Is VR already dead?

Is VR already dead?

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You cannot kill what was never born.

what about abortions?

It was never alive user

I would like to believe that it will develop into something worthwhile eventually. But for now it may as well be dead.

I hope so I need to buy a cheap set and play lewd games

There is absolutely no way this is possible.

all it will ever be good for is porn and that's only if you want you dick and eyes to be sore by the end of the night.

Maybe eventually as in decades down the road.

This basically.

How many games actually took advantage of it and it was good?

If we in "decades down the road" end up evolving so we don't have inner ear fluid.

You mean that's not supposed to happen?

It hasn't really been born yet

It just needs more porn.

RE7 is the only real game with proper gameplay and VR support

Untill omni directional treadmills and haptic resistance vests are cheap and easy to come by vr will not pick up.

I hate all the faggots shitting on it though. Like I want to sit on the fucking couch forever. Fuck you.

I want to get up off my ass and slay the fucking dragon. I've been waiting my whole life for this and it still isn't here.

if you want physical activity then go outside, faggot

Elite Dangerous with a HOTAS

unless you want to play multiplayer with friends, in which case fuck you

it took them forever to add flight wings and even now you can't do missions together

There aren't fucking dragons outside you retarded faggot.

RWS take note

Next single line thread?

Just a little over 4 months after launch, PSVR is already attached to roughly 2% of all PS4s. Keep in mind the 915,000 PSVRs sold are pretty much the same number as the PSVRs produced, they're flying off the shelfs faster than they come in.
Zuckerbergolus Rift might be dead tho, as Zenimax is trying to halt distribution of all products found using their stolen code.

So far, it's a stream of good news for VR. Sales are going well and the cancer infesting it might soon be cut out of the picture.

You short-sighted faggots. None of the tech industry is looking at the 5 year market, instead looking solely at trends occurring in 10 to 25 years. The reason Zuckerkike bought the fucking IP for Oculus was to ensure that the free-market didn't kill VR again like it did in the 1980s and 1990s and to incubate the tech for the military industrial complex. Also, AMD just released a prototype capable of 4k rendering. Reminder that to trick our brains into believing the digital imagery is real we only need 8k.

Now we just need some games.

The CIA wants to lock us into the matrix.

nobody was ever claiming this will be an instant revolution. The headsets will have to cheapen with next generations, then you'll get common vr

You mean the Illuminati (kazar infiltrated)



I`m just going to say this.
Everyone was wrong.
Hardware is too expensive. Software is tech demos or terribly limited experiences… (movement is the main issue).
Were it any other product, this would be called a COMPLETE DISASTER.

It also seems those "walled gardens" vendors are building are catered to audience that DOESN`T EXIST, meaning people who like games that are really not games, more like virtual worlds that nobody cares about, since there is no compelling storybuilding just "gameplay" thats supposed to be "next gen"(meaningless interaction).

VR is for sims. What is so fucking hard for devs and hardware makers to understand about this? It should be marketed the same way that the Thrustmaster Warthog (tm) is - as a high end accessory for sim enthusiests.

Do you think it's possible that VR could bring back the arcade? Or is the arcade dead for all eternity?

As 3D headsets, VR devices are in a pretty good state. They just need more poweful hardware to work with, and higher resolutions/frame rates. As a whole thing with motion controls and so on they couldn't be shittier. We need something like kinect that isn't absolute broken garbage and treadmills so people can walk around but companies keep pushing for "spend 5000$ like a true goy to make a 10x10m area in your house if you even have a room with that space completely useless, and then play games with a shittier wiimote"

The moment it keeps my dick alive, can go to hell and beyond.

only acceptable VR

And VR kanojo is out next Tuesday. Can't be more happier, vr dead or not.


Porn is the only thing that can save it.

The only way wagglan can be good is 20cms up my boipucci, homo.


To counteract the chromatic aberrhation of the lenses. It's not added as a wanted effect, it's there to remove an unwanted effect.

