^)

Thanks for reminder that patreon is 90% cancer.
1. Akabur I don't know this fag.
2. When dev is kike.jpg
3. Fucking furfags
4. No comment
5. Poor draw-fag, good luck to him.

Creativity is so rare that only image boards have it.

Well, vr is dying due to price, and horror games will be the number 1 use of vr for now.

I'd argue that ISIS wants to KILL peaceful muslims.

Bullshit, number one use of VR will be porn with all fetishes known to men.

Assimilate then kill the ones that refuse.

I have to look at the dig and sift material again regarding VR. But did you remember some of the VR stuff with the ESA, and how they see it as the next big thing, with ties to education and gamification jazz.

Push for VR is yuge, especially for education $pending it seems. It's big fucking buku dollars if the vidya industry can snag some contracts supplying VR hardware, software, to go with all that gamification package.

You know Todd, there was this thing that existed prior to 1998. It was called social interaction. It required that people left their homes to go meet people at various places outside of work school. And, the funny thing about those times is that everyone hated each other, but no on really cared. Imagine how magical of a time that was.



Requesting "I am for secret debates" image

I'm fairly sure Freeman is one of the few girls (female) in the clique.

well generally saying they make money because they develop shit that nobody else offers.
well people say that his game is the best western porn game. I played it for less than 10 minutes and disagree. I don't know, maybe it takes a while for the game to start becoming fun, but it just wasn't my thing.

No idea who 2 and 3 are, but 4 is the guy who makes trap quest. It was recommended here a few times and you have the option to disable all trans options. Still a bad game imo but that shit was not easy to code. I tried to get into that crap.

Spotted Silverstring Media


I wonder if Maya Kramer is buzzing around there somewhere.

Yes, Gallagher talked about wanting to "Protect the frontier" & all that shit in the VR podcast.

So the EU, in the name of "preventing fascism," is itself becoming a fascist state. But Brexit was bad, right?

I guess this is mostly rhetorical, because I know the answer. But how is this, whiting out things you don't want broadcast better than the Burger president not giving seating to press. Literal censorship vs. obeying Right Wing Fire And Safety laws.


2. Shitstorm between H-Bomb and Purple fag or something like that. It was monster-girl ranch game with some furfags
3. Corruption of champion and Trials in Tainted Space dev which went for furfags shekels.
I am surprised you didn't heard about third one though.

Censorship intensifies

Kizumonogatari II: Nekketsu-hen

This also isn't the only time they have done shit like this. For example at one point they tried to pressure Bongistani news outlets to stop reporting when criminals are Muslim, this was AFTER the Brexit vote, mind you.

t. ameriga

Wait the IS man looks like a crafty Jew

Brb preordering

Oy vey, the Goymans know.

pic related

How damn many more gender bullshit categories do they need?

Surely this won't backfire. Censorship laws always work as intended, after all.


I believe him. It's not just a possible frontier for the industry in terms of dollars, but also (and I hate to use the buzzword jargon but that's all I can think of right now) the 'mindshare'.


(apologies for not using archive.is this is just for expedience sake)

web.archive.org/web/20161205212824/http://please use archive.is2015/9/28/9409571/google-expeditions-virtual-reality-field-trips

So, a game with GPS? A game where the lore is based on the geographical location and history, or is it more of BF1 we wuz kaisers and sheeit? What in the fuck are they talking about and why do I get the feeling it's going to be cancaer in one way or another from them.

they are just very salty and can't accept they lost

It happened in 2000, it happened again in 2016.
And the entire time they'll argue that it's their constitutional right to go against the president no matter what but when it's their guy in they want you gulag'd for disagreeing with them while telling you to give up essential liberties because DA ARMEE'S TOO STRONK

Looks more like geographical location & history (Which these days seems to translate to We Wuz Kangz 'n shieet)

Alright you win this round 'please use archive.is'. It is from the verge after all.

Schools aren't going to buy any gamification shit. Its just too exspensive.

what said. You had the same crap with Obama, and Bush, and every other president before that.


They are not suppose to know that.

And they caused their own loss.

