Death of Hacking

MMO RPG Game companies have eliminated game hacking in a couple of ways.

Now that Pay to win is standard in your average MMO cheaters do not gain a significant advantage over pay to win players.
This means that cheaters will always be at a disadvantage to pay to win players, which is ideal as pay to win players are your life blood and it keeps them happy to know cheaters will always be below them.

When MMOs started they used mindless grind elements to get the player to commit more and more money into the game
With Subscription based MMOs. The longer you play the more subscription you give them (it takes 1 month to level to max, it takes 1 month to gear up to do raids, it takes 1 month to complete a raid, it takes 1 month to complete the next raid…)
They changed all that by adding daily quests and limits on how much progress a player can do daily. Instead of having to be online doing the same thing for hours, you do two things for 30 minutes and you log out for the day.

Its hard to name the top players in video games anymore. Leader boards and any social benefits that could be gained through video games has gone down. What is happening is that social rewards are being removed from players. They do not give players the carrot that makes them want to to superior. All players eventually reach the same goal as long as they invest enough time. Due to this hackers don't waste time trying to be the best.

You may think MMO developers are killing their games, they're simply preventing Chinese gold farmers from infesting them.

but at what cost? fucking shitty games for braindead people

it's like removing free will to remove evil

I agree user, we should all sub to WoW right this instant


they have always been for brain dead people.
now they are exclusively for brain dead people

they used to be for nerds who wanted to roleplay with other people

the true red pill is that the RPers are actually the smartest players because they make their own logic, they make their own rules. Truly they have surpassed the game

i meant dudes who wanted to play DnD but video games

Its hard to name the top players in video games anymore. Leader boards and any social benefits that could be gained through video games has gone down. What is happening is that social rewards are being removed from players. They do not give players the carrot that makes them want to to superior. All players eventually reach the same goal as long as they invest enough time. Due to this hackers don't waste time trying to be the best.

If that means destroying the community the game is fucked anyway.

that is an obsolete element in video games.
youtube has taken over as the community element of the game.

prove it

Name a game that relies heavy on "community" that is successful.
For example second life is not doing so hot yet its the most community driven MMO on earth



good luck with that one, bozo

What the hell are you talking about? I can packet edit the same as I always have. Godmode, fly hacking, and all.

what do you gain from that?

pay to win players still kick your ass and you will be banned shortly after.
overall you gain nothing of value and need to restart your hacking process

what was that game where a big chunk of the pro scene disappeared after some anti cheat measure were implemented?

battlefield 4


Unless you can pay for something better than godmode, no, that wouldn't be a deterrent, you moron.

im hacking in an mmo right now and it makes me better than other players
what now op?

its strange how no one is actually telling me what game they're playing.


Horse shit those fuckers are botting up a fucking storm and selling the gold and accounts like nothing else now. The new quest-to-level method has been refined down to a science and made incredibly easy to bot in the most efficient, fast way possible.

Where in games like Ragnarok you could bait mobs well into bots to fuck them over or killsteal/steal their loot now everyone has their own quest mob summoned just for them, gets their own quest specific loot, gets the same quest specific reward and its allowed them to make a literal fucking equation out of the damn thing.

Chinese goldfarmers have it better than ever, they don't have to hire out at all really as they can automate pretty much all of it sans sales.

World vs World
-Removed orbs because we couldn't be bothered to stop hackers from teleporting into the lords room to steal these

2.5 years into the game:
-patched the ability for you to jump into a tower without having to batter the gate down

Hackers find way to get a 100% success roll when upgrading super-expensive equipment that has a high chance to break when you upgrade it

Sounds like heaven to me, tbh.

Weeew you must be from anonymous

Thought this thread was going to be about hacking mechanics in games. Now i'm sad