Awww yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I took a screenshot of the SteamVR "mirror", and you're right it's not present once you wear the headset. There's still some issues like god rays and low def panels, but it will get better, no doubt about it. The future is bright when i comes to porn and simulators.

Ah yes the ad hom cometh

They have to make good sims worth buying expensive accessories for first.

But what about people who aren't sim enthusiasts?
We need their money too goy!

It is exactly dead, but it isn't booming either. Too many shit games, no true game that every can look at and say "This is what VR is supposed to be like", and too expensive. I know everyone says "give it a few years" but unless people try to actually make VR good, I doubt it will really take off.

Elite Dangerous

Just wait for holodecks
those silly vr masks are whats holding vr back

Sure, if we cannot have movement because people keep complaining about it, might as well focus entirely on cockpit VR.

Overall VR is still to expensive, to be mainstream. The PSVR is the most affordable, but also the most gimmicky. And a lot of the games for it should have been launched with a regular mode as well. Facebook pretty much killed Oculus, and the Vive is $800 plus a $1000+ computer needed to run it.
Though if you look at it as only a niche market segment, it doing ok. I think the biggest reason so many people think it "failed", is all the idiots in the press who were proclaiming as the next big thing that was going to replace how we play everyday.

VR does make horror games much better. There are a few shooters like Onward, Arizona Sunshine, and Quel 4D that are good, too. GTA V on the Vive was a blast, but you couldn't really play the whole game with it.

No, but there are bears, tigers, sharks, and people to kill. There's real danger out there to be tamed.


The only obstacle the things have is the price tag. Which will hopefully drop in the coming years.

I don't get why people here seem to think the product is flawed, I blame Valve for trying to turn this into a "walk around the room" thing which it was never suited for.

I thought Holla Forums wanted video games where your choices matter?

not if it involves morals and consequences!

VR never really 'started' to begin with.


It's the other way around.
As long as developers expect you to jump around like a spastic retard, VR will not move past the status of a useless gimmick.

no fun allowed RNG pay2win garbage

Git gud faggot.

YES! I want to rabbit punch bitches in the street in Skyrim and then run from the goddamn police like the criminal scum that I am.

Skyrim would be fun in sort burst in VR. Wouldn't want to play the whole game in it though.

But walking simulators are already a thing.

Not running full-tilt, or even having to walk everywhere.

Sneaking, though. I could sneak and backstab for a good long while. Something built more like Deus Ex.

I need that next-tier murder simulator.

Speaking of which, that right there is what it would take to sell me on VR.
But only if it has full tactile feedback.

Flailing around like a retard in your house unable to see anything real around you is a recipe for being filmed making a dick of yourself, hitting someone or destroying your own shit.

I don't want to masturbate with headgear on, moreover VR porn is just that, you're still sat, or stood, jerking off in a room alone with a helmet on, I mean I suppose you could go whole hog and buy yourself a fake ass/pussy but there comes a point where one needs to kill themselves and I think it's just slightly before that unless you're Japanese.


You're not the only one thinking that.
In fact, it has already been attempted and i think its a great idea since most people have nowhere near the dosh or the space to even afford anything like a proper VR setup.

Some dudes in Germany set up some sort of VR Arcade thing as a test run for 3 months showcasing some games they had made specifically for it. I went to it and it was surprisingly good. Everything worked and since the guys running it are the devs themselves they said they would try to constantly update the choice of games. At the time i checked it out they had 2 games to choose from, One was a coop oriented Tower defense game where the players themselves were the essentially the towers and had to protect a core from enemies with throwing fireballs and lightning and the second one was some sort of "keep talking and nobody explodes" kind of deal except themed around running a spaceship. It was good fun. What id like to see developed instead of VR would actually be AR. Think of glasses you put on and shit would be placed in the actual world for you to do. Think dennou coil or something like that. This would completely remove any need for a treadmill and haptic feedback shit and only need you to wear some sort of computer backpack or something until the tech is developed far enough so you can display good graphics outside your house. Maybe some sort of wagglan gloves that would display equipped items like swords or guns in AR.

