How do you want the future to play out?
The future of vidya
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I really like the idea of a modern Gameboy that's simple 2D-only specs, very light/thin (but still comfortable) and amazing battery life.
One word divided in three:
It's time we try to look into making the sense of smell a thing in vidya.
More games are released episodically with the first episode being a beta so purchasers (the term gamers will become discouraged) can have a chance to experience the evolution of the game first hand. Game files will eventually be moved to cloud servers that puchasers stream into their computers to combat piracy. In game ads for real-life products will become common practice.
guess whats happens after that
That's fucking retarded. How would handhelds work?
You see that poo?
You can smell it
The PS5 would be equipped with the latest nano technology and would merge itself to the closest video game storage medium to the PS5.
I haven't been excited for a single game in years. Fuck the future, I have infinite amount of mods and romhacks from older games to satisfy me forever. It's not going to get better my friend, prepare for it to get worse.
An OnLive style streaming service through 4G LTE networks.
Sony already acquired all of OnLive's patents, so the next PSP could have something like that.
What happens if I go out of range? Also aren't games going to have to have extremely small assets, or else the game will take hours to load?
As long as that can keep happening, I will be happy. Maybe even push more peopke to pirating so shit games don't get more money.
*Migrating everything to wangblows 10
Ideally you would either you would be in an area with 4G LTE coverage, or you would be near a wi-fi hotspot, but if you lost connection there would be a timeout period where the game is remotely paused, and if you don't reconnect within a certain amount of time, your session is saved.
Not at all. How OnLive worked was that the game was entirely using remote-hardware to run, and only streaming video to you, while you were sending the commands for movement/etc remotely. Nvidia's doing that now, only it's using your PC as remote hardware, allowing you to stream it to your Shield or TV.
This is basically the final frontier of DRM, where there is no actual game software executed on the user's hardware.
Why would a conpany pay the exorbitant amount of fees to set up the coverage to combat piracy, something that usually affects less than 1% of sales.
It wouldn't be just for piracy, that's only part of it.
The benefit would be always playing the latest, "greatest" AAA game on Ultra without ever having to upgrade your hardware.
>Indies keeps trying to be 2deep4U shit publishing even worse walking simulators on mobiles want to see the new 2deep4u ending? pay 15 dollars you goy.
How are they going to simulate >1 million instances simulataneouly of a game on ultra? Do you know how much that would cost? What about server load? You can't stream footage of a million games at once without a super-low bitrate easily.
Also, don't companies want you to have to upgrade your hardware? Wouldn't that be a downside to a company?
not if they're getting mad cash by nvidia like Bethesda does
So? How is that going to pay for the literally billions of dollars needed for the hardware?
A lot of hardware. If they reached the point where they had 1 million simultaneous users paying monthly subscription fees + per-game fees, expansion wouldn't be an issue. The problem OnLive ran into was your average user's internet connection speed is neither fast, nor low-latency, but that's where 4G LTE comes in.
Imagine paying $60 a month, plus $30 for each game "license".
Not when Nvidia would be moving workstation-tier GPUs en-masse to these streaming companies.
What do you mean?
Nvidia does a partnership with Bethesda, gives them million and allows them to attach their name to their product.
Bethesda makes the shitty game they want to make and doesn't optimize it at all, assuring that on release it will almost get 60fps on the latest card Nvidia has released.
Suckers buy up the new card and the game.
It's a genius scam.
So? They'd be in major debt if the hardware they have to buy costs any more than like $300. Which it will, because you're running unoptomized trash at max settings.
We're talking about game streaming, fam.
Plus you have to factor in the costs of the servers to stream the footage, the cost of cell towers for handhelds, etc.
You don't understand. They already did this and it worked, and you aren't seeing the big picture. GPUs have a massive markup, and Nvidia would be selling tons of these fuckers to streaming companies at wholesale prices, while "consumer-grade" GPUs would be as overpriced as ever for those who refuse to use the streaming service. Market them to "enthusiasts".
Not when all new AAA games are specifically optimized for these uniform workstation GPUs, and this becomes the new "console" market.
A simple partnership between T-Mobile or AT&T to hop on their huge 4G LTE networks.
Just because it's possible doesn't mean It's plausible. Why would a game company switch from releasing games digitally (which is pure profit) to streaming games which would at least increase production costs by 1/3.
Onlive faiiled.
I can only hope.
You don't understand. The game companies would still be selling the games digitally. The monthly fee the player pays goes directly to the streaming service to maintain hardware, networks, etc. The $30 "license" fee for each game goes directly to the publisher of said game, which is about what they make after the brick and mortar/steam cut. Games sold through Steam would still be $60, which would further incentivize using that service.
I already explained this in detail. They failed because the time wasn't right, and the hardware/network tech wasn't there yet.
This is a future of vidya thread, user.
So, wouldn't this only work if everykne did it? One company could just fuck everyone else over by releasing games traditionally.
Also where are da proofs? Burden of proof relies on you to prove your point before I can shoot it down.
Also no they wouldn't be selling them digitally, they still have to maintain and purchase the hardware. They'd be selling footage of the game being played on a computer.