Oh dont worry, some governments are more than eager to fund the propaganda tools into the classroom

You misunderstood me. Removing time and video of people speaking because you don't like what they're saying is literal censorship. Telling the press fuck off we're full is not.

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3

They used to make fun of both sides, can't really find anything good against Obongo, but they had some shit against him too. But pretty mild compared to that shit they do against white people.

Offtopic but interesting:
disobedientmedia.com/democrat-propaganda-group-shareblue-has-ties-to-chinese-government-host-of-foreign-special-interests/ archive.is/aRPcc

Especially when the politicians that are "on the right side of history" are actively embezzling funds from the school districts and blaming (insert political boogeyman here) for it.

Dubs of truth.

I used to think that the Nazi purge of "degenerate art" was bad, but holy shit am I in favor of it after seeing this.


Wtf, this game was obviously not taking itself seriously.

These are more graphical than the ones in Brazil.


Bread Title: Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator Edition

A giant like google can give away some of the hardware and software. If not reduced, some subsidized shenanigans, or if a yuge enough entity really wants to double down, they will treat the hardware and software as loss leader items. Because there is also the possibility that it's not just about money, but about 'making the world a better place'.

tl;dr: hey here's some free textbooks from us. Isn't that nice? It's got some numath, nuhistory, and nusociology. Best part is it's free!

Ok, but that is nothing new. Artists and writers and all types of creative people know that shit already, it's called researching stuff so your creation is believable. Unless they're talking about as you said, we wuz kangz type of 'world' history.

Holy god fucking fuck.

why does this keep happening
Liz mai 3D waifu

Of fucking course.
>related articles: Soros coincidentally buys stock in Netflix as they ramp up propaganda

yep, and to be honest I doubt we will see anything like those of merkel again now that the left loves her for some reason. Back then it was okay because she was slightly right compared to the other parties.

isn't this old news? I remember reading this fake tip story ages ago.

It's cancer. It's 100% pure fucking cancer.

Fart pls go


I wonder when it's going to finally sink in for normalfags that PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET WILL LIE TO YOU!

Why are people so gullible, the retarded masses seems to be the new renewable resource.

And yet, when has any sojus ever self reflected and have not ended up ostricised by the pack mentality. The irony of their statment is lost on themselves. And the whole "dont be a blind patriot" my rebuttal: dont ask others to sacrifice their safety and security so you can feel good.



isn't this old news? I remember reading this fake tip story ages ago.

If people want to believe something they take everything they can.

Other part of the Issue with F2P games

Pic 1
Pic 2

COINTELPRO is a hell of a thing. The Western left has been almost completely co-opted by the very people they used to fight.

Cleaner pic 1

Tell that to ea, ubisoft and square.
It can, but it is about 1 in 10 000 that make. A decent livable profit and even less for smash hits. Angry birds and candy rush were lucky things that released early before the f2p fad. And console f2p, well, other than heavily obsessives who probably have ocd or another mental disability that you are taking advantage of, most players are cheap asses and financial defficits for you.

Yeah, fucking tell that to Evolve.


I know this is a stretch, but I always feel that GG involved anons know everything that ever happened on the web.

So, does any of you know the "meme hell" webm going around here starring Gmod Max Payne and all sorts of maymays causing mayhem that seems Russian made? I've been trying to find it online elsewhere under so many names and titles but never found it. Does anyone know what I mean and do you happen to know if it's on youtube or elsewhere?

Thanks a lot.


Now we are in the season pass fad where the game is no longer the main product and sales themselves are no lomger important except those that are attached with a season pass, basically baiting people with the promise of future content but doing jack shit like with Fallout 4 and The Division. Profitable as hell for publishers and since peopleare retarded it works like a charm.

You will hear all these from executives and hr people. The last one is true. The rest are summed up as "shut up or I will replace you, despite the fact I am probably replacing you in 8 months anyways to not have to pay benefits." and the fault falls on animators and programmers not making guilds late 80s and early 90s which would probably have became corrupt anyways at this point

I wonder if the had a "this is the lie - this is the reality" comparison?