I personally want to see what holographic arcade machines can do.

VR will never take off until it's quite literally exactly like the holodeck. The goggle concept died in the 80's.


These are boys aren't they.

VR will never be successful until the headset and other hardware for it considerably cheaper

No shit Sherlock. This artist is pretty good too even linking uncensored versions of his images on his pixiv account. I just wish he drew more lolis and less traps.

No, it's perfectly safe.
you can trust me


No, not even then. It'll never be successful until it's worthwhile and it won't be worthwhile until goggles aren't needed for it.

It's just a puffy vulva.


Do you mean no wearable thing at all or just no bulky goggles?
Because if its the former i ask you to give an example how one would manage that.

There's always going to be googles of some type needed. At least until we start sending signals directly to the brain.

It would actually makes sense to return to tank controls for them.


Holograms or some shit I dunno lol

But the fact it's never happening as long as people have to strap goggles to their faces. It doesn't matter how lightweight or inexpensive they are. People just fucking hate that. We'd all be looking at 3D displays right now if somebody had invented a way to deliver quality, non-headache inducing 3D without the need to wear anything.

Where are you taking this information from?
I don't recall seeing the majority of people who tested out VR goggles complaining about them being a thing. I'll give you headaches and nausea, but I'm pretty sure that'll be ironed out when resolution and latency issues have been worked out. I almost threw up the first time i tested VR on a shitty early oculus and the last time i checked with the Vive, my nausea was completely gone. I obviously can't apply my personal experience to everyone out there but there seems to have been definite improvements. I'm gonna give it some more time until I declare it as dead.

Holograms would suck. Would require a lot of room, equipment, and would never look as good as something on a screen.
There is nothing wrong with wearing goggles. I've never heard people complain about having to wear something. The price and motion sickness, yes.
3D displays failed because they add almost nothing to the experience and the majority of the time the 3D wasn't done well. 3D effects add a lot of cost, so other than movies you wouldn't see anything for broadcast TV. The only cool thing about 3D TVs was the simulview thing Sony had that let two people play splitscreen but still use the whole screen. Unfortunately, splitscreen games are dead so that doesn't matter.

I want a VR mecha game.



Did it ever live? Outside the confines of a test tube at a Stanford University research laboratory.

Good point. The first "mobile phone" was in 1976 iirc. It wasn't until the mid 90s it really took off. So maybe 2030?

Isn't that pretty much MP only? After Chromehounds I'll never buy into MP only mecha again. Too painful.
But if its SP is complete without missing features…

There is SP. Has a tournament and league structure like a sports game.

Technically, Chromehounds has SP as well. As does AC5. But they're not complete. What I'm asking is if there is something locked behind MP or if you get a feature complete SP mode with nothing missing.

SP and MP are the same, except in MP you have some players instead of NPCs.

It's not virtual reality in the slightest. It's the same gimmick as 3D tv, but now your field of view changes as you move your head. Virtual reality isn't possible yet and probably won't be in our lifetimes.

No m8 I'm saying those who engage in such are even lower lifers than usually found here and that the spectacle of some hunched jerking fiend with his helmet on banging away at an onahole are repulsive to the universe, other people don't need to see it for it to be profoundly sad by anyone's metric.

No, VR is and always will be a niche market with limited appeal.


It never had a chance. It's nintendo VR all over again.

You're virtually never going to see wide usage of vr, just because as a visual media distribution platform, it's cock for actually doing anything practical.


What the hell is that otter noise

Then I'll be looking for a cheap used, as the devs are dead anyway copy. Thanks user, that simple question seemed unanswerable. What a marketing failure.

thats just what kinda of sounds otters make

That otter is adorable.