Also you never answered WHY THE FUCK a company would want to do this. There has to be atleast SOME FEES required in the transition, even despite all your dreamworld partnership circumstances. The only valid answer is piracy, but why would a company spend that much money and fuck over their consumers that much. Never having to upgrade hardware is not a plus for the company because THEY have to pay for the hardware.
I really thought that was the future of vidya. The biggest reason why this fails is because of kike tier copyright laws that ensure that we will never be able to have a unified solution to our vidya.
You don't need everyone doing it.
Games could still be getting released traditionally, but the market would shrink significantly when the streaming license would be half price.
Burden of proof in a thread entirely based on hypothetical future predictions? Fucking what?
I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying.
Sort of. You'd be buying a license to access that game remotely as long as you're subscribed to the service.
I actually did, in my second and third posts.
The monthly fee mentioned earlier, and the per-game licensing fee.
That's not fucking over consumers anymore than netflix is versus DVD/Blu-ray sales.
It's a plus for the consumer, which means more users which is a plus for the company.
Of course. Do consumers benefit from dev studios using the latest and greatest workstations? Yes. What do we do about the cost? Pass it along to the customer in the form of a fee, as mentioned above.
This isn't complicated.
I hope that indies continue to improve and there will be discussion beyone "shill" and that AAA companies can at least budget out for experimental games. I also hope that people get burnt out on kickstarter and Japanese games don't go the way of mobile and pachinko.
I meant you had to prove onlive would've succeeded if not whatever factors you're talking about.
Its too late, we even have the weebshits on this board playing and supporting that trash because its Japanese and theres moe and licensed shit.
The bubble will burst at one point, but just like the dotcom market crash it will become even bigger after it happens.
I don't know. Honestly, I don't find much fun in vidya anymore, even the old ones I liked. I'm just making my own. That excites me more.
I don't have to prove shit, this is a thread entirely based on theoreticals for the purpose of entertainment.
(user puts on Facebook Rift goggles.)
user: Facebook, search for waifus.
(A virtual reality pop up ad of a bulldyke feminist comes up.)
user: Cancel!
(A pop up virtual reality ad for the Holocaust comes up.)
Tour a concentration camp. Remember the 66 trillion, goy.
user: Cancel!
(A pop up virtual reality ad for Star Wars comes up.)
Mace Dindo: Yo, dawg. Check out dis movie, ya hear. Naw mean?
user: Cancel!
(user takes off Facebook Rift. Goes outside.)
That's what really kills me about this site. There are people who are adamant in not taking in anti-consumer practices to an extreme degree and then there are a good number of people who, in the face of all the information that is proven on this site, continue to pre-order, buy DLC, kickstart, download mobile games, and continue to buy AAA trash.
I will never understand this.
Well yeah, people are hypocritical by nature, anons are no different. Whether or not someone personally adheres to the opinions they express does not validate or invalidate said opinions.
I just wish the graphics arms race would just end and people would focus more on improving things that have been left so far behind in games, like AI.
Microsoft leaves the console market, only to be replaced by another manufacturer, say, Nvidia, or apple. Nintendo will never get it's act together and just slowly fuck themselves over into oblivion. Physical media will be continually forced out by jews who just want to squeeze out that last bit of shekels selling your game for 59.99 on a digital marketplace would allow for. Japs become ever more irrelevant chasing the casino and moe audience while squeenix implodes because they can't make a game to save their lives.
Sega makes the Dreamcast 2 and has line up as good as the original Dreamcast that completely bfto the shitty no games consoles we have today.
Its dead Jim
You have to wait until Moore's law hit's wall, then devs finally have to start optimizing and try to make game more appalling other ways.
It already has hit the wall and people have been talking about how moore's law was wrong for a few decades.
Alright stop right there. There's no way this is happening if they actually release the games they've shown so far. It might have middling sales, hell I hope it does, but there's no way in hell it would be a straight out failure.
It's always fine if you pirate it.
How many amiibos do you own? ;^y
I want to believe.
I haven't bought a console in 10 years. I'm just being realistic.
I think we've still got a few more iterations left until they really hit a wall with die size.
I agree.
So this is just a fanfiction thread?
You realize that the nogaemsmachine 4/Bloodborne box is just a Holla Forums meme right? To people like us who actually have taste and care about quality the console has no games, but to the average consumer/normalfag the ps4 has a huge library(it's shit but they don't seem to know or care), it already has a higher software attach rate than the ps2. The only way Sony drops it's gaming division is if the entire company goes under. The Playstation division is the only consistent moneymaker they have at this point and they use it to prop up the rest of the company.
This is the only accurate prediction you have, this will most definitely happen now that their dream of a living room all in one media box is dead.
The Switch might have a slow first year, but it will end up being a 3ds tier success selling somewhere between 40-60 million units, feel free to cap this post. I know the normalest of normalfags who are hyped beyond belief for the Switch. As for Nintendo leaving the hardware business - Icameheretolaughatyou.jpg
Doubt. After all you don't own nothing goyim! When you pay for a game on Steam you aren't "buying it" your just buying the software license which can be revoked at anytime. Even if a place like Australia or a small European country did force them to do this the ruling would only apply in that jurisdiction which wouldn't be enough to take down Steam. If they get fucked on anything it'll be gambling.