I remember what webm you're referring to but I dont have it


Shitpost Permission Granted

This is GDC with IGDA/ESA bullshit.
They 100% mean this, in the vain efforts of getting a team of lackluster faggot devs together to flood the world with trash so any retard can get billions of dollars for doing something with some actual quality.

If I buy season passes, I buy them after all the content is out, and at discount.

Can't say I know that specific meme.

I think your original point has to do with #GGs age demographic. Most of us are, or rather had to be old enough to remember gaming's glory days otherwise we probably wouldn't be here. And if you're old enough for that, chances are you've been on the 'net for a long time too, as vidya, nerdism, and the early Internet kinda went hand-in-hand.

When will this dangerous pedosexual commit suicide?

Normalfags destroyed the Internet. I miss the old days of the early 90s.


I heard he had gone undercover with the famous mass shooter sam hyde

I'll be right here when you, pedodan, the most dangerous pedo commits suicide.

goons came out the woodwork just as gdc started also where are these photos coming from? is it you panda?

I'd say 97-2000 were probably the Internet's best years. Shit wasn't hyper-politicized until 9/11, but it was far enough along that the functionality was still great, and the normalfags were still mostly quarantined to AOL. There was tons to talk about, with new developments every day and tens of thousands of small communities with their own flavor and quality.

He can't keep getting away with it!


I'm not Panda.


That's actually relevant since in a lot of game companies the work times are hell.

If you are good at what you do there are better jobs than this shit industry. Videogames industry is the McDonald's of programmers, "artists" and PR people.

I still miss OMM, and Poe. Chet, Erik, and Seanbaby turned out to be turbofaggots. Jensen has always been a "say that to my face and not online" faggot so I can't include him.

then who are you? how did you get in there?

And this is the reason why I want gaming to burn to the fucking ground.


So far all I'm getting from this is

I'm watching the tweets.

I know. It would be interesting to see what they claim to be the "truth".

pic related


great now revolt is shitting things up is bad enough we have acid man and val here but revolt and leftpol!? pure cancer.


I think you quoted the wrong person.



Females and non white people get preferential hiring treatment, regardless of skills and work ethic, through carrot and stick. Anyone who uses either of those traits in this industry as an excuse as to why they got cannned are usually put on the silent blacklist as "potential lawsuits". They are only detremential if you are white and male.

There does tend to be a contract, and if you do not fufill it, you can be rightfully shitcanned. And its not just vidya, work>personal life, and if you chose the latter, expect to lose your job.

Pic 1
Pic 2

It's a tricky situation. The people who can actually create content are often the low end in the totem pole, so a guild like org or trade association for them is not a bad idea. Even for something as basic as getting lower insurance. A single bee is not a big deal unless you're stuck with one in a car. But a swarm of bees, now that's different.

Problem is exactly what you mentioned. If that guild turns corrupt or lazy. Which IMO is what many of these conferences and attempted unionization of vidya creators. Look at the usual suspects and their behavior, and a basic pattern emerge.

-make a game, any game, no matter how shitty it is, or barely below malware, as long as it meets the ever decreasing standard of what can be called a vidya product.
-make the right clique connections and kiss the right rings to be admitted into the clique.
-you are now a dev, or an indie dev who does important work that starts conversations that can make the world a better place, who now mostly does talks and conferences instead of making vidya. But that's what vidya is really about anyway right.
-go to talks and revolutionary gamejams! challenging heteronomitive hegemonical -ism inherent in the system why hello fellow devs and gamers, do you have time to talk about the wonder ful world of marxism for your game design? Also RAAAAAAYPE CULTURE and FUCK WHITECISHETSCUM AND FUCK THE JAPS FOR THEIR SEXIST ALT RIGHT ANIME REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

1. Just do good code.
2. You will have to git gud.
3. I got to where I am by training.
4. Make games because you want to, but don't forget about money.
5. A thousand other people given the same money would leave that job.
6. People who burn out, just need to take break and do something else for while.

It seems I have. Pls no bully.

Is frit around any more?

Yep. "Its not your fault you suck, its everyone elses for holding you back" rich parent to spoiled brat mentality.

Yeah, that's the thing they will never ever tell you. Even among mobile casual games, just how many people will sink cash into it? Instead, they'll give you download numbers and scream "THIS IS THE FUTURE!"