>mfw no qt monsterboys to play videogames

Sure they look like they'd make cute pets but they fucking REEK. You think a ferret smells bad? You ain't seen nothing yet.

No many VR 3D porn web sights saw a BIG boost over the holiday season.

PSvr head sets have been modded to work on PC. (though you still need it plugged into a PS4 for while its on) and they sold a 1 million units, so much so that even sony was shocked by how well it sold.

Its just not TICKLE ME ELMO levels of popularity.

But PORN will keep it alive.

Though FACE BOOK might not even be able to operate their own VR after losing that lawsuit. KEK

Right now its stuck with the only fully realized GAMES being RACING or flight games that are actually good and cool but only appeal to a niche audience. Or weird CARNIVAL/mini game stuff that kind of sucks.

They need some NOT SIMULATOR games with real meat on their bones. Though I would love to have a STEEL BATTALION game in VR, that XBOX kinetic game was a disaster.

Its not dead, but it needs an actual killer app and not a goof off game like job simulator.

i'll just spray him down with some frebreeze

Racing games, Flight sims, and RE7, also ELITE DANGEROUS.

Most other games are basically gimmicky mini game style feeling things. Like many early WII games.

top myopia

reminder that calling VR 'dead' is like calling Adventure games 'dead' in the 2000s and being 'revived' with the fucking Walking Dead of all games.

Onward, Arizona Sunshine, a few horror games, Quel 4d. RIGS was also pretty good on the PS4.
What VR needs right now a few big titles to add VR as on option like RE7 and Elite Dangerous. Not some stupid single mission, but the whole game.

The only people I see talking about them are jaded video game "journalists" who are tried of picking up a controller.

Pretty much this.

And waifu simulators of course. Those are pretty simple to make convincing.

Yes and it was always a gimmick. Welcome to modern gaming were all you have to look forward to is the next big gimmick.

it was just way too expensive, it should have been around 200 dollars max to get the headset and 50 for the conrollers, now people have to shell out 700 buckaroos for the full experience

Dead and will come back in another 10 years.

VR needs to be one of two things
1) headset the size of sunglasses
2) jacked directly into the brain

everything else will fail

And the fact that humans have an inner ear.

PSVR sold 1 million in 4.5 month.

htt p://

Kinect sold 8 million in two months. Because that's totally the future right?

Yup. Direct mental interface is the only method of control I'll tolerate for this shit.


I think the biggest threat to VR is my dirty room.

Then clean up, you slob.

Make me.

Don't make me ride your cock faggot

VR is to games what 3d glasses are to movies.

Oh boy, I can't wait for the virtual Gameworks where you top up with $20 of microtransaction funny money and play emulated MAME ROMs for an hour or two.

tbf a real arcade wasn't any better than microtransactions

You probably won't see any VR arcades outside of China were they do very well. IMAX is doing something with the Vive, but I'm not sure what exactly.

I usually define born the moment something is created, not if it comes out of a vagina.

VR was never born as it has practically non existant, as it's just a screen slapped into your face.

I tried to play games for an extended time using VR headsets. It made me sick and disorientated. For a device that is intended to provide an experience, if a person has a bad experience, then they are likely not going to use it again. I have no desire to play VR games, at all. I'd rather spend money buying a nice curved screen monitor.

Then you either didn't train your VR legs properly or you're part of the tiny minority that just can't grow them.
If you didn't train properly, try again with repeated short sessions. Don't try to power through motion sickness, that makes it worse. Just play for a while short enough that you know it won't make you sick, then rest for at least half an hour before starting the next session. You don't have to take the HMD off for resting, watching some animu in a virtual cinema also works for this purpose.

Tried that for some weeks and it still doesn't work? Then you're just not compatible. Good thing HMDs lose almost no value used, you can get your money back, maybe even make a profit.