No, see above.
Holla Forums is right about everything except predicting the happening, likewise Holla Forums is right about all things vidya except predicting the crash. It's never going to happen games are now the biggest entertainment industry in the world.
If Denuvo goes under it'll only be a matter of time before something else replaces it.
kek, never ever.
A man can dream
Plebbest opinion I've seen today
that was not the picture I wanted to post
user why do you have a picture of an MTF's top surgery saved to your HDD?
Well this is a straight up Hellraiser shit. Thanks user.
I just bought an iphone se and am currently waiting for a sim card to ship so I can actually use it. Shame me user, I deserve it.
Smartphones are utter trash and I regret using mine every single day. I meant shame for owning that picture and probably fapping to it
Take that back right now
Gotta admit I'm still laughing. This is one of the more ebik menes as of late.
Plenty of dumbphones had DAC/Amps and 3.5mm outs, browsers, and ability to display images.
There is no need for all of this botnet bullshit, period. The only thing smartphones do that dumbphones didn't is "slide" things in and out of view and look shiny. That's fucking it.
Smartphone literally means phone with internet/computer capabilities. If your phone has a web browser it is officially a smart phone.
haha what
Have you used a fucking blackberry keyboard? that shit is a giant piece of trash
I'd take a touchscreen keyboard that I can personalise over a physical phone keyboard every single day
Gas everyone who uses a phone for a purpose other than making calls.
Then a phone with a web browser that isn't fully integrated with the damn thing. I can't tell you how much spyware comes pre-installed with these things and the lengths you have to go to to get most of it out.
Haven't used a blackberry keyboard, specifically but had a phone that was similar. The keyboard was fucking great. I could text one-handed while doing something else with my free hand and not need to worry about auto-correct either censoring or completely ruining what I had intended to type. Now, even years after owning this piece of shit Samsung Note I STILL have to look at every single word I "swipe" to make sure it came out correctly. I fucking hate that.
You might be retarded tbh
Android has hundreds of different keyboards, some learn from what you type, you can customise that shit on the go too.
Nobody has had that problem after 2011.
Hey user, there's more chances someone on the admin side of Holla Forums is keylogging you rather than an app that has no internet access would be keylogging me
But stay in your ignorance. Smartphones are the most amazing tech evolution of the past 30 years, if you wanna stay in the past you're welcome to not join us.
I'll stay here with my easy hookups, my porn, my entertainment and my emulators.
All I really want is a resurgence of AA game development so I can get actually new vidya that you can't hand-count the pixels in.
Just release a good indie game or AA game every now and then and I'll be happy.
Please don't post normalfag memes.
Smartphones are horribly insecure, easily destroyed and stolen Google infested pap. They're not gaming devices for anyone with half a brain and a sense of shame.
2017: The year everyone goes retro DOS.
You all point out things will only get infuriatingly shittier and retarded in every single realistic way: the thread
Nigger, most people even in the western world didn't own a smartphone in 2011.
Are you living under a rock, like California or something?
Do you strike out that often?
Programming is fucking hard user
Good games and neverending tiddies, user.
That's grounds for the biggest class action lawsuit in history though. Steam exists on the tacit understanding that the games in your library are untouchable unless the key you used was invalid.
They'd first need to make an argument that something you bought and paid for, that had no expiration date, now can be taken away from you, which is not a precedent you want to set unless you want to completely devalue your company's worth. Valve is in a good position, and unless they actively fuck themselves over with stupid decisions that would alienate their consumers (which paid modding is) they can keep their current business model going for a long, long time.
Yet profit margins are getting smaller each year. The AAA game model is untenable, the market has expanded as much as it was going to expand for at least a decade, big publishers can't count on a fresh new wave of suckers pouring into the hobby each year to replace all the consumers they managed to piss off before. Also, budgets for games are ballooning out of control but sales are not rising, and companies like EA, Ubisoft, Activision have been shitting out AAA trash for so long they've lost the capacity to make anything else.
The crash might not be like the one in the 80s, but it will bring about a big change in how games are made. I likely predict that many studios will move to mobile because of the larger and less demanding userbase and smaller overhead, where they can use their popularity and reputation to crowd out mobile only developers. We'll also see a return of A and AA titles by smaller developers and publishers that will cater to specific niches, no more one-size-fits-all blockbusters.
On the other hand he's right about consoles, they've been steadily losing all the features that made consoles an attractive product and turning into shitty PCs with all the disadvantages of the platform and none of the advantages.
I don't know how the future will play out but I don't wanna be in it
You might want to look at the tale of the Zune store. Just one tale of many, but it was about a tiny company you might have heard of once or twice. Microsoft. Nobody got rich, not even lawyers. Except that tiny company, not that it influenced their bottom line, but still, they got a lot of money for, in the end, abso-fucking-lutely nothing.
the crash will actually be worse than the one in the 80s. the first crash only affected north America more or less. the next one willaffect everything
It would be nice if there was a new zelda game coming out.