Forgot to post this, I didn't get the context of it. Happened earlier.

Indeed. They never tell you how much money they make unless it is alot.

My rage can only be controlled so much and I feel like I'm about to erupt into uncontrollable fury and flames.

"Deserving" rarely ever translates to "getting."
Name one that isn't indie.

Not only that, but he continually tries to push this disconnect of "developers aren't gamers," as if the gaming industry hasn't been driven by gamers since the 1980's.

It'll be a while until Naughty Dog does another presentation.

I picked this up with part of my tax return this year and wound up using it for a carry gun. Limited edition, only made for two years. Rare little fuckers. I had it traded in, mint condition, by a state court judge back before Christmas and squirrelled it away until I could claim it.

I had tried to get one for a year back when they came out and had no luck. Its fucking sexy.


It is old news, only now there's a confirmation it's false. Of course, the Huffpost made an update to their article, which says:

It's not that there are proofs, not that gullible people were scammed, not that journos were quick to use this as "yet another example of racism", not that they published a fake story assuming it was true and didn't verify anything… It's just "an attorney… said the incident never happened", as if it's another layer of outrage that needs to be applied on this turd of a fake drama story. Fuck these people.

That is kinda funny and almost broken clock.

Indeed. See sausage partys animators.
Doom circa 80s.

Looks nice. I'm not the biggest fan of revolvers. We talked briefly about Fabrique Nationale if you remember.

Well, it's Huffington Post, they were caught red-handed trying to fabricate a "Russia totally supports Trump, guys" story by passing out Russian flags with Trump's name on it at a political gathering.

Try harder.




Oh yeah, those guys got fucked so hard. I don't think Seth Rogen has even said anything about it, which honestly tells a lot about his priorities.

I dont know exact dates, I try not to commit dates to memory.

You deserve bully.

One is a skill, two are your responsibilities, one is normalization of nepotism rather than rebellion against it, rest is irrelevant.
It'd go better with the last sentence if you just said you need luck on top of skill and strategy.
Burn-out is a sign of weakness because humans are weak. It is still their responsibility to deal with their shit and it's certainly possible with some planning.
Back-handedly shitting on passion to point out the obvious truth that you should be paid FAIRLY (key word) for the work you've done. I don't want my developers to be whores and neither do they, fuck you.
Nobody is saying you should suffer as they have, you projector. They're saying you should work as hard as they have if you want to get where they are, which entails suffering.
And I fucking LOVE how the progressive cult only ever mentions responsibility when it conveniently means spreading their ideology.
No, it's not your responsibility to remake the industry in the image of your God, you don't know what's best for everyone, fuck off.



Are you going to stay here and keep watch to make sure everyone follows your ruling for a dead bread. Or should I keep an eye out, and bully anyone that defies your fatwa. :^)

New SD cards?

What do you have in that shopping bag.

A black full length pleated skirt, industrial aluminum foil tape, baby oil, and g string panties.

That's pretty bold of you. Princess. Are you brave enough to take off the skirt you have on right now, change into those panties and the full length pleated skirt in this room right now. You don't have to face me directly, you can face the wall if you feel modest. In fact, I think a princess like you should exercise some modesty.

Face the wall, and change into those things, if you can. Princess.

O-okay. Do you like, the skirt?

Hm, it seems new. Did you buy it recently or you always had it but have not worn it much.

Recently, but I washed and ironed it. You'd be surprised how often new looking clothes show up in thrift stores.

Did your mother have a skirt like this.

Y-yes, though she had lots. I have a few of the plainer ones as hand me downs. Dad sold most of her nicer clothes.


He probably did. But I think he might have kept one or two. The skirt you have on now, is suitable. But you are not quite ready for it yet. A man does not forget some things, no matter how painful or how much he wishes to. I think somewhere in your house, there is still an old garment of your mother that is very similar to this. I want you to find it.

O-okay, I'll be back in a minute.


I didn't say you could leave just now, princess.


