Fullderp is a game where one of us declares himself the chimp and takes a ragtag team of six Pokemon assembled by anons into an online competitive Pokemon battling simulator!
Of course. If we've got a chimp, feel free to come in and watch and give him something when he calls for a new team. No experience necessary, and everything's done in-browser.
When the current chimp calls "new chimp", the first poster to claim it is our chimp. The first six legal Pokemon suggested once chimp has been claimed or "new team" has been called will be the team our chimp uses to battle. Suggesters are not to make multiple suggestions for a team unless 15 minutes have passed since their last request, or if the chimp specifically asks for re-requests. The chimp will be battling in OU unless he specifies otherwise.
——————————— Showdown: play.pokemonshowdown.com/teambuilder/ ——————————— The Rules: Failure to follow the rules will result in IMPEACHMENT and/or BULLYING. 1. The chimp cannot forfeit or intentionally throw a match. 2. The chimp may not edit a set without the suggester's permission. 3. The chimp is not allowed to timer stall. 4. All Pokemon must be nicknamed. ——————————— Pokemon Premades: pastebin.com/raw/f3CZVRx7 ——————————— Thread Finder: gmakers.xyz/fullderp This site will automatically redirect you to the current thread. Bookmark it so you don't need to waste time browsing the catalog! ———————————
/roomvoice (username) This lets us talk. Do this for every single person. If someone's unregistered, tell them in chat.
Protip: Use [code] tags for your sets. It makes it easier for the chimp to import them.
OP Copypasta: pastebin.com/raw/n1TX1p62 Just copy and paste! Reminder: Don't make the new thread until the old one is on Page 13!
i am the chimp: Peanut gallery is a bit too retarded for my tastes.
Wyatt Rogers
What a total shit show.
Matthew Young
Who is new chimp?
Aaron Watson
I have no idea what you guys are going on about. I have a mon that can't attack A mon that can only attack with Foul Play A scarf Bisharp whose only stab move is Foul Play No mons above 80 base speed And yet I still managed to win more than half my games and got the others down to half their mons.
If you think you can do better, there's no better time to show off than right now.
Eli Brooks
Gud question
Ryder Howard
ugh me
Robert Cox
Something with Foul Play or Knock Off named TW
Ayden Hughes
We should just make UU standard again, it's kind of sad either needing to suggest an ub/tapu or see chimp never even make it out of the mines.
ub or tapu named something along the lines of 'no shirt no entry'
Lucas Davis
King fatdick
Easton Baker
OU is easier than UU from 1000 - 1300, which is where chimps hover.
Lincoln Morales
Resugg: Free Ghost type. You know what to name it.
On the one hand I would champ if I was any good at pokemon but on the other I haven't played it since Diamond and Pearl so I've lost all touch with how the game works now.
Luis Moore
So you're just like the rest of us? Alright
Bentley Murphy
It's more fun when you have no idea what's going on. Go on, give it a shot.
Brandon Thompson
Is this also the part where I say I've never even used pokemon showdown?
Ryan Brown
what are you waiting for? not that you'd get a full team in time it's dead hours, maybe tomorrow.
Dominic Davis
I guess I just never fulled understood the autism of competitive pokemon battling which is Showdown and tried to avoid it.
Yeah I just looked at the clock and I wouldn't be able to wait around long enough to get a full team before I would need to sleep, however, I could try playing tomorrow when it's not dead.
Kevin Perez
I'll champ
Josiah Robinson
free dick
Jacob Collins
Killer Queen
Henry Russell
Blastoise, Wigglytuff, Granbull, Ditto, Clefable, or Nidoqueen.
Thank you for saving us from the dead hours.
Ryder Garcia
Juan Anderson
Big Guy (Wailord) @ Waterium Z Ability: Oblivious EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Hasty/Naive Nature - Rain Dance - Hydro Pump - Ice Beam - Earthquake
I don't think you appreciate how little of a shit I give for this Shedinja.
Mason Foster
Jace Cox
The opposing Goodra used Flamethrower! bootleg regice thawed out! bootleg regice was burned! ☆joseney: lucky you man
Jace Ward
Ryan Brown
David Sanders
「SPEEDWAGON」 (Dugtrio-Alola) @ Rockium Z Ability: Sand Force EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Sandstorm - Earthquake - Stone Edge - Iron Head
Jaxson Scott
no tapu no elo (Tapu Koko) @ Flyinium Z Ability: Electric Surge EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Mirror Move - Brave Bird - Wild Charge - Steel Wing/Free Pick Last time I sugg this I swear
Jack Ortiz
Nevermind, change this for a free pick that can set up hazards, remove hazards or be a shedinja
I knew saving the 1hp Infernape with Blaze-Overheat and Endeavor would come in handy.
Brody Walker
Youarewinner withdrew Pheromosa! Youarewinner sent out Golisopod! Pointed stones dug into the opposing Golisopod! [Opposing Golisopod's Emergency Exit!] Youarewinner withdrew Golisopod! Youarewinner sent out Pheromosa!