No, no you don't. Using TrinusVR, you plug everything into the PC. As long as you have a spare HDMI port dedicated to the unit, you can hook up another display and use the headset for SteamVR/other SBS content. I've done it with DolphinVR, but my computer and setup was shit so it ran really slow with headtracking on.

I want the new VR Battlezone to come out on PC, that game's actually a lot of fun and only gets more fun with friends and being able to coordinate. Really arcade-y but campaigns last a long ass time.

Weakfag detected. :^)
Seriously, I've only had 1 friend who has chronic motion sickness have a problem with VR, and I've let about 10-15 other people try it out. I only get queasy if the framerate is fucked up. Played Battlezone and RIGS for a long time with no problem.

I'd get Battlezone if it wasn't $60. A lot of the PSVR games are overpriced.

VR is for porn

Yeah and motion controls was a huge fucking thing and where's Wii Sports now? Sixaxis burn in hell.

Ah but maybe I'm just old.

Unfortunately, yeah. Battlezone is totally worth $20 and I could even recommend it for $30 if it were on PC so you didn't have to pay for online and have higher fidelity with the other headsets. But yeah, most of the games are retardedly expensive and not as feature packed as, say, a Platinum game. Hell, some indie shits are more feature packed.

Everything has motion controls now. Except maybe the Xbone? I don't have one.

Still the third best selling game of all time under Minecraft and Tetris.

Difference here is that PSVR is considered successful due to a rare moment of lucidity on Corporate Sony's part and are treating as a add-on
MS treated the Kinect like it's the second coming and will be inseparable from the console

VR isn't dead, it just hasn't had enough games. The idea is neat but the reality is that the platform is in its infancy, still after all these years.
Combine this with Oculus's legal issues, and it all gets a bit more interesting.
Will VR work?
Does VR work right now?

VR will grow very quickly on phones but will lag behind on PC/consoles.
Why spend $300 on a add-on when you can get a similar add-on for $20?
It doesn't make sense to consumers.

VR for phones (carboard/GearVR) is nothing like VR for PC (Oculus/Vive). If someone's only experience with VR was with a phone, I wouldn't blame them for thinking VR was a pointless gimmick. PSVR is sorta in the middle.

And? Wii Sports was literally the tamagotchi of videogames. The whole goddamn Wii will be a an embarrassing footnote in the industry.

In case you were waiting for higher res HMDs, you'll probably keep waiting as the jump isn't very high but maybe it's enough for you:

LG HMD prototype:
1280x1440 per eye, unknown subpixel structure
if pentile: 3,686,400 subpixels per eye
if RGB: 5,529,600 subpixels per eye

Rift and Vive:
1080x1280 per eye, 2 subpixels per pixel pentile displays for a total of 2,764,800 subpixels per eye

960x1080 per eye, full RGB display with 3 subpixels per pixel for a total of 3,110,400 subpixels per eye

It's an expensive gimmick for immersion purposes without something else to expand what's possible with it
It sucks that only the vive uses roomscale(and therefore won't get games), as that would be one of those things


VR will always be a gimmick unless this is addressed.

I couldn't have possibly thought of a better extension to the original.

Better article about the LG HMD prototype:

Most important notes:
No fresnel lenses, therefore no godray artifacts.
Still a shitty pentile display, so overall higher res than Rift and Vive but only green has higher res than PSVR, blue and red are still lower res than the Sony HMD.
Like PSVR, a single display is used for both eyes and the lenses are fixed, so there's no physical adjustment for IPD.

Final thought:
Damn shame that the best HMD still is Razers OSVR HDK2. Razer. God damn "shove some LEDs up somethings butt and double the price" Razer has the best HW, and it's not even overpriced at 400. This must be what going mad feels like.

Think about it user.
The market is so shit, so jewish that razer put out the best lowest price product.
Imagine if macs were the best thing on the PC market, that's what's happening on VR.

It's priced at $300.

HDK1.4 was 300, HDK2 is 400.