It will be well hidden in your home. You will not find it in a day, it might take you a few days. More than a few bread's length. If your father sold all of your mother's finer garments, than bring something like a broach, or a pin. It doesn't have to be expensive, an old school pin or broach will do. It may still be in your home somewhere, since your father likely overlooked it, it's not worth any monetary value. You won't find it right now, if you are very lucky you may be able to get it by next bread or two expiry time.

Right now, you are not ready yet. But you should stay a bit longer and answer some questions for me. If you can, princess.

Okay. I'll try to be honest. H-how do you know how hard to find things in my house are?

Your demeanor is often more honest than your words, and it tells me a great deal. Princess. It will be some simple questions. Straightforward. What kind of imagery do you like to photograph. You are a perceptive shutterbug, I want to know what it is you seek when you take your many pictures. Landscapes, people, objects?

P-people. Doing th-things. You have that SD card. You've looked at it, right? It even has pictures of bullying.

Yes, you were telling the truth when you first mentioned it back then, and now still. You like to watch people. Observing them. Maybe you felt you were experiencing things vicariously, or maybe you were more timid back then. How about now, princess, do you like it when you are being watched and being observed. When the lens is turned on to you.

It, It's more than anything I've ever experienced vicariously. I r-really like it.

I see. How do those new panties feel on you. Are you shaved or trimmed down there, between your legs I mean. Princess. You can answer both questions, blush or no blush. I can repeat it if you didn't hear me correctly.

How does the new g-string panties feel on you?

Are you shaved, or trimmed your pubic hair?

It's d-digging into my butt a little. I keep myself neatly trimmed, though I don't have much down th-there in the first place.

I'm not going to check, not right now anyway. Did you think I was going to suddenly grab and throw you down, hike up that skirt, and see if you were lying to me? Or pin you down, and easily take your new panties off with my paws, to see if you are lying to me, and shave you myself? Or perhaps I like to see you with more hair down there. So many decisions on what I could do. Why are you shaking a bit, princess.

N-nothing much. Just, nervous.

I see. Come closer. I want to feel the fabric of that skirt. You can pout all you want princess. But I still need you to come closer. Or we can end this session right here and now. It's probably too much for such a frail one like you.

I'm, I'm coming.

Hmm, yes. It's nicely pleated enough, I think it will do the job if you can not find your mother's finer garment. You are still not ready for it however, not quite yet. I think you need to find that old school pin, or even a kilt pin your mother may have had. It will take you a while, but I think you will find it by the time a bread or two has expired.

Stay still, I'm going to slowly and firmly run my hands down on the sides of your skirt, to feel the pleats. Stay very still, princess.

[I am calm. I am calm. I am calm. I am calm.]

Very good princess. See that wasn't so bad. I could have easily yanked your skirt down, and brutishly bully you. Maybe one day, but not right this moment. What did I say when we first started this bullying sessions. I strive for quality bullying. Have I kept my promise so far? Feel free to answer princess. Do remember my hands are still on you however. Not a threat. Just a reminder.

Y-you have. I was expecting regular bullying, but you've gone b-beyond that.

Well I'm glad you're honest. As honest as can be with my hands on you anyway, but you might be telling the truth at this moment. And that is acceptable enough.
You can face the wall again and change back to your skirt and underwear before. Keep that skirt clean and crisp for next time. In case your father really did sold all your mother's finer attire. But I think you can find your mother's old school pin or accessory. I think you are very motivated to find it. When you do, I think you will be ready for the next bullying session.

You can change back to your previous skirt now, go face the wall and slowly do it. Tell me when you are finished and ready to turn around and face me directly.

I, I'm ready to turn around.

Good, you can turn around and look at me. And say
But the experience might be too much for you, princess. Or maybe it won't be. Either way. It's your choice. What is it going to be.

I will find my m-mother's pin or accessory no matter what, o-only then will I try to find you to bully me again.

Very well princess. I still have some things to arrange until then. I hope you prepare yourself for our next session. You can go home now, your father should not go hungry even if he never acknowledges your meals.

W-would you like me to bring all the stuff again? Even the stuff we didn't use?

Yes, very perceptive of you, princess. Bring them all again. We will use them all, if you find that pin.

Th-thank you for this, and goodnight.