>relying on a fucking adamant dugtrio-alola to be my fast mon
Camden Morales
Robert Morris
dude fuck this champ me champ
Jack Nguyen
9999.99% MAD
John Rivera
C-Charizard Y… (Charizard) @ Firium Z Ability: Solar Power EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Sunny Day - Fire Blast - Focus Blast - Solar Beam
"""Skill""" Link (Cloyster) @ King's Rock Ability: Skill Link EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Shell Smash - Icicle Spear - Rock Blast - Spike Cannon
Kayden Richardson
Yeah sure Don't be a sissy Inarticulate yelling (Braviary) @ Expert Belt Ability: Keen Eye EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Superpower - Bulk Up - Brave Bird - Protect
Isaiah Young
Unloved&Unwanted (Pumpkaboo-Large) (F) @ Eviolite Ability: Insomnia EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Attract - Substitute - Protect - Synthesis Actually, I'm not sure if it's still the lowest. I aughta check that.
Aiden Murphy
Your choice: Feel the Heat (Darmanitan) @ Life Orb Ability: Sheer Force EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Taunt - Flare Blitz - Rock Slide - Will-O-Wisp
Gen Wun Stunna (Nidoking) @ Choice Scarf Ability: Sheer Force EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Sludge Wave - Earth Power - Ice Beam - Thunderbolt
The Darm set is great for forcing switches, crippling sweepers, and putting serious hurt on anything that doesn't resist fire. The Nidoking takes most low ladder players by surprise.
Something that doesn't complement and uses a choice scarf.
Isaac James
I have no idea what this means. Which sug? I have given l5 or 6 this thread alone.
Joshua Lopez
He's telling you to use something that works with your team.
Owen Rivera
Keep in mind I am also tipsy right now.
Tyler Taylor
Well apparently my entire team is supposed to be scarfed according to
Kayden Phillips
scarf lycanroc
Michael Williams
You don't have to listen to him. Though that doesn't mean you don't have to not listen to him…
Aaron Lee
Fine, all scarf team
Tell me what set to make I'm tipsy and bad at this
Alexander Scott
I'll use Mr. and Mrs. Meme how about that?
Carter Myers
So far I have these, we're doing an all scarf team
give me a set and this makes 5
Asher Watson
The easiest thing to do is just put four attacks on him. Lycanroc only has, like, 5 decent attacking moves anyways: Stone Edge, Crunch, Brick Break, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Return Just pick four of them and roll with it.
Don't ask me: You pick what you want. If you wanna roll with those then go for it.
Joshua Robinson
Okay, I'll do that, I need one more scarf pokemon.
Juan Anderson
if that's a call for a resug, here BULLY MAX (Krookodile) @ Choice Scarf Ability: Moxie EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Beat Up
Gappy is alive, just in a different form. What Gappy stands for, can never be truly killed, because the fire of hate for mods will forever burn, and the sea of anger will wash those vile beings away. They cannot kill Us.
Ryder Allen
plus I need a new champ name
Matthew Thompson
Call yourself "Scarf'd Autism"
Godda go fast (Accelgor) @ Choice Specs Ability: Sticky Hold EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Bug Buzz - Sludge Bomb - Me First - Focus Blast
Brandon Phillips
specs scizor make your name BlowShitMcDickFart
Jonathan Richardson
duke but worse (Forretress) @ Red Card Ability: Sturdy EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA Relaxed Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Stealth Rock - Rapid Spin - Spikes - Volt Switch
Jace Perez
the mon you hate most named chrys16
Camden Garcia
Something that tries it's best.
Jaxson Lopez
HAHA, AT LONG LAST, I HAVE TRIUMPHED Sure i didn't do jackshit but it still counts because i'm alive
Ryder Parker
I guess aggron tries it's best to not be a useless piece of shit so we'll go with that
☆Buuts: If you had gotten the freeze hack I would've thrown my phone across the room
Jordan Ward
You know what actually bothers me. The fact I can get and use Audino-Mega but for some reason gamefreak doesn't see that as being a part of the game.
Michael Johnson
I'll champ for a bit
Chase Myers
Whoops accidentally forgot the rest of the post.
Yeah it pisses me the fuck off since Mega-Aggron was the only way to do a meme build I wanted to make or make him kind of sort of not complete fucking trash.
Justin Young
Free ghost type named dead hours Champing while we're on page 11 takes some balls. Don't expect to get a full team for at least an hour. (I'll make the new thread at page 12 if you're hungry for memes, though.)
Isaiah Gomez
Bring on the memes I have 6 free hours, though once it's started it's so draining I can't do it forever.
Grayson Johnson
Plus Audino-Mega is one of the most cutest mons period.
Christian Rogers
Matthew Lopez
I'd fuck it.
Mason Perry
Would you a Nidoqueens boobs?
Elijah Reyes
She's not really my type.
Resuggest: A pokemon whose boobs you would.
Joseph Howard
free dick
Lincoln Hernandez
resugg shedinja
Christian Myers
I have to disagree in this statement
Nicholas Russell
did champ died
Lincoln Nguyen
I only have 5 suggs. Even that's a lie, I have 3 because two of those suggs are resuggs. If I had one more I would go right now.
Asher Hall
He didn't suggest it, but one guy posted Audino, so you could take that as a suggestion. Or you can use a scarf Ditto named *NEED ONE MORE* and just remind people occasionally that you need one more.
Parker Lee
scarf ditto it is
Lincoln Howard
Audino champ, protect it with your life. Make sure it has reginator
Well we're not quite at page 13 and I doubt anyone's gonna step up in the next few minutes so I'll just let it hit page 13 first then make the new thread. We're close enough anyways.
Dominic Gomez
How about doubles memes for next champ, I mean wonder guard with snips with balloon unbeatable.
Owen Howard
I'm 90% sure you can't skill swap wonder guard onto other Pokemon.